Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1291 Invisible Pushing Hand

"Hasn't this kind of thing happened before? Haven't you also done divination? I asked you to divination my situation, not Lord Arceus' situation. What are you afraid of?"

"Master Quinn, you also said that that was before."

"You guy."

Quinn found that he seemed to have triggered some unfortunate rule inexplicably. Through a divine grace ceremony, many people gained new abilities. The hearts of his younger brothers were surging, and the internal forces were shocked.

It's obviously something that benefits a group, but it's different when it comes to oneself. Why does one's reliable means of avoiding misfortune disappear like this?

Hawkins' performance made Quinn suddenly realize a very serious problem. His specially recruited younger brother was originally a magician. He used tarot cards for divination every day. After coming to Wano Country, he even expanded his skills. knowledge.

He has dabbled in crystal balls, lotteries, and tortoise shells, but the most important thing is still tarot cards. This is something that matches his fruit ability. By drawing cards, he can occasionally shine.

It is reasonable for the magic stick to have a sense of awe after seeing the divine grace ceremony. Except for Quinn being inexplicably affected by a strange circle, there is no problem on the whole.

"Lord Quinn, there is an event in the monastery this afternoon. I want to attend it first. Please take care of yourself."

Hawkins' answer gave Quinn no reason to stop him. Hawkins had been participating in church activities there, but now he just became more active.

If word got out that he was preventing others from participating in church activities, the trouble would be really big.

But for Quinn, it would be better not to say Hawkins's words.

Hawkins only gave a general overview of the good and bad without giving details. This kind of behavior was even more terrifying to Quinn. The slap that could be slapped by his face at any time was far more terrifying than the slap that had already been slapped.

"Why is this thing in the future such a headache?"

Quinn slumped down on the large sofa in the back. Countless sorrows seemed to be accumulated in the accumulated fat. There were not many people in this position-changing battle. After all, it was not a large-scale rotation prepared on a designated island. Now his host The work is basically over.

Due to the previous divine grace ceremony, Ghost Island is now in an open state, and the dome above has not yet closed. Looking at the Millennium Dragon flying in the sky, Quinn suddenly remembered something.

"Apu, I'll leave this to you. If there's anything you need to do, take charge first."

"Master Quinn, what does this mean?"

Quinn's words made Apu very confused. For the pushy Quinn, it was too abnormal to give him this kind of opportunity. It couldn't be that he was stimulated by Hawkins and wanted to vent his anger on himself.

"I suddenly have something important to do. Remember to stay away. Attacking the referee is not prohibited in our position-changing battle. You may not be able to withstand it."

Wide bladed wings appeared behind Quinn, and with a strong surge of air, Quinn showed a sensitivity that was completely inappropriate for his size, and disappeared from Apu's face in an almost flashing manner, leaving only a dash. A large black spot in the sky.

At the same time, above the sky, Katakuri, who had just boarded a flight and was about to return to the Totland Sea, noticed the changes below. Although this was the airspace of the beasts, he did not relax his vigilance, but activated the Prediction of the Future. Ability.

After seeing the short future, I felt relieved.

"Wait a minute, let the thousand-year-old dragon in front stop for a moment!"

Quinn didn't call Katakuri, but used a more direct method to get the opponent to stay.

As soon as he finished speaking, Quinn rushed over before the Millennium Dragon could enter hover mode.

"Quinn? What are you doing?"

"I suddenly remembered something very important."


"How can I practice seeing, hearing, and color to the point where I can predict the future? Do you have any tips?"

This is the truth that Quinn has just realized. Since external force cannot work, then you have to rely on yourself. As long as you can master the ability to predict the future, it is best to see him for two or three days, then you don't have to worry about the future.

"Well, fighting depends on your talent. It might be easier if someone teaches you, but it depends more on yourself."

If predicting the future is so easy to teach, then Katakuri must teach it to his brothers and sisters first. Although the core of the Big Mom Pirates is Charlotte Lingling, Katakuri is more like this family than others. Parents.

Even if he has a strong ability to predict the future, he will not hide his secrets because of it.

"I don't have enough time. You should ask your governor about this kind of thing."

Katakuri knew very well that Kaido had this ability, so he had no worries. It was not like Quinn had no other channels anyway.

Quinn also knew the same thing, but he chose to avoid talking about Katakuri's words and quickly changed the subject.

