Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 87: It’s all in vain...

There are many forbidden spells hidden in the ruins of the Sky Veil Beast, including the sacrificial ritual of Aden Bader, the forbidden soul spell of Marcel, and the curse of Venus, etc.

"Ophelia, your adoptive father, Lord Judge Marcel, used the forbidden spell to resist Lotus, and his whereabouts are currently unknown..."

Isadora lovingly hugged this red-haired girl who seemed strong but was about to collapse. The two closest people to her had all become crazy and lost their minds.

In a short period of time, the entire GBL cult was almost torn apart. Former friends raised their weapons and faced each other with swords, almost reenacting the scene of the Dark Holy War.

They are just a group of academics pursuing the "Blue Truth", living silently on the back of the giant beast. They have no thoughts of dominating the world, and they are not a weird cult. Why should they suffer such unreasonable pain.

Ophelia buried her face in Isadora's arms, her shoulders trembling, and she sobbed softly.

Ye Lin slowly turned around, indicating to give the two believers some private space, walked to the side and sighed: "Now you understand the horror of Held."

"Well, as long as an adventurer has a sense of justice in his heart, he can't help but be angry with Lotus. Held's borrowed knife killing is simply perfect."

Siatt was in a depressed mood, and her head was in a mess and confusion. Judging from the current situation, Lotus's death would not be enough for the people to be angry.

"Rotus is a sea creature, a giant octopus. Held was suddenly sent from the demonic ocean to his second spine without water. In a panic, he used extremely powerful mental power, just like a man who couldn't swim and suddenly fell into the deep sea. It’s like a struggle…”

"Boss, that is to say, the first GBL believers were actually just ants who were accidentally stepped on?"

"Although it's rude, but that's it. I have a new plan for Lotus..."

As the monarch of a planet, Lotus is different from the human species, especially since he is in a situation where he is about to die without access to water and exposed to the sun. He has no leisure to kill humans to relieve his boredom.

"We continue to move forward. If possible, we will reach the First Spine or Jishi today. We didn't see a single adventurer along the way. I'm afraid they were controlled to fetch water for Lotus to quench his thirst."

Yelin walked up to Ophelia, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her: "Let's go, solve the problem of Lotus, so that the GBL teaching can be rebuilt."

"I am coming too."

Isadora glanced at the unconscious Vangelis and decided to go with the team with the jamming transmitter. She would not be at ease until she saw Lotus dead.

"Um, is it true? It's getting dark, don't regret it..." Ye Lin scratched his head in embarrassment, looking like a shy and honest boy, which made Isadora amused and puzzled for a while.

There was no Night Messenger in the team, and their ability to fight at night was very poor. It was already afternoon when they came up on Magadha, and the Sky Curtain Beast was destined to spend the night.

Isadora was still wondering why it was dark, but Siatt rolled her eyes, twisted his arm with two fingers, and whispered: "If the tent can't accommodate you, you have to sleep outside."

"I think we could squeeze in a bit to keep it warm..."

"I believe in your hammer!"

Ophelia observed inside the Temple of the Goddess, then pointed to a goddess statue and said: "The secret passage is behind here. If you go through it, you can reach the fork between the First Spine and Jishi."

"That's the statue of the goddess Venus..."

"The GBL religion is almost over, do you still care about the favor of the goddess?"

As soon as Isadora opened his mouth to stop him, he was interrupted by Ophelia. His youthful face, short stature, but his decisive and firm aura made everyone look at him with admiration.

After a brief silence, Ye Lin took the lead and reached out to collapse the statue of the goddess Venus, revealing a hidden passage. The interior was dark and deep without any light, and a rotten smell hit his face.

"May the Holy Light guide you."

Yuena put her hands on her chest, closed her eyes and prayed devoutly. A bright ball of light slowly condensed, drew an arc in the air, and went straight to the passage.


Twenty minutes later, everyone filed out of the passage. Siatt picked up the giant sword and ran straight to Ye Lin behind, his face red and angry.

"Come back, mom! If I don't beat you for a day, you will feel uncomfortable, right?"

"What's wrong? You were fine just now."

Isadura looked at the two people chasing and running in surprise. The latter's blocking skills were natural, which was called proficiency.

