Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1249 The abolition of the Shichibukai system and the joining countries withdrawing from the

As the former emperor of Nine Snakes, Groliosa wanted to overturn the table. Judging from the speed with which Hancock prepared his luggage, this was not a last-minute idea.

Several large suitcases were packed neatly, I am afraid that I had not had this idea for a long time.

That's not right. Hancock had advocated moving many years ago, but he had put it on hold due to practical reasons.

Now it seems that she just didn't act immediately and did something secretly.

"Do you think moving is that easy! We Nine Snakes have settled here for generations. If we want all the people on the island to move away, it will take at least a month to prepare.

The supplies needed for the voyage, the specific route, the place to settle, and the security work along the way.

Even if these problems are solved, the number of ships will not be enough."

Guluoliosa also knows what the situation is now. In the past, Nine Snakes relied on the windless belt and successive emperors to stay in a corner. However, with the breakthrough of naval technology, new warships have a way to pass through the windless zone.

Coupled with the new weapons demonstrated during the Summit War and the Dressrosa incident, Hydra's safety factor has plummeted.

If the World Government really wants to abolish the Shichibukai system, not only will Nine Snakes be no longer safe due to the loss of natural protection, but they will be attacked first.

Now that things have happened, Guluoliosa also admits that moving is a good choice, but how to move is the problem.

"So, mother-in-law, what you object to is not moving, but the way of moving?"

"Yes, Hancock, this matter needs to be considered in the long run. We still have some preparation time before the navy takes action."

"No, you don't need to think about it so much. Sister Olga has already sent a message. They will help us move the entire island. We just need to seize the time to fix the unstable things on the island to prevent those things from falling from the sky. It’s enough to come down.”

It was only then that Hancock gave the information from Olga to Croliosa. The result was no difference, but Croliosa felt like she had been tricked.

"Sheji, have you had this idea for a long time?"

"Mother-in-law, this is the best choice. I am not afraid of those navy, but Amazon Lily needs a new shelter. This place is no longer suitable."

Groliosa quickly browsed the documents handed to her by Hancock. When the word Yun Dao appeared in her eyes, her old body was visibly shaken.

In this sea, the matter of moving islands is not an empty talk.

As the previous emperor, Groliosa was very old and had traveled abroad.

She has seen the power of the flying pirate Golden Lion, and she has also heard the legend of the fate of Oz, but now she is the one who is about to experience the legend.

"Why...are you moving out in a few days while the navy is on duty?"

Groliosa was not dissatisfied with this plan. According to Hancock's attitude of packing him up and sending him away and the style of Olga who came here for vacation every day, there would be no problem for Kuja to move there.

And although it is a tradition that Nine Snakes prohibits men from landing, the reproduction of their children is still carried out through men. There is no such thing as a mother-child river on this island.

Usually, members of the pirate group who go out to rob are more likely to interact with men. According to the document, a new autonomous territory will not affect them.

Groliosa did not doubt that Kaido had this power. Her only question was why Kaido had to wait.

Thinking from Nine Snakes' point of view, the best solution would be to move away immediately when there is no danger, or to use Olga's ability to shield the danger.

"Sister Olga said that their governor did not want to take any fearful measures. Even if he wanted to retreat, he would leave grandly in front of the enemy."

"In other words, we still need to be ready for battle before evacuating."

"Don't panic, mother-in-law, these people seem to have forgotten one thing. The reason why we were recruited by the World Government is because of our strength."

In Amazon Lily, which is blocked by the windless zone, Nine Snakes' people have already taken action, and in the deep sea under 10,000 meters, the situation has also made new developments.

"King Neptune, you must have realized this meeting. The so-called round table meeting and equal communication between kings are a joke."

"Dialogue between countries will always involve a long history, and the root of the antagonism will naturally be more profound. As long as there is no bloodshed, it can be said to be peaceful. It is not good to continue like this.

Attitudes of the Draco People Individual cases like Musgarud cannot change the views of the entire Draco people. "

"So, it's time for us to make changes, King Neptune."

The goal of the World Conference is peace, but if fifty participating countries come together, even if they all want peace, it is impossible to simply reach an agreement on this.

Each country has its own problems. Powerful countries observe each other and let their respective tributary countries fight. Resources and technology are their bargaining chips.

The position of equality is just a show. The gap between rich and poor, religious beliefs, and national strength makes it impossible for them to achieve the so-called equality. Even if they join forces, they will just trample on each other with a smile on their face.

