Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1296 Did you see the navy that came to your door?

"Your experience was not easy either."

"The sea is more turbulent now than before, but there are still a few disgusting guys. They really think they can take advantage of others if they know some secrets."

"It seems like I can't compare to you, what should I do next?"

Lamenting the disparity in strength, Awanisha retracted his two guns. This feeling was very strange to him.

When they were separated, he was just a little brother, but when they met again, he had become able to stand alone.

"Let's clean this place up first. We can't let them rot here and pollute the air."

A fire burned everything here clean. Jhin and Awanisha were about to return to the place where other Lunarians settled, but a green vine stretched out next to them.

"Seed, seed seed."


Looking at the vines wrapped around his ankles, Jhin felt doubtful, but when he looked at Bulbasaur, his eyes became weird, because there was a vine wrapped around another vine of Bulbasaur. A strange-looking fruit.

"Is this a devil fruit?"

It looks like a star fruit, with a distinctive spiral pattern on the dark green peel and a circle of short antennas on top. This weird appearance can be said to be nothing else but a devil fruit.

"Abel, why do I feel that this fruit is the ability of that hyena? That ability should be pretty good."

Some fruits don't have any characteristics from the outside, but some fruits contain some characteristics of abilities, such as the flame pattern of the burning fruit, and the leopard skin of the cat fruit in the shape of a leopard.

The battle has just ended, and Awanisha has not forgotten the appearance of the enemy. Now this fruit has almost shown its own characteristics. Even without the illustration, Jhin and Awanisha can be roughly sure that this is the Frankenstein Fruit.

"The ability is good, but it's too fast."

After the person with the fruit ability dies, the fruit will be reborn in a corner of the world. This is not a secret on the sea, but when he kills the enemy with his front legs, the fruit grows next to him. This is the first time that Jin has encountered this outrageous thing. arrive.

The last time such a coincidence was when they first went to sea, Quinn took out the pterosaur fruit from the box and kicked it out.

"Luck. No, it's this world!"

"The power of God enveloped the world so that those with the ability of the Gate Fruit could not escape, so the fruit was reborn in this world. Is this what you mean, Abel?"

What they speculated was the fact. The reverse world was not a regular world, especially since Giratina had blocked this space.

"Yeah, but I'm also lucky. This world is so big, one of them actually reborn directly near us, and they happened to pick it up."

Pokémon's intelligence is no worse than that of humans, not to mention that there is Quinn in the reverse world, who is always cultivating some weird plants.

Pokémon know very well what can and cannot be eaten. Bulbasaur, who will help Quinn grow artificial devil fruits, knows what to do after he discovers the abnormality of this fruit.

After putting the fruit away, Jhin lowered his body and touched Bulbasaur's head.

"This fruit is here, and the other ones should be here too, right? Go look for them, maybe they are nearby."

Not only Jhin and Avanessa, but even Bulbasaur started to move. As for Giratina, after finishing the things here, he devoted himself to the reversal of the expanded world.

Although the reverse world was his territory, the extremely subtle changes such as Devil Fruit rebirth did not attract his attention. No one noticed where there was an extra speck of dust in any corner of their home, and the same was true for Giratina.

When they began to search for fruits, the outside world also experienced different changes.

For example, on Lianyi Island, Duopeng looked very excited. He rarely put on formal clothes and dressed up.

There are many people in the same situation as him on the island, and they have paid a heavy price for what happened today.

First, moving the time forward for a while, a new round of internal fighting has begun in Wano. In a very popular term, this group of people are fighting for the priority in choosing a mate.

"Brother Babanuki, do you really don't care about them? Or don't you take part in it personally? I don't think Duopeng and Davego will continue to fight like this."

"Why panic? It's almost over. It's rare for them to be so desperate. Why stop them? As for participating, I have no interest in women."

Babanuki yawned, and then looked at the battlefield below with some interest.

The number of Nine Snakes' personnel is also limited, at least compared to the Hundred Beasts, their number is much smaller.

For Kuji, men are a curious and unfamiliar species, so in the first friendship, there were not many people who wanted to participate. Most of them were members of the Kuji Pirates. Pioneer of action.

Taking into account the problem of matching people, the beasts adopted their general rules. Those who wanted to sign up first, and then fight to reduce the number of people.

