Arcane Lord

Chapter 3287: War but also development

Xia Duo certainly knew that the northern countries were not really indifferent to the possible harm caused by the Illuminati, but the positions of both sides determined that the northern countries would not put the ordinary people, who made up the majority, in the first place.

Even in the case of a huge disaster, the losses of the superiors are always the smallest, or even none, and they can even profit from it. But for ordinary people, who have no ability to deal with disasters, can they only wait for death?

Or wait for the superiors to find their conscience and show a little concern through their fingers?

Xia Duo could not decide what others thought, but he himself could not accept such a reality. Why should the fate of the ordinary people, who made up the majority, be decided by that small group of superiors?

He did not oppose the existence of elites, but firmly opposed elitism. It was just that in the current era, no matter how many ordinary people there were, they could not resist that small group of superiors who mastered advanced magic power.

Only by popularizing magic to everyone can ordinary people have the opportunity to hurt the superiors. When the "god" also bleeds, then the "god" is no longer a god.

When the superiors are likely to be overthrown by the lower class, then the superiors will at least - at least restrain themselves, and will not be as unscrupulous as in the past. Only at this stage can the illusion be better, otherwise everything is a castle in the air.

For example, the current Great Xia Territory, the order of Great Xia is unprecedentedly good, but isn't all this because of the forced implementation of Xia Duo, the lord who holds absolute violence?

If he suddenly doesn't want to do this one day, suddenly wants to be a dictator, and suddenly wants to treat everyone as hard work, will his subjects be able to resist?

At least now and for quite a long time in the future, it is impossible to resist. Only when his subjects are able to resist, then will the real civilized era come.

Xia Duo never thought that a group of people who only obey orders can create a developed magic civilization, so he will give his subjects freedom, and this is what he hopes to see from the bottom of his heart.

He himself doesn't like to be ruled by power, so he won't rule others by power. At the same time, he will resist power and tyranny, so he will not oppose his subjects to do the same, and he also supports everyone to do so.

Because this is not a certain person's preference, but it will create a better environment so that everyone can benefit from it, and this person may be just an ordinary person or a so-called superior.

Because even if he is in a superior position, he cannot guarantee that he will always be in a superior position. Once he loses power or steps down, he will not be more valuable than ordinary people, and he will also be protected by such an environment.

The only opponents of such an environment and the order that creates such an environment are probably those pure elitists who think they will never lose.

And such people are also the most thorough and least likely enemies of Shado to compromise with.

After returning from Doom, Shado felt deeply about the current situation in the North and felt that the progress of magic popularization could be faster. At present, there are arrangements in Netheril and abroad in Elan and Everiska.

But these are far from enough. The majority of the population outside Netheril is still in the territory of the big country. Of course, it is unrealistic to start directly from the big country, so it has to be the small country to speed up the progress of magic popularization in the small country.

As long as the small country is willing to popularize magic, will the big country dare not follow up?

In Xiaduo's opinion, the current major countries in the north are still in the classical era. Even if they are powerful, they are very limited, not to mention that the small and large elven countries are all inherited from their ancestors, and there is no absolute generation gap in the level of magic.

The difference is nothing more than the size of the casters. The large countries have a large population. In the case of a relatively consistent ratio of casters in the classical era, the number of casters is of course greater, and they have a stronger potential for war.

But once magic becomes popular, preferably the quick-learning Nervous magic, the small countries may be able to pull out a large army of casters that is not as fast as the big countries at once, and then they can compete with resources.

The resources of small countries are not as good as those of big countries, but they are more than enough to barely start a war, not to mention that many small countries can always make up the resources to go to war with big countries when they unite.

Even more, this may be the inevitable choice of small countries after popularizing magic. To further protect themselves and develop further, where do the resources and population come from? Isn't it only possible to plunder from big countries?

However, the great powers at that time may only be huge in size, not strong in strength.

In this case, far-sighted great powers will either choose to suppress the magic popularization process of small countries, or choose to follow up and do this with the size of a great power. Once it is done, the achievement will far exceed that of small countries. (If it cannot be done, it may lead to internal division)

So at present, Evereska has not completely lifted the restrictions on the recruitment of apprentices by the magic society. It may also be under pressure from great powers, not just the obstruction of internal vested interests, or the fear of becoming a vassal of Netheril.

"I guess I can only take the technician route!" Shado sighed in his heart.

Directly imparting magic knowledge is likely to arouse public anger, and even those who may have supported him will stand up to oppose it, but if the technician route is taken, a considerable number of people will benefit from it.

Including workshop owners who get technical updates and cheap magic technicians, officials of various countries who can obtain higher taxes from them, and wizards of various countries who can buy more cheap products.

The only ones who might oppose are the original magic technicians. There is more competition, and the new technicians are trained quickly from ordinary people, so the salary they ask for will be lower than theirs.

It’s just that the magic technicians have too little say, so even if they start a strike and succeed, it will be useless, and the new technicians will quickly replace them.

In this case, if you want to win the support of these old technicians, you may have to constantly open up new markets and provide more employment opportunities so that they can get higher job offers.

At the same time, in order to make the products sold smoothly and make money, new wizards, including technicians, will also get more training. In this way, no one can stop it.

After all, no one will go against interests.

As for the wise prophet predicting the decline of these superiors in the new era in the future, it must be false. It must be the remnants of the Illuminati who are destroying the unity within the alliance.

The various superior families at present control a large number of workshops and the fate of a large number of new wizards. They are growing every moment. How can they decline in the future!

This must be a rumor from the remnants of the Illuminati!

With this in mind, Xia Duo still planned multiple investment and factory construction plans, and this time he would not put the environment first, but would build new factories in as many places as possible.

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