"That's true. Inform all citizens that going to the sea is prohibited during this period. All citizens who are outside should return to Fish-Man Island or New Fish-Man Island as soon as possible. This sea is about to change."

The Dragon Palace Kingdom rarely issues such orders. In the past, it was just a dissuasion. If you don't listen, there is nothing you can do, but this time it is a rare ban.

"Tiger, I'll leave it to you to get to the new fish-man island. Please take care of yourself before moving."

At this time, the most excited person was Morgans.

[King of Alabasta, Neferutari Kobra dies. Princess Nefertari Vivi of Alabasta is missing. 】

[The revolutionary army attacked Marie Joa, who may be the real culprit behind the attack. 】

【His Majesty Shichibukai is abolished! Separate yourself from the evil pirates! 】

[Underground pit, the haze under Mariejoia. 】

This is the headline that Morgans has compiled so far. Wapol remains silent about what happened in the hall, and Morgans can only speculate on what happened based on the photos he obtained.

From the perspective of this photo, Saab's killer label can no longer be washed away.

As for Weiwei, even if he beat Morgans to death, he would not admit that the missing princess was hiding with him. He just likes to report the news, and he has not completely lost his mind.

"President, which headline should be placed on the full page of news?"

"Good question. A deceased person appeared at this meeting. News related to death can be sold at a high price."

"Okay, let's use this as the headline."

"No, wait, death is great, but the result of the meeting is also very eye-catching. Let's design it as two A-sides, with the same structure for the inner and outer pages."

As the newsbirds flew, news about the World Conference spread throughout the sea the next morning.

"Great! The King's Shichibukai has finally been abolished!"

Joining forces with pirates and granting them legal rights of plunder is not a good thing in the eyes of most civilians. Seeing that the World Government has abolished this system, they are not only happy, but also a little lucky.

The matter of Alabasta and Dressrosa was once again stirred up by Morgans. They didn't know if they would be the next enslaved country.

Some people are worried that the disappearance of the Shichibukai, one of the three major forces, will disrupt the balance, but it does not affect the carnival celebrations in the sea, even among the pirates.

"They belong to the world's greatest swordsman and the Pirate Empress. These people are willing to be lackeys of the World Government. It's a good thing now that their master doesn't want them anymore."

In addition to this incident, Kobra's death also attracted the attention of the world.

Green Bull and Fujitora had already left Marigioa and went to other places to deal with some important issues.

As for Marie Joa's security, it was taken over by the CP agency.

Because in this vicious incident, Charros was bombarded by Xiong Yicannon, the Knights of God had already personally investigated and took over the internal defense.

At this time, at the Navy Headquarters, Akainu was listening to the reports from his subordinates.

"Sakaski, we can no longer leave the revolutionary army alone. They have made a big move this time."

"I know, but our military strength is a little tense now. The sea emperors of the New World have begun to move again, and the group of guys who are pushing into the city and running out of the city are not stopping, and the scope of the influence of these countries is too large."

During the World Conference, the Revolutionary Army planned a large-scale revolution around the world. Twelve countries directly responded to the Revolutionary Army's actions after seeing the news. Among them, the revolution in eight countries was successful and was known as Eight-Nation Revolution.

The rebellions in eight countries attracted a large number of naval forces. The problems of the New World restricted the navy's advanced combat capabilities. Moreover, the news of Cobra's death excited the revolutionary armies around the world.

They don't know the meaning of revolution. Most people think that as long as the current bad king is driven away and a good king is replaced, life will become better.

In an era when royal power is deeply rooted, it is impossible to succeed in any cross-era revolution. Neither the original vested interests nor the bottom will agree with that approach.

Forcibly advocating this method will only make yourself the public enemy of the world, and you may encounter some great mage who will directly send you a meteor shower.

To put it more simply, if you take too big a step, you can easily pull your balls.

Therefore, Sabo, who "killed" Kobra, became the target of countless people the day the news was revealed.

"Black Plague Sabo is really a suitable name. This group of revolutionary troops is a crazy disease that is sweeping across the entire royal power."

"Not only that, the World Government is also urging us to deal with the problem of the Shichibukai as soon as possible. All the remaining Seraphs have been sent out, but it seems that we have to take action, Sakaski."

"I know, wait for me to arrange these things first. Then the Navy Headquarters will let those old guys be in charge. Dark Horse, do you have any other news?"

