Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1285 The moment of carnival and fear

"War between Gods and Gods?"

Gladius was stunned for a moment, unable to accept this word.

“Yes, it’s a war between the old gods and the new gods, but this old god seems to have been taken advantage of by some people because he has been sleeping for too long.

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. No, just thinking of that kind of thing makes people want to laugh wildly! "

As much as Doflamingo once longed to return to his identity as a Celestial Dragon, now Doflamingo hates this group. Since he has been excluded, no one can benefit from it.

The Lunarians are not a secret, they are just rare. Many people in the sea have heard of the high bounties on the Lunarians, but very few people have seen the true appearance of the Lunarians. Looking at the entire film There isn’t much sea either.

It is not difficult to know this. The purpose of the wanted list is to allow other people to provide information about relevant people under the temptation of money. This is a piece of information promoted by the world government.

He who knows the secret is a rare person.

"You should have heard that the Lunaria clan once lived on the Red Earth Continent and was a mysterious race known as the Clan of Gods.

If the root of all this is the "true god" they worship.

I don’t know what happened back then, but when He saw that his family’s homeland had changed owners and the original family was still on the verge of extinction, what would he do? "

Doflamingo seemed to be asking, but Gladius didn't answer at all. He knew that this was the habit of his young master, and this seemingly questioning tone was just his own question and answer.

"To this day, the World Government has not given up the pursuit of the Lunarians. Gladius, you have to know that this race is a race that is born to soar in the sky.

When their anger swept through Mary Joa again, I couldn't even imagine how those moths could escape! "

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of neat footsteps behind Doflamingo. The bridge of sand had dissipated, the guests had entered the room, and the honor guard naturally no longer had to stand where they were.

"Doflamingo, why are you laughing there? Do you want to give up the seat that belongs to you?"

"Of course not, I just want to calm down my heart. I can't lose my composure in front of your Lord, right?"

Looking at the members of the Arceus Knights urging him behind him, Doflamingo did not show any dissatisfaction, but quickly followed the queue in front.

At the end of the line, he also met Musgarud.

"My dear uncle, you seem to have made a very right decision.

Maybe I should also thank my idiot dad? If it weren't for his decision-making, I would probably still be above Mary Joa and know nothing about the outside world. "

"You simply don't understand why I did this, and you don't understand your father's original intention of making that decision."

“I may never understand this, but you should understand what I’m saying. After they do this, the word God will inevitably spread.

The Tianlong people will not let this word go. In their eyes, the spread of religion in the past may be a trivial matter. After all, no one can tell how many religions there are in the sea.

But looking at this, I am afraid that this place will become the Kingdom of Gods in the mouth of the beasts in the future. Now it is in a state of tension, which will almost detonate the entire powder keg. "


Musgard did not speak, but his face became a little ugly. Affected by Otohime, he also wanted to see an equal situation emerge, but as a former Celestial Dragon, he knew more.

Especially after changing his mind, Musgard learned many secrets and naturally knew what Doflamingo meant.

"Young Master, I don't understand what you mean."

"Actually, I only know some clues. After all, the matter is too far away. But my uncle seems to know more. I just don't know if he is willing to answer for us."

"There is nothing that cannot be said. This is the game of the Draco. Although they live on Mariejoia, every three years, the Draco will leave the Red Earth Continent and hold a human hunting game in a non-governmental country.

The Celestial Dragons will banish slaves with problems, whether they are disobedient, disabled, or do not like them, to this island, treating them as prey and wiping them out together with the island's indigenous people.

After that, the World Government will claim the island as their new territory. "

Musgard sighed, as if he was regretting something. After all, as a Celestial Dragon, he was once a participant in this matter.

"I have only heard about this. For that "hunt" 38 years ago, the location they chose was the Valley of the Gods in the West Sea.

Because that country is extremely rich in resources, some of which have special value, the word "god" was used in the country's name. It is said that the king of the country of God tried to stop them, but failed. "

A non-franchised country, a god, a powerful pirate group, and everything about Wano satisfied the original situation, so part of the future became obvious.

"The difference is that the king of the Kingdom of God is only a secular king, but here... there seems to be a real god."

After arriving at the venue, they were already separated. Musgard's seat was not with Doflamingo's. People who were interested also noticed that although most people were in the center of the venue, some people were guided towards different areas.

