Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1290 The Resurrected “Giant” Pirate Group

"No news yet?"

In the G14 branch, several people paced back and forth anxiously, hoping to get a reply from Kebi, but that was just a wish after all. Twelve hours had passed, and the phone calls were still silent.

According to their regulations, this situation can be regarded as the member being dead.

"No, what happened to Kebi? If it was just a lurking mission, it shouldn't be so dangerous."

Belumeb and Hibari seemed very impatient. Among the members of Sword, they had the best relationship with Kirby. One was in the army training together at the same time, and the other was a junior who received much attention.

Compared with other members, they are more concerned about Kerby's safety.

"You two, please be quiet. I'm so annoying. Drake just sent me a message. He didn't hear anyone talking about Kerby."

In the seat next to them, Prince Gruss, codenamed Prince, gave their latest situation.

Drake sent back a lot of news, including the granting ceremony of the Divine Benefactor, the specific situation of the Lunaria tribe, and Shanks and Katakuri who appeared on Onigashima. These things have been compiled by him and sent to the Navy. Headquarters.

He also inquired about Kebi's situation along the way, but Drake, who was on Ghost Island, didn't know anything about this kind of thing. After all, he was also one of the beneficiaries of the divine grace ceremony, and he was the one who fought with him on the ship. Didn't know he was an undercover agent.

Now they are celebrating for Drake, and Drake took the time to send back the news. Under this situation, Drake has no time to pay attention to the little person Kerby.

"how so?"

"This is good news. At least it means that Kebi has not been sent to Wano. In the best case scenario, Kebi has nothing to do and is just delayed by other things.

However, this kind of thing is very slim. The greater possibility is that he was imprisoned nearby by the pirates on the island. The naval captain may not be a big shot in their eyes and they didn't take it to heart at all. "

As for the worst-case scenario, of course Keby was killed after being exposed, but they had Keby's life card. The life card could show that Keby was still a living person, with no arms or legs missing.

"In this case, shouldn't we rescue Kebi? He is our comrade-in-arms and has helped us a lot. We can't just leave him alone."

"Yes, senior Kebi's current position should be more convenient for rescue, right? There is a Seraph in the G14 branch. Maybe we can use that."

"Are you two brains broken?! I know that Kebi has a good relationship with you, and he is also my comrade-in-arms, but does this make you forget what is going on there?"

Prince Grus interrupted Skylark and Belumeber, and then motioned to Peacock to bring over the map.

"This is where Kebi performed his mission. This is Nine Snake Island, and this is New Fishman Island. This is the current location of some of the islands of the Beast Pirates. What does this mean, do you know?"

"The master of Nine Snakes is Boya Hancock, and the new Fishman Island may have Jinbei. They are both former Shichibukai, and their bounties exceed one billion Baileys.

Even if the other members of the Hundred Beasts don't participate, as vassals of the Hundred Beasts, will they treat us like nothing?

Even Seraph doesn't have the ability to instantly kill the original Shichibukai. Do you think we can defeat another Shichibukai together? "

Being able to allow the beasts to move the island, Nine Snakes and Fishman Island have long been regarded as vassal forces of the beasts. After Peacock's analysis, it can be considered as a temporary calm for them.

Then Peacock came up with other relevant information. In sword, Peacock was responsible for some intelligence tasks. Because she is the granddaughter of He, people have a stereotyped impression of her.

How can Mr. Lu Xun’s grandson not smoke? How could Mr. Lu Xun’s grandson not know how to write articles?

This is what happened to Peacock. Your grandma He is the chief staff officer of the headquarters. How can you not know intelligence?

For this reason, peacock has this position.

"One more thing. This is an order from the headquarters some time ago. Since it has nothing to do with us, I didn't inform you. You can take a look."

[It is prohibited to use Seraphim in the territory of beasts]

Several very eye-catching words appeared in their eyes. Seraph built seven units in total, S-Eagle and S-Snake were destroyed in Egghead, and S-Bat was damaged in the battle on Nine Snake Island.

Weapon damage is inevitable. The world government and navy did not pay attention to this kind of thing at first. Only a few high-level people knew about Jhin and Shaina's race, and most people could only rely on guesswork.

But as Shaina and Jhin removed their disguises, all members of the staff knew this part of the information.