Akainu's eyes moved to a navy man on the sofa, Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and Director of the Naval Criminal Investigation Bureau, Kuroma.

"We are investigating the connection between what happened in Mariejoia, and the underground tunnels are also beginning to trace their origins. The only thing that is certain right now is that Alabasta is in chaos, and their ship is still parked in Red Harbor. Going back."

"Is the case of Charles Saint closed?"

"Not yet. The matter is a little complicated. Saint Musgarud has a big responsibility in this matter, but the cause of Saint Charlos' death is indeed a bear problem. To be honest, if he didn't insist on doing that, maybe Still not dead."

"Dark Horse, you have to be careful about what you say."

Listening to Black Horse's complaints, Kizaru gave him a proper reminder.

"I know that this matter has now been fully taken over by the Knights of God. I don't know the details, but Saint Roswader has a strong opinion on Fish-Man Island."

"Continue to investigate your matter. I really became this marshal in a "good" era."

After smoking the cigar to the end, Akainu pushed the door open and walked out. Judging from the current situation, he, the marshal, also had to get busy.

"Señor, is today April Fool's Day?"

"It's not Young Master, why do you ask?"

"If it's not April Fool's Day, the contents of this newspaper are a bit excessive. Are you sure this isn't a deleted and modified version of Beasts?"

In the country of Wano, Doflamingo looked at the newspaper in his hand and was a little confused. The world was changing so fast. How could even Marie Joa be fried in half a month?

"I'm sure, young master, these are the newspapers that were just delivered."

"Hey, this world is changing too fast. Please leave first. I'm a little tired and want to take a rest."

Doflamingo could laugh out loud at first, but after turning a few pages, he suddenly felt a headache.

It was like a lifetime ago. This was his most direct experience. The frequency of major incidents in the past two years had exceeded the total number of incidents in his entire life.

While Doflamingo had a headache, Quinn felt lucky. Based on the comparison of photos in the newspaper, he was sure that the thing that exploded was the bomb he developed.

The fact that the Revolutionary Army was responsible for the attack prevented them from tracking the origin of the bomb, which was a huge blessing to Quinn.

Moreover, Kaido has been obsessed with playing solo with Yamato recently. Apart from the addition of a group of Lunarians near his safe house, Quinn feels that life is particularly perfect.

Because Baishou had obtained the internal information in advance, he didn't pay much attention to this matter. On the contrary, it was the Revolutionary Army that had the biggest reaction.

Since Xiong has regained consciousness, other members of the Revolutionary Army have borrowed his ability to return to Barudigo, greatly reducing the time on the road. Only Sabo has no news at this time.

While the members of the Revolutionary Army were glad that the bear had returned, they were also worried about Sabo's situation. They did not believe that Sabo would do such an abnormal behavior. He had no reason at all to kill Kobra at the World Conference.

While the revolutionary army was still determining the truth, Long's phone rang.

"Koshiro? Why are you calling me at this time?"

"Leader, it's me, Sabo."

"Sabo? Why are you at Koushiro's place?"

"It's a long story. I lost my phone bug before, and then...I accidentally went to a very magical place, and I just left here.

There are some things that are inconvenient to say on the phone. I will elaborate on them when I return to Barudigo. In short, I did not kill King Kobra. "

Sabo's words made the people of the Revolutionary Army breathe a sigh of relief. At least they were sure that Sabo did not do anything strange.

In order to prevent the phone from being tapped, Sabo hung up the phone after saying a few words, and then returned the phone bug to Koushiro.

"Sorry, Mr. Koushiro."

Although he lives in the East China Sea, Koko Shiro has close ties with the revolutionary army. When Chulong returned to the Kingdom of Goa, he also carried out supplies in Shuoyue Village.

"It's not troublesome, it's just a small thing."

"Then I won't disturb you two. I didn't expect that Miss Kuina is actually Mr. Koushiro's daughter. What a coincidence.

I guess you two still have a lot to say, so I'll leave first. "

The time was slightly set back, when Sabo and Kuina had just been sent out of the door of the East China Sea by Darkrai.

Unlike the door that Darkrai was specifically looking for, which the living could also enter and exit, it was much easier to send the people inside out. As long as there was death, Huangquan had the ability to do this.

And Darkrai found a way to restrain the chaos of the magnetic field. He used Kuina's tombstone to locate it.

As long as they are not forgotten and there are still living people offering sacrifices and remembrances, then some traces can be found in the underworld. The only impact is that the way the two came out may not be elegant.

