Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 920 Knight Assessment!

Delos Empire, Mount Pros

The soldier squad leader with an arrogant expression yelled at the civilians who were watching the bulletin board, and then spread out a large recruitment introduction and pasted it on the top and most conspicuous place.

Although the two civilians who were slapped away were actually not a problem at all, he enjoyed the pleasure of holding a small power in his hands and using it at will to show off.

While Belmare and other countries are still immersed in the residual atmosphere of the New Year, the Delos Empire's headquarters, which has always been iron-blooded, has set up a new recruitment plan for this year, and spread it and began to post it all over the country. .

The difference from the past is that this year's treatment is slightly better. It is probably because Lyon feels the pressure.

At the same time, the major knights in the empire have also begun to recruit new knights. Those who have the strength and confidence can give it a try and sign up to participate in the assessment of junior knights.

A knight is the most basic privileged class.

The empire has a very mature militarized management system, which Bellemare and others definitely do not have.

If one puts aside the influence of the top strength of the enemy country, at the level of ordinary combat soldiers, Delos already has the basic qualifications to unify the continent.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Reni was still sleeping in bed, with a peaceful face and even breathing, like a carefree lazy cat.

As for breakfast...there is no such thing as breakfast during holiday leisure.

Ye Lin, who had already brought a rich gift to wish his mother-in-law Martina New Year's greetings, knocked on the door a few times and got no response, and then entered the boudoir. Upon seeing this, Ye Lin suddenly had a dark look.

I slept so soundly~

After he visited Mo Mei's parents yesterday, he stopped by Xi Lan's dojo.

I heard that Shaying said that because his junior sister Nuo Yu went to Hedunmar to celebrate the New Year and there was no one in the dojo to cook, he and his master shamelessly went to Forrest Zuo's No. 1 Middle School for two meals a night.

Of course, Xi Lan would take the opportunity to come and drink heavily all night. As a result, he was so drunk that he fell asleep from two o'clock in the middle of the night until two o'clock the next day. The time of his visit was in the afternoon, and Xi Lan's mental state was obviously not recovered yet. It seems that I accidentally got drunk and got a headache after a hangover.

After chatting casually for a while, Xi Lan just covered his head and reminded him to pay attention to safety when he went to the devil world. It seemed that he had something to say, and he couldn't organize the words for a while.

Aganzuo and Luxi settled in a corner of Suran City. They originally planned to open a swordsmanship dojo. However, Xuzu did not advocate swordsmanship. Also, if he opened a dojo, Xilan might have some business in the future. None.

Therefore, he and his wife Luxi have not yet decided on their plans for the new year.


Seemingly having a telepathic connection, Reni slowly opened his eyes in confusion, stared at the ceiling above for a while, then turned his head and blinked.

"Hey, boss, when did you come?"

Reni was stunned for a moment and hurriedly got up from the quilt. Then, with a blush on his face, he looked around for his underwear. He couldn't find it in his panic, so he simply got under the quilt again, covering Zhengyi and only exposing one shoulder.

"I finished giving gifts to my mother-in-law an hour ago. Your brother Devin got up, but you were the only one in the whole family who didn't get up."

"Hey, it's a day off."

Subconsciously, he touched his messy hair and didn't wash his face. Reni was a little embarrassed and blushed. His undisciplined state was seen. It was so embarrassing.

He secretly glanced at the boss sitting by the window. The curtain happened to be opened at a corner, and a faint golden light fell on him. He seemed to be glowing and handsome, which instantly made Reni's little heart pounding and excited.

She knew that her mother had made an appointment with Aunt Emma to go shopping today, and she would definitely take her younger brother with her, and since the boss was here, she would definitely leave some space for the two of them to be alone.

"That...boss, come~"

Reni reached out and patted the left half of his bed. The quilt was very wide and warm, and could cover two people at the same time.

When Ye Lin was lying down, Reni immediately held one of his arms and placed it in the middle of the plump Zhengyi. Then he leaned his head on his shoulder and squinted his eyes happily for a while.

It's not that Celia didn't invite her to celebrate the New Year. In fact, she told her a long time ago that if she didn't go back at home, her mother and younger brother would be the only ones to celebrate the New Year. She must be very lonely and sad.

