Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 922 The desertification of the demon world

A map full of annotations and drawings appeared on Alice's fingertips. She handed it to Ye Lin and said, "This is the map of the demon world that I drew from memory in recent days. It's just a rough outline. You'd better find a map." A guide who knows his way around.”

The eight major areas of the demon world are laid out on a piece of paper, each piece is an irregular triangle, and some special areas are annotated with leading lines.

The Orc Canyon in the center of the subway, the Central Association Plaza in Brooklyn, the dark forest of Boronx, etc...

"It has been nearly a thousand years since I left the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm, especially the center of the Earth's orbit, may have undergone great natural terrain changes. I still don't recommend that you go here." Alice sighed quietly, with memories in her eyes. .

"Hey, the terrain has changed?" A look of surprise appeared on her face. Mo Mei herself didn't quite understand that changes in the earth need to be measured in units of hundreds of thousands of years.

"It should be the wind zone."

Bibi, who came closer, seemed to know something. The Gale Zone was one of the three major desert areas in the Demon World, and desertification was becoming increasingly serious, threatening the Witch's Forest in the west.

However, the windswept zone is a key route to Brooklyn from places such as Harlem and Central Park, so desertification is serious, and storms roar all day long, causing great trouble to pedestrians.

Therefore, two related businesses have gradually emerged. One is to sail across the inland sea between the subway center and Central Park, and the other is to ride a special magical beast "Bagur" that can withstand wind and sand.

A small bagur whose fangs have been removed and has a tamed personality can be sold for a high price in the demon world!

Bibi held a bamboo stick in his hand, with a grilled sausage smeared with a little chili oil on it. The smell was so fragrant that Heyman, who was feeding his pets, sniffed it gently, then turned around and quickly walked into the kitchen.

Siatt nodded slightly, also feeling surprised: "Desertification is quite amazing."

Weird, dangerous, desperate situation, and powerful people like clouds are the first impressions in their minds who have never been to the demon world.

But suddenly, desertification is becoming more and more serious. It feels quite incredible.

Pinocchio, who brought a plate of fruit, asked curiously: "By the way, if there is no extremely powerful person in the demon world, can the environment and ecology be changed?"

She knew that Yelin could now bloom flowers all over Hedunmar with a single thought. If Wuxuan used a little power, it would be easy to turn the desert into a fertile oasis.

Not to mention the Wuxuan of Taichu, more than 600 years ago, Marr took action and turned the place "Bellmare" into a verdant oasis.

There are powerful people like Lin in the demon world, and there is even the apostle Held, who is known as the first element user. Why is no one willing to take action to green up and show some power?

"Because the Demon Realm does not have the complete natural adjustment ability and protection of Arad." Alice put down the cat in her arms and sent it to the Heaven Realm later, and then said: "The raging radiation and turbulence in the universe have a great impact on the environment. The influence has even changed our body shape over a long period of time, such as..."

She lifted off her big mage hat, and underneath her red hair was a pair of pointed ears similar to those of an elf.

He was eating wave candies and playing games. He blinked slightly and wondered why they were all looking at him. He tilted his little head and his face was round and shiny because he had gained weight during the New Year.

"So Ye Lin, I'm not trying to hit you. Your idea of ​​bringing Arad's crop seeds to the Demon Realm for planting will most likely fail."

The Demon Realm is not a virtual ancestor. If you select some drought-resistant and tough seeds, you can get a good harvest. The naturally harsh environmental problems there are the key to the continued poverty of the Demon Realm.

This is also one of the reasons why the eternal passage to the Silent City and the Heaven Realm was so tempting to the Demon Realm.

And what Alice didn't say was that the overall style of the demon world is that the weak eat the strong. Who else, except the elf user Katie, would spend time learning natural magic that does not significantly increase strength?

The team temporarily left the manor, but it was not to go to the devil world, but there was another matter that had to be dealt with.

Mo Mei was gearing up. She was also very interested in the idea of ​​expanding the territory and said: "Boss, it is definitely unrealistic to transport food upwards. We still have to find a way to cultivate the land."

Crops are not resistant to environmental influences. If you use Wuxuan to increase the growth or set up a large magic circle, although it can stabilize an area, it is not a long-term solution after all.

"We'll wait until we get to the Demon Realm. Let's act according to the situation." Ye Lin could only shrug, after all, the team couldn't even identify the road.

Although those Xiong girls were from the Demon Realm, they hadn't actually been to many places. At most, they only knew Central Park.

Therefore, he initially planned to have three candidates for the guide: Da Keer, a former cadre of the Kaxiu sect, Erica, the "turbulent" one, or find the astrologer Rosselló.

EX Dornier flew leisurely to the Miranda plain. Looking down through the window, you can see a piece of verdant green, which is farmland and wheat seedlings, which is refreshing.

Elevate the airship to open up the field of vision. The land as far as the eye can see is neatly divided into small pieces, dotted with some woods that have not yet sprouted new buds, as well as villages and towns.

If there is no war in the next few months and there are three to five moist rains, there will be a very good harvest this year.

Miranda Plain is the largest grain-producing base in the principality. Once the harvest is harvested, this place alone can supply the needs of a country!

When the Delos Empire occupied Belmare, it also sent 100,000 garrison troops to occupy the plains. Who would have thought that after a few years of peace and quiet, moths began to run all over the ground.

What the team is looking for is one of the guards of the original maker Luke, the sealed idol of light Horus, hidden under the earth somewhere in the plain.

As for the other idol of darkness, he was forcibly exiled to another dimension by Siatt and Sophie. His whereabouts are currently unknown. He may have wandered to some strange planet, or he may still be floating in another dimension.

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"This is it, stop for a moment."

Ye Lin signaled the curator to stop the airship. Below was an uncultivated wasteland. Tana and several strong men had knocked Horus underground and lost the supply of light.

Now there is a layer of long-withered weeds growing on the ground, and it seems that no one has been there during this period.

Because this area is far away from the river, if you want to cultivate it, you have to dig a well or build a reservoir, so no one has ever thought about it nearby.

Queen Skadi's plan for people's livelihood projects in the new year not only wants to connect the northern Grand Forest with a flat road to facilitate transportation, but also wants to build more dams in the country to increase the weather resistance of crops.

Once there is a severe drought, not only the citizens will suffer, but the booming principality will also be affected.

Ye Lin concentrated and held his breath for a while, standing at the door of the opened airship, aiming at the desolate land below, and the magic power around his arms gathered and surged.

"Come out!"

The ground exploded with some smoke and dust, and cracks spread. A large square piece of land was dug out, and then slowly rose towards the airship, leaving a huge sunken gap in the ground.

If the surrounding area is repaired, it may become a more suitable pond that can be used as a small reservoir.

But the material used to make the shell armor of Horus, the idol of light, is the rare and precious crystal stone of light, a special crystal stone associated with the source of light.

Not only can it devour light and replenish the energy supply body like the "Black Nightmare", but it is also hard and heavy in texture, with a piece the size of a fist weighing a thousand pounds.

If it were placed directly into the airship, the EX Dornier would probably sink directly.

So he used space props to hide Horus completely, and then released it when he arrived at Silent City to use it as a free guard.

Horus has a certain amount of wisdom. When he was in the world of light in Hyperion, he had a gentle and kind temperament. If he could communicate well, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

At first, Tana wanted to throw this guy at the gate of the manor. The carving was exquisite and shiny, and it was both homely and elegant. However, considering Horus' intelligence, she had no choice but to give up.

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