Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 479

Chapter 479 “The Immortal Army” (Update 14/81)

After Wang Zhong confirmed that all three assault targets were successful, he ordered Pavlov: "Although the city gate is open, the heavy breakthrough artillery regiment will bombard the city wall as usual after dawn. Naturally, the more breakthroughs, the better."

Pavlov: "I knew you would give an order like this. You just want to use the 203mm cannon to blow something up!"

Wang Zhong laughed.


Barras, Royal Palace.

King Tutka of Balas was pacing back and forth in the audience hall.

Finally, Plossen Ambassador Plenipotentiary Schmidt entered the hall with a small group of soldiers wearing Plossen uniforms.

Tutka immediately rushed forward and shouted to Schmidt: "The enemy is attacking the city! They are attacking the city! You have not done anything you promised!"

Schmidt smiled: "It is not our responsibility that the Ants arrived here so quickly. It was your troops that did not resist at all. You have been indulging the traitors like the Free Officer Corps for so many years. Have you received your retribution now?"

Tutka shouted: "I condone the Free Officer Corps because I want to use them to check the influence of the United Kingdom penetrating from the direction of Bahara! Moreover, these members of the Free Officer Corps are of high quality among my officers. The troops he leads do not eat moon candy and are determined to fight!

"I just put these troops on the path to resist Ant's invasion in the north, because I know that the United Kingdom's army cannot move so fast! Without the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, the United Kingdom's combat effectiveness will be sharply reduced, which again This was not the time when red lobster soldiers were rampant!”

Tutka paused and added: "Besides, we also defeated the lobster soldiers back then!"

Schmidt shook his head: "What you defeated was a small number of lobster soldiers and a large number of Bahara troops. If it were all lobster soldiers, you would have been merged into the Bahara area of ​​the United Kingdom."

"Don't say these are useless!" Tutka waved his hand vigorously, "Can you help me get out of trouble? I helped you cut off Ant's supply line. You can make rapid progress in Nan Ant, at least half of it It’s my credit!”

Schmidt frowned: "I cannot agree with this statement, and I think our generals and the experts around His Majesty will not agree with it either.

"When you are eliminated by the United Kingdom and Ant and the supply line is restored, you will find that our army is still making rapid progress. Soon our army will be able to cut off this supply line extending from the Bahara Ocean. We will occupy Afghanistan. Bawahan!”

The corner of Tutka's mouth trembled, and he held it in for a long time before shouting: "I can't run away if the city is broken. Do you think you can run away? The Ant people hate you Prosins so much that you will die!"

Schmidt smiled and took off his coat, revealing the military uniforms underneath: "Do you know why the airborne Jaegers behind me and I put on Prosen uniforms? Because according to international law, we are considered prisoners of war.

"As far as we know, the Ants are pretty good to prisoners of war. They will even use some superficial means to 'indoctrinate' prisoners of war, and then send them to factories to produce weapons for them.

"So many of our captured officers managed to escape and went south into neutral countries."

Tutka cursed: "Despicable!"

"Don't rush to scold me yet." Schmidt smiled, "I bring you an escape plan. Escape from the secret passage of the palace to the mountains to the east, and then wait for the special plane sent by Lufthansa. . This plane will fly to neutral Anatolia, refuel and fly back to Plosen. You can set up a government in exile in Plosen and not recognize the new emperor supported by the enemy, just like Melania and other countries. "

"Government in exile?" Tutka squinted his eyes, as if hearing this word for the first time.

Schmidt: "If you don't like this name, you can also call it Free Barras, just like General Dago's Free Carolingian. The name is not important, what is important is that your conquest actually exists!

"After we reach Abawahan and force Ant to surrender, we will go south to solve the problem of Baras. Our army's frontline is directed at Bahara. After the United Kingdom lost Bahara, its strength dropped sharply! They too will soon surrender.

"Just think, you will be the king of the entire subcontinent then!"

Tutka seemed fascinated by the rosy prospect Schmidt painted.

But he immediately thought of a question: "Secret passage? What secret passage? Why don't I know?"

Schmidt laughed loudly: "Of course you don't know that when your royal city was built, because your ancestors did not trust the United Kingdom, you hired Prosen designers.

"Your ancestors asked the designer to design a secret passage that could hide from all the spies of the United Kingdom in Baras at that time. The designer did it, with the rigorous spirit of the Prosen people!"

After speaking, Schmidt snapped his fingers, and a design drawing was brought up and unfolded in front of Tutka.

Tutka smiled happily: "Okay, let's run away!"

"Wait a minute, you should order all the Baras troops in this city to eat moon candies before running away."

Tutka had a ferocious expression: "You are right, we cannot let these intruders live so comfortably!"


When the vortex of the 225th Division Annihilator Battalion entered the city of Barras, a large number of Barras soldiers suddenly poured out in front of them.

