Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 921: Preparation for Going to the Demon Realm

Sometimes, vacation is more like another way to consume energy, and playing will make you more tired, so many people are willing to stay at home and sleep under the quilt.

The curator held his forehead, his expression loving and a little helpless.

Askar and Alicia were "going crazy" on the Sky Veil Beast, like rabbits having fun. One moment they ran to the dryad jungle, disturbing the peaceful sleeping dryads, and the next they went to climb the highest peak. Ji day, teasing some natural light element low-level elf Leivos.

They stayed for two days and played like crazy for two days, as if Biana was suddenly possessed.

When the two emperors left the Heavenly Curtain Beast, their little faces were full of excitement but could not conceal their exhaustion. As soon as they returned to the manor, they nestled on the sofa and did not want to move, holding the juice in their arms and silently enjoying themselves.

Afterwards, Aska and Alijie both asked Ophelia if she wanted to go to Xuzu and Tianjie to play. It was only at this time that the great GBL leader knew that his two companions were actually the kings of a country.

Aska believes in divine dragons and true dragons, while Alijie is more interested in science and has no interest in joining the GBL religion as the supreme "blue truth".

On the contrary, Beyana and Wanzi, who have always been naughty, have been quiet except for the first two days and have been playing games at home.

Even though I eat well and drink well, I still don't want to exercise. My little face seems to have gained a lot of weight, and there is a layer of girlish luster in the roundness. My weight has changed invisibly, and I gained three pounds during the holidays.

Overall, the two weeks passed leisurely in a blink of an eye. The fatigue after returning from the trip was eliminated by a day or two of laziness. All life seemed to be getting ready to get back on track.

Principal Shalan's school is preparing materials for the new semester. It is estimated that school will reopen in one week, and the good boy Mintai has also returned early.

I heard that it is still snowing in the Snowy Area of ​​Ston, and it is still a cold day with water dripping into ice.

When Mintai returned to the Snowy Land, she gave the good boy some basic magic books, including basic element applications and alchemy and potion science.

The magic of the Bantu people is a unique kind of "witchcraft", and the god they believe in is the extremely mysterious Kunilai, so Shalan has no idea whether those books are useful.

But for this kindness, the grateful Bantu deputy chief Olka went to the black snow mountain to hunt a snow mandrill in person, and asked the ingenious Aunt Barrena to make a coat, which was taken as a gift by Mintai. Come over.

As for Bayana's naughty children, it was not yet time for them to graduate, but Shalan also understood that these children might have to return to the devil world, so she wanted to graduate them early on the opening ceremony.

However, the principal may have misunderstood the environment and atmosphere of the demon world. Beyana and Maruko just wanted to go back and have a look, and did not want to say that they would live in the demon world forever.

After seeing all the beauties of the Arad continent, going back to see it is just a feeling and memory. Only a ghost would be happy to live there for the rest of his life.

To put it a bit too much, the air in Arad Continent is fragrant and sweet!

So after all the passes, I have to continue studying, but depending on the progress of Ye Lin, I can take a long vacation.

At the same time, Shalan was still shaking her balls. I heard that the ancient library claims to have 20 million magic books. If you go back, use your modified magic hat to bring back 1.8 million.

Let’s build an Arad version of the ancient library.

Alice did not play the piano. She had a half-sized tabby cat nestled on her knees. She gently stroked the silky fur and said in a worried tone:

"Because the center of the subway contains the Terra Stone vein, I estimate that this area has been in chaos since the Silent City disappeared."

Alijie bought the cat from Grandma Olan at a pet store.

Alijie said that when she was brought to the Ghent Palace by her predecessor, the Supreme Priest, she had raised a dog and a bird in order to relieve her worries.

But then the war suddenly broke out, and the Antoun disaster cut off the power supply. Kallet's Cyborg troops powerfully broke through the palace, and she was kidnapped and taken to the Ardennes. The two pets in the chaos were also long unknown. trace.

So while she still has some free time, she wants to have a close companion in the palace. She is envious of Mailu's rice cakes and Sophie's Astra.

But the dragon that was fed became round and round, like a stewed egg with two wings. It couldn't be touched as a pet, and it was still highly poisonous.

