Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 798 Da Keer’s wonderful theory

The middle part of Silent City is blocked by a transparent but tangible barrier that is invisible to the naked eye. When you press it with your palm, it feels as hard as glass.

"It should be a space field that repels intrusion, separating part of the Silent City." Ye Lin retreated from the high altitude, spreading his hands to express that he could not go up for the time being.

He originally wanted to go all out, penetrate the Silent City and simply fight back to Time Square, but unexpected events inside made him guess a very powerful being who never appeared.

A master of Hebron space, a red clown who can even cross dimensions easily.

"Then, smash it to pieces?" Bai Si's voice was like thunder, menacing, and he seemed a little impatient.

Not only are they interested in attacking the demon world again, but their boss is also very interested.

It's just that because the rulers of time and space pay attention to the dimensional boundaries, the two bosses cannot appear casually.

"I want to wait. I still admire the clown who created the space field."

Sighing slightly, Ye Lin looked a little complicated and bowed his hand to Bai Si, expressing his apologies.

He and the Joker may be rivals in the future, but this does not hinder his view of the Joker.

It is a great blessing for a monarch to have a loyal minister!

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, this level of field should be activated by the red clown at the cost of his life.

"Okay, let's go somewhere else."

The cosmic demon came and left quickly, and the situation was completely under control. It was pointless to fight without a fight, so it was better to try to invade the demon world in another place.

Although their last attack on the Demon Realm ended in failure, the main reason was because they had no way to defeat the powerful apostles, rather than being repulsed by the aborigines.

They have learned to be smart. As long as they don't come to Brooklyn, they can do whatever they want elsewhere.

Executioner Balil used his scepter to open a rift in another dimension. The dimensional barrier of the demon world is not far above. Find a weak area and go in to make a fuss.

In the past, when there were invaders from another world, Held would coordinate and lead the counterattack plan, but now she was at the door of the Mechanical Throne and had no time to take into account the unnecessary situation.

"By the way, Miss Ogle, if you have any free time, I still have issues with swordsmanship..."

A ray of golden aurora sank into the crack. It seemed that he was not interested in hearing what he had to say. Ogli disappeared without giving any face.

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"Obviously, I was fine and able to speak that week. Could it be that I was shy?" Ye Lin muttered a few words and turned to clean up the mess.

The foreign island was divided into four parts by the war, and the nearby sea was dyed reddish with blood. The smell of blood lingered for a long time, and the devastation was so devastated that it was unbearable.

If the main battlefield is in Ghent Continent, then the difficulty of defense will rise sharply, or in other words, Ghent Continent will never be protected.

The heavenly realm occupies all kinds of advantages.

He took away the death icicles, and ignited the surging fire element with the piles of corpses of various shapes and incalculable numbers.

There were also some people who abandoned their weapons and surrendered, and he imprisoned them on a foreign island. Their number was only less than one-tenth of the original number.

There were too many corpses piled up. By the time the fire element burned them all, the rocks around the island were dry and crumbled, and the temperature nearby became a little hotter.

He had neither the thought nor the energy to carefully handle the remaining blood in the ocean and some of the corpses that had sunk into the sea.

The waves hit a steep seashore, rolling up foam of an unusual color, and the wind on the sea seemed to be getting stronger.

After the war, all that was left was a heart full of vicissitudes of life, and a sense of joy.

This was supposed to be a protracted, bloody and cruel war. The devil's desire for a "better world" would never give up easily.

However, the golden clown's spatial field blocked the demon world from continuing to invade. This was probably not its original intention, but Ye Lin was also grateful.

You can take a short break before the field disappears.

The news that the Eternal Passage Silent City is in the Demon Realm should have been completely spread out. There will definitely be a few people coveting the Heaven Realm in the future. How to solve the passage is a big trouble.

Blow up?

Or blocking?

Guard with top strong men?

Every method, if you think about it carefully, is not perfect.

"By the way, Dinas, are you often hungry in the Demon Realm?"

"Me? It was true that when I was young, I even wanted to eat grass when I was hungry. Later, I accidentally became a cadre. I can have a full stomach, but the hunger and thirst syndrome cannot be solved."

