Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1284 The great power that my family has worshiped for generations

The environment in which one grows up affects a person's character. In this world, being born into a royal family is already far ahead of ordinary citizens at the starting line.

As long as the environment of the country is not too weird, even if you are not favored, you don't have to work hard for food and clothing like ordinary people.

But an environment of abundance can also bring new problems.

Human needs are constantly rising. At first, people only pursued physiological satisfaction, water, food, and air. They fought for these things necessary for survival.

When these are guaranteed, the goal will change from simply eating enough to eating well, so that the quality of your life will be higher.

The more you get, the more you want. Just like rolling rocks on mountains, once you start, you can never stop.

There is more than one person in the royal family, but there is only one throne. For that one and only throne, even brothers will fight without mercy.

Rambossa often talks to Vanessa about what is in her heart, because she has an older brother and a younger brother. The entire country's political leaders have been divided into two factions. She is the only one who is isolated and has almost no chance to have anything to do with the throne. .

But this does not mean that she has no ambition. She knows how to hide herself. Even if she has a desire for the throne, there is no trace of it, because she knows very well that ambition without ability will only destroy herself.

If she never had the chance, she would bury her ambition forever, but if she had the chance, she would choose to give it a try.

[There are opportunities but there is no breakthrough]

The various kings in the territory gathered together and refreshed their three views in various ways beyond their cognition. The beasts were obviously showing off their wrists in a new round, and seemed to be preparing for some big move.

In this case, some forces may be purged.

[My stupid brother, you'd better make some noise at this time, so as to have a chance]

One after another, a group of people stepped onto the Sand Bridge and arrived at the square of Ghost Island. They were the first batch. Others came here one after another through Baiwu's dive port, and some were even familiar enough. The forces of the Internet came directly to Onigashima.

As the last person stepped onto the bridge of sand, the bridge composed of yellow sand began to slowly dissipate, seemingly cutting off everyone's escape route.

Giant beasts like King Yanwu and Bankila also sat on the beach, facing the people who had already set foot on the ghost island across the sea.

Quinn also learned how to flash and ran to the ghost island at some point.

"Mhahaha, very good. The people from the last island have also arrived. This is good news. After all, no one is denying us face.

It would be very difficult for us if such a kind invitation were rejected.

We have been getting along very happily during these times. Through our flag, you have found peace on the sea of ​​the new world. This is a good thing that money cannot buy.

I hope it won’t make things difficult for us next time.

But let me tell you some news. If you can pass the three tests of will, wisdom, and emotion, you may be able to gain something far beyond this trip. "

After leaving a message that he would continue to wait, Quinn returned to Ghost Island in public, leaving these royal family members in the temporarily arranged square outside Ghost Island.

"What triple test is he talking about in a riddle?"

"I don't know, but that's Neptune on Fish-Man Island. They publicly announced their withdrawal from the World Government in the newspaper a while ago. Did they join here?"

"Isn't this very reasonable? How many people on the sea can oppose the World Government? Besides, they hung up the banner of the beasts after the war, so this can be regarded as smooth sailing.

According to them, the Celestial Dragons wanted to kidnap the Mermaid Princess and use her as a slave in public. How could any country agree to such a thing? "

"It's really excessive, but this kind of thing"

Looking at the Dragon Palace Kingdom arriving here, some people began to whisper, but they were somewhat skeptical about what Neptune published in the newspaper.

At this moment, a voice came to their ears.

"What King Neptune said is true. If you have suffered atrocities from the Draco in the past, then I apologize."

"Who are you?"

The sudden sound caused some doubts among the royal family discussing the matter, and then they found that their bodies were not obeying their orders, and they gave way out of control.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, of course it's true. Let me introduce it to you. This is a former Celestial Dragon. You should call him Musgarud Saint."

Doflamingo walked over with a slightly restrained arrogance, and looked at Musgard with a playful look under his sunglasses.

"Former Celestial Dragon?!"

"The Heavenly Dragons are here??"

"This, I was indeed a Tianlong before, but I was removed from the list not long ago."

"Hey, when you scolded my idiot dad, you said that only a fool would give up his identity as a Celestial Dragon. Didn't you expect that it would be your turn now?