Why did the Beasts kill Vegapunk? Why did the Seraph battle damage rate against them reach 75%? All these have clear answers.

This is revenge, the revenge of that race.

They do not accept biological weapons made from their own blood to fight for their enemies.

Seraph's combat power can maintain the stability of some sea areas. In the first half of the Grand Route, Seraph has overwhelming strength. In order to preserve the remaining four Seraphs, this order was born.

"Do you understand now? Although the sword has a special mechanism and can decide tasks independently, and can even act on its own regardless of the headquarters' ban, the premise is that we must mobilize weapons like Seraph."

Looking at Skylark and Bellumeb, Peacock felt that he had explained clearly enough. They didn't want this to happen, but now that it had happened, they had nothing to do.

Besides, joining this team also requires a certain amount of awareness. Sword is not an ordinary navy.

As Peacock said before, sword does not follow any orders and is a "guerrilla" that can move freely.

Even the order prohibiting casual war with the Sea Emperor can be ignored. This privilege also comes with a price. Neither the Navy nor the World Government will recognize the existence of this force. Its status is even more embarrassing than that of the CP.

As a special operations force of the Navy, they are not in the normal troop sequence at all, but a group of navy who have already submitted their resignations.

The naval numbers belonging to them have been returned to the Navy. If the circumstances are suitable, the superiors will immediately agree to their resignation and expel them from the Navy.

If they touch any taboo, they will even be erased.

"That place is not something we can easily enter. I will never give this order."

Prince Gruss completely rejected the two people's ideas. He was the captain of this team and it was impossible for him to lead others on this 100% death mission.

While the members of Sword were having a small meeting in private, a new round of meetings was also held within the Navy headquarters. The team trying to sabotage the alliance had already set off. At this time, it was time to study the follow-up issues.

"This is the latest information that our people came in a few hours ago. The beasts have summoned most of the leaders in the territory, including several kings from non-franchised countries. There are many members of the Shichibukai under the original king."

Brannew stood in a familiar position, holding the latest information in his hand.

“First of all, it’s about the Lunaria clan. I believe you all know that this race, like the Bakania clan, is a race wanted by the world government.

Their cadres, Yanxue and KING, are all from this race, but according to the latest intelligence, the number of this race is more than that. "

Brannew didn't take out any photos this time. It was already very difficult for Drake to pass on the information. He didn't do anything arrogant like taking photos on stage.

"Secondly, the numerous fruit-ability users within the Hundred Beasts also have their source. It is not the technology of the blood factor that we have speculated before, but the power of its important member Arceus.

The beasts call it divine grace, and Arceus is also regarded as a god by the Lunaria tribe. If this news is true, it is likely to be an ancient god. "

"Excuse me, are you serious about God?"

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, I am only stating the content of the intelligence. I don't know about other things."

Although Brannew can speak in front of many senior generals, his own military rank is not high. When faced with the questions of these lieutenant generals, he can only answer respectfully.

"Ghost Spider, listen to what Branyu has to say."

"Yes, Marshal Sakaski."

With Akainu in his sight, no one interrupted Brannew, but let him finish all the information in one breath.

"Okay, if you have any questions you can ask now, I will try my best to answer them."

"Are you sure you want to attribute it to the power of God? Spreading this kind of news is very detrimental to morale. Maybe this is just the power of some kind of devil fruit? Just like Charlotte Lingling's soul fruit, it can turn someone into A substance is given out.

This sea is too mysterious, and there are still many Devil Fruits with unknown abilities.

The situation of the Lunaria tribe may also be just a disguise to lower our morale. "

"It's not impossible, but according to our information, the other party's ability can directly change the fundamentals of other people with abilities, causing their abilities to undergo qualitative changes. This is beyond what fruit abilities can do."

The fruit's ability can act on other people with abilities, but in the past, I have never heard of a fruit that can change the form of other fruits. It is also a devil fruit. In theory, it has the same level of power. This should not happen. right.

"No matter what, we have to consider the worst-case scenario and this is a possibility we cannot ignore."

"Okay, don't bother with this kind of thing. Human beings will become gods with power that they cannot understand. He is called this just because he is powerful. The world government will have its own arrangements. Our main task is still to Pirates at sea.

For the sake of naval justice, it is our responsibility to eliminate pirates! "

"Yes! For justice!"