Dinas squatted down and looked at the looming fish in the sea, as well as the shrimps and crabs crawling among the rocks, as well as the edible sea plants, and said nostalgically: "The ocean in the devil world is gray, fishy, ​​and there are few things in it. It’s not delicious either.”

After a half-hour tour of Hedunmar, you can see a dazzling array of things that you will never see in the Demon World in your lifetime. This is Bibi's complaint, and this is indeed the case.

After touching Dinas' head and barely able to control her hunger and thirst, Aizela made her new clothes, a long-sleeved shirt, small leather pants, and a gray velvet vest.

Although she wasn't wearing much and it was cold winter, she didn't seem to feel cold.

"Go meet your old friend."

After putting a layer of magic shield on her to protect her from the cold water, Ye Lin pulled her and jumped directly into the sea, falling into the turbulent water.

The rapids in the water above were violent, but about five or six meters down, the water became quiet and deep. Based on the memory of the recent past, I searched for a few minutes and found Da Keer dozing on the bottom of the sea.

A lavender barrier separates the dull sea water. He bends his knees gracefully, tilts his head and rests his cheeks on the back of his hands. His twin ponytails are casually draped on his shoulders. His slightly pale face is sleeping peacefully, and there is a trace of crystal saliva at the corner of his mouth.

I don’t know how to fight, so I can only touch fish and be lazy.

Because the barrier may be soundproof, Ye Lin smashed it hard, and the barrier looked dark against the sea. He originally planned to let Dinas break the demon instantly and subdue Da Keer.

Although the opponent's fighting ability is very low, he is still a cadre after all, and has a complete eye of darkness.

But unexpectedly, after Da Keer woke up, she blinked her red eyes and seemed a little confused, and then expanded the barrier a bit, covering him and Dinas, forming a waterless space on the seabed.

"Dinas, did we win?"

She recognized Dinas, who was also a cadre of the Kaxiu sect. He was a member of the lower-level combat group. She herself was a member of the lower-level plundering group, and they were both grassroots cadres.

As for Ye Lin, she didn't recognize him. She only glanced at him from a distance and thought she was also a companion who came with him.

She didn't think much about why the missing Dinas suddenly appeared in heaven.

"Skeleton Bird, we lost the battle. Only one tenth of the people who invaded from the demon world were killed. Even the void mage Wu En seems to have fled."

Dinas called the opponent's code name, because the assassination team, one of the three major groups of the Kaxiu sect, would use code names to express their identities.

After it spread later, it became a habit among the cadres of the Kaxiu sect.

"Huh? We actually lost. We have Heartbreaker and Blue Scab... Alice, you are really strong."

Da Keer, who was still a little confused, immediately woke up, with a slightly surprised face, thinking that Alice had killed those people. After all, she was the winner of the Demon World Alliance, and her strength was unfathomable.

"You are here to hide from Alice, too. You are welcome, but the things on the bottom of the sea belong to Da Keer!"

She was very generous, but also very decisive in declaring her sovereignty. It was okay for everyone to hide together, but good things could not be taken away.

Dinas had a look of helplessness on his face and spread his hands to Ye Lin beside him. Da Keer had such a weird personality. She wanted what she liked and would grab it if it wasn't given to her. She had a strong desire to possess.

Moreover, Da Keer's hobbies are very broad. She wants all kinds of soft blankets, shiny glass, sharp sword blades, and colorful ores.

There is a kind of collection control that is worse than Feng Ying.

A huge sword suddenly lay across Da Ke'er's shoulder, close to the blood vessels in her neck. Ye Lin said in a cold tone: "Dake'er, as a stowaway from the Demon World, you are now under arrest."

The sea area stained with large swaths of blood always made me feel uncomfortable and my scalp was numb. I had to arrest her first. We couldn't let a cadre hide under the water.


He tilted his head slightly and stared at this holy sword with extremely gorgeous shapes and patterns. After a moment, a strong look of love burst out in his cute eyes. He lightly poked the sword body with his white fingers and said expectantly: "This , can you give it to Da Keer?"


If you like it, just ask for it, exactly as Dinas said.

"Why? I like it very much!"

"Because this is my thing, it's in my hands."

"If you give it to Da Keer, and I take it, won't it become Da Keer's thing?"


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