Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 923: That family is in trouble~

The Idol of Light, Horus, has been dug up, and the basic work has been completed.

This trip is not to truly break into the Demon Realm, a world that is more legendary than legend. It is just to have a look, take a walk, and feel the "customs and customs".

For example, the alien race with animal ears and the flying Gorda race. I heard that the latter even gave birth to a powerful queen!

Biana and Maruko won't be together for the time being. The way these two got to know each other is probably not as much as Alice's remaining memories.

Erica was impatient and wanted to sneak out of the Tower of Despair, but was pinched by the group leader~

You are not allowed to go before Ye Lin has established a firm foothold. Going there will definitely cause chaos!

This girl had dared to provoke Demon Emperor Charles Foz's troublesome spirit back then, and she might have caused some trouble again.

As both users of dazzling patterns, she and Biana both had motors installed on their butts and could not rest for a moment.

The second guide was Da Keer. He specially went to Kanina's shop to invite her and said he was willing to pay a generous reward.

Unexpectedly, when Da Keer heard that he wanted to occupy territory in the demon world and develop an organization similar to the Xuan Demon Society and the Kaxiu Sect, her eyes instantly lit up.

Da Keer, because of Kanina's unintentional bias, she has always had a dream of being a queen!

As long as she becomes the queen, her people will pay taxes one after another, and gold coins will flow into their pockets. They will enjoy the wealth of the country, buy whatever they want, and get whatever they want.

But as a queen, she has no idea about the responsibilities she should bear, such as regulating national affairs, caring for people's livelihood, etc., and she doesn't care.

If Da Keer really becomes the queen, she must be the most incompetent and "capitalist" one in history.

It might be possible to let her be a mascot and lead the way in Harlem in the future. As for the current subway center, let her stay in Arad for the time being.


Celia smiled slightly, gently helped him adjust his collar, and then reached out to fiddle with his hair to make him look more energetic.

Of course, there is no need to say more about safety and other things. After looking at each other, a warm and tacit understanding is in my heart.

"By the way, the queen sent you a letter." Celia pointed to an unopened, light blue envelope on the table.

"Which queen?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ye Lin blushed.

"I want the heir apparent~"

Giving him a pretty eye roll, Celia's beautiful cheeks also showed a trace of rouge. Although she received a lot of money from Ye Lin, they were all turned into running water by the purification magic.

In order to continue the descendants of the elves, little Celia doesn't want to think about it until her business empire ambition is completed.

Queen Skadi has begun an indefinite tour of the country, from Gran Forest in the north to Vara Island in the south, including the west coast, Nosmar and other major cities.

The Queen's personal visit will help enhance the cohesion of local residents towards the country and support royal orthodoxy.

As for the content of the letter, it was not a very direct love letter secret message, but asked him if he needed a family fiefdom to deal with special situations in the future?

Celia and Siatt, who took a peek at the hidden meaning, did not see it, but Ye Lin rubbed his brows and had to consider this possibility.

The royal family has always been ruthless and will do anything to fight for power. The eldest princess Celia is a good example.

But after all, only one person can sit on the throne and rule the principality.

Skadi himself also felt that Belmare needed a prince, and that both men and women could be carefully cultivated.

But what if she is lucky enough to have double happiness?

There is only one person on the throne, so she is negotiating with Ye Lin, otherwise you will have a fiefdom, and it will be easier to plan for the future.

In fact, it's not just her. Meia, Aska, and Alijie in the heaven are all doing something similar to inspection.

In the past, Emperor Leon of the Delos Empire often did this kind of thing. His outstanding eloquent speeches could always arouse local enthusiasm and support the royal family even more.

However, since the Great Fire of Gran Forest, the resistance has frequently revolted, especially due to the sharp archer Ludmila, who has rarely visited the empire.

In the past, I would sneak around and go to the Empire Arena to have fun, but then the arena was destroyed by Siatt's sword. If the arena was rebuilt, another sword attack would appear from who knows where.

Simply moved to the underground arena.

Nowadays, the responsibility of patrolling the empire is usually left to the eldest princess Celia, who serves as a diplomat.

