Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1286 The pot finally removed

Gaining power is a good thing, but the source of this power is the navy's biggest opponent today.

As long as he is here, it means that Beast Energy will continue to gain ability users.

All the unknowns were automatically connected into a network after Arceus showed his power.

There are so many things in the beasts that neither science nor devil fruits can explain. If Arceus is the source, then everything will make sense.

【Giving. Or creating? 】

There will only be one of the same fruit. This is the consensus in the sea. Some fruits have very similar abilities, but they are not the same fruit after all.

But the beasts have multiple abilities. Not to mention, formation soldiers are the most direct example. With the ability to form a battle formation uniformly, as long as they don't encounter monsters with supermodel individual abilities, they will be an invincible force on the battlefield. The vanguard army.

As an undercover agent, Drake had done enough homework before coming here. Although he couldn't understand everyone, he still knew the names of the cadres.

This includes Manderfesh, whose promotion process was also accompanied by several failures and incredible escapes. In his early years, he even used underground rivers to successfully escape from the hands of Kizaru.

Why users with the ability of hundreds of beasts can retreat underwater has always been a mystery in the past, but it is different now.

People with devil fruit powers are afraid of water, but it's different for people without powers.

In the process, Drake also thought of something even more terrifying. Since the source of these phantom beasts is Arceus, then where is the source of those magical creatures?

Drake didn't know how many Pokémon there were in Wano. He couldn't even count the types, not to mention the specific number.

Every time, this number will increase, and those Pokémon themselves have special abilities.

A duck who specializes in swordsmanship, a four-handed monster with excellent fighting ability, and even in the years when he was mining in the mine, he had seen the power of the Pokémon responsible for guarding.

Putting aside the weak ones, the Boscodora in the mine can easily deal with a pirate with a bounty of just over 100 million, not to mention a big guy like King Yanwu.

If there was no upper limit on the number of such Pokémon, the impact would be even more complicated.

I had an inference in my mind, but I didn't see it with my own eyes after all. It's just that this hope was just deceiving myself.

This is similar to a paternity test. If you write down a 99.9% probability, the remaining 0.1% can be basically ignored.

Today's situation plus the Gyarados tribe with exactly the same abilities as Manderfesh can already explain a lot of things.

"Who is that? You are quite big after you transform. Are you not familiar with your abilities yet?"

Drake suddenly felt something poking his leg. When he looked down, Garrott, who had lost his ability and returned to his original posture, was curiously playing with the rock structure on his leg.

Now Drake's Allosaurus has completely transformed into the form of the Palaeognathus, but this is not the strongest posture of the Palaeognathus. After all, in the world of Pokémon, the Palaeognathus has also lived for 100 million years. Ancient Pokémon from before.

Today's posture is nothing more than the result of Devon resurrecting the fossil.

Garrot brought Drake back to his senses, but the name made him stunned for a moment.

"Then who is that?"

"Yeah, isn't your name "that one"?"


The thinking of the fur tribe is usually different from that of ordinary people. With Drake in front, the old man of the beasts would hardly call him by his name. Moreover, the way Derek joined was not a normal way, and he was called that person for a long time.

Later, some people on Jack's ship who were familiar with him began to call him Red Flag. After this period of time, Drake, who was always deprived of the right to his name, gradually became numb to it.

But the title "that someone" still reminded him of some not-so-pleasant memories.

"Silence! The ceremony is not over yet."

The scepter in Shaina's hand hit the ground. Bebo and Garrot stood at attention as if conditioned by reflex. During the previous rehearsal, Shaina left a rather harsh impression on them.

The scepter in Shaina's hand rose into the air, and the scepter composed of red chains turned into chains again, and divided into three clones around it, held by Kexi, Emliduo and Aknom respectively. In hand.

"The aptitude test starts now!"

The power of Uxie, Emrido and Aknom poured into the top along the red chain. In an instant, the familiar scene appeared again around them. In the blink of an eye, the original venue seemed to turn into a big lake.

"What a shocking power."

Living in the new world, even a princess of a country has her own understanding of the cruelty of the world. Vanessa knows how directly a powerful ability can improve strength.

After all, the warrior captain of their country became the strongest in the kingdom because of his possession of a Devil Fruit.

But compared to the transformation of this space, the ability to express seems to be weaker.

Except for the large lake that appeared out of thin air in front of them, nothing seemed to have changed, but Vanessa suddenly noticed a shaking feeling.

"Oh, oh, oh."

The pirates on Onigashima stomped their feet neatly, as if welcoming some kind of carnival. With the shouts in their mouths, their footsteps became louder and louder, and finally even achieved the effect of a small earthquake.

Martial arts is still the root of the beasts. If you want to be respected here, showing your strength is the most direct way. Every group of people who gain abilities have to fight. This is already the custom of the beasts.

Scheina did not continue to maintain order. The Arceus part of the Divine Grace Ceremony was basically over now. The next step was for the new Divine Grace to fight to demonstrate their worth.

What's more, there are already two people she can't control who are taking the lead in breaking the rules.


The person is still sitting, but the mace has been smashed together.

"The vigilance is good."

"Hmph, the moment I sat next to you, I cheered up. I knew that you, this bastard dad, would never stop under any circumstances."

"Uh-huh, this is a test for you."

The battle between the two was just a taste of it, or it was not a battle at all. For the two of them, this level was as intense as a brain-bang.

And both Kaido and Yamato noticed someone looking at them, so they had to suspend the actions at hand.

At the same time, on the Lake of Trials formed by the abilities of Kexi, Emrido, and Aknom, the battle belonging to the Divine Benefactors has also begun.

