Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 478 Attack

The Komanda team entered the sewer under the guidance of the guide Barras.

As soon as Gonif entered the sewer, he complained: "Why do we have to compete with the paratroopers and the ordinary infantry of the Ant? What's the point?"

Jonard: "Of course, it is to use patriotism to inspire the fighting enthusiasm of all of us. The person who decided this matter has a good idea."

"We are a special force. Look at how many people we have! The other two groups participating in the competition are all brigade-level combat teams." Gonif continued.

Jerry, one of the two brothers Jerry and Tommy who were walking behind him, spoke up: "I heard that the Ant brigade suffered heavy losses when landing, and it cannot be considered fully equipped. It's just that they have been supplemented with new equipment, and their combat effectiveness may have improved."

Tommy nodded: "I heard that a silent continuous-fire weapon should really be given to us. If we can get a silent automatic weapon, many battles will be many times easier. But look at what we are equipped with?"

Tommy raised the Sten submachine gun in his hand and patted it hard.

Jonard said hurriedly: "Stop shooting, what if there is an accidental discharge? There are so many brothers in such a narrow sewer. Let's go."

Tommy shook his head, put his gun on his back and continued to walk.

At this time, Lieutenant Keith, who was walking in front, turned around and said: "We are few in number, but the corresponding tasks we are given are blasting tasks, such as blowing up electric poles, cutting telephone lines, and throwing explosive packs at the enemy headquarters.

"These tasks do not require us to occupy positions to resist counterattacks, as long as we break in and throw bombs, we can leave. I think the tasks assigned to us by the Ant Expeditionary Force Command are quite suitable."

Joard: "Of course it is suitable. This is the headquarters of Rokossov. The staff must be very outstanding and can formulate a perfect combat plan. "

At this time, everyone passed by a manhole cover. There was an iron cover with mesh on the round hole. Through the mesh, they could hear the sudden gunshots outside.

Joanard: "Ante 393 Marine Infantry Brigade and the United Kingdom's First Parachute Division Task Force are fighting. Let's hurry up. While they are attracting attention, we have to go out and find the buildings on the list to blast them."

At this time, the doctor spoke: "Although we are only on a blasting mission, we have a lot of targets assigned to us. The bear-like chief of staff probably thought that as long as a quarter of it was blown up, it would cause enough chaos, so he set such a goal for us.

"But I think we can blow them all up."

Gonif patted the pile of TNT explosives on his back: "Of course, otherwise, would I carry so much TNT for nothing? We must blow up all the targets assigned to us, leaving no one behind!"

After Gonif finished speaking, the members of Komanda agreed and their morale was high.

Lieutenant Keyes: "Let's go, the guide Barras said the exit is just ahead."


The mission of the 393rd Brigade of the Ant Marine Infantry is to attack the northwest gate of the city wall, which is facing the front of the Ant Expeditionary Force.

Once the gate is conquered and the city gate is open, the armored forces of the expeditionary force can directly enter the city and use tank guns to directly fire at the infantry units supporting the battle in the city.

The Marine Infantry is equipped with a brand new thread cutter silent assault rifle. At first, they were not familiar with this weapon and used the PPSh method, which is to splash water.

But soon the Black Death wearing sailor shirts found that the thread cutter was quite accurate. There was no need to splash water like the PPSh. Generally, four or five shots could hit the enemy.

So soon the Marine Infantry began to fire various long bursts, and the consumption of bullets quickly dropped.

Then the Marine Infantry found that the bullets fired by the thread cutter were amazingly lethal to the enemy, and often one hit could make the enemy lose its combat capability.

This feature immediately won praise from everyone.

The naval infantry quickly killed the enemies outside the gate tower and the ancillary buildings, and knocked out the few fire points facing the city.

But at the entrance of the gate tower, the naval infantry encountered trouble.

The Proson soldiers who replaced the Barras people piled up a simple bunker with sandbags inside the entrance, set up an MG34 machine gun, and began to tear the canvas at the entrance.

The naval infantry were not really the gods of death, and their flesh and blood bodies could not do anything with machine guns all of a sudden.

However, as naval infantry with rich experience in fighting against the Proson people, all soldiers waited patiently for the enemy to change the barrel.

Suddenly, the machine gun shooting stopped.

The young naval infantry private rushed out with a brisk step, and the old soldier next to him couldn't hold him back.

So Proson's machine gun fired again, and the bullets hit the abdomen, chest and neck of the young soldier continuously, directly taking his young life.

Proson's machine gun stopped again.

The old soldier guarding the door threw a stone out.

As expected, when the stone fell to the ground, it attracted a series of machine gun fire.

Just when the machine gun stopped firing, the old soldier who threw the stone suddenly rushed out and fired a burst of shots with the thread cutter in his hand.

A large amount of dust from the bullets hit the sandbag bunker. The main and deputy gunners of Proson, who were changing the barrels, were all hit and fell on the machine gun.

Hit by the bullets of the thread cutter, it was basically unrecognizable.

The old soldier was on guard with the thread cutter and carefully entered the space where the machine gun bunker was located.

