Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 964 Rabbit Bloodline

"Is there anyone? Is there no one~ Tsk~"

The elated Becky curled her lips. Not even a mechanical spider greeted her, so her good mood was wasted.

She was sent back from Hyperion by the Golden Clown. The reason was that after Grandpa Luke turned on the sun, he fell into a restorative sleep. Everyone was busy rebuilding their homes, so they had no time to play with her.

So later Buffon suggested that he simply send this poor little girl who has nothing to do every day and is lonely, back to the Silent City.

Becky skillfully rummaged around inside the observation tower, but couldn't find anything good. He wandered to the Iron Arm where he used to like to make trouble, but there was no one there, and even the king's library was empty.

Carrying his favorite big slingshot, Becky finally found Mister and Habu who were playing games together while complaining about a mechanical spider with a small face.


Mister rubbed her eyes and was astonished in disbelief. Everyone's pistachios are back. Could it be that Master Luke has...

"Wow, I've been wandering around for a long time, and finally I met an acquaintance."

Becky immediately raised her hands in the air, ran around in cheers, and couldn't wait to ask: "Where is the man with the chocolate on him?"

"Are you talking about Ye Lin? It's in the Demon World, not far from us. Do you want to have a look?"

Mister has been thinking about it recently. The Wuxuan organization is unstoppable and Rousselot can be a high-level cadre, so he can also become a cadre of some kind.

But after thinking hard, she still felt like she was useless.

"I won't go, I won't go!"

Becky's little head shook like a rattle, and his face was full of disgust, and he muttered: "Those guys at the memorial hall must want to take me back."

The Eldin Memorial Hall, one of the core buildings of magic, is definitely a lonely nightmare for Becky. The puppets can't move or speak, and they will never go back to a life with only mice and bugs for company.

"But..." Becky suddenly tapped his chin with a finger, frowned and recalled for a while, then muttered uncertainly: "Under that memorial hall, I remember there seems to be something very scary hidden."


Rousselot stood in front of the window, her delicate body trembling slightly. Her house was on the second floor and she could see a large area of ​​the camp.

The hard-working and sensible little Yi Mian was divided into groups by the curator and assigned some tasks that would allow him to vent his energy but not be too tiring.

The plantation was green and the accommodation area was lively and prosperous. Rossello felt satisfied with the prosperous scene. From time to time, he could see little strangers running back from the camp, bringing with them a coat of dust.

After all, the demon world is a place where the weak prey on the strong, so Gu Yu took advantage of his time to select some suitable children and teach them how to be excellent scouts, taking precautions.

The four-leaf clover pattern curtains were not tightened. She was bent over and leaning on the window sill with her elbows. Her cheeks were red and she was in a trance, and her voice kept humming softly.

In the eyes of the little aliens below, the eldest sister is the mature and beautiful Rousselot lying on the window sill looking at the scenery. However, many of the little aliens are their idols and hope that they can be as beautiful as her when they grow up.

"The Lord of the City..."

No one saw that Rousselot was actually kneeling on a chair covered with cotton blankets. Her fat flesh was shaped like a pear, but it was originally the color of snow, but was photographed in a drunken red.

That’s not how light refraction is used!

Rousselot lowered his head and then raised his head, his eyes filled with resentment. The previous city lord used light refraction to disguise the Silent City, creating a mystery in the demon world for nearly a thousand years.

This time the city lord used light refraction as invisibility.

With a knowing blow, Rousselot hurriedly stretched his arms and quickly closed the curtains. He felt that his internal organs were touched, and the cushions received warm rain and some nutrients sprinkled on them.

During the break after the battle, a few strands of Rousselot's hair accidentally bit the corner of his mouth, a slight sweat broke out on his smooth forehead, and he drew circles with his fingers dishonestly: "City Lord, do you want to return to the heaven?"

"Well, there is a more important problem that needs to be solved, but Sophie doesn't want to go back and can protect the safety of the camp."

The fingertips entwined her fiery hair, and slowly held the large cup of fruit tea. As soon as the package lid was opened, it was warm and filling.

