Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 907 Miya’s Little Happiness

The source of the power of superpowers is still a mystery. Although Ye Lin guessed that it should be a derivative of the transfer phenomenon, it is still just an unconfirmed guess.

Messer and the others don't know it themselves, and most people with superpowers are intoxicated with the pleasure of having power, and few people explore their own roots.

For example, Sonic Lavitt, a member of the superpowers, although his character is not likeable, is one of the few people who investigates the reasons for the birth of superpowers and wants to solve the problem of the superpowers' situation from the root.

Moreover, the same superpower is not completely absent, but it is still too rare.

Miya has always felt that she is the only one who can talk to plants and create new greenery. Her job at Hutton Mar is to create flower lawns and green spaces for people with yards.

Among the many superpowers, Mia, who has a quiet personality and sweet appearance, has become the superpower that best integrates with Hedunmar.

"How could that be? He is not a superpower, I can feel it."

Maisel frowned and shook his head slightly. There was also a subtle connection between superpowers. The Ye Lin in her telekinesis detection was like a vast ocean. Her unfathomable strength shocked her, but it did not have the uniqueness of superpowers. A sense of subtlety.

"But really, I didn't lie!"

It was so kind, Miya felt like her face turned as red as an apple, it was so hot, it was so strange.

She didn't notice much when she was eating noodles, but as soon as she got closer, she couldn't control her body and wanted to rub against Ye Lin.

She felt as if she was a seedling, a seedling that split off from Ye Lin, and she jumped for joy after finally seeing her mother again, feeling extremely relieved and comfortable.

The strangest thing is that she can clearly feel that her superpowers are also increasing!

You must know that it is actually relatively difficult for a superpower to grow in strength, but now, from eating noodles to walking around, her strength has increased by more than half an hour at most, which is more than the accumulation of meditation in the previous month.

"I, that... is too..."

Miya's face was red, and her shy and introverted personality made her feel ashamed at this moment, but with that mysterious intimacy, she couldn't help but want to rub herself against Ye Lin.

When the small plants have not grown up, they have to rely on the big trees to protect them from wind and rain.

A slender arm pulled up his wrist, and Miya seemed to have forgotten the existence of Mercer, and didn't care whether he answered or not.

The tip of her soft index finger glowed with a glistening green light, like ants exchanging information, and she gently tapped the tip of Ye Lin's left index finger.

At that moment, it was as if time had stood still. Miya felt as if her consciousness had entered a very strange place. Inside was a lush and green towering tree. Her soul was nourished like never before, like a swallow returning to its nest. .

The souls of each other resonated in an instant, and Miya was like a dandelion seed, a small dependent, showing every part of her memory without defense.

The plants she brushed with her hands when she was young would grow rapidly and flourish. She could understand the language of those plants, the joy of bathing in the sun, and the screams of being trampled.

The ignorant Miya told her parents these things in anticipation, but what she received was shock and love.

Later, as Miya grew older, she realized that she was different. She was not an "ordinary" person and could easily be criticized by others and bring misfortune to her family.

So she left her hometown to find an unknown sense of belonging and happiness.

She found a sense of belonging, in Grozny, the green city that Maisel once led. Everyone is a superpower, but what does happiness feel like?

Miya had been confused about this for a long time, but now she can be sure that at this moment, she is the greatest happiness!

Mercer was shocked to see the green and wild vegetation around him. Fortunately, this was a lonely alley with no one passing by.

To be on the safe side, she still used telekinesis to cut down the vegetation that grew out of season.

Miya's hair was as thick as a waterfall, and the gradient color of green and yellow symbolized the life of the plant. On the top of her head, a circle of cute little white flowers suddenly bloomed, fresh and pleasant.

After a long time, Miya reluctantly moved her fingers away. Her clean and pleasant face was still a bit shy, but more of a feeling of loss and regret.

She slowly raised her head, her jewel-like eyes shining brightly, and murmured: "Masser, I seem to have found happiness."

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized she had made a mistake. Miya quickly blushed and bowed to apologize. She seemed to have obtained a mysterious power that was very beneficial to her from Ye Lin, and her supernatural powers increased a lot.

She didn't know if this would be harmful to Ye Lin, and this kind of acquisition seemed a bit excessive, but she just couldn't help but get close to that kind, safe and secure feeling of happiness.

