Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 965 The real heavenly ban, the extinction of civilization

"Selegel died in the war in another world, and Yin Guang Dak'er also disappeared there. The fourth combat group was completely wiped out not long ago, Dinas and Gragul disappeared long ago, and now another cadre, Kalil, is missing. , a priceless ancient demon sickle disappeared in the research institute!"

Duohead's light amber eyes swept over each one, as if predicting who the next cadre in trouble would be.

Will he really disappear, or will he escape and rebel?

When the leader is in seclusion, the chance of something happening to the cadres is really extremely high.

Although it sounds ridiculous for a group of male and female demons to be suppressed by a female orc, but Kai, Richard and others were covered in cold sweat and kept silent, showing no sign of displeasure.

Duohead's black magic ability is second to none in all of Harlem.

Her black magic is not the dark element, but the former foundation of the Kaxiu Sect, which is evil, inhuman and cruel magic.

After a pause, Duoheide reprimanded coldly: "Then, the mineral resources in the center of the orbit were lost, breaking the organization's original plan. Our Kaxiu sect is already in a precarious situation and sailing on the sea!"

The emissary Workman looked downcast, with a hint of unwillingness, but his tone was particularly calm: "I will transplant an extra eye of darkness for revenge."

He was defeated by the mysterious Wuxuan, but no one secretly laughed at the failed emissary. Being able to become one of the three core cadres, his strength is recognized by all, and he is convinced.

But it also proved that Wuxuan's top strength was no less than the core group of Ka Xiu Sect.

"How about you let me meet that Ye Lin?"

The speaker was the guard captain Wadsworth, who was covered in a cloak and could not see his face clearly. Since he did not need to handle official duties for the organization and only guarded the Demon Emperor in the manor, he could also squeeze out more time to practice.

His strength is slightly stronger than Workman's.

"No, we are waiting for the leader's instructions. When the New Apostle Alliance of the Demon World completes the five apostles, this will be the chance for us to give everything we have!"

Duohead, who directly rejected it, felt a sense of absurdity in his heart for no reason. If Wadsworth failed again in the duel, the Kaxiu sect would become the laughing stock of the entire demon world.

"Kai, what's going on with Wuxuan? Are you recruiting members on a large scale or preparing an expansion plan? Our Kaxiu sect has been used as a foil. We still need to find opportunities to get our face back."

When it comes to another Trial Blade, Duohead must pay more attention and be cautious.

Kai was originally going to be severely punished, but after Workman also lost, he was lucky enough to be relieved of his responsibility for dereliction of duty, and was still responsible for searching for intelligence and hunting down traitors.

"Uh, this..."

Kai's eyelids twitched. He didn't know how to describe the inexplicable group of guys. He hesitated for a while and then said: "They divided the land in an orderly manner, squeezed some young children to do hard work, and used wood for meaningless self-imprisonment. In short, That is, they seem to be farming and building houses.”


As Wuxuan caused huge waves in the demon world, many spies from various major forces quietly investigated, pretending to be businessmen, wanderers, and even slaves, but these could not be hidden from Ye Lin's eyes.

It's too troublesome to drive them away one by one. As long as it's not harmful to Wuxuan, let them go for the time being.

The spies were careful, but what surprised them was that Wuxuan's camp was not as tall or magnificent as they imagined, but just a few simple new buildings, dormitories, and large plantations.

If it weren't for the huge black dragon sleeping in the center of the camp, which was as oppressive as the top of a mountain, they might have thought that this place might just be an inconspicuous small village.

A few spies were clever and suspected that the pleasant new green grown in Wuxuan camp might be some mysterious crop with extraordinary and amazing effects, so they wanted to pick some secretly and take it back to study it carefully.

It was very unfortunate that they were all discovered by the alert magic circle, and then, without mercy, no matter which organization you were in, they all had their hands broken and were thrown a hundred meters away as a warning.

It's okay to mine in the center of the underground rails, but it's absolutely not okay to steal food!

"Rosselot, during our temporary departure, if the Spin Demon Society or the Second Promise comes to visit, tell us that we have gone to Arad. If it is urgent, we can contact Mira in Silent City."

Ye Lin reminded him before saying goodbye that he had finally gained a firm foothold in the demon world, but nothing could happen to him.

On the one hand, there is the hidden danger of "Heaven's Forbidden", which is very important to be reminded by Xiaodou. He must find a way to deal with it personally. There is also a huge gap in organizational talents, and he has to bring people up.

Everyone in the team wanted to go back to Arad, except for Sophie, who had a strong desire to fight and longed to conquer the dragon in the Mein area, and didn't want to go back.

And Sophie also has an idea, whether her second sister Isu is also in the devil world, and if she is, in which area specifically.

The reason why Mailu wanted to go back to Arad was simply because there were many delicious snacks that were not available in the Demon World. She was greedy and wanted to go back to replenish her food.

