Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 797 Da Ke’er, you’re in trouble~

A punch struck, energy surged, Richard's right arm showed an irregular twist, and the bones inside were obviously broken.

His body curved and fell to the ground. When the dust settled, Richard stood up again, and his twisted right hand had returned to normal.

But judging from his extremely unwilling and sinister eyes, his current situation and situation are not very optimistic.

The Corrupted Heart can not only provide powerful vitality, but also deprive the opponent of life and flesh and blood when the body fights.

One punch exchange can turn the opponent's fist into bones.

In his previous battle with the Abomination Beir, he relied on the dual blessings of the Corrupted Heart and the Eye of Darkness to win.

However, the gravity demon Bai Si is simply an "iron lump". His whole body is made of unknown materials, and half of his secret tactics of depriving flesh and blood have been abolished.

However, because the ground is full of corpses and flesh, and he has infinite magic power and dark eyes, he is not afraid of Bai Si for the time being. He is currently in a situation where no one can do anything to anyone.

However, as mysterious accidents occurred in Silent City, and more and more strong men died and escaped, more cosmic demons began to be interested in him, and it was about to turn into a ruthless gang fight.

Even if he could restore his severed limb in two seconds, he would never be able to stop the blazing gazes of these macho men. This was a kind "invitation" from the macho men of the universe.

"Damn it! I need more power! More power!"

After spitting blood on the ground, Richard looked fiercely and unwillingly, his heart beating violently at a high frequency. It turned out that the eyes of darkness were not invincible.

Waves of magical heat surged from his heart and filled his body. Just when Ye Lin rushed over, Richard's body suddenly exploded and shattered inch by inch.

Just like a nuclear bomb detonating, a powerful shock wave centered on the foreign island and suddenly spread violently in all directions. The wave rolled back, and the sea level near the island dropped by ten meters, revealing a large area of ​​reefs and seabed like a receding tide.

Ye Lin quickly put up a magic barrier to protect Dinas in his arms. At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly spotted Da Keer hiding under the water...

She used an excellent barrier technique to separate the reddish sea water, and hid herself under the water at the edge of the island. She bent her knees and hugged her arms, with her cheek resting on the back of her hand, and her Gothic dress underneath.

From the moment she let go after the battle with Mo Mei, that is, when Alice forced her way in and the sound of the piano shocked the entire audience, Da Keer felt vaguely bad and ran away~

But he couldn't bear to go back to the demon world, and he was really not good at fighting, so he simply dived to the bottom of the sea and fished lazily.

Just as the demons outside attacked and the energy explosions beat each other to death, she sat in a corner more than 20 meters under the water, safe and sound, and dozed lightly.

The enchantment technique seems to be soundproof.

What left Ye Lin speechless the most was that beside Da Keer there were several beautiful shells, a broken corner of red coral, and a round and lustrous pearl.

After sneaking to the bottom of the sea, she still had some free time to collect some things she liked.

The back-rolling sea water poured in after the shock wave, and immediately covered Da Keer's sleeping figure, making no one aware of it.

"He escaped."

Bai Si was extremely displeased, and it was a bit embarrassing for the prey to escape from under his nose.

"Richard blew up his body, leaving only his heart. It seemed to be a secret method engraved on the heart. Duoheide taught him." Dinas couldn't figure out the specific situation. The Kaxiu sect organization The architecture is also hierarchical.

Although she was once a cadre, she was far from reaching the core area.

In addition to the solemn Demon Emperor, the next level of the Kaxiu sect is the three strongest pillars, namely the deputy leader and secretary Duohead, the emissary and steward Workman, and the guard captain Wadsworth. .

Richard, the most famous Heartbreaker, is actually not the strongest in the organization.

The next level up are the cadres.

And she and Richard were members of the same combat team, and could be regarded as special cadres who directly obeyed Schaller's orders.

But Richard is the chief combat team, and she is the lower-level combat team, so they are weaker in terms of status and strength.

He touched Dinas' little head and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Just run away, Dog of Distress. We'll deal with the remaining people. Maybe we can rest for a while."

There was a problem in the Silent City. Ye Lin temporarily restrained his mind and did not want to care about what was happening above. Instead, he went to hunt down the strong men who were completely panicked and fled in fear, and ended the matter without leaving any consequences.