"Well, can I hug you?" Miya asked expectantly, her big eyes flickering.

Before he could answer, Miya's petite, slender, righteous but unexpectedly full body fell into his arms.

Her white and tender arms hugged his waist tightly, her forehead touched her shoulder slightly with a feeling of nostalgia, her heartbeat was fast, and she whispered: "I know this is not appropriate, but you give me the feeling of being as kind as a parent. , so reassuring that it makes people feel tired.”

The hug left as quickly as it came. Miya lowered her head with a shy face, stretched out her hand to pull Maser, who was still a little dazed, and left quickly in small steps.

It felt like if I stayed by his side any longer, I might turn into a koala and hang on him.

There seemed to be a little warmth left in the embrace. Yelin patted his head. Miya used the ability to sense plants to sense him, but Wuxuan took the absolute dominant position, allowing him to obtain many of Miya's memories. and private secrets.

For example, Miya's headband today has green stripes, and the white protective cover has cute little lace on the edge. The pair of boots on her feet were bought with Messer yesterday at a more suitable and happy price.


"I'm back!"

He loudly announced his return. The outer door of the manor was unlocked. Someone should be at home.

Pushing open the door to the living room, Mai Lu stretched her legs inside the kotatsu, lying on her side and sleeping quietly with her little face. There was a plate of clean snacks on the table, leaving only a little residue, which should be sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

I don't know where the rice cake wandered off, but there were not many people who could catch it with its ability. Maybe it was working as a drunkard at the landlady's place.

Xiaoyu, who was lying on the sofa, flipping through a magazine, turned her head and glanced at him. In an instant, she threw the magazine aside and got up, put on her bunny slippers, and held his wrist. The smile on her face was sweet and pleasant. .

"Thank you for your hard work!"

"You said it was hard work? Huh?"

Ye Lin was keenly aware of some "abnormalities". It was not a welcome back, but, thank you for your hard work?

And Xiaoyu should usually work at Remedia, but now it's close to the year-end holiday.


Xiaoyu raised her face and smiled proudly, and hummed in a low voice: "I made a fortune for you before, and the fortune is like a rainbow, and the initiation is difficult. This morning I made another fortune for myself, and I found that the rainbow is close to me, and the color is blazing. I guessed you would be back today!"

A plain white arm was put on his shoulder, offering a touch of cherry blossom to relieve the lovesickness in his heart. Celia and the others were not here, they were busy buying New Year's goods, while Alice was still writing poems upstairs.

"Tell me, tell me, you are so lucky. What kind of fortune did you get? How much money did you make?"

"Really, I can't hide anything from you."

He stretched out his hand and shaved his pretty and clean nose, then lowered his body and picked up Xiaoyu. He walked upstairs and said with a smile: "The prompt number is 1, can you guess?"

"Is there a reward for guessing correctly? Give me a share?" He threw off the slippers on his feet on the stairs, his cheeks were reddish, half shy and half charming.

"Well, I'll share it with you later!"

"Your fortune is like the blazing sun rising into the sky. The minimum you earned in this trip is 10 million?"

Bang~ The door is closed and locked.

"Guessed wrong, I'll punish you."

Xiaoyu's back was leaning against the wall, her arms were around his neck, and her lips were alluring with moist luster, which made people want to taste it.

"One hundred million?" Her voice suddenly rose a few degrees, "Have you dug up ancient ruins?"

"Still not right."

The soft white silk hairband falls to the ankles, and the red and white miko costume is cool and beautiful, but in this season, it can only be worn indoors.

"Ten billion? Did you steal the Delos treasury?"

Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and jumped to a stage, saying a rather unbelievable number.

Celia’s previous charity auction raised only about 100 million.

She used to set up a fortune-telling stall at the entrance of Remedia Cathedral. When she was not famous and no one believed in her, she couldn't even make a hundred gold coins a day.

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"Congratulations on your correct answer. I will reward you with several hundred million."

Her figure is very slender and slender, her waist is as graceful as a willow, and her miko costume has decorative ribbons and lace lining.

When Xiaoyu's body is slightly tilted and her beautiful legs are lifted up high, she looks like Chang'e flying to the moon and the fairy descending from the dust, with the beauty of the pure moon.

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