These soldiers had haggard faces, looking like a lot of skinny skeletons in the sunlight.

They shouted and rushed towards the leading vortex No. 22501.

The Vortex's roof-mounted machine gun opened fire immediately.

However, the Vortex is a tank destroyer after all, and it is a vehicle specially designed for the task of destroying tanks. The only firepower used to suppress infantry is a machine gun on the roof.

In contrast, the T34 regular version has two machine guns, while the T34W has three coaxial machine guns in the hull, turret and roof anti-aircraft machine gun.

22501 The machine gun of one vehicle is simply not enough to organize the black "skeleton" wave.

The destroyer fired a shot, and the 100mm high-explosive bomb exploded in the crowd, knocking down a large number of enemies at once. But more enemies rushed towards the vortex as if they didn't know fear and pain.

The gunner of the Eddy Current even saw a Baras soldier's right hand holding the gun broken off, and the weapon completely dropped to the ground. He bent down to pick up his arm, held it high with his left hand, and continued to charge.

The gunner exclaimed: "Is this really a living person? Is this the legendary undead army?"

The commander cursed: "Asshole! Didn't you see these people bleeding? These are human beings who have taken drugs. Humans will die if they are killed! To say the least, they are monsters, and monsters will die if they are killed!" Fire!"

While the commander shouted to fire, the loader completed loading the high-explosive bomb and shouted: "Okay!"

The gunner opened fire again.

The shells in the gun scope exploded in the dense crowd, sending many unlucky people with missing arms and legs into the sky.

Body fragments and blood rained down, but the Baras people still charged without fear of death, like an undead army.

Gunner: "Our firepower can't stop these people! How about we retreat!"

At this time, Eddy Current No. 22502 drove next to Car No. 1 and fired a high-explosive bomb at the "tide of corpses" rushing towards it.

The whole street was once again filled with blood and flesh.

At this time, the enemy had already rushed to a distance of one hundred meters, and they actually raised their weapons and opened fire on the vortex.

It's a pity that the accuracy is not enough.

Someone also threw a grenade into the vortex from a distance of 100 meters. As a result, the grenade landed dozens of meters in front of the vortex and exploded into a column of mud, causing no damage at all.

The commander of 22501 comforted the gunner: "Look! The enemy has no fighting skills at all. The infantry Bobosha started shooting and they were blinded!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a heavy machine gun opened fire on the second floor next to the two Eddys. This was a wheeled Maxim machine gun that Ant was equipped with in large quantities. It was the type with a water jacket. It had a dull and reliable sound when shooting.

At the same time as the machine gun opened fire, the Bobosha in the hand of the accompanying noncommissioned officer also began to fire.

Intense firepower swept towards the dense formation of the Baras people, and the battle seemed to have turned into a one-sided massacre. It seemed to be testing the firepower delivery ability of the Ant expeditionary force. If the firepower was not delivered enough, the Baras would be killed with a ferocious smile on their face. The Rath soldier got in his face and smashed his skull with the butt of his rifle.

Suddenly, a T34 rushed out from the middle of Barras' formation.

There should be a side street there, and the tank walked along the side street.

There were several Barras people sitting on the top of the tank. They all held long-handled large knives and frantically slashed the drug-addicted Barras soldiers around the tank.

The commander of 22501 was stunned through the commander's observation window, but if you think about it carefully, no one stipulates that the tank cavalry on the tank cannot wield long-handled swords.

(In fact, the common name for Siris is the uncarved version of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword)

As if the T34 entered an uninhabited land, soon the tracks were covered with flesh and blood, the gaps in the steel tracks were filled, and the road wheels were also covered with a thick layer of paste.

The approximately triangular area between the road wheel and the road wheel is now full of minced meat.

The T34 tank is still flicking its tail, and each flick can throw a large number of drug-addicted Barras soldiers into the wall.

The tank's three machine guns were also firing, but it seemed that the firepower of the machine guns was no longer enough among so many people.

The swordsman on the back of the tank was furious, his pants were all red, and most of his clothes were red.

Suddenly, a long knife was grabbed by someone. In one moment, the long knife hand was pulled out of the tank. The next moment, his severed hand flew up, still holding the wooden handle of the long knife, but the knife disappeared.

The enemy seemed to be eating him, and soon something like intestines was seen being thrown up.

The commander of 22501 saw all this and said loudly: "I know what the so-called ghoul legend is about! Command! I know what the ghoul legend is about! Oh my God! No wonder the ancient people watched At this scene, one would say that this is the army of the resurrected dead! This is the truth of all this!"

At this time, an order came over the radio: "Don't worry about it, rush up and crush them with crawlers! The enemy's intelligence is no longer enough to support them using incendiary bottles to resist armor! Rush up!"

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