Arcane Lord

Chapter 3288: Chang'an's voyage begins to show signs

Shado was thinking and planning, and was about to send a message to Orips to tell him about the new plan, when Dumu, who had just separated, came to him directly and broke a piece of news that shocked Shado--

"Just now, I received a message that Kalish is missing!"

"What? Hasn't he been in the Cloud Top Tower all the time? Where are the people you arranged to monitor him? Didn't you find anything?" Shado immediately had a bad premonition.

He had clearly asked Dumu to arrange people to keep an eye on Kalish, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't keep an eye on him. Shado also blamed himself. When he intercepted Everiska, he should have taken the opportunity to catch Kalish, but he was so focused on the members of the Illuminati that he ignored Kalish, whose presence has been very low recently.

In response to Shado's questioning, Dum just kept smiling bitterly, "I did arrange people before, and they were there 24 hours a day without interruption, but the weird thing this time is that Kalish disappeared from the room without any signs. I can't arrange people to stay in his room!"

Kalish is not a criminal, nor a suspect. Arranging people to monitor him is already over the line. It's just that Kalish is being watched by both the Alliance and Zhamdas at the same time, so Shado is fearless.

But now Kalish suddenly disappeared, not only he was shocked, I'm afraid the Alliance would also be very angry. After all, the Alliance was still discussing the new artifact plan with Kalish before, and now he suddenly disappeared, which inevitably makes people feel that they are playing a joke.

"That means you don't even know when Kalish disappeared?"

"You can also say that since Kalish entered the room last night, the people in charge of monitoring have never seen him come out again. Until this morning, Kalish did not meet guests as usual, and our people noticed it. After entering the room, they found that Kalish was gone."

Dum now complained to Everiska. If they could provide the access to the maze locks in the Cloudtop Tower, they would not even need to arrange special people to monitor Kalish's every move remotely.

But he also knew that even if Everiska had such ability, it would not be possible to use it publicly, otherwise it would offend all the spellcasters in Everiska.

And it's too late to complain now. The key is how to find Kalish.

"Did you go to Kalish's psychic shop? What's the situation there?" Shado asked again.

"We have sent people there, and they said it is closed, and there are no signs of life inside."

"No, Kalish got permission from Everiska to build a society base in the basement of his psychic shop. Have you checked there?"

"Not yet."

Dum immediately showed an annoyed expression, and said quickly, "I will arrange for someone to check again immediately! I just don't know if Everiska will cooperate."

"Don't worry, they are probably more anxious than you now!"

"I am worried, I'd better go there myself, and I won't bother Consultant Shado."

After saying that, Dum left in a hurry.

In the office, Shado fell into deep thought. There have indeed been a lot of things happening recently. The terrorist attack in Elan, followed by the capture of members of the Illuminati, and then the cleansing of large and small families involved in the Illuminati in Yeerlan.

It stands to reason that these things have nothing to do with Kalish, why did Kalish leave suddenly? This is something that Shado couldn't figure out. If the other party was worried that Evereska would be temporarily controlled by his floating city, why didn't he run away before, but waited until today?

Just now, he did regret not arresting Kalish when he arrested the members of the Illuminati, but that was based on the fact that Kalish disappeared now. If Kalish was still there, how could he think so!

Thinking of this, Shado left the Alliance headquarters and returned to Yunfeng Manor at the foot of Yunding Mountain. In the secret room under the manor, he used the facilities in the secret room to create a stable ether anchor point.

Then he entered the etheric plane and took out the Zamdas envoy Torres who came to see him before from the void warehouse in the etheric plane, and lifted the seal by the way.

After Torres regained consciousness, he soon realized that he was in the etheric plane that psychic mages hated the most. The overly empty environment here made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

However, as a special envoy, he was supposed to meet with the Alliance representatives in the Ether Plane. If it was just the Ether Plane, he could totally tolerate it. But this time he only saw Shado, and he couldn't help but frown:

"Advisor Shado, why are you alone? Where are the Alliance representatives?"

"The Alliance has had some accidents recently, and the Alliance representatives can't come for the time being. I'm looking for you this time to tell you something very important."

"What is it?"

"Kalish is missing. It's not certain how he disappeared, but the fact is that he has completely disappeared from the Alliance's field of vision. I want to ask you, has anything happened in Zhamdas recently?"

"Changes? What changes can there be in Zhamdas? Why didn't the Alliance have an accident?" Torres asked back.

"I think you'd better contact your school and reconfirm the problem I said. It won't do you any harm!" Shado's tone suddenly became much stiffer.

Right now it was Zhamdas that needed help from the North, not the other way around. He certainly wouldn't be too polite to the Zhamdas, lest the other side think he was too easy to talk to and take advantage of the situation.

Sure enough, when Shado's attitude became stern, Torres immediately gave in and said, "I need to contact the school. Can you please send me back to the main plane?"

"Can't you contact here? I don't believe you can't contact Zhamdas here."

Although the psychic mage is very resistant to the ether, it is not completely restrained by the ether. It's just a price. Anyway, Shado doesn't need to bear it, so he certainly doesn't care how big the price is.

What he cares about is that if he goes to the main plane, so many actions will inevitably be noticed by Kalish, and then it will be difficult to deal with.

Torres thought about it and finally took out a focusing magic weapon, but he was still a little hesitant. Seeing the impatient expression on Shado's face, he activated the magic weapon with some pain.

Soon, Torres' expression changed again, and it seemed that he had contacted Zhamdas, so Shado quickly reminded him: "Let me talk to Solinkara!"

"You--" Torres wanted to refuse, but the focusing device in his hand projected a human figure that was constantly twisting in the etheric environment. It looked a bit like Solinkara, whom Shado had met before with the help of the detection spell.

"Is it Lord Solinkara?" Shado asked.

"It's me. The psychic communication across the plane is not stable yet. Please bear with me, Advisor Shado."

"Okay, okay." Shado was basically able to determine the other party's identity. In fact, even if it was not Solinkara himself, it must be a senior member of the Antichrist School. He didn't care who it was.

"I wonder if Torres just told you my question?"

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