After a silent but tacit understanding of each other's rest, Rousselot's beautiful legs rubbed against each other dishonestly, and his beautiful eyes were filled with a hint of provocation.

Ye Lin strongly suspected that Rousselot had some rabbit in his blood, otherwise why would he like rabbit ears and ask for money.

The new secretary's ability to ask for money is not much less than that of the curator, and about the same as Kelly's.


Siatt raised Lewardin, the tip of the sword touched the ground, and a deep gap opened in the ground.

She had a Wuxuan branch the size of a baby's forearm in her hand, and threw it directly into the crack in the earth, and then the curator manipulated the magic to close the crack.

Cosmic radiation has a great impact on crops, but the land in the Demon World is so barren that there are few lawns and gardens, which is also a great constraint.

Since he wanted to build a kingdom of his own, Ye Lin had no choice but to bite the bullet and spend a lot of money to use the Wuxuan branches that had grown up to try to improve the land of the demon world.

However, it has not spread to the entire orbital center for the time being. It has only buried five branches in a radius of about a hundred miles around the new camp.

In other directions, Mo Mei, Gu Yu, Ma Weisi and Feng Ying went to inquire about the recent news in the demon world.

As long as the first batch of crops can be produced and sold, and funds no longer depend on the support of the Selia Chamber of Commerce, Wuxuan Headquarters can be truly built immediately, a luxurious city comparable to the central area of ​​Harlem!

Regarding the more special orc tribe, the curator suggested that they do not necessarily need to be incorporated into the organization, but are a special form of semi-employment.

You come to work for Wuxuan and provide your abilities, and we will pay you and provide corresponding protection to ensure that the hunters of the Kaxiu sect will never dare to covet your fur again.

In addition, Belfast still tinkered with a lot of potions for her, and proudly said that they were not worth mentioning.

In the end, she received a silver badge from Wuxuan, but she failed to approach and assassinate Ye Lin. Instead, she was earnestly asked by the curator to teach the little alien some knowledge about it.

She was originally going to refuse. After the assassination, she grabbed her things and ran away. A process could only be completed in two seconds at most.

However, Ye Lin rarely came close, so she had no chance to make a move. She spied on Siatt and the others while they were burying branches, and could only nod in agreement, for fear of being noticed.

Sure enough, it was the newly born branch of Wuxuan!


As time went by, the news that the Kaxiu sect's envoy was defeated by the leader Wuxuan caused a sensation in some areas of the Demon World, including the nearby Central Park.

Over the years, ever since the Demon Emperor Xia Le ascended the Spiral Throne, even if there was resistance, it was just a small fight and it was difficult to shake this towering tree.

Many people are watching the show in secret. Will the Kaxiu sect be so angry that they will brazenly launch a regional war, thus causing a major cleansing of the demonic world?

Some people may quit the first class, or there may be new oaths, rising like comets and becoming as eternal as the magic moon.

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However, the situation of the Ka Xiu Sect is even more difficult than what outsiders see.

Harlem, Schaller Furts Estate, Chapel of Silence.

Duoheide is at the top of the list, and when the Demon King is away, she will convey the leader's messages and orders.

This was the first collective internal meeting of the Kaxiu faction since Workman's defeat. Basically, all the cadres who could come gathered here.

Kay the Sniffer, Richard the Heartbreaker, Thirmer the Demonic Swordsman...

The meaning of the silent chapel is not silent prayer, but a law of silence that silences betrayers forever!

Of course, the Law of Silence is not just a simple death, the incomparable pain contained in it made the original black tiger Gragur tremble in fear.

Everyone looked grave and gloomy, even Richard, who always had a playful smile, looked serious and did not dare to say anything.

His status in the Kaxiu Sect is actually not that high, lower than that of the guard captain Wadsworth.

Deputy Chief Duohead must have had a special purpose in setting the meeting location here.

Duoheide held a stack of documents in his hand, threw them down on the smooth conference table, and said angrily: "Another cadre is missing, as well as an ancient demonic relic."

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