So raising a kitten shouldn't be a problem, Feiyan will also help, Raphael doesn't have to hope, she can just take care of herself.

Before the team established a foothold in the Demon Realm, Alice said that she didn't want to go to the Demon Realm for the time being. At most, she would go to the Silent City to see and stay for a while.

That dilapidated devil world, full of sin and darkness, really had nothing worth remembering for her.

Perhaps the only one she cared about was the elemental Holy Spirit Reitz, her junior and one of the few friends who had noticed that he was a "doll".

"I hope the chaos will be as chaotic as possible. Of course, we will be careful." Ye Lin nodded, saying that he heard it in his heart and was not careless.

In addition to the three apostles in Brooklyn and Brother Eagle, there are still many extremely dangerous mysterious beings in the demon world.

For example, Monica from the Ancient Library faced the challenge of the Conqueror. Although she suffered defeat, she was able to exit gracefully, which was amazing.

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Xu Zu is a martial artist, and there is a joke that no dog on the roadside of Xu Zu's street should be messed with at will. This sentence is also perfectly applicable in the devil world.

As for the precious Terra Stone vein, Ye Lin is not very concerned about it, but the war for the mine is the first step for him to establish an organization in the demon world!

Regarding the name of the future organization, he once confidently said that he would reform the demon world and bring a different style, and would never do evil things like the Kaxiu sect, so he named it "Justice League"!

Then he received a unanimous middle finger and a roll of eyes from the team.

The only thing he is a little worried about is the Alien Clan. When many powerful forces are coveting the mineral veins, the weak and discriminated Alien Clan may be in a very difficult situation.

Even if Rousselot returns to the clan, he may not have much influence.

As a member of the team, strictly speaking, he was the only one who had wandered into the demon world for a short period, and it was only a short period.

Therefore, when I go to a completely unfamiliar world for the first time, I don’t do much trouble for the time being, and I mainly focus on finding the way and identifying the map.

Of course, that's what he said, but how he would do it, Siatt said he didn't believe a word of it.

At the same time, there is a crisis lurking on the Arad continent. The Holy Order is always paying attention to the movements of the pretenders and never slacks off.

Ye Lin once patted his chest and promised to answer all requests, not only because of Obes's dowry, but also because of Ozma's apostle power, but he was still greedy.

The Tower of Despair contains part of the information on the ancient Terran artificial people. The leader Azera once promised that if he could purify the evil atmosphere of the apostle's power, she could help.

Transplant the power of the apostle!

And although the group leader regretted not coming to celebrate the New Year with him, he entrusted the magic bullet holder Reina to send a handwritten letter.

She wanted to go to Silent City so that she could observe the changes in the demon world more closely, as well as Held, the Weeping Eye.

Only a few people in the violent hunting team knew that Azera was actually a resident of Gutera, and the demon world was her hometown.

However, because the wreckage of the battle in Silent City has not yet been cleaned up, his reply said that the leader should wait patiently. After Silent City is rebuilt, it will be a brand new base and base camp!

At that time, the leader will be invited to take charge of Silent City. With her understanding of the demon world, she might be able to name herself as a consultant in the organization.

He also shamelessly asked her to help check the traces of several prophets under Rena's alert and slightly cold gaze.

Currently, there are two-sevenths of Sirok sealed in the house, and Mr. Luo's hibernation is probably almost over. If there is a chance, he would like to collect the other five-sevenths!

There are still three people left to disappear without trace. After the death of Rosenberg, the prophet Ethra mysteriously left the headquarters of the moderate faction, as did the Snow Flower Mandarin, and the green-faced Shura Roz who was lost in another dimension. beren.

He just wanted to deal with the potential threat of the fifth apostle, and he was definitely not interested in the fifth sister's ability to change shapes at will! !

On the other side, the curator and Penosio have recently screened a batch of crop seeds. They are all very tolerant crops and may have the possibility of large-scale planting in the Demon Realm.

It is no different from a general organization if it hopes to protect some weak villages so that they who are already hungry can pay food as protection fees.

What he wants to do is to bring about a huge change in the demon world, from the small things like planting the land to a good harvest to the big words that sound extravagant and ridiculous, almost crazy~


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