"Dave Ge, give up. You'd better wait until next time. Just give me this opportunity!"

In the quicksand hell, Duopeng slowly revealed his head. At this time, the solid ground had completely turned into a sea of ​​yellow sand. For the hippo beast, the sea of ​​yellow sand was the most gentle hometown, and Dai Dai who was trapped in it had completely turned into a sea of ​​yellow sand. Fu Ge became unable to move.

boom! boom!

Two mud bombs were fired from Davego's hands, but the high-speed rotating quicksand made him lose his balance, and in the end they just missed.

"You are really desperate!"

"Do you know how rare this opportunity is for me? I will never give up!"

The Rabbit Bowl Mining Site has a total of four cadres. In addition to the warden Babanuki, there are also three wardens: Davego, Holdem and Doppon. Among them, Doppon was re-employed after Sasaki was promoted and transferred. Supplemented.

Three of the four people need to be stationed here permanently, and this fellowship has given them two cadre quotas.

Holdem did not come back after repairing the venue, and directly occupied a spot. After Babanuki voluntarily withdrew, the last spot became something Doppon and Davego fought for.

The reason why he risked his life is very simple: he is ugly.

The world always looks at faces. In the eyes of ordinary women, Duopeng's attractiveness is infinitely close to zero. After all, he was born with a hippopotamus face. But from the grapevine, Duopeng got a hope.

He heard that the women of Nine Snakes do not look at looks, but rather look strong, because in Nine Snakes' culture, strength equals beauty.

There is no comparison between them in their first friendship, so the success rate will inevitably be higher, which is why Duopeng works so hard.

"Give up, I'm in this quicksand hell. The more you struggle, the deeper you will sink. You can't break free!"

"Not always."

Seeing that the yellow sand had spread to his waist, a stream of water began to flow out of Davego's body. With the help of the water flow, Davego gradually had a tendency to break free. He planned to escape directly by using the ability of the water to break.

But Duopeng did not give him this chance. In the quicksand, the originally bulky body of the hippopotamus became very flexible. At this time, Duopeng's body had already reached the midair first, and he aimed downwards and launched the Taishan Pressure.


Davego's water rupture was interrupted midway, and he only had time to chop out two shell blades. Although two large holes were left on Duopeng's body, they were still suppressed by him.

"Damn it, I'm done with you. You win this time. Get out of here and take a shower. Don't you know you have body odor?!"

Davego was very impatient and chose to admit defeat. He could have fought if he continued, but there was really no need.

In this way, Duopeng successfully won the right to participate in the first round and came to the island with others.

"Holdem, where did everyone go? Why didn't I see anyone from Nine Snakes?"

"What's the rush? I'm a guest. Besides, it's not time yet. You're here early."

Compared to Duopeng's seriousness, Holdem looked very casual and was grilling the meat in his hands with the flames on his palms.

"I'm not used to your serious look. I advise you to be more casual, otherwise problems will arise sooner or later. By the way, why isn't Mr. Quinn here? He doesn't participate in this kind of thing."

At this point in time, Shaina was outside with Arceus, Jhin did not show up in the reverse world, Jack left the ghost island not long after the divine grace ceremony, and Olga also followed Jack and left the ghost island.

It's not a good idea to have no big cadres in the outer sea area, but Quinn didn't leave. It stands to reason that Quinn would join in and preside over it even if he didn't participate.

"I am so handsome and powerful. Even if I gain weight, I can't hide my heroic appearance. If I go, I will definitely have nothing to do with you. That's what Mr. Quinn said."

Spreading his hands, Duopeng repeated exactly what Quinn said before on Ghost Island.

"Well, that's indeed what Mr. Quinn can say, but I want to ask you, what are your criteria for choosing a mate?"

"This is a living person, a woman, as long as she can see through it."

".Your requirements are really not high, but that's good, otherwise it would not be easy for you to compete."

"Why do you say that? Doesn't Nine Snakes recognize the beauty of strength?"

Listening to Duopeng's words, Holdem suddenly patted him on the shoulder, and Duopeng even saw a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Next time you listen to the gossip, remember to listen carefully. It is true that strength is beautiful here, but it is different from what you understand."

