"While there is still some light, we should be able to reach the highest point of the Sky Curtain Beast, Jishi!"

Ji Zhou is the highest temple located on the Sky Curtain Beast, where a large number of dragon head cannons and aerial weapon airships - Dornier are stored.

Caliber is justice, everything within range is truth!

Thinking about it this way, it makes sense for GBL to store some weapons.

Going to Jizhou is a process of constant climbing. Along the way, believers who want to run to Jizhou and escape on Dornier can be seen everywhere, but without exception, they are controlled by Lotus and go crazy.

"Rotus is not unsolvable. If you have a strong will, you can get rid of control, but there are very few who succeed..."

Isadura's eyes were filled with sadness. Even if Lotus was defeated, how many points would the original GBL still have left?

"As long as people are still there, there is hope."

Contrary to Isadora, Ophelia was full of energy at this time, and her whole body seemed to have endless strength.

She gained insight into the true "blue truth" from Aden Bader and has great expectations for the future of GBL religion.

The sky was dark and the moon was rising. Panting, the group finally arrived at Jishi, GBL's weapons depot.

After killing a group of chaotic light elves Leivos and the believers who turned into octopuses, Ye Lin quickly laid out the carpet and set up the tent, wondering who would sleep next to him at night. It should be Xi holding the giant sword. Yat, do you want to melt the Hidden Dragon Great Sword with it?

But in the blink of an eye, Siatt and others were already walking towards an airship Dornier.

"Boss, can't people live in the airship? Do you like tents?"

Mo Mei shook her bun-shaped hair, looking very confused.

"Duh, Doniel? What about my tent?"

"It's all in vain. Thank you for your interest. We don't have the nerve to disturb you." Yuena and Siatt both looked proud.

The kind and pitiful Mailu was covered by Siatt...

Dinner was red bean soup and scones, cooked on the fire in his hand. It was fragrant and full of flavor. The few people who had eaten and drank enough talked casually, but soon fell into a deep sleep.

Tomorrow we should arrive at the second spine and face that terrifying "apostle", the King of Water from Solaris!

In the middle of the night, after a rustling sound, Ye Lin put on his clothes and got out of his sleeping bag. He stood by the window of the airship and looked at the stars and the bright moon. If he hadn't had the habit of smoking, he would have lit one now to match. Check out the atmosphere.

In a quiet direction, there was a shuddering and frightening breath coming vaguely, and a chill hit my face. Thin clothes could not stop the coldness all over my body.

All assumptions are just "imaginations" after all. To put it too much, before meeting Lotus, they are all fake and imaginary!

"You don't want to sleep and you run out to look at the moon alone?"

I don't know when, Siatt walked gently beside him, stretched out and waved to the moon to say hello, her charming and charming appearance was completely different from the daytime.

"I have an idea, but I'm afraid Mr. Luo won't cooperate..."

She stretched out her arms and hugged Siatt in front of her. Just when she thought Yelin was going to be mean again, she didn't expect that the other party opened her arms and said in an almost sacred tone: "you jump i jump !”


"You jump, I jump, it means life and death."

Siatt put her hands on the edge of the airship's window and looked down. The height was only about three meters. With the strength of the two of them, it would be no problem to jump with eyes closed. She naturally didn't understand the story behind this joke, but it was quite touching. .

"Tell me about your plan. How to save the GBL religion and at the same time foil Held's conspiracy."

Siatt leaned back. Although this person was very dishonest, he always had an unimaginable ability to calm down at critical moments. He should be able to rely on him a little.

"This depends on whether Lotus cooperates or not. Its ideological realm is different from that of us mortals. I'm afraid it won't listen..."

"Let's talk first, don't bite my ear."

"Rotus is oviparous. It has the ability to regenerate through eggs. If we can reach an agreement with Rotus, kill Rotus but leave the eggs..."

"That's right, so the difficulty in the whole process is how to communicate with Lotus and prevent Barn from doing bad things?"


Biting Siatt's earlobe, the latter's body trembled. His neck seemed to be frozen and motionless, but his cheeks were heating up rapidly.

Turning her body around, she saw Hiatt's eyes tightly closed, only her eyelashes trembling slightly, her pretty face flushed and attractive, and her lips pursed.

"Don't... what to do if they wake up."

She blocked the attack with her right index finger and quietly pointed at the few people wrapped in sleeping bags. An inexplicable sense of panic and shame mixed together, faintly stimulating the emotions in her mind.

"They are all asleep. Their fat is getting more and more perky, but their fashionable shorts are a bit in the way. Don't you think about asking me to help with justice?"

"Shameless! I am amazed by your perseverance..."

Siatt symbolically hammered her shoulders a few times, then closed her eyes and resigned herself to her fate. She put her arms around her neck and responded in an extremely jerky manner.

In the dark night, Isadora blinked her eyes and raised a smile. Mo Mei's pretty face turned crimson and she quietly turned her sleeping bag and pressed her face on the soft mattress. Yuena turned sideways and clamped her legs. Lou and Ophelia... slept soundly and deeply.

Mi Gao got drunk that night and slept next to Mailu with her hooves in the air.

"It's a pity that we were in the wrong place last night. Otherwise, we might have been able to practice the legendary skills and combine two swords."

After stretching, Ye Lin stared at Yuena and Mo Mei suspiciously, seeing how they both looked sleepy and exhausted.

"We're about to face Mr. Roteslaw. What the hell are you doing? Are you acknowledging your bed? Or are you suffering from insomnia?"

"Well, I have insomnia. I can't sleep well at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. I feel flustered."

Yuena yawned perfunctorily, took the millet porridge from Mailu listlessly and said thank you.

"Take the Dornier to the Second Spine. It will probably take a while longer. You can catch up on your sleep."

Isadora was playing with the driving tools of the airship Dornier. Ophelia couldn't drive it, but luckily she followed.

"That's not necessary. Let's just wash our faces and take it easy." Mo Mei muttered, glancing slightly unkindly.

"Doniel, this thing can be sold for a lot of money."

He set his sights on Dornier from the Ji Zhou Weaponry. There were still relatively few Arad flying props, and the more famous one was the Dark Elf's Magadha.

Kelly actually wanted to make a mechanic's war lord, but the design was too complicated and required too many materials, so she gave up at the beginning.

Dornier, faucet cannon, if you can get a copy of these items and let Kelly analyze them, maybe you can come up with something new.

Especially the most unique laser tap cannon, this weapon with a terrifying range is definitely an artifact on the battlefield.

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

An earth-shaking roar came from afar. Not far in front of Dornier, a red tentacle stretched out from the earth and moved, cutting the neat ground of the temple wantonly. The powerful destructive power made all the adventurers howl like ghosts. .

It wasn't until they reached the first spine that they saw the adventurers who came up for the ruins, but the situation was not very good...

Yuena was horrified when she saw this, and lost her voice: "Oh my god, this is Lotus's tentacle, and the second spine that descends from it is nearly a kilometer away!"

"Isadora, use your weapon to shoot at the giant black octopus below. Mo Mei, turn your energy into a ball and throw it away!"

"Okay boss!"

Mo Mei was very excited. She finally had the opportunity to try out a new use of Nian Qi. She quickly condensed a highly compressed Nian Qi wave in her hand and threw it at the spinning black octopus.



Dornier's own gunpowder bullets and Mo Mei's energy waves hit the giant black octopus at the same time. Almost instantly, the octopus that drove away the adventurers fell apart.

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