Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 481 The End of King Baras

On the outskirts of Baras City, in a dilapidated church, the base of the altar suddenly and slowly moved away, revealing a narrow secret passage.

The first thing that came out was the muzzle of an MP40 submachine gun, and then a Prosin man wearing an airborne Jaeger uniform got out of the secret passage and immediately occupied the position behind the stone bench of the church, putting on alert.

Then a few more hunters came out and occupied the most defensive position next to the exit.

Then Schmidt, the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Prosen, came out of the tunnel, patted the dust on the big cap, and put it on his head solemnly.

King Tutka stuck his head out from behind Schmidt's butt and tried to crawl out of the tunnel, but was stuck in the tunnel because he was too fat.

He tried several times but was still stuck unable to move.

"This exit is too small. Why not make it as wide as the secret passage? No, the secret passage is also very narrow! Aren't you Prosons famous for your rigor? Why didn't you consider that the ruler would be generous and fat? "Howled King Tutka.

Schmidt shook his head: "Pull him out! Push him hard from behind! Quick!"

So the two airborne chasseurs who were originally on alert put away their weapons and rushed over, grabbed the king's hands and clothes, and pulled hard - but the king didn't move at all.

Schmidt: "We need to work hard together, I'll call the number, one, two - get up!"

The strong airborne hunters used all their strength to finally pull the king out.

The two contributing airborne Jaegers lost their balance and fell to the ground together with the king.

The airborne chasseurs who were blocked by the king came out of the tunnel one by one, frowning and looking at King Tutka who fell to the ground and was still breathing.

Schmidt asked in confusion: "Why do you have such expressions?"

One of the airborne hunters replied: "We pushed him from behind, and he farted. The fart was really smelly like never before. I suspect that there was only some carrion left in his digestive system. Look, the one on my collar The edelweiss is wilting! It’s so smokey!”

Schmidt looked at the edelweiss and found that the white petals were indeed not particularly energetic, but he didn't know whether they were smoked by farts or simply picked for too long.

"Okay, forget about this and pull His Majesty up. We still have a long way to go. The Lufthansa plane should have landed, but we still have to walk a hundred kilometers of mountain roads to get to the straight section that can be used as an airstrip. of highway.

"The good news is that this section of the road is all high-standard roads built by us at Prosen. The 100 kilometers will be completed quickly."

After speaking, Schmidt looked at the captain of the Airborne Chassis: "There should be a hidden truck nearby. He is disguised as a pumpkin truck. Go and get the truck out!"

King Tutka: "Pumpkin! I love eating pumpkins!"

"This is what your manor grew specifically for you. We have spent a lot of effort to grow pumpkins in the climate of Baras!" Schmidt said proudly, "Prosen's science and technology are trustworthy!"

King Tutka nodded repeatedly: "Trustworthy, trustworthy! Then shall we eat pumpkins now?"

"No. We're going to escape in this pumpkin truck."

At this moment, the captain who was going to drive rushed into the church: "The Anters are coming! At the foot of the mountain, they will be there soon!"

Schmidt was shocked: "Why did they appear here? This shouldn't be the case! Quick, rely on the church's outer wall to defend, and be sure to stop them in front of the church!"

After speaking, he grabbed King Tutka's arm and said, "Come with me."

Then he couldn't help but dragged the king and walked out.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" the king shouted, "my hand! My hand is about to be torn off by you! I will fall! Slow down!"

Schmidt didn't pay attention to the king's wailing, and dragged the king out of the church and came to the truck.

At this time, the airborne chasseurs guarding the low wall outside the church opened fire, shooting down the mountain with submachine guns.

An apparently captured Prosen three-wheel motorcycle was shot. The front of the motorcycle tilted and hit a stone on the roadside. The driver fell off the motorcycle, but the machine gunner in the motorcycle fought back with a machine gun.

The airborne chasseurs, who only had submachine guns, were immediately suppressed.

Machine gun bullets continued to fly past Schmidt's head and hit the back panel of the truck compartment one after another.

Schmidt pulled open the back panel, and the bullet hit the pumpkin inside the car, and the juice from the explosion splashed onto his face.

"Get up!"

When King Tutka saw the height of the truck, he immediately cried and said: "Do you think I can get on to such a high truck bed? I can't climb up even if I have a person on my back."

Schmidt immediately called to the airborne Jaeger who was trying to fight back: "Come here! Throw him into the car!"

