Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 908: Forbidden Love

Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes were filled with resentment and warmth, her clean miko skirt was stained with some mottled spots, her independent left leg was slightly numb and soft, and her smooth skin was dripping with warm water.

"What I want is not this money... help me wipe it."

She pushed his shoulders as if complaining, and moved some of the hair hanging in front of her eyes with her clear white fingers. She supported his shoulders and sat on the edge of the bed to rest her strength.

"Tell me quickly, how did you earn ten billion? Did you really steal Delos's treasury?"

"Where, I didn't find the treasury, I am United Ludmila..."

Instead of a tissue, he used a pink cotton hair tie that had fallen to the floor.

Xiaoyu closed her eyes and listened to his story, half leaning on his shoulder, breathing long and long, her eyebrows moist and contented, but she couldn't stand up yet.

"It turns out that Lyon is so rich, and he is also the most powerful emperor on the continent."

After muttering something under her breath, she suddenly remembered that Remedia of Hedunmar was obviously the first level, but was far less luxurious than the Church of Vetalon, just because of the abundant imperial funding.

"Have you ever been to the Remedian Church? What does it look like there?"

With some strength in her body, the filthy girl began to feel restless again. She lightly lifted the hem of her skirt, turned around and pressed on him, adjusting her position.

"I just walked around outside and didn't go in to take a look. I didn't know the people inside. The carved railings and jade walls are as grand as the palace. I took photos."

The miko uniform was simply tied with a ribbon around the waist, which made her waist as slender as a willow, as if it could sway in a gust of wind.

"Dirty girl, you are so diligent, do you want a beautiful little witch?"

Xiaoyu rolled her eyes at him, and slowly pressed her tight little wallet into the big benefactor. She breathed like blue and snorted: "No, what do you want at such a young age? I'll probably become the curator later." That familiar gesture, you are tired of taking risks, and if you ask me again, I will consider it."

The ups and downs are like mountains, Xiaoyu's legs are entangled like golden snakes, and the red tassels on the hairpins in her hair are slowly shaking.

Holding his arms around the graceful waist, he buried his head on his shoulders and took a deep breath. Ye Lin then said infatuatedly: "You ate so many of Wuxuan's apples. Before the little witch appeared, the big filthy girl who had always been a young and beautiful girl would get me." How much funding?”

The hot wallet became sweeter and sweeter, as if it was spoken to her heart. Xiaoyu held one of his faces, rubbed it vigorously, and muttered: "The great witch loves you, and she's not satisfied yet."

"Three lifetimes of luck~!"

Xiaoyu rolled her eyes at the sudden blow of gratitude, and her pearly toes tensed up.


Delos Empire, Dia Cape, Inquisition.

As the Grand Inquisitor of the Heresy Trial, the head of all judges, and considered high-ranking in the structure of the entire clergy, Lucille lived in a very simple dormitory.

Necessary daily necessities, a set of white and blue metal armor, a flaming battle ax, and a pot of small blooming flowers.

She dug this flower from the Great Cathedral of Remedia. It grows counter-seasonally in winter and is perfect for decorating a room with a relatively monotonous color.

Lucille held a document in her hand and kept flipping through it. It was a report sent by a clergyman from a small church in a remote area.

The content is that somewhere in the empire, traces of the existence of a high-level pretender were found, at least no lower than a fierce blood one, and may even be a new pure-blooded one.

There was strong disgust in her brows, as if the word "pretender" was a sign of great filth and filth.

"When can I cut off Ozma's head, hang his body on the cross, and burn him in flames, then I will have completed God's mission... No, there is another heretic!"

Lucille's arms trembled, and she unconsciously wrinkled the report documents from her subordinate regions. Her eyes reflected strong resentment and a hint of unwillingness.

She has listed the "heretic" Hedunmar as the same existence as Ozma of Chaos.

"Haha, it's just that I got a little bit of the loser's blood, as if I got some great creation. Calling myself a pure-blooded person is really ridiculous."

Lucille's character has always been to do whatever she says, but it's getting late today, and the news in the subordinate area is not sure to be true, so it's better to have a good rest and wait until tomorrow.


