Arc of Gunfire

Chapter 487: Grassland Antlers in the United States

When the long flight was almost over, Wang Zhong saw what Yakov was writing and stretched his head to read it.

Yakov immediately replied: "I am writing a diary. Maybe one day I can publish the diary into a book to earn some money."

Wang Zhong: "Have you started to think about how to live in the future?"

Yakov smiled, a little shyly, like a big boy: "I didn't before, after all, the situation of the war is so complicated, but after staying with you for a long time, my confidence in the victory of this war has become more and more firm, and I have to plan my future life.

"Of course, publishing this diary is the last resort. Before that, I will try to make a living with my own hands."

Wang Zhong: "No, I don't mind writing more books about me. You can even be a writer who writes biographies for me. How was I in the first year of the war, how was I in the second year, what decisions I made during which battle, which days were the most difficult, you can just write one book after another, and have enough food and clothing!"

Yakov laughed even happier after hearing this: "I can hear that you are making fun of me. How could there be such a writer! "

There are indeed such writers on Earth, for example, some people live a comfortable life by remembering their brother who was kicked out by them.

Wang Zhong did not reveal the secret of another time and space, but pointed to the date in Yakov's diary and said, "The date is wrong."

"Eh? Isn't that right? I remember we took off on the 15th!" Yakov looked puzzled.

Wang Zhong gestured with his hands: "We flew from west to east over the International Date Line, so we have to reduce the time by one day."

"Oh!" Yakov suddenly realized, "So that's it! I forgot!"

Wang Zhong: "Have you ever read a novel about a man who made a bet with his friends to travel around the world within a specified time, but ended up exceeding the time limit by one day. Just when he thought he had lost the bet and was about to pay, his friend congratulated him on winning the bet. "

When he said that, Wang Zhong did not use the name of the book. After all, it was unknown whether Jules Verne existed in this era, nor whether his famous work "Around the World in Eighty Days" existed. Even if there was such a book, it was unknown whether it would take 80 days to travel around the world.

Yakov shook his head: "I haven't read it. It sounds like a very exciting novel... What kind of novel is this?"

Wang Zhong: "Science fiction, also called surprise novel in the United States, mainly published in a magazine called Amazing Stories."

"Okay, I will definitely find it when I have time." Yakov nodded repeatedly.

Wang Zhong thought that he would not really look for it, what if he didn't find it?

At this time, Yakov was modifying the date of the diary and said: "When I was a child, I was studying very hard in order to be admitted to the military academy, and I didn't have much time to read these books. And... I can only rely on the library to read books, and there are no such books in it.

"Later, the church opened a reading room in my neighborhood, where you can go in and read newspapers, magazines and books selected by the church for free, so I often go there to report."

Wang Zhong asked curiously: "Have you ever met a girl who likes reading in the reading room or library? She often reads by the window, and the wind blowing through the white curtains of the library often blocks the girl's face."

In fact, Wang Zhong was talking about the plot in the classic love movie "Love Letter", but Yakov misunderstood: "Is this the past of you and your wife? It's so beautiful."

Wang Zhong: "Uh, yes, that's it!"

Yakov looked longing: "It's great, my wife and I don't have such a romantic scene... No, there is, but it's not as poetic as you describe."

Wang Zhong could only smile awkwardly. At this point, he couldn't say that this was actually a movie scene.

At this time, Wang Zhong felt that the shaking of the plane increased significantly, and he knew that this was because the plane slowed down and approached the ground.

He has experienced landings like this many times in various flight simulation games.

He stopped peeking at Yakov's diary, leaned against the porthole and looked out. Sure enough, he saw C47 opened the flaps of the aircraft and entered the landing state.

The plane swayed gently in the wind.

The wind poured in from the open landing gear door, making Wang Zhong's hair sway wildly.

Along with the slight shaking, Wang Zhong heard the sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground, and the fuselage also trembled regularly.

Wang Zhong kept looking out the window and looked outside.

The welcoming staff of the United States was already in place, and the leading army general looked a little familiar.

These sunglasses, this pipe! It's your five-star critic MacArthur! No, Wang Zhong looked at the name, in this time and space, he is not called MacArthur, but Hawthorne.

Well, there are a lot of literary masters among the senior army generals on Ant's side. Is the United States set up in the same way? Where is Hemingway? Where is Jack London? And Mark Twain, where are all these masters hidden?

Wang Zhong complained in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface.

At this time, the plane slowed down all the way and finally stopped among the welcoming crowd.

The military band gathered behind the welcoming team immediately began to play, which turned out to be "Farewell to the Ante Women".

Wang Zhong stood up, picked up his hat and put it on his head, and adjusted it carefully.

The flight attendant also opened the cabin door at this time, and a stronger wind poured into the plane, blowing the medals on Wang Zhong's chest.

These medals were new medals specially awarded by the Ante Command before departure. It may be that they felt that the old medals Wang Zhong had been carrying on the battlefield for a long time were not shiny enough.

Everyone looked at Wang Zhong, waiting for him to get out of the plane first.

The moment Wang Zhong stepped out of the cabin door, the first salute was fired.

Wang Zhong just stepped off the plane to the sound of the gun salute and came to General Hawthorne, Mike, who was wearing big sunglasses and holding a pipe.

Neither of them saluted first.

Wang Zhong suddenly understood that this guy was here to show off. Thinking about it carefully, it was not surprising at all to do this given his character.