"No, throwing is too much, right?"

However, regardless of the number of space hunters, they came directly to grab King Tutka and threw him into the car.

The king screamed and landed among the pumpkins. Fortunately, his fat body softened the impact.

"Schmidt! I want to complain to His Majesty Emperor Prossen! Just wait!"

Schmidt himself jumped on the truck and shouted to the Chasseurs outside: "Release the smoke to cover our exit and stop the Ants from pursuing us!"

"Yes!" The airborne chasseur didn't seem to care at all that he was about to be trapped here and would either die in battle or be captured. Instead, he saluted and carried out the order.

Smoke bombs were thrown out, and white smoke quickly blocked the road in front of the church.

Schmidt closed the tailgate and shouted into the cab: "Let's go! Quick! Let the Anters catch up and we'll be finished!"

The pumpkin truck started up immediately, rushed out of the church yard under the cover of smoke, and sped along the road.

Just after the truck drove out two hundred meters, a three-wheeled motorcycle rushed through the smoke and chased the truck.

Then the second one, and then a jeep that was obviously not of the Proshen style - the Willys Jeep of the United States!

The three cars chased the truck at lightning speed.

Schmidt turned his head and urged: "Drive faster! Faster!"

The Proshen soldier in the cab shouted: "The accelerator is stepped on the bottom! It can't go any faster! This is a truck! Not a racing car, Your Excellency the Ambassador Plenipotentiary!"

Schmidt cursed, pulled out the Luger pistol and fired a shot at the back.

As a result, the machine gunner in the motorcycle compartment immediately fired back with a machine gun, da da da.

That is, the motorcycle was very bumpy and the machine gun could not shoot accurately, otherwise King Tutka and Ambassador Schmidt would have died for their country.

Schmidt was about to continue firing back—yes, firing back at the machine gun with a small pistol, but he was almost tripped by a pumpkin.

He suddenly had an idea: "These are the pumpkins used for camouflage! Throw them away quickly! Otherwise we can't drive fast!"

Then Schmidt picked up a pumpkin and threw it backwards.

The pumpkin smashed directly on the road, and the juice inside spilled all over the ground.

The three-wheeled motorcycle skidded immediately after driving up, and the whole car twisted wildly like a drunk Ant.

But the Ant driver actually stabilized!

"Try this!" Schmidt threw another pumpkin.

This pumpkin did not smash, and it ran all the way along the road, rushing towards the motorcycle like a tire.

The Ant driver was swaying, and when he saw the pumpkin flying towards him, he directly swung the front of the car.

The motorcycle turned to the side with a sizzle and rushed out of the road and disappeared.

Schmidt laughed and continued to throw pumpkins!

In order to avoid the pumpkin, the second motorcycle directly hit the road sign on the side of the road, and the connection between the motorcycle and the truck bed was cut off by the road sign.

The motorcyclist was quick and stepped his foot into the truck bed, using his hips as the connection between the motorcycle and the truck bed.

Schmidt was stunned: "Can you Ant people respect the laws of physics?"

King Tutka stuffed a pumpkin into Schmidt's hand: "Hurry up, keep throwing!"

Schmidt threw his hand and the pumpkin flew out.

As a result, the last car was a Willys Jeep. The pumpkin smashed on the front of the jeep, but the jeep was fine!

Yes, the Willys Jeep is so durable!

The Ant people in the car lowered their heads and lowered the windshield, as if this would reduce the resistance of the jeep.

Schmidt continued to throw pumpkins crazily, but the jeep was still fine after eating more than a dozen pumpkins!

Schmidt also got angry and kicked the tailgate open, pushing all the pumpkins down.

As a result, the jeep safely passed the yellow area created by the pumpkin.

Schmidt reached back and grabbed a new pumpkin - this pumpkin might be rotten and a little soft.

Tutka: "Don't! This is my head!"

In a flash, the motorcycle that rushed out of the road at the beginning rushed out from the side, flew high with the help of the stones on the roadside, and the front wheel of the car directly hit the pumpkin car.

Ant on the motorcycle pounced and threw Schmidt off the truck, and the two rolled on the ground.

At the end of the roll, Ant stood up first and punched Schmidt.

"General Rokossov asked me to say hello to you!"

At the same time, the motorcycle connected by the driver's hips also went around to the front and stopped the truck.

The jeep painted yellow by pumpkin juice also stopped behind the truck.

King Tutka's escape ended just like that.

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