Arcane Lord

Chapter 3289 News from Zhamdas

"He said that, but I'm sure that there hasn't been any major incident in Zhamdas. At least, with my current identity, I don't have any news about this."

After that, Solinkara threw the question to Shado, "Is it possible that you got the news and scared Kalish away?"

"Impossible, I had contact with you in the main plane when Torres sneaked into my manor, and then there was no contact again. Could it be Torres? Then Kalish's reaction is too slow!"

When it comes to shifting the blame, Shado is not inferior to anyone, but in this situation, it is completely meaningless to just shift the blame. We still have to face the problem and solve it. So after complaining, Shado temporarily skipped this topic and asked Solinkara:

"Now, what do you think about Kalish's sudden disappearance? Do you know how he did it? Can he be tracked down later?"

In fact, Shado didn't have too many ideas about Kalish. As long as the other party gave up the new artifact plan, he could completely treat the other party as a passerby, but in this situation, it's not possible.

The other party obviously has not given up the new artifact plan, otherwise he would not have run away.

Moreover, the other party still has the key material of the new artifact plan - the remains of the first generation of psychic mentors, and the mental energy accumulated by Zamdas for hundreds of years, which is enough to build a new artifact.

These two necessary conditions for the new artifact plan have always been on Shado's mind as long as they exist, so compared to how to deal with Kalish, he actually hopes to destroy or consume Zamdas's mental energy.

The latter is truly once and for all, at least there is no need to worry about the so-called new artifact plan for hundreds of years, but to get Zamdas's mental energy reserves, it is necessary to confront Zamdas head-on.

This makes it more cost-effective to deal with Kalish.

In fact, there are more than just the remains of the first generation mentor on Kalish, but the brow bone stolen by Kalish is the most powerful, and it is the most ideal carrier for building arcane and psychic fusion artifacts.

This is also the target that Shado wants to destroy or rob.

Of course, the most ideal situation is that Kalish voluntarily abandons the new artifact plan, and then takes the remains of the first generation of psychic mentors to Zhamdas to continue stealing mental energy, and then successfully creates a pure psychic artifact with the brow bone.

In this way, the best materials and mental energy reserves are all used up, and the psychic mage will no longer consider the power pool. Even if he still wants to consider the power pool, it will be hundreds of years later.

As for the astral invasion caused by the psychic mage mentioned by Prytatis, Shado does not have to worry about it for the time being. As long as he is given a few hundred years, there is no need for the psychic forces of the astral world to invade, and he will directly open up the astral world.

For now, we should find out why Kalish disappeared and how to deal with it later. In response to these questions from Shado, Solinkara was silent at first, and then reluctantly said:

"If he disappeared suddenly and you can't find any reason, then I guess he may have left by self-rebirth. If you tell us in advance that he might disappear, we may be able to track his rebirth location."

"Shouldn't such an important measure be maintained 24 hours a day? Or do you not really want to catch Kalish so much?"

"Counselor Shado, you think too simply about tracking Kalish's rebirth. This requires consuming the most precious mental energy reserves of Zhamdas. We can't maintain it for a long time. It's best to start tracking him the moment before killing him, and then lock the place where he reborn until he is caught or killed completely. In order to reduce consumption, we also need to clear the various psychic instruments made by Kalish in advance, so as to reduce the number of times he reborn in other places."

When it comes to the psychic instruments made by Kalish, it's Shado's turn to be silent, because this should be the part that the Alliance is responsible for implementing after the Alliance and Zhamdas reach a cooperation.

After all, most of the psychic magic tools sold by Kalish are in the North, and even Shado himself bought two! We can't let the people of Zhamdas come to the North to mess around!

After thinking about it, Shado asked again: "How many times can Kalish regenerate himself? It's impossible to regenerate infinitely. If that's the case, we might as well just break up."

In fact, he did have such worries, because his parasitic world is almost unlimited, with almost no restrictions. No matter how many times he loses his arms and legs, he can reshape his body from the natural world through the parasitic world.

In this process, he can even restore his energy, which is almost unlimited endurance.

As for the price, he hasn't found out what the price is yet.

What he is most worried about is that Kalish also has similar abilities, which can regenerate infinitely. As long as he is not sealed and there are magic tools made by himself outside, he will never have to worry about overturning. In this case, it is undoubtedly a very risky thing to go against Kalish.

"How many times Kalish can be reborn should be his most closely guarded secret. How can outsiders like us know? But based on my understanding of psychic energy, Kalish's rebirth cannot be without cost. The cost is nothing more than psychic energy or mental energy. As long as the opponent and the opponent's magic weapon can be tracked, it will be useless even if he has more rebirths."

This is the same as saying nothing. Maybe Kalish only has one chance to be reborn now, or maybe he has hundreds or thousands of times. Can these two situations be treated the same?

Shado was silent again, and perhaps Solinkara was worried that Shado would give up, so he quickly added: "Although we cannot determine the number of times Kalish has been reborn for the time being, we are ready to track him at any time. As long as the Northern Alliance cooperates to eliminate the magic tools he made, I believe we can catch him soon."

"That's impossible. The Alliance has been tied up with other things recently, and it is difficult to allocate much power to track down the magic tools sold by Kalish. And doing so may also force Kalish to the Alliance's most difficult enemy at present."

At the same time, Shado also said: "Unless Zhamdas is absolutely sure, otherwise The Alliance is not going to participate in the capture or pursuit of Kalish, even if it is an open wanted order. "

"Then you will do nothing?"

"What do you want us to do? The Alliance is interested in cooperating with Kalish, but I don't want to cooperate with Kalish, but my thoughts are the same as the Alliance. An enemy like Kalish is too dangerous. If I am not sure, I would rather not be his enemy. "

Although the enemy relationship was almost clear when Shado and Kalish met before, Kalish wanted to use the computing power pool to create a new artifact, but Shado was unwilling, and the two sides could not compromise on this point.

But this must not be said to Solinkara, otherwise he might be controlled by the other party.

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