"Brother Kaido should be very busy now, don't you have any tips?"


"Damn it. You should send him back first, and remember to come back on time."

Quinn did not bother to see Katakuri, but gave the Millennium Dragon a few words and then let them continue on their original schedule. He did not want to delay the meeting in a few days.

"Are we really going to find Brother Kaido? No, this is going to die."

As one of the elders, Quinn understands Kaido. With Kaido's character, if he knew that he wanted to learn to predict the future, he would definitely not refuse.

But the next moment he will excitedly pull himself to practice. According to Kaido's thinking, whether it is domineering or the control of fruit abilities, he can continue to become stronger in battle. If he cannot learn it, he must be able to fight. Not ruthless enough.

At that time, I will probably continue to experience death crises to help myself learn.

As for how he knew.

That's how Yamato came here back then. Quinn didn't want to experience the love education from Kaido. That thing was really deadly, even though it was only half a piece.

If it weren't for the danger of finding Kaido, there would be no need for him to stop Katakuri. Although he is more famous in the sea for this ability, he is completely different from Kaido.

"There doesn't seem to be a shortcut to this thing. Maybe I should ask the redhead?

But this kid is a little too thoughtful, and I might be tricked by him again."

Quinn has fallen into a deep tangle. He is faced with a choice, whether he will be unlucky if he does nothing, or whether he will do something to save himself to avoid the bad luck, which will lead to the final bad luck.

However, Katakuri couldn't see through Quinn's innermost thoughts. If he knew that Quinn wanted to predict several days of the future, he would have persuaded him to give up long ago. That level was beyond the scope of human power. .

Even Quinn himself didn't realize that he had evolved an intuition. His ability to predict that he was going to be unlucky was already an alternative individual talent. Perhaps this is the evolution of human beings. .

While Quinn was in trouble, some numberers had already left the temporary arena on Ghost Island, and like Quinn, were in the same state of doubting life.

"Something's wrong, this isn't right."

Peggy Wan was sitting on the shore of the inland sea, holding a brand new fishing rod in his hand. At this time, the fishing line was tightened and the fishing rod was bent. The force coming from the palm of his hand told Peggy Wan even more. Another fish bit the hook.

Peggy Wan felt that his fishing skills were very good, and that his failure to catch fish was just due to some accidents, but he still knew how high his hook rate was.

But since the end of this charismatic ceremony, he has not been free for six consecutive shots, which is very abnormal.

"It won't happen again this time."

With a little self-doubt, Peggy Wan lifted the rod skillfully, and with the splash of water, a Carp King was already hanging on his fishing rod.


Looking at the six Magikarp in the temporarily dug reservoir next to him, and then at the seventh one on the fishing rod, Peggy Wan was completely confused.

If he remembered correctly, he had prayed for similar things before, and now it seemed that it was effective, but the effect was a bit outrageous.

There are other fish in the inland sea of ​​Wano, and there are many kinds. He can see the shadows of those fish, but they just don't bite the hook.

"What the hell is this? Do you want me to summon a monkey?"

Seeing that they had gathered seven of them, almost meeting the summoning conditions in the seven monkey beads, Peggy Wan simply put them back into the sea one by one.

The Seven Monkey Pearls is also a famous picture book on the sea. Although it is not ranked as high as "Warrior of the Sea: Sky" promoted by the World Government, it is still a well-known picture book.

As a member of the new generation raised by the Beasts themselves, Peggy Wan understands the rules of the Beasts better than those who joined midway. Although the number of Magikarp is ridiculous, it doesn't matter if you catch a few, but it is not appropriate to do anything else. .

However, after putting King Magikarp back into the sea, before Peggy Wan could continue to swing the rod, the mysterious "summoning condition" was triggered, and Nereus was already in the sea water.

"Stop fishing. No matter how hard you try, you can only catch Magikarp during this period."

"why is that?"

"The power of the Lord, the power of the Lord's explosion this time is far beyond normal. Although you don't feel it, this power has affected many things. This is something that only members of the Pokémon race can detect.

You were in the venue before, and your body and fishing rod were contaminated by this aura. An ordinary Carp King cannot resist this temptation, so no matter how hard you fish, no other fish will bite the hook.

The moment your hook hits the water, swarms of carp will crowd out other fish. "

"How long will this last?"

