Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 486: Flight to the United States (Update 1581)

Chapter 486 The voyage to the United States (update 15/81)

Afterwards, Wang Zhong stayed in Barras for a few days, mainly to deal with some "diplomatic affairs" that required his intervention.

After all, the supreme commander of the United Kingdom is General Auchinleck, and Ante must also send a general.

After all these red tapes were over, Wang Zhong first took a plane back to St. Catherine Castle.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the main building of the Rokosov Manor, he heard a powerful howl coming from the second floor.

In fact, Wang Zhong was annoyed by children crying. When he was in junior high school, his fourth uncle deceived him and said, "Come take your brother for a summer vacation, and I'll give you two thousand yuan."

So he went and regretted it.

In the end, I made money, but my family took it away without covering my hands. The reason was, "I'll save it for you and give it to you when you're in college."

So during that summer vacation, Wang Zhong remembered the child's never-ending crying and his ever-changing personality.

Now, when he heard his son's howling, he frowned, and the unpleasant memory was evoked again.

But the wailing soon ended.

Wang Zhong then handed his military cap and coat to the housekeeper and quietly went upstairs.

He saw the baby sleeping soundly in Lyudmila's arms.

Lyudmila heard the footsteps, turned to look at the door, and immediately laughed: "You came back earlier than the time notified."

Wang Zhong: "My heart returns like an arrow."

Lyudmila: "I thought you would go to the headquarters first to understand the current situation on the battlefield. After all, it looks very bad, and there are some bad rumors in Ye Castle."

Wang Zhong: "I fought in Yeisk, and I know what the situation is like in South Ant. The large area occupied by the Prosens is all wasteland and has no value. But they still have to put troops on guard in the vast wasteland and conduct mobile operations. .

"And we can concentrate our forces along the Valdaichu River and use the developed shipping system to maintain logistics. Although we seem to be at a great disadvantage, we are actually already at an advantage. Prosen's attack will soon be stopped - It may be in a city on the Valdaichu River, I guess the most likely place is here... Where is my map?”

Wang Zhong was talking enthusiastically when he realized that there was no map in the nursery.

Lyudmila: "If you are so eager for your son to receive military education, I can ask the maid to hang up the military map and update it every day according to the battle report."

Wang Zhong raised his eyebrows: "No, there is no need to be so extreme. Let him grow up more freely. After all, the war will be over by the time he remembers."

Then the Iron Curtain fell and the Cold War began. No, there's no need to worry about that just yet.

Wang Zhong sat down in front of the bed and gently poked the baby's cheek with his hand: "The baby is so cute."

Lyudmila yawned: "It's not cute when he cries at night. It's been a long time since I had a good night's sleep."

Wang Zhong: "You can leave it to the wet nurse..."

"No," Lyudmila shook her head, "I will rest in the future. When I return to the front line with you, the wet nurse will have more opportunities to take care of him. Now it's up to me to take care of him."

Wang Zhong: "Wait a minute, do you want to return to the front line?"

"Of course, now there are fewer praying hands that can guide the divine arrows. I have to return to the front line. This is my responsibility." Lyudmila looked at Wang Zhong seriously, "Your front army headquarters will need divine arrows for air defense. , leave it to me, and the other prayer hands can go elsewhere to protect more key targets.”

Wang Zhong: "The Prossen Air Force has lost a lot of air supremacy. When the Allied forces start strategic bombing - which has actually started now, but mainly the Royal Air Force. When the Allied Air Force joins the large-scale strategic bombing, the Prossen Air Force will The dispatch intensity on the eastern front will be greatly reduced.”

Because a considerable number of fighter wings will be mobilized back to the mainland for homeland air defense operations. The survival rate of a Stuka without fighter cover will be greatly reduced.

As the survival rate decreases, the intensity of air strikes will naturally gradually decrease.

Lyudmila looked at Wang Zhong: "You know everything, even the future."

Her expression was proud.

She just lowered her head and whispered to the sleeping child: "Look, dad is so powerful, he has to worry about the whole Ant."

Wang Zhong: "Can babies understand this?"

"Don't worry about raising babies."

Lyudmila changed the subject: "Then you won't leave when you come back this time? Or is it that the direction of the Valdaichu River requires you to go there now?"

Wang Zhong: "I am going on a business trip to the United States. His Majesty Belinsky has personally designated me. He hopes that I can ask for more assistance."

"That's right." Lyudmila thought for a while and said, "I did hear the ladies here who came to chat with me say that General Turgenev gathered a large number of outstanding war heroes and said he was going to What kind of bonds does the United States sell?”

Wang Zhong: "War bonds, the United States must use this method to raise war funds before they can fight the war. I should be the leader of these people. After arriving in the United States, I will continue to give speeches from a distance to win support. If possible, I really don't want to Go, I would rather go to the battlefield and quarrel with Proson."