"Boss, have you received the scarf I knitted for you?" Reni's face became more and more rosy, because the boss was evil and started to attack justice.

"Well, it's very nice and warm. I can't even bear to wear it."

"I'm not talking nonsense. I still know my skills well. I just learned how to knit scarves from Krach. It may be warm, but it definitely doesn't look good."

She is no longer the arrogant and nagging junior knight of the Iron Wolf Knights. Now she is a young girl who is caught up in sweetness. When she looks at the person she likes, there is light shining in her eyes.

He took the initiative to lift the protective cover so that the boss could better control it perfectly. After a while, Reni leaned forward slightly, his closed eyelashes trembled like reeds in the wind, and his red lips were slightly opened.

After a while of fussing, Reni still licked his hungry lips, but the little water he got was not enough to eat.

She blushed and hesitated for a moment, then she shrank into the quilt like a frightened kangaroo and gulped down the food, trying to get some rich nutrients to replenish her stomach that had not eaten breakfast.

Although she is an upright knight, if she wants to sit and enjoy the ride now, she will not be able to go out to play later and will have to wash the sheets.


The knight assessment in Pros Town has already accepted preparatory registration in advance. It is only the second day of the new year, and on the tenth day, the one-month apprentice knight training will begin.

Applicants are directly called trainee knights. After obtaining a certain ranking in the assessment, they will be awarded the title of junior knight and then assigned to various major knights for re-assessment and training.

Not only must your performance on the training ground be up to standard, but those who perform well when the empire sends the knights on missions will be awarded the honorary title of knights!

The difference between the training of trainee knights and that of soldiers is that the former requires payment of registration fees and food expenses. Most people would not consider participating in the knight assessment, which has a high elimination rate and requires money.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with rich people wanting to experience life.

"Boss, let me tell you, I was in second place back then!" Reni raised his face slightly proudly, as if you were about to praise me.

Ye Lin didn't hesitate to flatter him and slapped him hard, which made Reni feel in a daze and his steps were a little soft.

She wasn't quite sure why her mother would spend a sum of money to allow her to take the knight exam, but the real reason was because her family was a declining noble and had an unwillingness to be honored.

Walking near the registration office for the knight assessment, you can already see people in twos and threes running over to pay the registration fee in advance, hoping to become a glorious knight.

The minimum age required for registration is sixteen years old, and the maximum age cannot exceed twenty years old, because the assessment of knights is based on merit and requires a certain amount of talent.

Because Reni also had a delicate "Knight" badge on his chest, he was quite eye-catching and received many envious looks.

"Speaking of which, boss, the empire seems to have established a Royal Military Academy. It is said that in the beginning, only nobles could be admitted."

Reni curled his lips and looked a little disgusted, because he heard that once you enter the Royal Military Academy, as long as you are not too bad at the crane, there is a very high probability of being awarded the Knight Medal.

For a regular knight like her who had to work hard and sweat all the way to get the medal, she looked down on the flowers in the greenhouse.

But she also knows that this is something that cannot be done. The children of powerful and wealthy people will enjoy more generous resources, and the cycle will continue. As long as the family does not produce such hopeless mediocrity, they will never live better than ordinary people. good.

Therefore, Lyon was very smart. While not deliberately concealing the privileges of the aristocratic class, he also meaningfully punished several incompetent nobles, and then vigorously promoted Barn as the representative of the young aristocracy, igniting the hopes of civilian children.

As long as you serve the empire loyally, Baan's today will be your glorious tomorrow!

Later, Barn's fire was not big enough, and more and more people felt that the emperor was just trying to make a fool of himself and was full of official nonsense.

Leon then quickly found a new target, Ye Lin, and was rewarded with tens of billions of gold coins, a beauties in marriage, and another wave of passion for struggle.

At least after that imperial dinner, Ye Lin has become the goal in the hearts of many young people in the empire.

Some people also joked about this in private, saying that the title of nobility only requires one reward from the emperor, but there are only so many princesses in the empire, and Leon would not be able to do it even in this life.

But if there is someone who has made great achievements for the empire, even if there is no princess, he can just recruit a palace maid to recognize him as a goddaughter.

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