But even if they are kings, their position can only be counted in the third row. The two chairs, one large and one small, are for Kaido and Yamato at the front, followed by the leaders of the beasts and special guests, and finally it is their turn. Those kings.

There were a lot of people in the venue, but it seemed very quiet. Even the relatively disorderly pirates were able to control their state here.

Under this silence, there is also a kind of excitement.

The pirates who can come here have more or less witnessed this ceremony. They have seen their companions stand out one after another, and exchanged their efforts and blood for the rewards they deserve.

"Governor Kaido and Lady Onihime are already here."

"And they haven't fought yet, so only Lord Arceus can do this."

"Actually, Mr. Quinn can also do it, but the method is more special."

The relative silence is not a mute state, some familiar pirates are whispering.

"Drought, phantom disaster, and epidemic, the three disaster-level cadres are all here, but where is Lord KING?"

"She probably has her own business, isn't Lady Shaina not here either.

In addition to Brother Manderfish, other single-digit numberers are also here. This is the first time I have seen so many senior cadres."

"Look over there, Aokiji, Red Hair, oh, and Katakuri, they are all sitting down there. If they were in another place, do you dare to imagine that this kind of thing could happen?"

"Isn't this just a foil to our strength?"

For the pirates of the Hundred Beasts, this is just a more grand ceremony of divine grace, even if the guests are special.

After all, in the eyes of the pirates of the Hundred Beasts, their own pirate group is the strongest in the world.

Even among these special guests, Katakuri is like a foil. This is not to belittle him, but compared to Kuzan and Shanks, Katakuri is too far behind after all.

The pirates were able to remain calm, but the kings, who were gathered here for the first time, felt unspeakable pressure.

Even if they fly the banner of the Hundred Beasts, they have only dealt with one or two big cadres at most, and this is the first time they have faced these sea monsters at the same time.

"Disaster, Numbered Beast, is this the force they want to show?"

"Force? Is your vision so low? If it's just for force, just summarize the bounty orders here. The total bounty for these people is more than 30 billion beli."

The big lake that appeared and disappeared out of thin air before, plus what the Lunarian said, are you still confused about it? What this wants to show is the divine power in their hearts. How did you become the regent these days? "

There was a bit of disdain in the words. The relationship between these royal families was not very harmonious, but at this time, the great changes on the stage attracted everyone's attention.

Golden, pink, and blue, three light pillars rose into the sky, and the spirit bodies of Uxie, Emrido, and Akonom had returned to their bodies.

[Knowledge brings the future to the world and paves the way forward. 】

[Emotions enrich the changes in the world, embellishing the black and white world with color. 】

[Will gives you the courage to move forward and uncover the mystery of the world. 】

The words of Uxie, Emrido and Akonom resounded in everyone's heart one after another. When they saw the fairy in the illusory lake appearing in front of them, some people even couldn't help but want to stand up, but soon I resisted the urge. Being a conspicuous person in such an occasion was not a wise act of respect.

[The road ahead will never be easy, but God, our Father, will guide the way forward! 】

Yoshi, Emrido and Aknom spoke in unison, and the three intonations gave people a feeling of enlightenment. At the same time, bursts of glow flashed over Onigashima, and even Fujiyama in the distance seemed to be alive. .

As a dormant volcano, Fujiyama has not erupted for a long time. In the long history, it has witnessed the development of Wano. As the location most affected by the power of Arceus, it almost feels the owner's influence at this time. will.

The holy spring on the top of the mountain flew into the air, and then a magical rain fell.

Spring comes to the dead trees, and new grass welcomes the new. A powerful vitality suddenly bursts out in Wano. Even the snow-capped Rei Empress ushered in a touch of spring for a long time.

Oliva in the forest unfolded each of her leaves to welcome the blessings from Pokémon.

This power even passed through the barrier of space. The Bulbasaur tribe in the reverse world welcomed the rain. The giant blacksmiths who were planning a sneak attack on Commander Cleaver also extinguished their thoughts and opened their arms to face the sky.

Three bees dance happily under the leadership of the queen bee. The poisonous pink moths that sleep during the day are also attracted by them. After waking up, they hover in the sky together with the hunting swallowtail butterflies.