The corpses piled up like mountains on the ice cap, and the demon race who were still alive began to kneel down and beg, vowing never to set foot in the heaven, and begging to be let go.

No matter how beautiful the beautiful world is, you must have a life to enjoy it.


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Demonic world

A complicated six-pointed star magic circle appeared on the ground, and the light was dazzling. After a moment, Smilla stepped out gracefully, looking at the desolate and gray environment around her, she was stunned for a moment, and shook her head gently.

Sure enough, the difference is still too big compared to the heaven.

Silt and white clouds.

She originally didn't care about the gloom and had long been accustomed to it, but the beautiful scenery of the heaven was still vivid in her mind. The strong contrast gap actually gave her the idea that even in the heaven, it would be good to find a place to live in seclusion for the rest of her life.

"What's wrong with me? This isn't like me. I'm the Queen of Dominance! Not a reclusive old man."

Muttering something self-deprecatingly, suppressing the irritating thoughts, Smila identified the direction and left with a troubled face.

She still misses heaven, the complete heaven, not the tip of the iceberg like an island.

After about ten minutes of chatting, a man and a woman seemed to have a goal. They stopped at the spot where Smila was. They looked around and found no one.

"Judging from the remaining magic power, this is an improved reverse contract, and there are only a few users in the Demon World."

The speaker was a short-haired man with a muscular build, mysterious black patterns tattooed on his cheeks and arms, and a cold and solemn expression, as if he was not to be approached by strangers.

"You said reverse contract? But Katie is still in Central Park, and Bibi can't learn such profound things, so she is in heaven, but she can use the summoner of reverse contract..."

Niu, who was wearing a blue single ponytail, black tights and half-length bloomers, shut up in the middle of her words and secretly glanced at Rum next to her.

The only person who meets the two conditions should be the second agreed leader, who helps Ron open the Silent City and goes to Smilla in the heaven.

Rum and Smilla were once a couple.

But now the two of them have turned against each other, and even if they meet, they will fight each other to the death, which is also ridicule and disgust.

What makes Niwu most helpless is that what caused the two to break up was not a couple's conflict or other events, but the most unsolvable "idea"!

Smila advocates absolute dominance, and the summoner himself is the first and only one.

Katie's Spin Demon Society advocates harmony, communication and empathy with summoned objects.

To put it simply, if there is a communication problem during the contract ceremony and the contract fails, Katie's faction will try its best to appease the emotions of the summoned object.

But the consequence of doing so is that the best response time is missed. Once the pacification fails and there are no strong people around, it is easy to cause the summoned beast to go crazy, and then the summoner will be injured or killed.

The Ring of Dominance emphasizes the absolute primacy of the summoner, and those who do not follow will be killed or sacrificed.

Smilla was very dissatisfied. Katie was too kind to the summoned beast, and even had a kind of loving mother's heart.

Then the spin demons with the same thoughts would include Lum, and she would be equally dissatisfied.

Due to their differences in philosophy, hundreds of years have passed since the two broke up, and they still feel unhappy or even angry when mentioning each other's names. There is no possibility of reconciliation.

"Oh, doesn't she hate contract summons the most?" Lum looked disdainful and said with disdain.

Contracts and counter-contracts are both the research results of Elf Messenger Katie, and Smilla has always looked down upon them.

"No, no, Lum, the thing she violated the contract seems to be a wisp of eclipse, and she was suddenly teleported back from the heaven. Could it be that..."

Niwu's expression suddenly darkened. She felt that the heaven had been completely captured. Smila hurriedly teleported back, probably to lead the organization to Arad and seize resources.

A new round of division and resource civil war in the demon world may be about to break out.

Unexpected, but reasonable, after all, no matter how strong the team of Trial Blade is, they cannot withstand the surging strong men in the demon world.

I heard that even powerful beings like Puno, the three-headed dog, and the giant of Greenbrad fell.

She once found an ancient radio wave communicator in an ancient ruins, and opened a rift in another dimension to communicate with humans in the heaven.

Niwu still remembered that the girl she had a brief conversation with seemed to be named Mia, and she didn't know how she was doing now.

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