She slowly moved her gaze and placed it on a wooden box next to the desk, with a seal from the Great Cathedral of Remedia still attached to the surface.

The way she came back with Bishop Antonio and Bishop Klose was not by carriage, but by a passenger ship from the west coast port directly to Cape Dia, so they came back relatively early.

But not long after she arrived at the Heresy Trial, she received some "gifts" from the empire, some bad heretics, and the interrogation took quite a while.

There is a certain degree of cooperation between the Empire and the Inquisition.

"It's strange. If Obers sent something to me, why didn't she mention it when I was at Hutton Mar?"

Lucille half-suspiciously yet cautiously opened the wooden box. What was inside was neither a bomb nor a curse, but a letter with a very fresh style, tied with a small pink ribbon.


If it was a document report, secret allusion information, etc., she wouldn't be surprised, but if it was a letter with beautiful paper, she really couldn't understand it.

Because it was very simple, she didn't have many friends in Remedia at all, and her relationship with Obes and Grandis, she felt, was more like a necessary communication among colleagues.

"Is it Misha?"

A member of the Tribunal, her subordinate Misha, once went to Remedia for official duties, and was later responsible for taking care of the man who had carried the original sin, and then... she did not come back.

Shrugging, Lucille tore open the envelope directly. It was obvious who it was after taking a look. It was the basic courtesy of writing a letter that she should at least sign her name.

However, when she pinched off a piece of neatly folded pink letter paper, Lucille suddenly had a strange premonition in her heart.

She seemed to have heard Obers say that the letter paper of this color, and the fact that it was sent secretly, had a great possibility that it was a love letter!

"No, no, no, I am a person who has devoted my life to the flames of God. This kind of personal relationship between children is as ridiculous as the credibility of goblins."

Lucille shook her head silently, threw the letter directly into the trash can, made the bed and got ready to go to bed. She still had work to do tomorrow.

But when she was about to take off her shoes, she accidentally picked up the letter and was in a daze for a while.

Because of her extreme personality and stubborn and cold behavior, she has many subordinates who admire her and many colleagues who respect her. However, let alone love letters, she has never experienced even a look of admiration from a boy.

Maybe, this will be the only love letter in her life.

"Ahem, maybe it's not a love letter, but some important document and confidential letter."

Lucille nodded and gave herself a reason, then opened the folded letter.

"The beautiful and elegant Miss Lucille Redmayne..."

After reading only one sentence, she subconsciously clenched the love letter into a ball, threw it into the trash can, went to bed, covered herself with a quilt, and stared wide-eyed.

Actually, someone would write a love letter to a lunatic like her!

Of course she knew she had an extreme personality, but it didn't matter. She was God's messenger of punishment and she didn't care about that.

Staring with her eyes and heart pounding, Lucille looked at the trash can again and muttered: "At least, let's see who wrote it."

Slowly pushing herself up again, she didn't even notice that she hadn't taken off her coat, and she went to lay out the love letter honestly, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Does this count as someone treating her as a girl instead of the Grand Inquisitor?

Almost every few seconds she had to cover her face and rest for a while, while muttering words such as "hateful, annoying, disgusting, disgusting", but she read them all honestly.

Finally, she glanced at the last signature, full of anticipation and a little shyness, which suddenly turned into a volcanic eruption.

When he slapped the table, there was a loud noise.

"This biggest heretic dares to write a love letter to me. Is he making fun of me?"

She was so angry that she originally wanted to tear the letter apart, tear it into pieces, and scatter it all over the sky.

However, a flash of panic suddenly flashed through my mind. What if this is true?

This is a taboo, unmentionable love. A heretic falls in love with a messenger of God, but the messenger of God is the one who destroys the heretic. How tragic.

Lucille quickly thought about forbidden love. The Grand Inquisitor, the eldest sister in the hearts of all heresy inquisitors, suffered from insomnia for most of the night, and went to work with bags under her eyes the next day.

Even the favorite torture of heretics has lost interest, which surprised the fans.

It was a letter full of love.

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