This is really interesting, Uncle Musgard. "

Both belong to the Don Quixote clan, and Doflamingo and Musgard have some friendship, but this was before Huo Minggu left the Holy Land.

It was a rare miracle that two special Celestial Dragons met in the pirate's territory, but before Doflamingo could continue to say anything, a sense of crisis suddenly enveloped him.

"I said, can you please stop doing strange things to our guests? Such an impact would be very bad."

"Of course, of course, I'm just a little excited to see my relatives."

Looking at the furry arm on his shoulder, Doflamingo ended the parasitic thread that controlled the two royals. This was the territory of the beasts, and he could only do what the beasts allowed him to do.

Manipulating other people's bodies to make way for him was just a trivial matter to Doflamingo, but the one who ordered him to stop was Zeraora.

At this time, Zeraora stayed in this reception square as the husband of Duke Zou, and also acted as a person to maintain order.

This episode is a beginning, but not the end. After Doflamingo, Jinbei, who has been hiding, and Hancock, who is very conspicuous, have also attracted everyone's attention.

"Three original Shichibukai."

"What is the original Shichibukai? Look over there."

A prince pointed to the south corner, his arms still shaking a little.

"What do these guys, former Admiral Kuzan, Sea Emperor Shanks, and Katakuri of the Big Mom Pirates, want to do?"

One is missing a leg, the other is missing an arm. Kuzan and Shanks, the disabled duo, seem to be getting along very well these past two days and are still chatting.

Katakuri has a very polite appearance, covering his face with one hand even when drinking tea.

In this guest house, every character is a character that can shake the sea outside, but here they are just guests again.

Vanessa came to Bai Xing at this time and greeted him enthusiastically. She needed connections, and this ceremony was one of her few opportunities.

Lambosa didn't pay attention to what his daughter was doing. He was discussing the details of cooperation with Tezzolo. He was able to make some decisions against all opinions. He was also a visionary king, but he failed to cover everything. .

At the same time, the scene at the venue suddenly became a little strange.

After confirming through his haki that no one would notice him in the next 10 seconds, Katakuri quickly took off his scarf and drank the black tea in front of him in one gulp.

A special chill spreads along the mouth and throughout the body, followed by an indescribable feeling of relief.

“What a special tea”

Katakuri was just about to drink another cup, but found that the teapot in front of him ran away. He rubbed his eyes and made sure that he was not dazzled. There was already a purple spirit in the teapot.

"Is this...Mom's Homitz?"

Living food can be regarded as a specialty of all countries. Katakuri's daily life is full of such homits. He has long been used to it, but here there are hundreds of beasts.

Just as Pokémon such as Frostnake will not enter the All Nations, those Homitz who need Big Mom to fill their souls only exist in the All Nations, but Katakuri saw something similar in Wano.

Unlike Frosty, the Pokémon in front of her looked more like food.

"Mr. Katakuri, although black tea is good, it's better not to drink too much. It is one of Arceus-sama's creations. If you drink too much black tea, it will not be good for your health."

[This is how creation is. If this is the case, the origin of those magical creatures that can produce food can be explained]

The beasts prohibited Frostnake and other Pokémon from entering the territory of Ten Thousand Kingdoms. These Pokémon even abducted several Big Mom chefs, which naturally made Big Mom a little dissatisfied.

However, she was the only one with the ability of the Soul Fruit Fruit. At first, the Big Mom Pirates thought that the beasts had discovered this special species on a certain island.

After all, this sea is very magical, and it is not surprising that there are such creatures in the unknown, but there has been no result.

But now, it all comes to fruition.

Katakuri ignored the statement that overdose is not good for the body. Some delicious things have evolved toxins to prevent themselves from being eaten.

But in front of foodies, these can be solved completely.

It can be said that the BIG·MOM Pirates have gathered the largest number of foodies in the sea. Excessive amounts can cause harm, which means there is no harm.

You should know that notices reminding residents to be careful of wild fungus poisoning can be regarded by some people as notices about ripe fungus harvesting.

Katakuri was quite physically fit and drank a pot of tea before walking away. Most of the ordinary guests just took a sip and never had the chance again.

After all, these teas are, in a sense, teas that do not belong to this world.