The Steel-Armored Crow and the Tanabata Bluebird were experiencing all this from the highest point. The Squirtles launched their own inflatable swimming pool and lay in it to enjoy the special rain bath.

The screams of the Meili sheep kept coming, and their coats shone with a healthy luster. Even Da Tan Che, who didn't like rain, walked out of the awning and felt everything in front of him with his body.

King Yanwu slumped down on the ground with a look of enjoyment on his face, while Bankira and the Eight Evil Dragons lay directly on the ground. Only Nereus remained standing.

The Pokémon in the inner sea jumped out of the water, Lotte Kappa sang cheerful beats, the sky, the ocean, the earth, and the Pokémon in Wano welcomed their own carnival song.

Except for them, all the Pokémon are enjoying this rare event. Even the people of Wano have discovered the opportunities in this. Those who bathe in the rain feel a hundred times more energetic and their fatigue is gone. .

Some people even saw a long green dragon circling above the clouds.

"My lord, the Lord of Heaven!"

"My lord, the Lord of Heaven!"

I don’t know where it started, but someone suddenly knelt down on the street in the direction of Onigashima, loudly supporting the name of the god in their hearts. The next change even more triggered the emotions in their hearts.

A gate seemed to have opened in the sky above the ghost island. Behind the gate was the golden world. Several pieces of black feathers fell from the sky, and Lunarians holding flame spears flew out one after another.

Including Jhin, eight people formed the final guard, and the flame spear also opened their way to heaven.

Now there are exactly nine Lunalia people here, including Jhin and Shaina. Shaina did not participate in the honor guard action due to her lack of symmetry in height. Instead, their eldest cousin Awanisha replaced Shaina. Ina's location.

As for Shaina herself, she plays a more important role. She has arrived below holding a scepter made of red chains.

"Those who bathe in divine grace welcome the supreme divine grace!"

The people of Lunaria were half-kneeling in the sky, and Arceus also appeared from the world with slow steps. Although he was far away, everyone who saw him felt that he was right in front of them.


A burst of cheers erupted on the ghost island, and the tsunami-like cheers of the mountain alliance could not be heard. The carnival moment of the pirates came. They knew that this was the god who could give them power and the invincible faith behind them.

Although the kings were not as crazy as the pirates, they still stood up under the influence of the group. Even the mermaid straightened its upper body and part of its tail.

However, many of the spectators in the audience also had a lot of thoughts, such as Sasaki. At this time when many cadres were extremely excited, a trace of regret and fear flashed in his heart.

He seemed to have made a wrong decision and gave away what he got.

Thinking that he had only been specially trained by the cadres for two years after joining, and that except for the difficult promotion process during that period, he had not suffered any discrimination in treatment, Sasaki was even a little lucky now.

But this emotion soon turned into fanaticism and became part of the cry.

[To actually say that my style is not suitable for such a solemn occasion and is only suitable for the first half, there must be something wrong with these guys' taste. 】

This was Quinn's inner thought. He originally wanted to host the entire charismatic ceremony, but was rejected at a later stage.

Because as long as he is allowed to take the stage, the ceremony will always move in the direction of the concert inexplicably.

Although this is Quinn's inner thought, it can still be seen.

Uxie, Emrido, and Aknom all have the ability to see through people's hearts. They also observed the members in front of them during this period, and even read some abnormal thoughts among the many emotions.

[Lord Arceus, please protect me from the air force tonight.]

This is just an example. It is the purest desire in different people's hearts when they are emotionally excited. There are many strangers than him.

Amid cheers, Arceus came to the stage.

There were also three more people in front of Shaina, the candidates for this divine grace ceremony.

Garrot was the calmest in her heart. Although her heartbeat was accelerating, she was just excited. Although she was a fur tribe with a special status like "grandson's companion", she still hadn't seen much of the world.

As a rabbit fur who is full of curiosity about the outside world, this kind of thing will only stimulate her desire to explore. During the previous assessment, she also received more attention from Aknom.

Bebo's body is trembling. If you use your mind-reading ability, you can see that he has been recalling the previous process in his heart, lest there be any mistakes.

But in addition to this part, there is also a large proportion of scenes where Bebo realizes that he has made a mistake and is apologizing. Bebo has even begun to simulate new scenes of apology.