Rozberen will also go to the heaven together, and he has no choice but to be deprived by Mr. Luo without any resistance.

But fortunately, even if he loses one-seventh of Sirocco's power, he is still a very good wave ability user.

Rossello looked up and stared at the huge EX Dornier, which was slowly refracted into nothingness by the space magic. Then he touched Skurdi's little head next to him, breathed out a cheering tone, and said with a smile: "Let the leader solve the problem. When he returns, the alien tribe will usher in a brand new future, so everyone should work hard."

Bang-dang~ Bang-dang~

Xiaoyu shook the bamboo stick tube vigorously. It was related to the relatively sensitive Heaven's Forbidden Rules, and it was necessary to divine the future good and bad luck.

"Huh? It's strange, why is it so dangerous? It can't be that way."

She twirled a "bad luck" sign on her fingertips, her eyebrows slightly furrowed in confusion, how could such a fortune still come to her.

According to expectations, as long as Alijie finds out who is selling weapons privately and imposes severe punishment, she should be able to effectively curb the situation that may develop into a "forbidden state".

After all, Alijie's reform touches the interests of the traditional nobility. As long as the deep-rooted and corrupt nobility of Nospis is purged, the matter will basically be over.

At best, it was a near miss, and there shouldn't be any sign of serious disaster.

Ye Lin glanced at the bamboo stick and didn't feel too surprised. He nodded and said in confusion: "Actually, I have always felt that there may be hidden dangers hidden behind Arad's back that are more difficult to detect."

Could it really be so easy for some desperate nobles and an empire that happened to cater to an empire that needed weapons to create the "Forbidden World" dimension?

Everyone in the team was also skeptical and felt that it was too simple.

"On the contrary, I suddenly had a very scary idea!" Yuena's beautiful eyes were horrified, and she couldn't help but her lips trembled and turned slightly white.

"It's like this. I recently helped the little aliens farm. I found that they are all born magicians. Their talents are many times better than those of humans. Then, I thought of those who are born with abilities, that is, Messer and the others, then I thought, do we normal humans have any innate superpowers?"

After being given a very obvious introduction by Yuena, an idea suddenly flashed in everyone's confused minds, and everyone was as enlightened as if they were enlightened.

Mavis, who was drinking orange juice, shook her palm and almost shattered the cup. She recalled that when she was at the Borodin ruins, she obtained Lord Usiel's token. The skin on her body was cracked, dripping with blood, and she almost exploded. And died.

Guyu also remained silent. Shadow Dancer's journey was accompanied by countless bloodshed and fear.

For all the strong people who have cultivated to a certain level, there is no word "easy" in their journey. They all have a bumpy journey and a narrow escape from death.

However, human beings' "innate" ability, in other words, another way to quickly obtain power, is... celestial weapons!

A beginner's years of hard training in swordsmanship day and night will not be worth a cheap revolver if he is not a professional. Even a talented professional will be in a rage in front of laser launchers and cannonballs.

Under the ancient particle cannon and satellite rays, the awakened ones may not be able to avoid them.

Only by becoming a strong man in a certain transcendental realm can he deride heavenly weapons as children's toys, flashy and unrealistic.

Although the strong are not afraid of technological weapons, this number is simply a drop in the bucket compared to the huge group of practitioners.

The huge Xu Ancestor has only one Nine Dragons Master, and the arrogant Delos Empire has only a handful of people in the legendary realm.

More ordinary cultivators have spent their entire lives in silence as senior professionals, unable to even reach the threshold of awakened people.


Only now did Ye Lin slowly understand that the true meaning of the Heavenly Forbidden City was actually a subtle mass extinction of "civilization" and a huge destruction of Arad's historical inheritance.

There was no wind but trembling, and he said horrifiedly: "If heavenly weapons flow into Arad on a large scale, the first consequence will be that the cultivation system gradually collapses, and everyone may be a "superpower"."

Human beings have always had a desire to gain power quickly!

From the mind tattoo to the eye of darkness, from the ring of dominance to the superpower, they are all representatives of quickly gaining power.

Moreover, these methods basically have side effects, but heavenly weapons do not.

Once the popularity of technological weapons in Arad is almost the same as that in heaven, that is, everyone can be equipped with a gun, then in ten years, the number of practitioners in Arad will probably drop by one-fifth.

The considerable "power" you can get just by paying for it is too hard to control yourself.

After years of hard work, I gained a power comparable to that of a bomb. I can’t tell whether it’s ridiculous or deeply sad.

In less than twenty years, the overall quality of cultivators in Arad continent has dropped by up to half. There are no predecessors, talents are buried, and various inheritances are slowly cut off.

When the entire continent is dominated by fast heavenly weapons, the heavenly ban will be achieved.

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