Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 89 Baan left (two chapters in one)

"Damn octopus, you too have today..."

Ye Lin uttered a cheerful words that others could not understand. In the previous map of the giant beasts of the sky, if only in terms of threat, the super disgusting spinning ability of the giant black octopus was even better than that of Lotus.

The most difficult part of the second spine is that the map is too long and the potions are too precious and rare. This leads to a very interesting thing. The berserker dare not use double swords in the second spine because he does not have enough blood!

"Boss, I think that move just now is very interesting, but the name Qi Bo is not domineering at all."

Mo Mei shook her palms and seemed to have some understanding. She was afraid of pain, so she practiced her mind mask skills to the extreme so that others could not hit her.

But if you blow up all the enemies, wouldn't no one be able to hit you? This way, it won't hurt anymore. Why didn't I think of it before?

A fluttering petal of Nianqi showed a faint shadow above her head, and quietly fell on Mo Mei's bun-shaped hair.

Ye Lin hurriedly made a silent gesture, asking Isadura to stop Donil and wait for Mo Mei to wake up from that strange state.

The iconic vision of a qigong master becoming an awakened person, chanting qi petals, and Mo Mei has suddenly touched the threshold!

"Boss, give me a name for the skill I just had."

After a while, the confusion in Mo Mei's eyes flashed away, and turned into enthusiastic and cheerful Huahua. Sure enough, becoming an awakened person is not that simple.

"Call Otama Rasengan!"

"Boss, it's very ordinary. It might as well be called Nianqi Rasenwan."

"Not bad."

Dornier moved again. The sharp contrast between Dornier floating in the sky and the octopus monster raging on the ground made many adventurers envious.

It's not like no one has been to Jizhou, but even if they find this kind of airship through the octopus monsters, they won't be able to fly it.

The closer you get to the second spine, the more octopus monsters and believers who have become octopus monsters on the ground. A considerable number of adventurers are stopped at the door of the first spine.

The GBL Cult has already plundered almost everything in the ruins, so many people have focused on the place where a large number of believers gather...the second spine.

"Strange, have you noticed that Lotus seems to rarely spread out his spiritual power? These adventurers don't have interference transmitters, but they don't seem to be under control."

"It should be Lotus who is trying his best to control the giant beast of the sky. It's hard to tell the difference."

Although many people were blocked by the octopus monster, their momentum became stronger as they fought. Every octopus monster that was killed would have its legs chopped off and put away. These things could be sold to various restaurants.

As for whether anyone will eat these octopus legs...this is a one-eyed octopus, a game from the planet Solaris! (sarcastic face)

"And the strange thing is..." Siatt looked in the direction of the second spine, puzzled: "I can understand that Bane disappeared, but what about those people in the Iron Wolf Knights? Ka Kun said that the Iron Wolf Knights wanted to deal with Lotus has pressed all the junior knights up, maybe they are all on the second spine."

"Impossible." Yuena pointed at the tentacles of Lotus that often pop up on the ground, but have become the objects that adventurers need to be wary of most. "If Barn is here, Lotus will not have the power to drive away these adventurers. "

"I don't know either." Ye Lin's eyes were a little worried. Although he asked Reni to come over, the other members of the Iron Wolf Knights couldn't control him.

Isadora drove Dornier to speed up slightly. The sudden tentacles on the ground made her cautious, fearing that the plane would crash if she made a mistake...

The time to fly to the second spine is destined to be torturous. Although he knows that the interference transmitter is Lotus' fatal weakness, the name "Apostle" is still like the calm moment before the storm, which makes people breathless. .

The interference transmitter was replaced with three small golden crystal blocks to ensure that it would not be controlled by mental attacks in the next battle.

The mountains below the airship are rugged and densely forested. If it weren't for Dornier, this journey would have taken another day.


In the forest below, several tall figures quickly passed by. They had human bodies and horse bodies. They were the centaurs living in the tree spirit jungle, but it didn't matter if they couldn't reach them.

Ye Lin still had a moment or two to spare, so he poked the rice cake that Mai Lu was holding in his arms and enjoying the cushion of justice, and said with envy: "Look, Centaur, maybe you are related eight hundred years ago."

Mi Gao seemed to be drunk again and was in no mood to pay attention to him.

After about an hour of fussing, Ye Lin took out a telescope he got from Kelly and aimed it at the second spine to observe Lotus.

"Damn it, Mr. Luo, this is too big!"

At the end of the sight is a huge mountain that is bare and has no vegetation. On the top of the mountain stands a tall and ancient temple. The temple is a multi-layered structure with a spherical building at the top. The wide temple almost occupies the entire huge mountain, and Lotus's huge red temple Most of the body is shrunk inside the temple, and the smaller half is covered with a new thick layer of mud bricks. Its tentacles can only receive direct sunlight due to lack of space.

