Arcane Lord

Chapter 3286 News confirmed The calm before the storm

Doom's office.

Shado was idly swinging the decorations on the table. After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Doom rushed in from outside with a gust of wind.

"Advisor Shado, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

"It's okay. I came too suddenly. Do you have any accurate information about the situation in Yeerlan that I just mentioned?"

"I just confirmed with Yeerlan that they did have some actions, but it has nothing to do with the Great Purge. Advisor Shado is also involved in this matter. I'll be frank. The Illuminati captives handed over to the Alliance a few days ago provided a lot of information, but I had other important matters this time and did not participate in the interrogation. It was mainly Brad and Maglor who were in charge."

"I understand. Those controlled families are all related to the Illuminati, right?"

"Most of them should be like this, but I can't guarantee whether Yeerlan will take advantage of the issue. After all, having been dealing with elves for so long, Advisor Shado should also understand the virtues of those upper-level elves."

At the moment There were no outsiders in the office. Doom had rarely hacked the elves, but Shado didn't care about it. Instead, he continued to ask: "Does Yeerlan have any further news about the Illuminati? I'm worried that their big move might provoke a strong reaction from the Illuminati. If the Alliance can't deal with it, it would be a joke." "Please relax, Consultant Shado. The Alliance Monitoring Center is on duty 24 hours a day. As long as the Illuminati starts the time-related ceremony, we can respond immediately. If the Illuminati gives up the time-related ceremony, they will lose their biggest threat." Doom's words were full of confidence, but Shado was most worried about this. He always felt that the Illuminati still had a trump card, such as delaying or weakening the time-related signal, so that the Alliance could not find it in time. If that were the case, even he might not be able to clean up the Alliance in time. Xia Duo told Dumu about his worries, but Dumu laughed out loud. "Advisor Xia Duo, how long have you not been to the Time Magic Research Laboratory? We have already reported your concerns to the Time Magic Research Laboratory, and they have also done a lot of research on these issues to improve the timely and accurate feedback of the Alliance Monitoring Center on time signals.

"According to the Time Research Laboratory, it is impossible to completely eliminate time signals. If the Illuminati can really do it, they would not have waited until now to complete their ritual spell.

"As for weakening the signal, with the continuous improvement of the monitoring sensitivity of time signals, any human changes to the timeline will hardly be missed. The Time Research Laboratory is even developing new spells and new solutions that can filter out misjudged signals.

"Only in terms of signal delay, the Time Research Laboratory has not achieved much results yet, but it can be confirmed that the Illuminati will definitely not be able to completely delay the signal of the complete ceremony until the end of the ceremony before being discovered, just like a person cannot grab his hair and lift himself up, which violates the basic principles of magic.

"That is to say, even if we find the delayed signal, we still have time to stop the Illuminati. For this purpose, the Alliance has specially established a real-time updated rapid response list to ensure that sufficient forces can be mobilized to organize the Illuminati at any time. Consultant Xia Duo should know this better than me!"

Xia Duo also knows a little about the rapid response list that Dum mentioned, but all he knows is the access method of a specific Lingsi network, so that he can access it at any time in case of an accident and play a more efficient role in information coordination and even command.

He really didn't know about the specific rapid response list, not to mention that Dum also mentioned that the list was updated in real time, which made it even more difficult for him to know.

As for the progress of the Time Magic Research Laboratory, due to belonging to different departments, he was not even as well-informed about the research progress there as Dum in front of him outside of special periods.

However, he did not put down his worries. What Dum said was not enough to completely convince him, but it also helped him rule out some possible options. He felt that the Illuminati had mastered the means to delay the time signal.

And he himself knew that when the time-related ritual reached a certain stage, it could no longer be stopped by conventional external forces. It was not that it was completely impossible to stop it, but that it was impossible to safely and without any consequences to remove the ritual and its subsequent effects.

If it really reached that stage, the result of forcible prevention would be a time-space fog similar to that of Yeerlan and Sluvend, which had no good way to repair it until now.

If the ritual took place in the wilderness, it would not matter. I was just afraid that the Illuminati would choose the city for the ritual, and then the stopper might face a moral dilemma -

Should I sacrifice the vast majority of people in the city to stop the ritual, or let the ritual proceed, and then bet that the ritual would not kill everyone. If I win, everything will be fine, but if I lose, I will lose everything.

Such a choice is not easy for even the elves of the current era. Perhaps the Lord of Nether can make the choice without any burden, but the premise is that it is someone else's city, not his own.

In other words, even if what Doom said was true, the Illuminati did not need to completely delay the time-related signal until the end of the ritual. It was enough to just get stuck after a key point.

In this situation, the alliance may not have enough time to react, and even if it reacts it may not dare to make a decision, and finally even if it makes a decision it may not succeed.

The progress of the time-related ritual is not a linear progress bar. The further you go, the more likely it is to have a bad impact even if it is stopped.

Therefore, the best solution is to stop it before the critical node that can be safely and without any consequences.

Just like when doctors treat patients with cardiac arrest, no one will think about the limit of the treatment time for cardiac arrest. They think that as long as the person does not die, it will be fine. Instead, they will do everything possible to complete the treatment as soon as possible.

Because if it is delayed, even if the person does not die, there will be sequelae.

The situation encountered by the alliance is also the same, but it seems that only Xia Duo is concerned about whether there will be subsequent effects that are difficult to eliminate, while others think that they can definitely stop the Illuminati and feel that they have saved the world again.

In a word, Xia Duo thinks that the alliance can and should do more to discover the abnormal movements of the Illuminati before the alliance monitoring center discovers the time-related signal, and then buy more time to stop the time-related ritual.

At present, Ye Erlan has no scruples in clearing out all the families in the country that are involved with the Illuminati. Perhaps he also feels that no matter how much the Illuminati jumps around, it is impossible to destroy the entire world.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the Illuminati is indeed unable to destroy the world. The ritual they envisioned will never succeed, but does no one care about the damage to the main plane?

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