Initially, Drake was panicked by this huge lake. After all, the ability users of the beasts were not 100% immune to water. Drake was originally an ability user. According to his estimation, he could not fall into the water.

Drake jumped into the air with the moon step, Garrott floated in the air with electromagnetism, and Bebo, who was stunned, fell directly into the water.

Before the battle officially started, Bebo always gave people a dull feeling.

"This guy Bebo"

In the audience seat, Bebo's brother Jiebo helplessly covered his face. I don't know why, but in daily life, Bebo always has a very negative attitude. Sometimes even Perona's negative ghost has nothing to do with him. .

Compared with Jiebo, who has been outside for many years, Bebo's character is much worse.

"He's growing too, isn't he?"

"They're all following the Duke. He can't even compare to that little girl Garlott. Speaking of which, you taught Garlott, right? What do you think of her?"

"The talent is very strong. If it is a carnivorous bloodline, it will be even stronger. Rabbit has some limitations on her after all, but with the power of the Lord, bloodline is no longer a restriction."

The fur tribe and the fishman tribe are different from the long-hand tribe and the giant tribe. Their species have more or less certain orientations for the future.

Under the same conditions, the fighting ability of tigers and leopards must be greater than that of rabbits, and their sharp teeth and claws will have an innate advantage.

It's just that Arceus' ability can eventually break this limit and allow a person to go further in the future.

"You don't have to worry about Bebo all the time. I think he will go further than your brother in the future."

The original lake surface was now covered with ice crystals. Although he was a little distracted at first, Bebo quickly entered combat mode after adjusting his state. The power in his body also reminded Bebo what he should do.

Bebo's originally mellow appearance became fierce without entering the Moon Lion. The beard composed of ice crystals radiated cold air, and even his teeth and claws were covered with a layer of ice, and even the hair that had not yet been dried The water turned into armor composed of ice crystals.

Tundra bears are not afraid of water. As the top predators on the northern ice sheets, swimming is what tundra bears are best at. Tundra bears can often be seen in the northern ice sea full of icebergs.

The captured prey will be frozen and stored by them to survive the season when food is scarce. If the tundra bear cannot swim anymore, it will exhale its breath to freeze the sea water and rest on the ice.

In the ice plains, this type of Pokémon has always been called a white devil.

In a sense, this Lake of Trials was the most suitable fighting venue for Bebo. As soon as Drake found his foothold, Bebo had already grabbed him with his sharp claws.

The crampons became his anti-slip props. Even on the ice, there was no tendency to slip.

After sweeping away the worries in his mind, Drake's body began to expand, and then turned into a red dragon man. No matter what, he had to continue his mission.

After finally reaching this point, he couldn't give up now.

It's just that this battle is unfair to him, both in terms of attributes and numbers.

When he and Bebo were exchanging fists and kicks, Garrot kicked him in the head. When the number of people was even, the duel would be a relatively fair 1v1. Once there was an odd number, it would be a big melee.

As for how to form a team in a melee, it all depends on their personal relationships. You can't pray for the opponent to be fair on the battlefield, so this kind of luck problem has become a part of the battle.

The racial differences caused Drake to be directly besieged, but no one below felt pity or sympathy, only a new round of shouting.

"The method of freezing the sea surface as a venue looks really familiar, don't you think so, Kuzan?"

"Almost, but this will make my abilities seem useless."

After scratching his hair, Kuzan laughed at himself about his ability.

"You are of the natural type, but that's right. After all, fantasy beast species are rarer than those of the natural type."

"Redhead, are you telling a cold joke? If so, I want to congratulate you. You succeeded in making me cold."

Since the advent of the phantom beast species, it has been called a rare fruit that is even rarer than the natural species, but this statement seems to have a lot of problems.

After all, there are more and more ability users of the fantasy beast species, and they have already surpassed those of the natural system, not to mention the unscientific ability-giving model of the beasts. Just now, they witnessed three people with their own eyes. The birth of the phantom beast species.

Bebo's ice and Drake's rock are the best examples. Although Garrott does not have exaggerated elemental expressions, considering the situations of Bebo and Drake, she does not have ordinary abilities. .

"I'm not telling a joke, I'm just stating the original facts. Anyway, now I have finally come to a conclusion as to where the people with the abilities of the beasts come from."

"Yeah, it seems that the so-called Quinn's skills are just taking the blame."

Neither Kuzan nor Shanks showed much excitement. After all, they had seen many big scenes. What's more, Kuzan's camel had been transformed into Emperor Nabo before. He also had some guesses about this.

But when Kuzan said the word pot, a very excited voice came from behind.

"What did you say?!"


"Is it easy for me, sir? Someone finally understands this matter. Your navy's intelligence department is absolutely blind. Do you know how much pressure that only alive puts on me?"

"But don't you enjoy that honor?"

Just when Quinn was about to complain, Yamato's questioning voice came from behind, forcing Quinn to suppress the emotions that had just been brewing.

"It turns out that artificial fruits are really useless to them."

After seeing all this, Doflamingo also understood more things. The artificial fruit was at best an addition to the beasts and had no effect on them at all. Even if there were no artificial fruits, they would have better substitutes. .

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Forget it, these have nothing to do with me. I am really looking forward to the moment when they collide."

Doflamingo quickly let go of the matter, but the eyes of Senior next to him were twinkling.

He and Rao G also came here before, but they just entered the seating position first and took care of the seating here for Doflamingo. Now he saw a new hope, which could make his wife completely Hope of recovery.

Guluoliosa, who came here with Hancock, had dull eyes, staring blankly above and not knowing what she was thinking. She didn't even react when Hancock called her.

"Hey, mother-in-law, mother-in-law! Did you hear what I said? How do you think this matter should be arranged?"

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