The general direction did not deviate, but there were problems with the details. The two of them finally climbed out of the tomb.

Looking at the messed up grave, Sabo bowed to the tombstone in embarrassment and apologized, intending to restore it to its original state.

"No need to go to so much trouble, just throw it away."

"This is not good. After all, it was us who made the mess. Restoring it to the original state is the most basic thing.

Besides, since the world of ghosts is real, maybe she will come to her door. "

"No, don't worry about that."

"How can you be so sure?"

"That's my grave. If you want to apologize, why don't you tell me."

"Miss Guina, this"

After glancing at the name on the tombstone, Sabo knew the other person's name, but didn't know what to say. He really had no experience communicating with "female ghosts".

"Speaking of which, this is Shuangyue Village. I remember that the Yishin Dojo is here, so this is convenient. What are your plans? Do you want me to take you home?"

Most of the people in this village have the surname Shuangyue, and the name on the tombstone did not remind Sabo of anything.

"No need, I'm going to the Yishin Dojo. The leader of the dojo is my father."

Sabo experienced some of the most embarrassing meetings in his life, but fortunately he successfully accomplished his goal. Then he refused Koushiro's polite words to stay one night and left here wisely.

His instinct told him that staying here would not be a good thing.

Facts have also proved that Sabo's idea is correct. In the current situation, leaving him here as an outsider has no effect except being an eyesore.

"Father, I'm back again."

"Okay, just come back."

Koushiro, who squinted his eyes, wiped his glasses to make sure he was not dazzled, and then pinched himself to make sure he was not in a dream.

"Is this resurrection?"

"Yes, but no, this is a very long story, but father, if it is convenient, I would like to challenge you."

"Challenge me?"

"That's right."

Kuina's eyesight was limited in the past, but in the years after her death, she saw more things, and she found that she still underestimated her father's strength.

This father who usually squints his eyes and just teaches a group of children how to swing a sword has strength far beyond her imagination. The more critical issue is Koushiro's philosophy.

"Father, I want to prove to you that women also have the ability to become great swordsmen and reach the top."


After a faint reply, Koushiro took out two bamboo swords, and Kuina didn't insist on asking for a real sword duel.

Only the father and daughter knew exactly what happened, but some people in the dojo seemed to hear the sound of bamboo knives clashing all night long.

The next day, another day passed, and the news of the World Conference had already spread throughout the sea. At this time, Tiger had already made detailed preparations for moving to the new Fishman Island.

Since the new Fishman Island is an island embedded in the sea built with the help of bubble wrap, more preparations need to be made when relocating than the Nine Snake Island.

Neptune also agreed to this relocation plan, so he had already made arrangements. However, at this time, a person from the World Government had already arrived at Fish-Man Island.

In front of Neptune, he brought a new decision of world government.

"Is the World Government serious?"

"Of course, this is the conclusion reached by the World Government after discussion. Hand over Jinbei, the former Shichibukai, and make compensation for the death of Charles Saint. Otherwise, the World Government will eliminate the seats of the Fish-Man Island franchise countries and let this place Becoming a new ungoverned lawless zone.”

This messenger had a arrogant look on his face, and he did not take Neptune, the king, seriously.

Under Rozwald's complaint, Musgarud's behavior was judged as illegal by the Knights of God. Helping an inferior race was the biggest mistake in the eyes of the Draco.

However, due to the complexity of the situation, he was not executed immediately, but was sentenced to a suspended death sentence. In addition, the Dragon Palace Kingdom was required to pay compensation.

Not only the gold and silver treasures, but also the need to hand over a certain number of mermaids and fishman slaves.

"What's wrong? It's already magnanimous for the World Government to not eliminate your seats directly. You'd better not."


Neptune punched the messenger in front of him. The huge fist scared him so much that he fell to the ground. Then he angrily yelled at Neptune: "Do you know what you are doing!"

"I know very well that in order to stand on the ground as equals, we have tolerated too much, and now we actually want to enslave our people. Thanks to you, I will not hesitate anymore. Look to the side."

Following the direction of Neptune's finger, the messenger looked at the bubble wrap on the side. Outside was the ship sent by the World Government. The next moment, a thousands-meter-long Neptune flashed past and directly hit the coated ship. Crushed into pieces.

"From now on, the Dragon Palace Kingdom will withdraw from the World Government, will no longer pay heavenly gold, and will not obey any orders from the World Government!"

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