The scientific name of these teapots is Hiccup, a ghost-type black tea Pokémon.

The black tea infused with special power is their main body, and the host teapot resembles the shell of a hermit crab.

Depending on whether the teapot is a genuine antique, the teapot can be divided into genuine and fake. After all, no matter what kind of teapot they are, their essence will not change.

All the teapots at the venue were fakes. The birth dates of these teapots were basically last week and no more than a year at most. They had nothing to do with antiques.

The Horrible Pot is a Pokémon that can reproduce on its own. They can inject their own power into the leftover black tea and turn it into their companion, so the kitchen of the restaurant is their favorite environment.

The black tea from the Horror Pot has a unique taste and aroma. In the world of Pokémon, only trainers they trust can taste it.

It is part of the plan that these participants can taste the black tea from Haisi Pot. Under the control of Haisi Pot, there have been no patients with "food poisoning" yet.

At the same time, in the ghost island, Garrot and Bebo collapsed on the ground exhausted. They had just experienced a very special test.

"This is different from what Wolf and Meowna said. They said that with one whoosh, everything would be over."

"Yeah. I thought I was going to die."

Bebo wiped the sweat from his forehead. What he had just experienced gave him a dreamlike feeling. He seemed to have passed his life in another world and made a heroic voyage on the magnificent sea.

“This is a test from God the Father.”

"You succeeded."

"So go and prepare for the power that is yours."

In front of Bebo and Garrot, three distinctive Pokémon floated. They stood like fairies in three directions, showing a triangular shape. Their appearance also opened a new chapter.

Whether it is joining the Arceus Cult or fighting for merit within the pirate group, this is the internal promotion path of the pirate group. This power is enough to intimidate, but it is still inferior to the power of declaration.

Just as Wano can gain blessings by climbing the holy mountain, this is a test that faces everyone and a new way to spread glory.

The three goblins held each other's hands and then disappeared out of thin air. In an instant, they were in front of Arceus.

"Dear Father God, we have accomplished half of your request."

The Pokémon on the far left has its eyes closed, a yellow helmet-like decoration on its head, a ruby ​​on its forehead, and two long flowing tails swinging behind it.

He is the Uxie of Wisdom, and also represents honesty. Like Giratina, he is the most special person created by Arceus.

When he opens his eyes, he can erase the memory of the person who looks at him, and he is revered by the world because he can erase the memory of evil people.

"But there's nothing we can do about the other half."

The Pokémon on the far right has almost the same appearance as Uxie, but its eyes are wide open and its face is mainly blue. In addition to its conical head, there are protrusions like elf ears on both sides. .

He is the Akonom of Will, which also represents bravery. He can capture the enemy's will and turn it into his own puppet. It is reported that he was born from the same egg as Uxie and another Pokémon. Dream.

"That is your great power. Even we cannot peek into everything related to you."

The Pokémon in the middle is mainly pink in color, with pink protrusions and long hair falling from the top of its head. She is the emotional Elidom, and it also represents kindness. It can take away the emotions of others, and will gain emotions from those who disrespect it. out of control.

Because they each live in their own lakes in the Pokémon world, the three Pokémon are collectively called the Three Lake Gods, also known as the Three Holy Mushrooms.

In the Sinnoh legend, Uxie brought "wisdom" to humans, Emrido taught humans "emotions", and Aknom gave humans "will".

The three Pokémon have a close relationship with humans, which is equivalent to the bond between humans and Pokémon.

They were born at this time, which is equivalent to the Pokémon group, and will officially fully connect with the world.

Their attributes are superpowers, and they are the only slate that Arceus currently lacks. After dealing with a pair of fighting father and daughter, in order to create the three of them, Arceus spent all his time and opportunities on this.

The stone slab that lacks the key is not that it is impossible to create Pokémon with this attribute, but it is extremely troublesome. After all, the stone slab is the most direct key.

But the other seventeen stone slabs have reduced the difficulty. Facing the unknown 18 roads, when you know the answers to the 17 roads, it is self-evident where the last one leads, but it is easy to get lost.

As the most willful and arbitrary attribute, Super Pokémon has many illegal abilities, including but not limited to teleportation, precognition, and telekinesis.