Since you are in the limelight, how can you salute Wang Zhong first? Wang Zhong is a general, he is also a general, and everyone has the same number of stars.

After a stalemate for a while, Wang Zhongxin thought of a compromise, so he stretched out his hand: "Hello, General Hawthorne."

The other party stepped down and held Wang Zhong's hand: "Hello, General Rokossov. Welcome to the United States."

What he spoke turned out to be fairly standard Antese.

After saying this, the man maintained the handshake gesture and skillfully turned around to face the reporters holding cameras.

Wang Zhong finally suppressed his desire to complain and turned around to smile at the reporters.

Then the flashes flashed wildly. There were so many flashes at such a close distance that Wang Zhong almost fainted. When the reporter finished taking the photo, his eyes were full of bright spots. When he closed his eyes for a moment, the bright spots were unusually obvious, and they were all green. of.

After the photographers dispersed, Wang Zhong said to General Mai-Hawthorne: "I have admired my name for a long time. When you evacuated Borneo, you said 'I will definitely come back', which made me feel the same." When I left my hometown, I brought a tin box of the black soil of my hometown to inspire me to go back.”

When Wang Zhongti evacuated Borneo, he actually wanted to create a strange situation. Unexpectedly, Admiral Hawthorne burst out laughing: "Yes! Then I hope we all fulfill our promise as soon as possible!"

Hey, is this how it unfolds? I'm so angry at you for abandoning your troops and running away!

However, Wang Zhong thought about it. When he left Khazalia, although he brought out all the troops under his command in an organized manner, he left behind a good friend and father. It seemed that there was nothing to laugh at the five-star critics of the United States. position.

At this time, General Hawthorne took the initiative to let go of his hand and saluted Wang Zhong: "Salute to your glorious victory in turning the tide last year!"

Well, as expected, Admiral Hawthorne recognized that Wang Zhong was complimenting him just now, so he also responded with a proactive salute.

Others are quite nice.

Wang Zhong returned the gift.

Admiral Hawthorne then began to introduce the people who came to greet him.

The speakers of the House and Senate, the whips of both parties, and a large number of congressmen, governors, etc. all came.

After the introduction, General Hawthorne approached Wang Zhong and whispered: "These people are here to familiarize themselves. The elections are suspended during the war, but normalcy will return after the war, and everyone is gathering strength."

Wang Zhongxin wonders if you are the same. If you don't mess with the pandas, you might really become the president.

He didn't bother to remind the general, so he pretended not to understand the many ways the United States played and asked: "What is accumulating strength? What are you talking about?"

General Hawthorne laughed loudly. When he laughed, Wang Zhong felt that his eyes behind his sunglasses were looking at the photographer next to him.

After the spotlight flashed, General Huo Sang distanced himself from Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong: "When can I meet the President of the United States?"

"Mr. President is hosting a banquet for the delegation tonight, and you will definitely be able to see him then. But it's still noon, and there's another thing - according to our arrangement, you have an airport speech, and the reporters from the evening paper are waiting to pick it up. What’s the headline tonight?”

After speaking, Admiral Hawthorne waved his hand again.

At this time, he heard Yakov whisper in Ant language: "It's really different from Ant, there is a sense of exaggeration everywhere."

Wang Zhongxin wanted to welcome him to the stronghold of communism.

He asked General Hawthorne: "Then I will give a speech now?"

"No, no, no, you should inspect the honor guard of the three services first." General Hawthorne made a gesture of invitation.

Wang Zhong looked along his hand and saw the honor guard lined up, the long red carpet, and the podium at the end of the red carpet.

So he said, "Let's get started."


Thirty minutes later, Wang Zhong and General Hawthorne got into a jeep together. When the jeep started, General Hawthorne said: "The current newspapers are very pessimistic about the Ant battlefield. I am not sure what you just said in your speech. How many of the views mentioned about luring the enemy in depth will be accepted?

"But it doesn't matter, we are like this in the United States. Whether the views are correct or not is not important, the emotion is the most important. You don't know Onsa, which is a very big disadvantage, but don't worry, I will give you the following fundraising speech You translate, I am a master at mobilizing emotions.”

Wang Zhongxin thinks that your sunglasses and big pipe are perfect for stimulating emotions.

Admiral Hawthorne continued: "By the way, you look very good. When I saw your photos on the front page, I felt that you were born to be a publicity ambassador. After seeing you, I am even more sure. I will arrange Some gossip tabloids come to interview you, and their reports may be more effective than the front pages of major newspapers!”

Admiral Hawthorne paused and asked, "By the way, do you have an eagle?"

Wang Zhong was shocked: "What?"

"Eagle! Doesn't the lyrics say 'She sings of the eagle of the prairie'? You should have an eagle."

No, I didn't. I was almost killed by a falconer in Barras.

Admiral Hawthorne ignored Wang Zhong's thoughts and said to himself: "I'll think of a solution. What do you think of the bald eagle?"

Wang Zhong: "My hometown is a grassland, and only the edge is next to the White Sea, with bald eagles... inappropriate, right?"

Hawthorne: "That should be..."

Wang Zhong: "A flying falcon, or other animals from the Falcon family."

“That’s it!” Admiral Hawthorne snapped his fingers.

And just like that, Wang Zhong’s wonderful journey in the United States began.

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