Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1250 The Brilliant Time and the Moment of Fighting

In the Dragon Palace City, the envoy of the World Government froze.

This was something he had never thought about before coming here. It should be said that the entire world government had never thought that Fish-Man Island would have such a tough attitude.

The inherent impression of Fish-Man Island is that of weakness. The most violent response the World Government can think of to Fish-Man Island is to say no and send the World Government people away.

The world government knows that the mermaid princess is the King of the Sea, they just don't know the specific time of awakening.

But even though it was known that there were ancient weapons on the Fish-Man Island, the World Government still did not adopt any gentle policies towards the Fish-Man.

On the one hand, Fishman Island does not have top-level combat power, and on the other hand, it is the impression they have left on the country.

No matter how powerful a weapon is, if something goes wrong with its wielder, it will lose its deterrent effect.

"Neptune, do you know what you are doing!"

"I know very well."

With the sound of floating bubbles, a large number of Sea King troops appeared here. Now the place where they are is filled with sea water. As long as the bubble membrane outside the envoy is broken, the sea water will be enough to destroy him.

It was only then that he had a sense of crisis in the enemy camp, and he swallowed back any words he wanted to threaten Neptune.

[The world government will not let you go. 】

[Without the status of a franchised country, the whole world can legally capture slaves here. 】

[Your new fish-man island does not have the protection of the deep sea! 】

If he continues talking, no matter how the world government retaliates afterwards, his life will be completely ended at this time.

"I will tell the world government the truth"

Neptune waved his hand, and a group of soldiers came up immediately. Compared with the politeness when they arrived, they only had spears and sharp blades to send him away from Fish-Man Island.

But when he arrived at the exit of Fish-Man Island, he didn't see any ships.

"Where's the boat? How am I going to get back?"

"Why do you think you can go back?"

The target of their trip, Jinbei, appeared here, and his cold words made the envoy suddenly enveloped in fear.

"I am the messenger! The messenger of the World Government!"

"It's because of this identity that you want to disappear."

It doesn't matter whether a messenger lives or dies. When the Sea Kings destroy their ships, everything is doomed.

Killing the messenger together can delay a lot of time, and the responsibility for the destruction of the ship can also be passed on to the sea monster.

Going to Fish-Man Island is a high-risk occupation. If you accidentally encounter a shipwreck and the ship is destroyed, there is nothing you can do about it.

It's just that sooner or later these people sinking to the bottom of the sea will attract the attention of the World Government. When the ships they send sink one after another, they will eventually notice some problems.

But the delay is enough for all the citizens from the outside world to return. With the barrier of the deep sea, they can enter a relatively safe environment.

"Your king clearly asked me to deliver the message."

"Remember carefully, King Neptune, when did you say this?"

The scene of Neptune talking to him flashed through the messenger's mind. Just as Jinbei said, Neptune never said anything like that from beginning to end.

The plan for Fish-Man Island mentioned before was just Neptune venting his anger.


Jinbei didn't listen to him, but grabbed him by the collar and threw him out. While swinging, the bubble membrane on his body shattered.

The cold seawater instantly enveloped him. In another world, the water pressure from the deep sea would have been enough to completely crush his body.

But the result was the same. Due to the world, the water pressure did not crush him directly, but within a short time, the oxygen in his body was exhausted, and as the seawater choked into his lungs, everything had its results.

After confirming that this human being had no chance of survival, Jinbei left here and returned to Ryugu Castle again.

"King Neptune, it's been taken care of."

"I understand. In this case, there should be enough time."

Neptune knew how long it would take to get to Mariejoia by boat. Although Fishman Island was just below Mariejoia, due to the currents and seabed structure, plus the time consumed by coating, it would take a long time for the ship to travel between the two places. A few days.

The World Government is not a race of fishmen. When in a hurry, you can just plunge into the water.

When this aspect is discovered, even if the world government responds immediately, it will take some time, and Fish-Man Island's consistent performance will most likely fool them, which will give them more time.

"We have finally come to this point, Jinbei. You have also joined the Sea King Army before, and now there are your old subordinates in the army. From now on, the Sea King Army will continue to be led by you. From now on, the Fish-Man Island will be left to you."