Justice is always the best slogan for the navy to boost morale. After rebuilding morale and arranging the subsequent intelligence, most of the generals have left here. Only people like Crane, Sengoku, and Kizaru are still here.

"Sengoku, you fought against Arceus back then, right?"

"Speak with respect to your seniors, Sakaski. This matter has been going on for a long time. It did happen when I was a general."

Warring States chewed rice cake crisps and recalled the previous events. He was very impressed by the broken golden body of the Buddha.

"Then what do you think the opponent's strength is?"

That was almost one of the few scenes of Arceus fighting humans. After that, Arceus' opponent was no longer human, but something beyond human power.

A country, an island, or a weapon like the Virgin Flame, each special "opponent" embodies the terror of his power.

"I don't know, but if I had continued to fight, I should have been the one who died."

The current Warring States still looked old and dishonest, but he still objectively gave his own conclusion.

"How does it compare with Rocks back then?"

"I don't know. Their strength is beyond my understanding. This is not a conclusion I can give. Maybe Garp can give you the answer, Garp! Strange, where is that Garp guy?"

After looking around, Sengoku found no trace of Garp, but he didn't take it to heart. Garp's whereabouts were common knowledge in the Navy headquarters.

"Sakaski, why are you asking?"

Looking at Sakaski who was fiddling with the information, a question arose in He's mind.

"Make a simple comparison."

As he spoke, Sakaski placed the reward warrants on the table. Some of them were even yellowed. The red cross on them also meant that the wanted person was already dead.

"Rocks, young Whitebeard, Golden Lion, young Charlotte Lingling, Captain John, Wang Zhi, Silver Ax, these were the most dangerous group of people in the Rocks Pirates back then."

Rocks' bounty order was just a blank piece of paper. After the World Government issued an order to eliminate his existence, Rocks' bounty order also disappeared. Even the Navy Headquarters did not retain his bounty order.

Compared with these monsters, Kaido, who is still a young boy, is not ranked at all. Even if he is a rising newcomer in the sea, he cannot be compared with these monsters.

"Kaido, Arceus, Yamato, the old Charlotte Lingling, red-haired Shanks, Ben Beckman, and Kuzan, this is the sea we will face after the establishment of this pirate alliance. thief."

A simple comparison can always give people a better understanding of the situation. As time goes by, many people are submerged in the background of the times. Many people are turned into a handful of loess, and their personal strength has also undergone tremendous changes.

But except for Charlotte Lingling, whose strength has declined, the rest are growing. Judging from the current situation, the threat of the Hundred Beasts Alliance has already exceeded that of the Rocks Pirates.

"Can you tell me the navy's lineup at that time?"

Akainu didn't understand this part of the sealed content, so he could only try to get the answer from Sengoku.

"Garp in his prime and a large number of marines, the Roger Pirates, the Knights of God of the Celestial Dragons, and the original Rocks Pirates were the ones who fought against each other.

Rocks himself was defeated by the combination of Garp and Roger. "

Warring States did not hide it, but told the new generation of senior executives the secrets of the year.

"Hmph, the navy actually joined forces with the pirates, it's really humiliating."

Akainu said something angrily, but did not continue. He found that the problem was far more serious than he thought.

The Rocks Pirates were not of the same mind, relying entirely on Rocks' force to intimidate him. When Rocks was in decline, others did not want to help him at all, but chose to protect themselves and escape.

Compared with this loose pirate group, the alliance that the Hundred Beasts are about to form is more threatening. At least the bond between their members is much stronger than the Rocks Pirate Group.

"The strength of the pirates is far greater than it was back then, but can we surpass the coalition forces at that time?"

"Who knows? These guys look so scary. Can we not fight?"

The only person who answered Akainu was Kizaru's familiar tone. Neither Sengoku nor Crane spoke. There is no doubt about Roger's strength. There is no doubt about this. Most of the people who fought with the Rocks Pirates back then are still alive, but they have already reached their old age. .

It is not easy to surpass the combined strength of young Garp and Roger.

"The remnants of the past have gathered together again. Is the Rocks Pirates going to be resurrected?"

"Resurrection? I would rather face the resurrected Rocks Pirates. I'm afraid these guys are more difficult to deal with."

This time Akainu did not burn the table in front of him. He hated pirates, but he did not underestimate their strength.