"Lie." Lyudmila said softly, "You know the importance of this matter better than anyone else."

Wang Zhong smiled, raised his hand and gently stroked Lyudmila's cheek: "My wife still understands me. Yes, I have to go. This time in Balas, I deeply understood that we need more assistance, we need trucks from the United States, we need Greyhound armored vehicles, and we need teapot self-propelled mortars.

"The United Kingdom's cloth wheel machine gun vehicle is also very good, and there are Daimler armored vehicles. Of course, there are Sherman tanks, and Melania's troops have a high opinion of Sherman tanks.

"There are also high-performance machine tools, so that we can produce better tanks to deal with the new Proson tanks that will appear on the battlefield. Our vortex won by taking a different approach, but this will inevitably force the Proson people to study tanks and armored vehicles with better performance.

"Liu Xia, my dear, I have to go to the United States this time."

Lyudmila laughed even more happily: "I just said you were going, I know you. So, do what you should do and save the world. "

Wang Zhong stared at Lyudmila for a few seconds and said, "Please don't chase me away. I still have time to sleep at home for a night."

Lyudmila smiled again.

At this time, the old maid who was busy beside said, "In the time since the master came back, the lady has laughed more times than in the previous month. Master, it would be great if you could stay at home for a while longer."

Wang Zhong: "Master?"

"Yes, now this manor belongs to Duke Charon, and your brother has transferred the ownership of the manor to you."

Wang Zhong: "What about him?"

When he was in Barras, Wang Zhong was concerned about the changes on the domestic front all day long, but he didn't pay attention to his brother's personnel transfer.

The main reason was that he couldn't think of where the chubby brother could go.

Lyudmila answered on behalf of the maid: "My brother applied for transfer to the St. Andrew Front himself, as if to say that he wanted to play a greater role."

Wang Zhong: "Will he also be in charge of logistics when he goes to the front?"

"Yes. "Lyudmila nodded, "He was awarded a medal for his outstanding performance in logistics dispatch, which was awarded by General Turgenev himself."

Wang Zhong: "Is that so? That's great."

As soon as the voice fell, the baby woke up for some reason and started crying immediately.

Wang Zhong immediately stood there at a loss as if he had been bewitched.

He wanted to pick up his son, but he didn't know how to start, so he could only keep rubbing his hands on his military uniform.

Lyudmila picked up her son and put him in Wang Zhong's hands, teaching him how to hold him, while teaching him and scolding him: "You clearly taught you how to hold your son before you set out, why did you forget it now?"

Wang Zhong: "Because... you don't know, I was almost beaten to death by Balas's falconer, and it must be because of this that I forgot how to hold my son."

"There are still sequelae after escaping death?" Lyudmila teased, "That's really strange, is everyone who escapes death not good at taking care of children? ”

It’s possible. Trump doesn’t look like he can take care of children.

In short, Wang Zhong spent his rare holiday with his wife and son.

Olga was very sensible and didn’t come to disturb the couple.


On September 15, Wang Zhong stood in front of the C47 transport plane.

He looked back at Emilia who was getting into the Spitfire’s clipped wing cockpit. This trip would be accompanied by the Royal Air Force squadron led by Emilia.

Wang Zhong retracted his gaze and looked at Lyudmila: "Then, I’m off."

Lyudmila stepped forward to tidy up his uniform and rank, then patted his arm: "Okay! Get the aid back! More!"

Wang Zhong: "I already knew it. You see!"

Lyudmila: "Well, bye."

"Bye. "Wang Zhong finished speaking, turned around and walked towards the boarding stairs.

Suddenly, he heard his son crying.

He stopped, looked back, and found that the little guy stretched out his hands in his direction, crying very loudly.

Wang Zhong smiled, turned around and strode onto the plane.

In the cabin, Yakov was flipping through the dictionary.

Wang Zhong: "What are you doing?"

"I learned the pronunciation of the United Kingdom, and now I am familiar with the pronunciation of the United States." Yakov shook his head, "I hope these dozens of hours on the plane will be enough."

Wang Zhong: "In fact, they can understand the pronunciation of the United Kingdom."

"No, I think since I am a translator, I should do my best. If the other side dislikes my incorrect pronunciation and does not provide assistance, then I have made a mistake." Yakov raised his head and looked at Wang Zhong seriously, "Many of our soldiers will die because of my mistakes."

Although Wang Zhong did not think that the United States would not provide assistance because of the translator's accent, he had no reason to extinguish Yakov's enthusiasm, so he encouraged: "Okay, you are doing the right thing, keep going. "

After saying that, Wang Zhong turned his head and looked at the other people on the same plane.

Just as Lyudmila said yesterday, the plane was full of young faces with medals on their chests. This was the most elite delegation that Ant had brought out.

Everyone's expression was very serious, as if they were about to go to the battlefield.

The flight attendant closed the cabin door and the plane began to taxi slowly.

The journey to the United States began.

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