They reasonably tried to predict the location of Arceus's last stone slab in accordance with Arceus's request, but ultimately failed. No one except Arceus himself could predict it.

Uxie, Emridor, and Acrom are the Psychic Pokémon that have the closest relationship with Arceus. If they can't do it, other Psychic Pokémon will have little chance.

"Nothing, you have done your best, just complete the next task."

"Yes." X3

As the three Pokémon answered in unison, their palms connected again, and a halo of yellow, pink, and blue colors also condensed from their hands.

At the same time, the activity sections of Onigashima began to split, and the giant stage appeared in front of everyone again. When the halo condensed to the extreme, three souls emerged from the bodies of Uxie, Emrido, and Aknom. .

They are Pokémon in the spiritual realm. They can still survive after their souls leave the body. Their aura rises with them, suddenly erupting in a realm that humans cannot realize.

At this moment, everyone who drank the black tea from the Horisi Pot was affected.

That special black tea gave their souls a subtle difference, and at this moment they became the targets of Uxie, Emrido and Aknom.

"This is where?"

"What's going on, guard! Where is the guard?"

"Father? Father, where are you?!"

For a moment, everyone appeared in a special spiritual space, and three different lakes appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Some people were panicked by this, while others walked forward calmly.

Some people even realized something and carefully surveyed the details around them, fearing that they would miss something. They already realized that this was a hard-won opportunity.

"Young Master, they seem to be asleep."

Gladius checked the breath of the people in front of him and made sure that there was no problem with their life conditions. Now that Rao G has officially entered old age, Senior has focused most of his attention on his wife. .

After all, Wano Country is like a different kind of confinement to them, and there is nothing to do in itself. Only Gladius is still handling things around him for Doflamingo as before.

"Asleep? Gladius, you haven't understood the specialness of this place. I'm afraid this is just a special part they prepared. I seem to have missed something."

Doflamingo had no interest in that weird black tea, so he was excluded by Uxie, Emrido, and Aconom.

It happened suddenly, but within half a minute, these people came to their senses.

Some people were breathing heavily, some were covered in cold sweat, and some people's eyes were full of fanaticism. Before they could react, a terrifying aura suddenly rose in the venue, but it was quickly suppressed. .

Katakuri stared blankly at his hands, not even noticing that the scarf had slipped to his chest.

"Young man, control your domineering attitude. You may have experienced a little different things, but this is not where you lose your composure."

Shanks' Overlord Color blocked Katakuri's Overlord Color and pulled him back. After recalling what he had just experienced, Katakuri seemed to appreciate something different.

When he put the scarf back on, the red-haired man had already walked away from Kuzan, until then, he suddenly realized something.

"How do I remember that I'm older than him?"

"What do you see?"

Looking at Shanks with a smile on his face, Kuzan couldn't help but ask.

"I saw a bet. I have made two big bets in my life, once with this arm, and the other time, now. What about you?"

"Me, a leisurely retirement time. A leisurely future for everyone."

"It's an amazing world, but the key person has arrived."

On the high platform, Shaina walked over step by step. The flames behind her seemed to be mixed with some kind of glow, and the red chain in her hand also condensed into a scepter.

“You will be rewarded for your hard work. This is the truth here. No matter where you come from, as long as you have the ability, we will give you a stage to show yourself.

Regardless of whether you are a royal family or a commoner, everyone who comes here is a person who has been recognized. Now, please go to your respective seats.

You have just seen the tip of the iceberg, and next you will have the honor to see with your own eyes the great power that the Ulunalia family has worshiped for generations. "

The scattered flames formed flying birds, guiding people in the square to their seats like arrows, but as they marched, these people gradually divided into different areas.

In the sky, the figures of the three Uxies flashed one after another, but only those who successfully met the test could see their figures. In their puzzled eyes, they were assigned to different areas.

There are also some people who are not impatient and fall behind, and there are even some exceptions, such as Doflamingo, who seems to be unable to suppress the smile in his heart and keeps making intriguing laughter, which even tends to get worse.

"Young Master, what are you doing?"

"Gradius, this world is much more interesting than I thought. This is not a showdown between the navy and pirates. This is a divine war that will wipe out races and species!"

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