In addition to the two fur tribes, the third one is Drake.

As we all know, an undercover agent is the most loyal one before he is hired.

They will work conscientiously, strive to win the trust of their superiors, and be able to resist all kinds of temptations.

Drake mined in prison for half a year and was then assigned to Jack.

In the past year and a half, he has done the most painful, tiring and dangerous work.

Now he has long been one of the official members. Jack is the cadre with the highest frequency of fighting. If he can work under him at the level of a death squad for a year and a half and survive, Drake's accumulation of merits has reached the standard.

There is no reason to exclude him. This is the rule set by the beasts. As long as the meritorious service reaches the standard, you can obtain the ability, because it is obviously inappropriate for Drake to break the rule of more than thirty years.

Now that the Divine Grace Ceremony is open to the public, it no longer matters whether it is exposed or not. Drake was naturally successfully selected.

As for his attitude afterwards

This is not important. After all these years, there has been no traitor among the Divine Benefactors. Arceus does not mind using such a known unstable factor to tell the world what sanctification means.

Power is given by Arceus, and Arceus naturally has the ability to take it back.

In addition to grace, there is also Thunder. Now he is showing grace, but there are enough opportunities, and he doesn't mind showing anger in a special way.

Of course, Drake didn't know all this. He was operating undercover and was just a puppet on the chessboard to the beasts. He was just observing the actions of another puppet master.

[The opportunity is given to you, don’t let me down]

Drake's process is different from that of Garrott and Bebo. He is a person with abilities, and he takes a different path from them.

The words just now were the instructions given to him by Jack, but Derek felt that the instructions were a bit like a threat.

【Do they know or not.】

If he knew, he shouldn't continue to give him this undercover ability. If he didn't know, he shouldn't behave so weirdly.

Drake overestimated the impact of his undercover role and fell into a mental circle of his own making.

After thinking about it, the process was still continuing, so Drake also followed Bebo and Garrot's actions and knelt down on one knee in front of Arceus.

"Open your hearts and accept the power that is yours."

There were not too many words, everything that needed to be said had been said before. Arceus didn't need to say anything long to them, he just needed to show his strength through actions.

Three streaks of light appeared from Qianzhou's wrist, and the brilliance of different colors turned into powder in the sky, and then flew towards the bodies of Garrot and others. This was also the only key that did not exist in the rehearsal process.

Broken brilliance enveloped their entire bodies. Arceus' power penetrated through the skin and into each of their cells. The changes in abilities were reflected in each person's body.

The first person to show changes was Garrot. Her body seemed to be more receptive, and she absorbed the power given to her by Arceus in the shortest time.

The hair on her body began to lengthen, brown fur emerged from the originally pure white fur, her ears began to expand and lengthen, and a pair of long ears hung down behind her.

Rabbit Pokémon, Jackrabbit, has normal attributes and is one of the Pokémon with Mega evolution ability. Due to its attributes, Garrot's bonus is more on the body, which is not obvious at this time.

But Bebo is different.


Due to different individual conditions, Bebo roared uncontrollably.


The color of his fur did not change, but his chin seemed to be frozen, with three beards made of ice condensed on his chin.

Seeing that there was no problem with the ceremony, Bebo breathed a sigh of relief, but the breath he exhaled covered his hands with a layer of ice gloves.

Tundra Bear, a frozen Pokémon, is a ferocious Pokémon that lives in the extremely cold north. Its sharp claws allow this Pokémon to easily tear through steel.

He had just received the ability and was still not used to this power, so the cold air created a lot of ice crystals around him.

However, the one with the strongest contrast is Drake. He is originally an ability user. At this moment, the abilities in his body have been passively triggered, and his whole body has transformed into the form of an Allosaurus.

The green dinosaur was already conspicuous enough, but now the reddish-brown scales were still replacing his original appearance.

The muscles on Drake's body became more developed, orange rock structures began to appear at the tail of his eyes, white hair grew on his chin and back, and some rocks also appeared out of thin air.

But unlike Bebo and Garrot, Drake didn't feel much joy in gaining power. He didn't even notice an indescribable terror appearing in his heart amidst the cheers of the pirates below.

The situation that the world government and navy were least willing to accept has finally become a reality.

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