Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 480 Hell

On Wang Zhong's side, he has been using his own plug-in to observe the battlefield.

This time, most of the tanks that rushed into the city were equipped with radios. The expeditionary force headquarters was just outside the city and could directly call the tanks, so Wang Zhong gained visibility.

Although I have not personally seen that there is no highlighting, it seems that the situation in the city does not require highlighting.

The last time Wang Zhong saw such a scene was in the game "Left 4 Dead 2".

He thought about the best way to deal with this situation in Left 4 Dead 2, slapped his thigh and said to Pavlov: "Do we have a fire-breathing tank?"

Pavlov: "Yes, but when you made the plan yesterday, you prohibited us from using flamethrowers and poison gas bombs in siege warfare, which may cause a large number of civilian casualties."

Wang Zhong: "It's ready for use now! Get on the fire-breathing tank and be careful not to hit the house when spraying!"

Pavlov looked confused: "Why do you suddenly need to mount a fire-breathing tank? The city only reported that a large number of enemy soldiers launched a desperate charge. Wouldn't it be enough to use machine guns and high-explosive bombs?"

Also, Pavlov had no plug-ins, Wang Zhong thought. He could only summarize the situation from the reports he received. He probably didn't expect the situation in the city to be so bad.

At this time, a correspondent on the radio communication side suddenly shouted: "Report, the frontline tank commander ordered the tanks to rush up and crush the enemy with their tracks."

Pavlov frowned: "Isn't this order unreasonable? In urban street fighting, the tanks have kept a distance from the enemy infantry and are always under the protection of our infantry."

Wang Zhong patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, the tank commander of the 51st Army issued the correct order. The current situation in the city is that it should be correct to use the tank body to ram it and use the crawler tracks to crush it."

Pavlov narrowed his eyes: "Do you know what's going on in the city?"

Wang Zhong: "My guess is that the frontline commander sees things more clearly than we do. He would give such an order because the situation on the frontline must have reached this serious level."

"But the statement you just made was obviously a statement of 'I know what's going on in the city.'" Yakov interjected, "I agree with the chief of staff on this point."

At this time Popov stepped forward and patted Yakov on the shoulder: "Just think that the angel of St. Andrew told the general."

Wang Zhong forcibly changed the topic: "Deploying fire-breathing tanks, relying on crawler tracks alone is too inefficient."

Pavlov no longer had any questions and turned directly to get the phone.

At this time, Emilia came over and whispered beside Wang Zhong: "I was observing from the side just now. You seemed to be in a daze, but every time you were in a daze, your expression became more solemn. I also found that every time the radio When you connect with the tanks on the front line, you'll be in a daze."

Wang Zhong leaned closer to Amelia and whispered: "It's just a coincidence."

Emilia shook her head: "Why don't I think it's the same? I have a bold guess that you and I...are the same kind."

Wang Zhong was so shocked that his voice almost broke: "I'm not a witch!"

If given a choice, I would choose the red priest route!

Emilia: "I didn't say you were a witch! I mean...don't you also have praying hands? Praying hands and I are the same kind. You also have that...yes, the sound array you too Sound Array Master? Have you heard what’s going on in the city?”

Wang Zhongxin thought that he was right. His ability was indeed very similar to Brother Peter's Sound Array Master ability. Could it be that this ability was just expressed in a form that I could easily recognize?

Maybe my ability to highlight enemies can be applied to ordinary Ant people, so that the enemies have devil's horns on their heads?

It's possible!

If you establish direct contact with your subordinates, you can see the situation around your subordinates, which may be reflected in the form of angelic voice transmission or the like. It's just that I'm a modern person who has traveled through time, and I'm familiar with real-time strategy games, so I made it like this.

Wang Zhong was thinking, and Emilia's voice drifted into his ears: "Look, you were lost in thought again. Did you find out what happened on the front line again?"

No, not this time, it was really just a trance.

At this time, Pavlov took the phone receiver and said: "The flamethrower tanks have been dispatched! But it will take half an hour to reach the front line. I am arranging for the troops along the way to make way."

Wang Zhong: "Well done, let the troops entering the city hold on a little longer."

According to Maier Apudulla's intelligence, there should be 150,000 Barras troops in the outer city of the palace. Including the reskinned Ploson army, there may be 160,000 or even 170,000 troops guarding the outer city.

If all the 150,000 Barras troops were defeated like this, it would take a while to kill them even with flamethrowers.

But this kind of mindless charge may be very effective against the feudal army in the cold weapon era, but it is impossible for the Allied forces under Wang Zhong to be defeated like this.

Wang Zhong asked Yakov: "What do you think the intention of King Tutka of Balas is to let the troops launch such a desperate assault?"