In the current environment, withdrawing from the franchise is not the best choice, but Neptune must take this step, otherwise he will have to sell other citizens to maintain the country's so-called reputation, which is no different from becoming a vassal.

If you don't withdraw, there will still be a reputational deterrent. Most of the participating countries will not be able to blatantly attack the fishmen and mermaids, but this will not necessarily happen after that.

The most powerful people on Fishman Island are Jinbei and Tiger, but Tiger has become a pure theologian, so this kind of thing can only be left to Jinbei.

When we were still affiliated countries, it was not appropriate for a country's army to be handed over to Jinbe, a pirate, but now there is a completely legitimate reason.

"Please leave it to me, King Neptune. I will protect the safety of the people."

"Well, protection is the priority. Don't take the initiative unless necessary, at least not now."

Even Otohime did not object to Neptune's decision. What happened at the World Conference and the attitude of the World Government had clearly told her that the peace and equality she hoped for could never be achieved through prayer.

"Jinbei, come with me. It's time to talk to you about some things."

After giving Jinbei the position of captain of the Ryugu Kingdom Army, Neptune took Jinbei to another place.

After making some preparations, Neptune rode a whale and headed to the Northeast of Fishman Street - Umi Forest with Jinbe.

Due to the Sun Tree Eve, the presence of sunlight can also be felt in the deep sea. The Forest of the Sea is an area with bright sunshine. Bright coral bushes abound, eventually forming a colorful underwater jungle.

A large number of fish have settled here, making the ecology of the sea forest richer. .

Due to the topography and deep-sea currents, most of the shipwrecks that encountered shipwrecks on the way to Fish-Man Island will eventually be washed here by the currents.

Because many sunken ships in the sea were transported here along the flow of the tide, it is also known as the "Cemetery of Ships". These ships have also become the base of coral under the baptism of time, and are gradually integrated into nature.

When Neptune and Jinbe were heading here, Shirahoshi was waving his hand towards the deep sea. The Sea King just obeyed her order and destroyed the ship.

【Be safe on the road~】

The figures of the Neptunes gradually disappeared from Bai Xing's field of vision. More than 90% of this planet is ocean. Even the races that live in the ocean cannot tell how many monsters there are in the deep ocean.

"It's big enough. Rather than letting it be careful, it's better to let other fish be careful about it."

In Bai Xing's hair, Mana Fei complained about Bai Xing's speech and used her hair to create the shape of a lounge chair. When the body size difference is too huge, there is still some benefit.

The results of growing up freely and growing up in a hard-shell tower are different. Bai Xing is not that timid, but his tear point is much lower than that of ordinary people. Whether it is good or bad, he sheds tears easily.

"Is this really good?"

"What did you say? Attack that ship?"


This was the first time Shirahoshi took the initiative to order a Sea King to attack a ship, but she was not happy about having great power.

"Of course, you are protecting your country. Those guys are outright bad guys for Fish-Man Island."

The power of Neptune needs to be guided, but neither Manaphy nor Neptune tried to guide this power in a military direction. The purpose was just to protect it.

During Manafei's "psychological counseling", Neptune and Jinbe also came here, and finally stopped in front of the historical text of the Forest of the Sea.

"Father, are you here?"

"It's Bai Xing, and Mana Fei. It just so happens that you can come together. It's time for you to hear this matter together."

Then Neptune told the story passed down orally by the royal family of Fish-Man Island.

"Shirahoshi, your power is one of the ancient weapons, the power of Poseidon, the King of the Sea. You already know this."

"Yes, Father, I know."

"You asked me before why the status of fishmen with such power has always been embarrassing. Today, I will give you this answer. Jinbei, you are also curious, aren't you?

Then listen carefully, this is a very old topic. "

Looking at Jinbei whose mouth opened wide when he heard the name of the ancient weapon, Neptune motioned for him to sit down and casually talked about the past.

"Shirahoshi is not the first Sea King. Before her, there was a mermaid princess who had this power.

Not every generation of mermaid princesses can awaken this power. The last Sea King we know of was the princess of the Fish-Man Island during the blank 100 years. "

Neptune then wiped the inscription on the historical text. Due to the special craftsmanship, even after being soaked in seawater for hundreds of years, the words on it were still extremely clear.

