Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 782: Diverting trouble to the east

He didn't know where Held was going to use the space rift to send the pair of Hebron's strongest legacies in front of him.

But for Casillas, as long as the problem can be solved quickly and cleanly, it doesn't matter where he sends it, even to the planet Aiken. He is not a kind-hearted and compassionate person.

"But Held, you have aroused my fighting spirit."

His thick palm gently held the handle of the steel blade, which was covered with white cloth to absorb sweat and increase friction, and tied a knot at the end.

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"Of course, I'm always welcome."

The calm smile on Held's face remained unchanged, but there was a hint of anger and helplessness in her heart. If she wanted to force Ye Lin to wade through the muddy water, she would inevitably have to show some strength.

Casillas, who has a crazy and war-loving personality, has discovered that her current strength is completely different from the last time the two met for the first time.

I guess I will inevitably be challenged by this lunatic in the future.

The steel blade stained with blood is a double-edged sword!

She constructed a silver curve in front of her, forming two wide "doors". With a slight push, she instantly rushed forward to the guardian of light and darkness on the mechanical platform.

This section of the Silent City is like a huge chimney, empty in the middle, with only some stairs and horizontal metal pillars.

"Light, shine!"

The Symbol of Justice, the lightning spear in the hand of Horus, attacked the silver door without noticing anything was wrong.

However, the thunder was violent, and the sputtering remnants could kill ordinary demon races. However, the main attack area seemed to be submerged into a bottomless black hole, and all the energy disappeared without a trace.

The silver space door passed by in an instant, and Horus' figure disappeared without a trace. Even the mechanical platform on which it stood was cut and disappeared by an invisible force. The cut was as smooth as a mirror. .


The swords clashed with the "Elephant of Judgment". Casillas sided and nimbly avoided it. The "door" passed by, and Anubis of Darkness disappeared without a trace.

Retracting the steel blade to the scabbard with his backhand, Casillas subconsciously wanted to touch the bamboo tube he gave away as a gift, but couldn't, so he said with a hint of annoyance:

"If it weren't for the fact that the apostles couldn't kill each other, would you have just taken action against me?"

"Why do you think so? I'm not the kind of person who attacks from behind. Besides, we are allies."

Held had a slight smile on her lips, but her physical strength and spirit had been severely depleted.

Using the power of transfer to forcibly send away the awakened Guardian of Light and Darkness, she will naturally pay a certain price for this.

"In this case, you should ask Anton in heaven and see if he will spit in your face."

The mystery of the successive "disappearances" of the demonic apostles, as well as the majestic space power Held had just unleashed, had already made him vaguely guess something.

It just didn't matter to him, he was too lazy to think about it that much.

Held couldn't kill himself with his own hands. As for a strong person who could kill him... When he signed the contract with Katie, he wanted to see if there was such a thing.

Those few unlucky guys who disappeared all had fatal weaknesses. Once they fell into the hands of this woman, they would certainly not be able to reap any benefits.

Of course, I also have weaknesses, that is, I am “not strong enough”!

In order to find a stronger opponent, he even traveled to Arad, but those ancient gods were all like turtles with no trace at all.

Otherwise, he would be happy to try and see if this sword can kill gods.

With the disappearance of Horus and Anubis, the strange separation of light and darkness in the demon world lasted for more than half an hour before returning to the dim and hazy environment of the past.

However, the suspicion and panic left by the vision became more and more fermented, and more and more people set their searching eyes in the direction of the center of the orbit.

"Prince Gurt, what should we do next?"

Buffon's program is running wildly. Currently, except for the Golden Clown and Kurtullo, the remaining strong men in the Silent City are gathered in this small control room.

Mister and Habu were also attacked. They managed to escape because of their physical characteristics, but the weak Habu kept muttering that it was a bit cold here and wanted to soak in the lava.

Due to her own childhood reasons, Jakarina has been specifically attacking and killing members of the Kaxiu sect since the war began. In the end, she was injured by a mysterious cadre. She is currently wearing a bandage and is exhausted and falls into a coma.

The guardian of light and darkness was suddenly sent to another dimension, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"I guess the red clown should be able to resist for a long time, but..." Prince Gurt, who was only a teenager, had a sad face, a somewhat weak temperament, and thin arms and legs.

The huge armor on his arm is a special device made for the environment of Hebron. It can be linked with his sister's share to produce more powerful special power.

He inherited his father Luke's dark power, while his sister Kabali inherited his father's light, but because they had not fully grown up, their power was still very weak.

After Gurt finished speaking, he seemed to be still hesitating, but Mister and Habu on the side were a little shocked.

The guardian of light and darkness was suddenly sent away after holding on for half an hour. That clown covered in gold could actually resist the apostle for half a day?

Usually the clown is always mysterious, running around, and apart from being proficient in space, they don't know what mysterious power the golden clown hides.

Now it seems that it is not easy to give.

Buffon stared at the electronic screen, which had turned three-fifths of the color red. He gently tapped the dividing line with his finger, and then slowly drew upward!


Princess Kabali, who had been silent all this time, immediately stood up and refused after seeing this, and her expression became solemn and unhappy:

"If we do this, it will completely destroy our relationship with Heaven and the possibility of joining forces."

What Buffon means is that she understands that he is to take the initiative to open the passage through dimensions and shunt the enemies to the heavens, so as to reduce the pressure on Silent City!

Gurth's hesitation was exactly what Buffon was thinking. He looked dejected and sighed helplessly: "However, Horus and Anubis have disappeared, and there is only half a day left for the Golden Clown. We have no time to contact them." The strong ones, then let them gather their armies.”

Originally, according to calculations, the guardian of light and darkness could resist the invasion of the outside world for at least two or three days. By that time, his father Luke had long since awakened to rule.

He and Kabali decided not long ago to send a person down to try to contact the Trial Blade, including the sleeping apostle Anton, for extra protection.

Fight for two apostles versus two apostles.

We used to be afraid of each other, but now we have a common enemy. Those who know important things will not fail to understand the reason.

However, Horus and Anubis' "defeat" was so fast that it was completely unexpected.

The control room fell into a brief silence, and no one spoke. It was considered as acquiescence to this choice. It was necessary to reduce the pressure on the golden clown and buy Luke even one more second.

In everything, Lord Luke is the highest priority.

Kabali closed her eyes and sighed lowly: "Unfortunately, Becky still failed to locate the location of Hebron. It would be great if she could go home."

They have never had any intention of competing for dominance in the demon world. It would be the happiest thing if they could take Silent City and their father Luke back to Hebron.

The planet Hebron was first destroyed by a solar storm and everything on the surface was destroyed. Later, she and her brother used all the details of the planet Hebron to seal it, plunging everything into darkness and death.

Hebron is now a "dead planet".

But as long as people are still there, there will be hope for everything.

"Buffon, open it, Silent City is not a barrier to heaven!"


"However, my father has been spreading black nightmares for so many years. As soon as this move comes out, our relationship will really be on the same level. Maybe the other party will turn against us."

The kind-hearted princess Kabali covered her head in extreme pain. The enemy of her enemy may not always be her friend. This was a dangerous move.

Gurt had made up his mind, and his tone became crisp and clear, and he said solemnly: "No matter what the outcome in heaven is, we must survive first until father recovers."

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