"It's probably because I'm being mean again, don't worry about it." Yuena replied angrily.

"Here comes my last sacrifice."

Behind a certain stone pillar, a blue-robed believer quietly poked his head out, his eyes even more fanatical.

The GBL religion wants to know the great blue truth and believes that it is a kind of knowledge or knowledge system, but Aden Bader does not think so. He feels that the ultimate blue truth should be some kind of power!

He found a spell from the depths of the ruins that allowed him to realize the ultimate meaning of power through self-mutilation and martyrdom.

He has long hidden the corpses of countless believers around him. This mysterious forbidden curse of martyrdom can detonate all the corpses in an instant and turn the majestic bloody energy for his own use.

Crazy martyr—Aden Bader!

"The great blue truth should be in my hands. I will replace Lotus and control the giant sky beast to conquer the continent of Arad!"

The spell was activated, Aden Bader suddenly inserted the dagger into his chest, and the corpse of the dead believer secretly began to swell...

"Brother, does it hurt? You're going to bleed all over with this knife!"

Ye Lin circled around Aden Bader several times and marveled. Is there really anyone willing to stab himself to verify the forbidden curse for an illusory truth?

"How did you find me...forget it, it's too late! The great blue truth is about to be revealed in front of me!"

Aden Bader shouted almost madly, his whole body trembling with excitement. A thin mental energy mask pushed away the night forest and wrapped himself. Only he could survive the explosion of the believer's corpse.


Ye Lin snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "Mo Mei!"

"Yes, boss!"

A mental energy shield ten meters in diameter and one meter thick enveloped everyone, and the next moment the believer's corpse exploded into a mist of blood.

He stared blankly at the blood-colored energy floating outside the Nianqi mask. Because he couldn't get in, the Nianqi mask began to gradually dissipate, and suddenly he felt that his heart hurt so much...

"I'm sorry, it seems like your poke was in vain. Do you think you can still save it?"

"Ahem, Ophelia..."

Aden Bader stared at the red-haired girl at the end of the team, and the enthusiasm in his eyes quickly dissipated and became clear. The reason why the forbidden curse is called a forbidden curse is because there is no way back after using it.

The mask on his face was taken off, and a bloodless and haggard old face appeared in front of everyone.


Ophelia pursed her lips, her eyes complicated and unclear.

"I probably won't have the chance to see the great blue truth. I'm tired of it."

Aden Bader sat slumped on the ground, leaning against the pillars of the temple. His blue robes were soaked in red blood to form a strange purple color.

"Ophelia, come here, I'll take a look at you again."

He threw away the dagger in his hand, touched Ophelia's little face kindly, and then said in a solemn and solemn tone, "Although I failed in martyrdom, I feel that our GBL teaching may be on the wrong path. Knowledge cannot be learned." It’s over, even if the giant beast is covered with books, new wisdom will be born every moment.”

"Isadora, you are the librarian, so you should also feel that the ancient ruins we are constantly excavating are, in other words, only the wisdom of our predecessors."

He looked at Isadora standing aside, who hesitated a little but nodded slightly. She agreed with this statement.

"The ultimate wisdom we pursue is not about to collapse when faced with the arrival of Lotus. We have only a brain of ideas and knowledge, but we are ignorant and clinging to the giant beast of the sky."

Aden Bader coughed up blood and looked at the increasingly dark sky. He seemed to realize something in an instant. His eyes were filled with incomparable brilliance, like a brief bloom in the return of light.

His hands and lips were trembling. He held Anofelia's little hand tightly and trembled: "So that's it, blue truth, blue world, this is what Master Leslie is pursuing...the ultimate wisdom!"

"Can Remy's aid save him?" Siatt put away the giant sword and asked in a low voice.

"No, he stabbed his heart. Only the resurrection coin can save him."

"I remember Celia said that you have a resurrection coin."

Ye Lin felt resentful for a moment and said awkwardly: "That, use it. The opponent is too powerful, so I have to use it."

Aden Bader whispered something in Ophelia's ear, with relief-like satisfaction on his face, tilted his head, and left the equipment behind.

But the things that were his relics were simply left to Ophelia.

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