"Eh? Killing our troops...isn't it?" Yakov asked doubtfully.

Wang Zhong waved his hand: "Killing our army is only the direct goal. What indirect goal does he hope to achieve by killing our army? He will definitely not be able to defend the city..."

As Wang Zhong fell into thinking, his voice lowered and his words were interrupted.

At this time Emilia said: "Maybe Tutka is crazy?"

Wang Zhong: "It would be easier if that were the case. No minister would follow a crazy monarch. But I always feel that he has other intentions... Is he ordering the troops to take drugs to delay something? For example Activate the huge battle stone statue under the palace of Baras."

Emilia narrowed her eyes: "You've read too many messy books, haven't you? This is the content of the United States' Amazing Stories?"

There was no such thing as science fiction in this era, but there were already magazines that published science fiction novels, represented by the American Amazing Stories magazine, so the novels that combined the latest scientific discoveries with various vulgar things in Amazing Stories were also called Amazing Stories.

Wang Zhong looked at Emilia: "How do you know Amazing Stories magazine? Have you read a lot of it?"

"I didn't!" Emilia's voice rose, and it seemed that she had indeed read a lot of Amazing Stories magazine.

Although teasing Emilia might make her blush, but now they were still fighting, Wang Zhong forced himself to return to the topic just now.

He said: "I was just joking just now. It will definitely not unfold in such a fantasy way. I think the king is going to run away?"

Colonel Benjamin immediately said: "Impossible! We have all the blueprints of the royal city (except for the one of Engineer Proson, but MI6 doesn't know), and all escape routes have been blocked by our agents."

Wang Zhong: "According to Meier's intelligence, the agents of the Barras Palace, led by the agents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Proson Palace, conducted a large-scale search in the city yesterday. Maybe your agents have been killed."

Benjamin frowned: "It is indeed possible. But even if the king escapes from the royal city, they will have a lot of trouble to leave.

"The tribes have decided to support the royal brother. They will not let the king pass through their control areas. For King Tutka, all roads are blocked."

Wang Zhong: "No, there is another way. He can go from the air."

Benjamin shook his head: "No, the airport is already under our control. It's impossible. "

"It doesn't have to be an airport. The transport planes of the Prosons can take off on straight highways. Their pilots have been trained to take off on highways." Wang Zhong walked quickly to the map and looked for a relatively straight road on it--

Pavlov suddenly slapped his bald head: "Wait a minute, I remember that the intelligence mentioned that the Prosons helped build a high-standard highway between the capital of Balas City and the king's summer resort!"

The chief of staff walked quickly to the map and quickly found this section of the road: "Look, here! There is a section that is straight!"

Wang Zhong: "Send troops immediately-Fuck, our expeditionary force does not have half-track vehicles for infantry combat and motorcycles for reconnaissance!"

Pavlov: "There are captured ones! Many motorcycles were seized, especially at the river valley bridge. Many motorcycles with punctured tires were seized. We repaired some of them."

"Okay, organize a motorcycle team immediately to bypass the city. Regardless of whether you encounter the fleeing emperor or not, control this section of the road first. "Wang Zhong waved his hand, "Quick!"


At the same time, in the city of Barras, flamethrower tanks drove to the front line.

The difference between flamethrower tanks and individual flamethrowers is very obvious. After all, the weight and output of the launch device are very different, and the firepower sustainability is completely different.

A long dragon of fire directly crossed the entire street, igniting everything on the road. Those drug-taking Barras soldiers suddenly changed from "skeleton soldiers" to "flame skeleton soldiers".

The stimulants could not make them resist the nerve twitching caused by the burning of the flames. The severe pain also penetrated the shielding of the stimulants, making these "undead warriors" howl.

As a result, the whole scene became even more terrifying: a pile of burning skeletons wailed while dancing.

The commander of the 22501 vortex looked at this scene, silently drew an Eastern Saint Church symbol in front of him, and murmured: "This is simply a scene of hell. Saint Andrew, please give me courage and firm belief to fight this terrifying scene. "

Other members of the vortex heard the tank commander's low moan, and also drew symbols in front of them and chanted in a low voice.

Although the scene created was very terrifying, the flamethrower tank did have an incomparable advantage in slaughtering such a group of enemies. No enemy was spared wherever the flames passed.

Some enemies still had some consciousness and knew to jump into the water to put out the fire, so soon all the crystals on the street were blocked, and the sewer entrance was also blocked.

Some people rushed into the house in panic, and then the houses were on fire.

Civilians who rushed out of the room to escape the fire were found by the drug-addicted soldiers who were already bloodthirsty and were caught and slaughtered.

The scene of Avici Hell spread in the city.

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