Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 477 Siege Plan

The royal city of Baras is directly called Baras City. It is a mountain city guarding the canyon leading to Bahara.

Therefore, the battle plan of Ant and the United Kingdom is to advance from north to south.

However, the United Kingdom Army is still a hundred kilometers away from the city of Baras.

Wang Zhong stood on the high ground outside the city, looking at the ancient city wall of Baras City.

"Good boy," he put down the telescope and turned to ask Pavlov, "How thick is this city wall?"

Emilia: "Didn't you read the information we gave you? The thickest part is five meters."

Wang Zhong breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's not thick. It can be destroyed with enough explosives."

Pavlov shook his head: "If the enemy sets up intensive firepower, they may not be able to rely on it to put explosives."

Wang Zhong: "It's not enough to use tanks as cover. The tanks cover the engineers and rush to the city wall. The explosion destroys the city wall, and then the army breaks in... But it would be terrible if the defenders were the Proson Army who changed their skin."

If the defenders are the reskinned Prosen Army, then the siege plan must be cautious.

At this time, Meyer Apudullah came over with Mistafa from the First Brigade of Balas, and immediately gave Wang Zhong such a grand salute when he saw him.

Wang Zhong: "You don't have to salute like this every time you see me. We are all ordinary human beings and we are equal."

Meyer Apudullah nodded immediately: "Okay. We didn't think about it too much. I found that you and the soldiers also mingle in this way. Using such a grand gift is actually a slander against you."

No, it's not to this extent...

Wang Zhong could only smile awkwardly.

Meier said seriously: "We are here today for one thing. In order to resist the king, we took control of the underground passage in the royal capital. This seems to have been dug during the Old Kingdom and is now used as a sewer."

Wang Zhong immediately became energetic. The ancient sewers, such a classic CRPG setting, felt like there would be a lich or something living in it, and then a guild such as the Thieves Guild would be hidden, and everything would be fine.

Then he thought that there were supernatural powers in this world, and maybe those things really existed, so he asked Meier: "Are there any skeletons, ghouls or goblins in this sewer?"

"What are the skeletons? There are two others that I haven't heard of at all." Meier looked confused.

At this time, Colonel Benjamin, the liaison officer of the United Kingdom, said in Baras language: "They are two kinds of monsters that appear in legends. The United Kingdom also has similar things, but they are not in your Baras legends, so there is no corresponding translation. In short, it’s something that appears in dark places like sewers and attacks humans.”

Meyer shook his head: "No. The biggest beast in the sewer is the rat."

Wang Zhong: "Is that kind of rat as tall as an eight-year-old child with a weapon that emits green light?"

Meier continued to shake his head: "No, the largest rat is only 1.5 kilograms, about this size."

He gestured with his hands. It did look like a big rat, but not to the point of being scary.

Wang Zhong felt relieved. Since he was attacked by the falconers, he had become a little more sensitive to mysterious powers. He suddenly remembered that the information provided by the United Kingdom before the attack began said that Barras had spells and abilities that could summon armies from other worlds. A spell that controls the dead, but it seems that I didn't see it all the way.

So he asked Meier: "Where are your other famous spells in Balas? Why didn't we see them when we pushed all the way here?"

Meyer showed a loyal smile: "Because I convinced them to go south to deal with the United Kingdom's army. Maybe it's because they stopped the United Kingdom's army from advancing so slowly."

"No," Colonel Benjamin shook his head, "No, our army is just so slow. Rather, considering the too smooth progress of the Ant Army, the United Kingdom Army is only so slow... Tsk, I I think your witchcraft has no effect."

Wang Zhong looked at Colonel Benjamin and thought, are you people from the United Kingdom so good at making a fool of yourself?

But he immediately thought that it was Daiying himself who produced the most profound TV series that satirized Daiying on the other side of the earth, and he suddenly felt that this was very reasonable.

Okay, it turns out that Wang Zhong, who almost beat me to death, was the most powerful resistance that the mysterious forces could do. No wonder Prosen didn't take these mysterious forces seriously.

In the era of cold weapons, this mysterious power was estimated to have a huge influence, but now in the face of modern science and industry, the mystery is a bit insufficient.

In other words, when the power of technology and industry exceeds a certain threshold, mystery begins to be insufficient.

Wang Zhong felt that he was gradually understanding the world.

"General," Meier interrupted Wang Zhong's thoughts, "if we go through the sewers and bypass the city defenses, our army's casualties can be greatly reduced. The commandos can directly attack the city gate defenders' garrison and quickly capture the northern part of the city. Door."

Wang Zhong: "Are the troops stationed in the city Baras or Pulosen?"

"It's a Barras. After all, there are people coming and going in the city, and there are United Kingdom diplomats stationed there. It's unlikely that it will be replaced by a Plosser without attracting attention."