Lotus can hit directly from the second spine to the first spine and is still rich. The initial estimate of the body length is over a kilometer!

But what is more surprising and joyful is that many GBL believers lined up with wooden barrels, constantly fetching water from the foot of the mountain, or pouring it on Lotus's tentacles, or entering the temple to feed Lotus directly.

Solaris Ocean Overlord, the famous eighth apostle, is reduced to having to rely on others to feed him water. It is quite sad...

"That is the oldest and most mysterious temple of our GBL religion, but it was severely damaged and the roof was leaking. I didn't expect it to actually manipulate the believers to rebuild the temple."

Ophelia's eyes flashed with strong hatred, and her teeth clenched. The source of all disasters in GBL was this big red octopus. Isadura beside her also had the same expression.

"Why doesn't it jump down? There is the sea below." Mailu whispered.

"Haha, you forgot that Alice said that Held's magic is imprisoning it, and this is an altitude of 10,000 meters. If you fall from this height, it will probably explode into a puddle of debris on the sea. You can barely survive here. "

Everyone is becoming more and more nervous, but the doubts in their hearts are also becoming more and more serious. Where is Barn? Why isn't it in the second spine? Could it be that the giant beast accidentally fell down from the sky and burped?

"Ophelia, I suggest you stay here in Dornier."

Ye Lin held the Flame Sword tightly and signaled the airship to lower its height. He still had to walk the last section of the road from the foot of the mountain to the Lotus Temple by himself.

The airship target is too large and can easily be entangled and destroyed by the tentacles underground, causing accidents.

"I know a little magic, and I'll go with you."

Isadora held a magic wand and looked brave and resolute. Until she saw Lotus' death, her heart full of strong anger could not be comforted.

"Okay, let's hurry up. Barn always makes me feel uneasy."

Ye Lin nodded and threw the binoculars to Ophelia. The group quickly jumped off the airship and went straight to the Lotus Temple.

"Isadora, let me ask you a question."


"Ophelia's adoptive father, Marcel, do you really have no idea where he is?"

Isadura paused suddenly, sighed and said bitterly: "I am the librarian, and I happen to know the forbidden spell used by Master Marcel. It is a way to separate the soul from the body and pass through certain objects. The forbidden curse that blocks it.”

"And the entire Heavenly Curtain Beast is worthy of Marcel giving up his body to deal with Lotus..." Ye Lin stamped his foot, and sure enough, the Heavenly Curtain Forbidden Land, or in the body of the Heavenly Curtain Beast!

"Rotus's mental power cannot penetrate the forbidden land of the sky, which just supports the speculation that it cannot control Behemoth's brain, and it is temporarily unable to control it to fall into the sea or rush into the sea of ​​​​the sky."

"How long ago did Marcel use the forbidden spell?"

"one day ago!"

"Speed ​​up, if we can have a good relationship with Mr. Luo, Marcel might be saved."

Ophelia's master Aden Bader has embraced the great blue truth, and Marcel is the adoptive father who pulled her up. This girl looks strong on the outside, but the sadness in her eyes is too readable.

To Ye Lin's great surprise, in addition to his own team, there was actually another team that broke through the blockade of the octopus monster on the first spine and rushed to the second spine.

Moreover, the composition of this team is very interesting. A duelist who uses a long gun and has flexible marksmanship, and a wandering gunman with a toothpick in the corner of his mouth and superb shooting skills are actually rare celestial beings!

The third one is surprisingly an acquaintance, the Blue Fist Holy Envoy who caused hand cramps due to the Ora Stone Giant, Po Feng!

"The three sewer commanders?"

Ye Lin twitched his lips. Isn't Po Feng a member of the clergy team? Why is he with others? Have the four gay guys in the team changed their minds?

"Hey, Yuena from the Obesi Order, and you guys..."

Po Feng also noticed them, and immediately stopped to say hello. As a member of the Holy Order, he certainly understood how terrifying the apostles were, and waiting for more people would be more effective.

"Po Feng, where are your team members?" Yuena asked first.

"Hmm..." Po Feng touched his chin in embarrassment, "Boss dislocated his arm while swinging a hammer yesterday. The third brother's white tiger beast played with a ball and knocked out the fourth brother who was passing by. He hasn't woken up yet..."

"Oh, by the way, these two are my friends. Their boss fainted from anemia after using the secret skills [Rage] and [Blood Fury]. He is currently recuperating in a hotel."

After introducing each other, Ye Lin learned that the ruthless duelist "Shi Ku" was a man from the Delos Empire Arena. He had experienced hundreds of battles and had a fierce momentum.

Just as Princess Isabella said, after the transfer experiment and the magic gun experiment, more victims chose to stand on the opposite side of the Delos Empire.