If he was bound to catch fish when he hooked up in the future, but 100% of the fish he caught were carp, he no longer knew how to describe such a thing.

The current distribution range of Magikarp is very exaggerated. In the four seas, the Grand Line, and even on islands in the sky, there are Magikarp brought up by the currents in the sky. It is very difficult to find a body of water without Magikarp.

"It won't take long, it will probably end tomorrow."

"That's good"

The carp king has to release it after catching it. If the fish he catches cannot be used as a trophy to show off, then his life as a fisherman will be meaningless.

At this time, Ulti also ended her battle. As soon as the battle ended, she left the ghost island and found Peggy Wan, which brought Peggy Wan's fishing time to a complete end.

Ulti's battle was also the final battle of this position-changing battle, but these people did not disperse immediately.

When it first set sail, the pirate ship of the Hundred Beasts was just a small ship with only a few people on board. The ship has now completed its mission and was placed in the dock as a souvenir.

Later, they got a big ship. Although Kaido only used the group of boys as tool men to sail the ship, and they kept dying in the battle, the survivors also had a lot of friendships.

Manderfish and Babanuki were all old people who had walked together in that era.

After entering the new world, the beasts have their first territory. Although the territory is much larger, it is still just an island and they can still meet each other on weekdays.

When the beasts took over the country of Wano, the territory was already connected. The number of old people was further reduced, and there were not many opportunities to meet each other.

Today, the Hundred Beasts have become the pirate group with the largest territorial area. To put it another way, they are the most powerful warlord leaders on the sea besides the World Government and the Navy.

Those old people either died in the war, or became cadres, or have already lived a retired life here. It is normal to gather together for a short time and stay away for many times. The opportunity to get together like this is only once or twice a year.

Whenever this time comes, the banquet becomes a key node. Even if it is not dark yet, they still light a fire and start their banquet moment.

At the same time, Tezzolo and Kojiro also finished explaining their affairs.

"Well, everyone, I believe what we convey is clear enough. We hope that the currency Pele will disappear in your country as soon as possible and be replaced by our currency.

Of course, this is not a consultation with you, but an order from Lord Arceus and Governor Kaido. "

Tezzolo tossed a few coins in his hand, which were specially made coins made by Sai Fuhao's ability.

"This is our currency, and the corresponding banknotes look like this. Everyone has good eyesight. There is a lot of white space on these banknotes. Maybe one day, you can become the pattern on the currency and pass it on forever. "

Printing banknotes is not difficult for the beasts, and the anti-counterfeiting methods are also very special. The coins contain Sai Fuhao's power, and the banknotes contain Diancie's power.

She used her power to compress elemental components in the air, leaving a new type of elemental structure in the paper material. Together with the anti-counterfeiting structure developed by Asier based on this element, she easily completed the key structure.

There are simple numbers on it, and the Qianzhou wrist is the frame on the center of the banknote. However, there are some scenery and Pokémon on it, and there are no avatars for the time being. This is the temptation of a "name" left behind.

"Does this have to be done?"

"Of course, this is for your own good. After all, Bailey may be just a worthless piece of paper in the future."

“I have a question, when can you turn this currency into a universal currency?

Of course there is no problem if we are only within the territory of the beasts, but we still have to trade with passing merchant ships and purchase supplies from some islands, if they cannot be used."

This royal family member expressed the sentiments of those present. Bailey is now the universal currency in the world. Whether it is a franchised country or a non-franchised country, a pirate or a navy, Bailey can be spent even on an empty island.

If after changing the currency, this currency cannot be used as the world's universal currency, then there will be big trouble.

"It won't take long, and we will give you plenty of time, and we won't ask you to complete this matter in a day or two.

I can personally give you a guarantee that the compulsory replacement order can be suspended until that day comes. "

In fact, Tezolo has been doing this for a long time, but it was done on Gulan Tezolo. He first replaced the casino chips with this currency, so that rare items can only be exchanged with this kind of chips. .

At the same time, it is guaranteed that this kind of chips can be used to purchase supplies in Baishou Fruit stores around the world. The huge enterprise and huge gold reserves are enough to guarantee the currency value, but it will take a lot of fermentation time to achieve the goal.

"Please treat these currencies as working capital. After all, Bailey is no longer in circulation in Wano. If you don't use these currencies, you can only use gold, silver and precious metals."