"This is an apology letter, an apology letter written to the Mermaid Princess. A man named Joey Boy originally wrote this apology letter because he failed to reach an agreement. The Ark Noah in Fishman Street Just related to Joey Boy.

It was precisely because of this person that the mermaid princess gave up the idea of ​​using force. It seemed because the other party had an equally powerful weapon. Even Poseidon might not be able to achieve results with force.

Fishman Island is striving for peace and practicing the words of its ancestors.

We tried hard, but failed. Now we must try this new path. "

A nation can only have one genius among millions of people.

Millions of idle hours in this world pass before a truly historic moment begins, a moment when humanity's stars shine brightly.

Once this moment comes, it will affect the historical process for thousands of years.

No one here is a genius, but Neptune's decision gave Fishman Island another direction.

"There is no point in waiting for a new Joey Boy. Only by taking real action can this situation be changed."

The Dragon Palace Kingdom finally made changes. In the deep sea, a large number of fishmen traveled to and from the new fishman island and fishman island, preparing for the next action.

The dark deep sea temporarily blocked the enemy's prying eyes and gave them enough buffer time. In Wano Country, those who should set off were already ready.

Regichicas stood on the top of Ghost Island. He had stood here motionless for the past few days, without any thought of moving, no matter whether it was wind or rain.

Of course, the way he went to the target location was not by walking step by step, but overall he was still able to do so in time.

In the past two days, he felt the Pokémon living in Wano, saw the laws of human life, and experienced the battle between Yamato and Kaido up close.

Not long ago, Kaido had taken off in the direction of Nine Snakes. That island was Kaido's responsibility, and the island that Regichkas wanted to transport was the New Fishman Island.

After all, there is a whole red earth continent in the middle, and the towing method is not suitable for Nine Snakes Island. If Regichkas is allowed to go to Nine Snakes Island, it will not be a move, but a forced demolition.

Anything that blocks him along the way will probably be directly knocked out of a big hole, and the impact will not be weaker than a small mass extinction of species. Based on the structure of this ocean, directly collapsing the Red Earth Continent will definitely bring destruction. .

After Kaido left, Yamato and Quinn were liberated. As long as Quinn appears in public more often, it means that some people have left Onigashima.

Including but not limited to Kaido, Shaina, Jhin and Yamato, the threat level is in descending order. Not being on the list means that they have little impact.

While Quinn was active, Yamato was beside Regichkas, looking at the coldest Pokémon she had known since birth.

The affinity effect of the Power of Viridian has been greatly reduced by Regichkas. The most common reply she got was "um". In most cases, it was a single word, and she could not even utter a complete sentence. It's a rare situation.

If it weren't for the power of Viridian and his identity, Regichkas would probably not be able to say a word.

Not long after, the sky cracked, and Giratina's figure appeared here. Regigicas' body also became active again at this time, and he stepped into Giratina's domain, but before it left, A sentence suddenly flashed in Yamato's mind.

"The power He gives is more than that. You still have a long way to go."

Yamato was sure that the voice was Regichkas's, but he didn't realize who he was referring to at the first time. Regichcas was the first person to use such a word to call Arceus.

Outside Amazon Lily, in the windless zone, the navy's fleet, led by three vice-admirals and a Seraph, was preparing to attack the Nine Snakes Pirates.

The purpose of Seraph's existence is to replace the King's Shichibukai. In the perception of the World Government, Seraph's combat power is greater than the members of the original Shichibukai. The combination of three lieutenant generals and one Seraph is enough to take this place seriously.

And among the three lieutenant generals, one of them is called Garp, and he is leading his two beloved disciples to carry out this mission.

Under the control of the revolutionary army, large-scale revolutions broke out all over the world, and the navy's strength was stretched thin. Now, under the orders of the World Government, the Warring States have once again assumed the responsibility of guarding the navy headquarters.

Apart from him, almost all the remaining senior generals were sent out, including Garp.

The military port in the base is almost empty. Warships and soldiers are either performing tasks or on the way to perform tasks.

The purpose of sending Garpdu here is to clear out the unstable factor of Shichibukai as soon as possible.