A Prosen soldier wearing Baras clothes jumped out from the diagonal stab. He yelled and tried to snatch the veteran's gun, but the veteran flew up and kicked him in the lower body. He stopped attacking due to the severe pain.

The veteran swung the thread-cutting machine in his hand, and the butt of the gun hit the Prosin man's cheek, shattering his entire face.

After knocking the enemy away, the veteran quickly turned the gun and fired three rounds at the enemy.

The enemy immediately had three terrifying bullet holes, which were bloody and bloody.

While the veteran took down the sneak attacker, the naval infantry poured into the gate tower from behind him and began to climb to the second floor.


Wang Zhong had already woken up from a nap. At this time, he was holding a telescope on the hillside where he observed the city during the day and looking in the direction of the city gate tower.

He said he was looking through a telescope, but in fact he was just making a gesture. His real consciousness was looking down above everyone's heads.

Wang Zhong believed that the naval infantry could handle it, but he still couldn't help but worry at this time.

The entire city of Barras was filled with gunshots, and there were violent explosions from time to time. It was not known whether it was Comanda's explosion.

Seeing that Wang Zhong was so worried, Pavlov said: "We still have a backup plan. The heavy breakthrough artillery regiment will definitely be able to blow open the city wall tomorrow. That is a 203mm heavy artillery. Although it is not as powerful as the attack you imagined. City tank, but enough.

"The engineers of the city wall of Barras approached after dark to investigate. In fact, it looked deceptive. The sandwich between the two layers of masonry may be soil. It must have collapsed in a few blows under the bombardment of the 203 heavy artillery."

Wang Zhong was about to answer when he suddenly saw a light appear on the city gate tower, and the light was still flickering on and off, obviously playing Morse code!

He immediately handed the telescope to Yakov: "Quick! Light signal, decode it!"

Yakov raised his binoculars and looked at the light signal, translating word by word: "Guarding the gatehouse are Prosin soldiers wearing Balas uniforms..."

Wang Zhong didn't wait for Yakov to finish speaking, and patted Pavlov's arm: "What did I say? That's right, right? The Prosins will definitely switch defenses! They are so strict!"

Pavlov: "Why do you always argue with me about this? I never doubt your judgment, okay! If you want to brag, just brag to Miss Amelia."

Wang Zhong wanted to refute, but Yakov was still translating the code, so he couldn't say too much, so he kept his mouth shut.

Yakov: "Our army has occupied the passage leading to the city wall, but the Prosin people are still resisting near the mechanical device that opens the door. It will take some time to clear the Prosin people's defenses."

Wang Zhong: "You don't have to occupy the mechanical mechanism that opens the door. Isn't it possible that TNT can't blow open the ancient iron gate? If it really can't be blown open, you can blow up the city gate tower and leave only the door."

"Eh?" Yakov looked at Wang Zhong in surprise, "Do you really want to send such a message?"

However, someone on Pavlov's staff had already taken out a flashlight and started signaling to the people on the wall.

Within a minute, a thick plume of smoke came out of the doorway below the city gate tower.

Then two people ran out from the thick smoke carrying lanterns and drew circles in the night sky.

It seems that the naval infantry blasted the city gate successfully. Now there is no need to destroy the entire city gate tower. At least it can leave some proud history for Barras.

At this time, two more huge explosions came from the city.

Wang Zhong: "This was definitely bombed by Komanda. The Proson people would only invest so much explosives when demolishing a building."

Pavlov: "I wonder if they can blow up one-fifth of the target I drew. Just blowing up one-fifth can seriously interfere with the enemy's command and dispatch."

"Is it enough to just blow up a fifth of it? You really gave them a target full of water."

"This is called leaving redundancy." Pavlov replied somewhat complacently.

Wang Zhong turned the telescope and looked at the target of today's 1st Parachute Division task force.

Turning the telescope was just a sentiment. In fact, Wang Zhong had already caught the red devil's target from the bird's eye view.

He saw the Red Devils fighting fiercely on the street, because there was a Panzer IV tank parked in the square between the three target buildings!

Wang Zhong immediately wanted to scold the Prosen people for being cunning and secretly transporting the tank in, but then he remembered that he would definitely not be able to see the No. 4 tank at the bottom of the building from the perspective of the telescope, so it was a bit strange to curse the tank.

He could only watch as the soldiers of the 1st Parachute Division Task Force were knocked down in pieces by the tanks.

Although the paratroopers deployed smoke, the tank seemed to have learned Wang Zhong's tactics. It fired continuously at the smoke-shrouded streets to eliminate the possibility of sneaking over.

At this time, Wang Zhong saw a group of paratroopers climbing onto the roof of the building. After looking at the tanks below, he threw three grenades in succession.

Wang Zhong opened it clearly and saw the second grenade falling into the tank commander's open hatch.

The next moment, a plume of thick smoke erupted from the tank turret hatch, and Commander Prosen, who was in command, immediately collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, fire broke out from the turret seat and quickly spread to the engine room.

The surviving Prosen tank crewmen jumped out of the tank one after another and fled in all directions.

The Red Devil launched a charge at this time. From Wang Zhong's perspective, he saw a large number of red berets rushing towards the three target buildings.

It seems that the Red Devils have also figured it out.

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