As soon as Meier finished speaking, Mistafa took over: "But these Barras are different from us. In order to save the country, we strictly ordered the soldiers not to eat moon candy, which is a candy made from local specialty plants. , has a strong stimulating effect, and people who eat it will dance and feel extremely excited, and they will not feel any pain.”

Wang Zhong squinted and looked at Colonel Benjamin.

Colonel: "Yes, yes, this is also one of the sources of the necromancy that Barras called to drive the corpse. We believe that the wizard used a more powerful version of moon sugar, or added other rare herbal ingredients to enhance the excitement ability. "

Wang Zhong sighed: "When the veil of mystery is torn off, what's underneath is so ordinary that it makes people angry."

Pavlov: "Let's see if these drugged emperor's loyal dogs can beat the thread cutter."

Wang Zhong: “Do we have a thread cutting machine?”

"A batch has just been shipped from China, and the 393rd Marine Infantry Brigade happened to be resting and recuperating, so we distributed it to them." Pavlov said, "It happened that the elite naval infantry had been resting for a few days, and it was time for them to take the field. "

Wang Zhong turned to ask Colonel Benjamin: "Can the 1st Parachute Division task force be dispatched? And Komanda. I want to send the elite infantry of the United Kingdom and our elite infantry to perform this mission together, attack different targets separately, and then See who didn't complete the task.

"This can also solve the problem of the United Kingdom being too late to participate in the siege."

Colonel Benjamin stared at Wang Zhong for a few seconds and said, "Considering your friendship with Ms. Amelia, I don't doubt that this is a strange act."

Wang Zhong: "Of course not. Even you yourselves know that the United Kingdom Army is too poor to catch up with the North-South attack, so I want to send the excellent 1st Parachute Division task force and the Komanda Commando in advance, just to deal with the current situation. Filing.”

Emilia: "You can be quite annoying sometimes with what you say, but yes, this is a record prepared without trust in the capabilities of the Army. The 1st Parachute Division Task Force and the Komandar Assault The team is ready.

"By the way, I received notification from home that the 1st Parachute Division will receive a royal title after this battle, so I hope you will arrange for them to attack more important targets."

Wang Zhong turned to Meier and asked: "How is the defense of the palace?"

Meier: "Originally, we were supposed to send out the city defense map of the palace last night, but the special police from the palace suddenly launched a city-wide manhunt last night, and the city defense map was not sent out."

Mistafa: "I heard that there is a blond and blue-eyed foreigner directing the palace agents to search."

Wang Zhong: "Don't you guys have some integrity?"

"Part of the underground palace was destroyed. We suspect that someone rebelled." Meyer Abdullah said angrily, "And the level of the rebels is not low."

Emilia: "So now we know the distribution of the garrison outside the palace..."

Wang Zhong interrupted her: "No, maybe we will adjust the defense."

"Our liaison officers were not deployed when they came out," Meyer said.

Wang Zhong: "The Plosans are strict in doing things, and they will adjust their defenses. But the key points of city defense will not change. It's just that the defenders have changed from the Baras people to the Plosens. To be honest, compared to taking drugs, A lunatic, but I felt at ease when facing the Prossen people.”

Sergeant Major Gregory, who never interrupted, said: "Yeah, I'm tired of killing Proscenians. They all even call mother in the same tone when they die, and every inflection is the same."

Everyone laughed.

Wang Zhong: "Then this is our plan. We will first send elite troops through the tunnels to attack the enemy's key points. After occupying the key points, the large forces will set off.

"Considering that the elite troops have higher fighting will and subjective initiative, I recommend carrying out a night attack."

Troops with stronger will to fight at night and more subjective initiative will have higher combat effectiveness.

Pavlov: "Yes, as for naval infantry, night attacks are no problem."

Colonel Benjamin also agreed: "The most suitable time for paratroopers to land is at night, so paratroopers are also good at night raids. As for Komanda, huh, they are ghosts in the night and will kill the enemy like ghosts."

Wang Zhong: "Okay, let's do a night attack tonight. Tomorrow morning we will carry out concentrated artillery fire on the city wall as a backup plan in case the night attack fails. How many 203 heavy artillery do we have?"

Pavlov: "There is a heavy breakthrough artillery regiment, a total of 24 203 guns."

Wang Zhong: "Gather them all together and choose the position during the day. Let Balasdavarishi, who is familiar with the situation in the city, take the artillery commander to choose the position."


Wang Zhong picked up the telescope again and looked at the ancient city.

This is the end point of this journey. After capturing the ancient city, it is time to consider how to stop the Prossen people along the Valdaichu River. The First Mobile Group Army has only rested for a month, and I don't know how it is recovering.

However, it is estimated that the additional troops assigned to the First Mobile Group during the Battle of Yeisk have not recovered well.

Mainly these troops, like the 401st Division, suffered too many losses.

At this time, Wang Zhong didn't know that he would go to the United States afterwards.

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