"Brother, your revolver is pretty good. You seem to be a sword soul. Why don't you sell it to me for 10,000 gold coins? You won't need it anyway."

Brother Wanyou has a unique vision, and he immediately noticed that the revolver he put on his waist to look cool was an epic piece of equipment.

"What do you call your friends?"



"This gun belongs to Kelly, I can borrow it for use."

"That crazy woman, I couldn't kill her in three battles in the Ardennes. Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything." Cabensis trembled and waved his hands repeatedly.

"By the way, have you ever seen Barn?"

"I've seen it."

Po Feng nodded, and what surprised Ye Lin was the surprise. There was news about Barn here!

But then his answer made Siatt and the others dumbfounded.

"Barn, I took the Magadha back this morning with the Iron Wolf Knights. They said that the Knights suffered heavy losses and will fight another day."

"Going back? Didn't he want to kill Lotus? How could he go back?"

An extremely strong sense of conspiracy rushed into my heart. How could I go back? Mr. Luo was still doing well in the temple. His tentacles were shaking and he was so nimble and flexible.

Even if Barn is a senior swordsman, it is impossible to kill Lotus from an altitude of 10,000 meters. It is still possible for Sodros to come.

Ye Lin frowned and gestured to everyone: "Is there any way to kill Lotus while leaving?"

"Put poison, the poison will kill you." After Yuena said it, she felt it was unrealistic. How much poison would be needed for a body as big as Lotus.

"Robots, those guys in Eaton Industrial Park are the best at this stuff." Cabensis said disdainfully.

The Coast Guard uses big guns with heavy weapons. They look down on the gunners who play with small guns and can't bring them along. The roaming gunners who value superb shooting skills and kill with one hit despise the mechanics who are slow and have to arrange robots before the battle. The mechanics mean that you have big guns. If a heavy weapon is broken, don't ask me to repair it, forming a chain of contempt.

As for ammunition experts, they are great. Their professional saying is: "Only laymen only value firearms. The power of bullets is equally important."

"Robots are unlikely. Although the Delos Empire has some science and technology, it only scratches the surface."

Ye Lin shook his head repeatedly and still felt something was wrong. For Lotus, unless he summoned the War Lord or the Fist of Gaboga, ordinary explosive machinery would have little effect.


A sudden fire explosion came from behind. When I turned around, I saw a cross-dressing man with cold eyes but a fair face and even a little weak... Well, the male mage was suspended in the air, burning the octopus monster with blazing flames. .

The adventurers who can reach the vicinity of the second spine are all professionals with good strength. It is not surprising that the Arad continent is full of talents.

But Ye Lin's expression changed slightly, not because the other party was the third demonic person besides Alice and Biana or because he had the Eye of Darkness in his body, but because of the flames!

The Dryad Jungle is a dense forest that surrounds the entire Sky Veil Behemoth. Although the top of the mountain where Lotus is located is bare, there is still lush vegetation at the foot of the mountain.

It happened to be cold now, and he still remembered that Celia at home was wearing white cotton skirts.

Once the entire forest is on fire, whether it is Lotus, GBL or adventurers, there is basically no possibility of escape at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

"Foolish soul-corrupted body, what do you try to do with these things?"

The sound was loud and rumbling, coming from the top of the mountain.


Good things come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone. Ye Lin put his forehead on his head and smiled helplessly, why did Mr. Luo start philosophizing again at this time?

"Po Feng, I suspect that the empire has placed something in the forest to burn down the tree spirit jungle. Please inform other adventurers to retreat or find such a thing."

The awakened Mr. Luo needed someone to deal with him, and he needed help finding the items left behind by the empire. Things became tense instantly.

"This...isn't possible. The empire isn't so crazy..."

Po Feng hesitated and burned the giant beast of the sky? It sounds like a bit of a joke, but is it so awesome?

"Before the flames of Grand Forest burned, the elves may have thought the same way."

Ye Lin touched his nose and found it funny. It did sound funny, but those corpses he saw in the Dark Thunder Ruins might never laugh again.

"Okay, let's go. Bishop Magello has praised you a lot, and Gladys and Yuena often mention you. I'll bet my reputation on you and believe you once."

"Who...who mentioned him? Don't talk nonsense! He is a mean-spirited and unscrupulous person. Didn't I say he is hateful?"

Yuena blushed instantly, and her hateful eyes almost cut Po Feng alive.

"Ha ha……"

Po Feng smiled, took Shiku and Cabensis with him, grabbed the medal on his chest and strode down the mountain, shouting: "In the name of the Remedian Priest Order, there is a timer buried in the Dryad Jungle. As for the ignition of the fire, please put your own safety first and look for suspicious objects first."

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