Whether Garp obeys orders has always been a metaphysical question, but this time, he did not refuse, but carried out the mission together.

But judging from the fact that he was dozing while standing, he was still in a fishing state and handed over command to other lieutenant generals.

"Report to Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan that the gate of Nine Snakes Island has been breached, but Nine Snakes' resistance is extremely fierce. The vanguard has been defeated. Please support!"

"Ask the Seraph to support the front line, and the follow-up troops will continue to press in. The flanking troops will pay attention to the encirclement and don't let Nine Snakes escape from the encirclement."

Under Huo Shaoshan's order, the navy spread to the surrounding areas, and new landing troops also landed on Nine Snakes.

"Get ready, shoot the arrow!"

Seeing another group of navy landing on the shoal, Nine Snakes were not afraid, but skillfully bent their bows and set arrows. Although they were cold weapons, the domineering arrows were more troublesome than ordinary cannonballs.

The navy was able to land on Nine Snakes so quickly, not because of the poor defensive capabilities of Nine Snakes, but because they deliberately placed the navy on this empty beach, intending to launch a new round of annihilation war.

"Sanda, Mary, a new navy has landed. You bring people to destroy them. Hancock, just wait, these opponents don't need your action yet."

The commander-in-chief of Nine Snakes is not Hancock, but Groliosa. The latest news from Olga is that Kaido will arrive soon. Nine Snakes could have chosen to stick to it, but Groliosa and Hancock After discussion, we changed the approach.

Because after all, the Hundred Beasts are an armed violent group, not a charity. When Nine Snake Island moves, it means that Nine Snakes have completely joined the other party.

If you want to have a certain say in a pirate group, force is the best guarantee.

Whether it is Hancock or Croliosa, they do not want Nine Snakes to become a vassal role like a vase, so they want to use this battle to prove their strength and use the blood of their enemies to improve their status.

boom! boom!

Two lasers suddenly exploded on the beach, and a child with a mouth full of fangs had landed on Nine Snakes. His arms were firing lasers to both sides, and sharp laughter kept coming from his mouth.

Compared to the previous navy, this is the most difficult enemy Nine Snakes has encountered so far.

"What is that? How can a child be so difficult?"

Marigorda waved the big knife in her hand and slashed at the Seraph in front of her. Although she seemed to be just an inconspicuous child, the other party just took her heavy blow and suppressed her with dense lasers.

Then she tried to attack the opponent with snake venom, but it had no effect. The cobra's venom fell on the opponent's body like water and had no effect.

The blood and poison resistance from the Lunaria tribe played an unexpected role in the battle.

After Sandasonia entangled the opponent with her hair, the Seraph secreted a large amount of mucus from the surface of the body, and then directly ignited it using the flames behind it.

The Seraph transformed by Lilith and York, the source of green blood comes from Torebol, and the blood of Seraph comes from Moria.

Codename S-Bat, whose ability is sticky fruit.

"Big fragrant feet!"

After a difficult opponent appeared, Hancock finally joined the battle, relieved the embarrassing situation of the two sisters with one kick, and forced S-Bat to retreat.

"Sanda, Mary, you go deal with the others, leave this to me."

Hancock shook the mucus on his feet in disgust, Hancock's expression was full of boredom.

"As you command, onee-sama!"

"You unreasonable person, just use your life to appease my soul!"

It was disgusting, but the battle would continue, and among the warships on the sea, Huo Shaoshan saw something unexpected.

"Lieutenant Huoshaoshan! Someone is swimming towards us in the sea."

"Are you kidding? This is a windless zone. How can anyone swim in a place like this?"

"But. He has already come over. He is Rayleigh, the King of Hades, and there is an unknown person standing on his back."

Before he finished speaking, the soldier was kicked out.

"It would be rude to address a lady as an unknown person, Mr. Soldier."

Facing Huo Shaoshan's drawn weapon, she blew out a smoke ring lightly, and then threw away the lady's cigarette in her hand.

"We haven't fought in a long time. Your navy can really cause trouble for people. I can't ignore this matter."

The woman who appeared here at this time was Xia Qi, the former emperor of Amazon Lily and the former captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

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