"All naval leave will be cancelled, all lightly wounded personnel will return to the army immediately, all soldiers in the training camp will enter the formal army as soon as possible, and the strong men from the general recruitment will also gather at the headquarters.

If this sabotage operation fails, what we will face may be a war. "

The combat power just calculated does not include senior cadres. Three consecutive ones have shown Akainu's judgment of the seriousness of the matter. It is impossible for so many pirates to gather just to play house, right?

Once they successfully complete the alliance, no one can tell what the situation in the sea will become.

No one knows how many newcomers they encouraged to flock to the sea.

There are also revolutionary troops taking advantage of the opportunity to take action. Akainu can be said to be the busiest naval marshal.

At the same time, Marie Joa, the exact same information has appeared in their hands, but their attitude is completely different from that of the navy.

"CP0 can successfully complete the mission, right?"

"Maybe they can, maybe they can't. Faced with this kind of thing, their abilities are a bit weak after all."

"Maybe we should take action in advance to solve this hidden danger for Lord Im."

"Don't disrupt Master Yimu's decision-making. Sir Yimu will naturally have his own arrangements, but it is not impossible if it is a last resort.

They could no longer hold back after proclaiming the name of God in public. They didn't expect that there were so many remnants of the Lunaria clan. In which corner did they survive? "

Izambalon V. Nasthuro and Shepard Ten. Peter discussed relevant matters, and rarely made any thoughts about preparing to leave.

"Compared to this, others are making trouble again. Our food shortage has been quite serious recently. Hasn't it been solved yet?"

"Those fishmen have settled down recently. Several grain transport ships have arrived at Red Harbor. They can handle it for a while. These fishmen in the water are really troublesome."

"Isn't there something in York that can control sea beasts? It should be enough for York to get some sea beasts to deal with this."

"I agree, it's time for these two Vegapunk clones to show some real value."

Topman Wuchuli and Marcus Maz also made certain arrangements for the food attack. Only Satan looked at the intelligence of the revolutionary army and didn't know what he was thinking. He seemed to have some special ideas.

On Ghost Island, the people here are not as worried as the Navy and the World Government. Their emotions are in a very high state.

Apu, who acted as the DJ, had his whole body turned into instruments, playing high notes in conjunction with Quinn. As another round of accompaniment ended, Apu wiped the sweat from his forehead and returned to the rest area.

Here Hawkins is playing with his tarot cards as usual.

"You are really calm. You have no reaction to such shocking news. What a god!"

"Why do you think I didn't respond?"

The speed in Hawkins' hand gradually increased, and he even waved an afterimage. Due to his personality, Hawkins didn't like shouting, but he would swing the cards in his hand when he was excited.

The speed of his hands at this time was enough to show the level of excitement in his heart.

Looking at Hawkins who had put all the tarot cards in the right direction, Apu seemed to understand something and sat down on the sofa nearby.

"That guy Kidd is still talking arrogantly. This kid has no idea what he has missed. He is still dreaming about the pirate king. He doesn't even think about why he should be the pirate king? Why should he compete with these monsters.

Don't you like divination? How about divining Kidd's future? "

"This kind of thing doesn't make sense."

"It's better to pass the time, it's more meaningful than shuffling around."


Apu's words seemed to awaken Hawkins, and he rearranged his tarot cards and then arranged them carefully again.

"The escape rate is 50%, the injury rate is 89%, the mortality rate is 97%, and the escape success rate is 0.28%. His future is dead and not good."

"It's not 0%, so I really looked at him a few times. But it seems like this kid is still restless. Can you be more accurate? Maybe we can prevent him from escaping from prison."

"My ability is divination, not prophecy. I can't do something so precise."

Hawkins glanced at Apu faintly, and then continued to calculate other things, but before he could come to a conclusion, Quinn also came to the rest area here.


"Master Quinn, what can I do for you?"

"Tell me a divination. Why am I suddenly uneasy? I feel like something bad is about to happen."

"I'm sorry, Master Quinn, I can't do it."

Hawkins had just played with one or two cards and put them back in their place. After hearing Hawkins's answer, Quinn's face instantly became ugly.

"What do you mean, kid? Are you going to look down on me after you become a regular employee? Don't forget that I specially recruited you. Weren't you very skilled at what you did before? Why can't you do it anymore?"

"But your fate this time is related to Lord Arceus. I don't have the courage or ability to predict things related to God."


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