The country of Wano is also a testing ground for some policies of the beasts. The gold exchange office opened by Kojiro has long provided this kind of service. So far, it is going relatively smoothly.

"Today's meeting ends here. If you want to leave, you can go to the rooftop of Onigashima to find Miss Olga, also known as Phantom Disaster, and she will arrange your return.

You can also choose to spend a few days here, and we guarantee absolute safety here. "

"Their layout"

"It's very big. If they implement their own currency in the territory, as the issuer they will have better control over our domestic economy, but there is no difference. After all, they have the final say only by force.

Tezzolo can make Fruit of the Beasts so big. He understands economics. As long as they don't print money like crazy, then everything is easy to say."

They can see what the beasts want to do, and they have no right to refuse. Judging from Tezzolo's current performance, their goal is development, not a one-time deal, which is also good news.

As long as the beasts can win the war, they will also be the beneficiaries.

"So does anyone want to leave first? Or do you want to visit this place? Maybe we can go together."

"No, I think we should each look at it individually."

No one left first. If the territory of the beasts is regarded as a whole, Wano Country is their capital. From the development of the capital, we can more or less see some of their thoughts about the future.

These kings had their own thoughts and immediately took their people to Wano Country from different directions.

There were also people who stayed on the ghost island, looking at the carnival pirates with curiosity. This kind of carnival was far away from them.

And in their eyes, people of noble status don't have the slightest airs.

"Tezolo! Tezolo! Tezolo!"

The economic and financial king of the underground world, the master of Gulan Tezoro, and the CEO of Baishou Fruit. This man with many titles is like a rapper at this time, and is showing off his singing voice under the encouragement of the pirates.

Apu also naturally became his DJ, and as for Quinn.

He is still worried about his future, and it seems that he will have to wait until the banquet to recover.

While the beasts were having a banquet, several phone bugs also sent out their own communications. The red-haired face no longer had a playful smile, but a serious look.

On the other side of the phone bug, Beckman did not continue to reprimand Shanks. He was just making trouble on weekdays, but when it came to serious matters, he would still obey Shanks' orders.

"Shanks, are you sure you've decided?"

"I'm sure, this is probably my last big gamble."

"You've already decided, what else can I say? Has the location been determined?"

"Of course, it's that island. You should have the eternal pointer there."

"It's not hard to find. Don't worry, I will take everyone there on time."

The captain definitely couldn't go through this kind of thing alone. He had to bring at least a few younger brothers to support the scene. Beckman had already understood what Shanks meant, and after hanging up the phone, he summoned the other members.

"Everyone! The big boss has a new order, get ready to sail!"

"Uncle Beckman, can you take me with you? I'm 18 years old! I also want to sail with Shanks!"

"Let's wait until you are 80 years old. You are a giant, and you are just a kid at 18."

A child from the giant tribe seemed to yearn for the life of a pirate and wanted to go there with Beckman, but was ruthlessly rejected by Beckman.

"Quack, quack, that's right, kid. It's 100 years too early for you to go to sea. Don't cause trouble to the adults."

Dongli, who returned to Elbafu, carried back the giant child in front of him, and then watched the red-haired pirates leave Elbafu.

In the sky, Katakuri, who has not yet returned to his territory, has also established communication with Charlotte Lingling.

"Mom, I'm already on my way back. I'll be back soon."

"How is the situation with the beasts?"

"Strong, beyond comprehension."

"Well, well, well, the kid from back then has finally grown up. It seems like we have to make good use of this favor."

"Mom, things are actually more complicated. I'd better wait until I get back to interview you."

Some words could not be explained in a few words. Katakuri was worried that Charlotte Lingling would be unstable if she was too excited and others would not be able to handle the problem, so she decided to go back and talk later.


"I know, mother, I won't delay your alliance meeting."

The naval intelligence department and the monitoring unit also once again verified the island where a major incident was about to occur and sent out their elite team. In a certain unknown airspace, Morgans also put down the phone bug in his hand.

Arceus's divine favor only targets the territory. The kings have not yet returned to their territories, so the news has naturally not begun to spread. Morgans is concerned about the activities in the next few days.

"Three pirates at the top of the sea plan to form an alliance. This is really big news!

Miss Wednesday, you should be honored by this.

Letting this be your first interview in your journalistic career is something that cannot be replicated in the industry."

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