It seems that she is allowed to exercise part of the imperial power and represent the face of the empire, but in fact it is to restrain the ambition and behavior of the eldest prince.

The empire began to issue a conscription policy on the second day after the new year. Now two weeks have passed, and Delos, the huge beast, is awakening and sharpening its claws.

However, various minor accidents occurred one after another in the imperial royal family.

The first was Emperor Leon himself, who had a headache because of the ghost Giger destroying half of the Imperial Research Institute.

I originally thought that after two days of training, my anger would subside and I would get better, but I never thought that now two weeks have passed, and the problem has improved, but it has not been cured at all.

Now as soon as he saw something related to the "Imperial Research Institute" from the documents, he couldn't help but get angry, his eyes turned red, and he seemed to be poking at him with a sharp awl hidden in his head.

He specially sent someone to ask for the second-level Bishop Hendrys of the Remedian Church, hoping that healing magic and God's gift would make him feel better.

But even if Hendrys's strength is not low, after being cured by the Holy Light, he has no choice but to tell you that your Majesty, you have a heart disease that is holding your head. If the heart disease is not eliminated, the headache cannot be cured.

Leon was laughing and angry on the spot. If there was an enemy he could touch, even in the legendary realm, he would avenge him at all costs and hang the head of the culprit at the gate of Weitalun!

However, according to the current known news, the culprit is the ghost Jig, a dead person.

You can't just bury millions of knights like the Borodin Kingdom in ancient times and then take revenge on Giger.

what to do?

So with a wave of his hand, the empire suffered frequent disasters and a sluggish economy. The funds and materials allocated to the Remedian Church this year were unfortunately reduced by half.

Hendrys had a look on his face, but he had no choice but to do so. The reason why the Remedian Church could surpass the Great Cathedral in scale was because of imperial funding.

Of course he knew that Lyon's move contained a suggestive meaning.

Tears of Remedios!

Since you, a high-ranking priest, can't cure my headache, then find a way for me to get one of the most precious treasures of your priests.

Also on the side of the eldest princess, Celia suddenly sprained her foot during the dinner, which seemed to be very serious, and she has been resting and recuperating in the palace residence.

According to the doctor, it was difficult to walk freely without two months of rest and recovery. As the face of the empire, the tour of the country in the new year had no choice but to be postponed and postponed.

Otherwise, a slope-footed princess would bring disgrace to the empire.

And because the clergy never serve individuals, except for Lyon's arrogant privileges, if others need help from the clergy, they have to go to the church themselves unless there are special circumstances.

Although he holds money from the empire, he has become a priest and adheres to a neutral stance, so he cannot just throw it away like garbage.

If the Church of Remedia turns into a money-making institution that serves nobility and wealthy people, then the entire church will definitely become a thing of the past!

Originally, Lyon thought that with his eldest daughter's unconcealable ambition, she would rush to Remedia Church quickly, ask an outstanding cleric to treat the bruises, and then continue to patrol the empire as a diplomat.

But something unexpected happened. The eldest princess stayed in the palace for a few days with medicine on her ankle. Later, she simply returned to her parents' home, saying that she hadn't been back for a long time and wanted to go home during the New Year to pay homage to her dead husband.

Others may not know it, but Beatrice definitely knows that this is complete nonsense!

The healthy eldest prince-consort died of an inexplicable illness, and then all aspects of his family's rights and property were quickly taken into the hands of the eldest princess, which was tantamount to being completely emptied out.

Later, the eldest princess became more interested in activities as a diplomat to show the face of the empire.

As for the former aristocratic residence, she hasn't been back for at least two years, and she doesn't miss it at all.

Occasionally speaking of the deceased prince-consort, Celia would speak in a plain, stranger-like tone.

There must be some unknown secret behind the eldest princess's abnormality, but Beatrice didn't know it, and Leon, who was having a headache, didn't want to think about it in depth.

Because the eldest prince, who had sneaked out of Weitalun as soon as the New Year was over, started to make him angry again.

The eldest prince formed a knighthood himself, recruited talented people, and seemed to be recreating the glorious "Imperial Knights" who were only loyal to the emperor!

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