Holdem then explained the more specific situation to him. In layman's terms, if appearance accounts for five points in ordinary people's society, it only accounts for two points in Nine Snakes.

Strong strength can be converted, but the conversion ratio is not particularly high. Even many people in Nine Snakes have never seen a man, and they hope that their spouses can have both strength and appearance. If there is too much difference, they will still be disliked.

"Do you understand? And you have many competitors, such as me."

"Huh? You mean you must be better than me?"

"My number is smaller than yours, and look over there."

"Foz Fu?! Why is he here too?"

"Who knows, anyway, you can't compare to him in appearance and strength, but according to your standards, you should still be able to play. Okay, people are coming, you should prepare."

In the distant sea, the Perfume Serpent gradually approached. After Olga left Ghost Island, Hancock returned to Nine Snakes Island. At this time, he was taking Nine Snakes' interested warriors to the Friendship Island. .

However, she didn't seem to be interested in it. The island where Olga was not on made her not interested at all. It was just that she was the emperor of Nine Snakes, so she appeared on this occasion.

"Grandma, go tell them. Remember to be careful and don't let others think that Nine Snakes are people who have never seen the world."

"Don't worry, Snake Girl. Most of them are Jiu Snake warriors. Although they have never gotten along with men, they won't lose their composure when they meet."

"I think you should take a look at the situation below before saying this to me."

Hancock casually pointed to the side, and a group of chattering women appeared in front of Guluoliosa.

"I think they're just not used to it, and they'll be fine after a while. Look, aren't they calming down now?"

It was indeed quiet at this time, but the way of quieting was very special. Nine Snakes was also a monarchy country. In addition to the emperor, there were other management levels below.

"Be calm, what do you look like like this? Don't look so impatient that people will look down on you!"

A woman with slender red phoenix eyes and a black high ponytail on her head was scolding the noisiest people in front of her.

"Margaret, Aflandora! I'm talking about you two! You are the country-protecting warriors of Nine Snakes, not some resentful women who can't get married!

Don't ignore your identity, you are not weak, you are stronger than most men, and you can do things they can't do! "

"Yes! Sister Kikyo!"

The person who scolded them was the warrior captain of Nine Snakes. He was very strict with his subordinates and also cared about his subordinates, but he would never show it in front of them.

As a warrior leader, she needs prestige, not kindness.

"Sister Platycodon is here why?"

"Yeah, isn't she not interested?"

After Kikyo left, those people started whispering. In the composition of Kuji, Kikyo was like an old stubborn character. She strictly abided by the traditions left by Kuji, such as Kuji's rules that prohibited men from landing on the island for many years.

She is opposed to this kind of association in her heart. After all, this is something that has never happened in the history of Nine Snakes. However, she will not veto something that Hancock and Croliosa have agreed to, but she will not participate.

The reason why I followed them was because I was worried that these warriors would accidentally lose the dignity of the Nine Snake warriors and give them away if they were too excited, so I came to keep an eye on them, as if they were parents.

Although there were some minor episodes on both sides, they were all innocuous. After the Perfume Serpent docked, everything unfolded according to the scheduled process, and the real episode also arrived at this time.

The original plan was to randomly form two teams based on their luck, get to know each other here first, and then consider going to Wano Country for a browse, but the enemy attack also appeared at this moment.

"Lord Fozzie! A ship is flying over! That ship is... Garp's ship!"


Fozzie Foo didn't come here just to settle down. There weren't many pirates who had the same idea as Manderfish. His idea was to find someone he liked and get along with for a while, and then they would be bored. Living separately is the norm for more pirates.

As a result, it gave him such a big stimulus before it even started.

"That's right, I won't mistake that dog head."

"It goes without saying, I saw it."

At this time, Foz Fu had already seen the black figure. After picking up the telescope, he could even see Garp standing above the ship.

The first island chain is located on the outside of Onigashima, on the outside of the Gyarados sea area. If it were just a ship, it would not be difficult to sneak into the vicinity, not to mention that the ship flew over.

"Enemy attack! Emergency evasion!!"

A roar came from Fozzie Fu's mouth. The huge voice attracted the attention of everyone nearby, including Fozzie Fu. Everyone immediately dispersed around. No one wanted to be hit directly on the head by the ship.

"Clay Monk!"

Prince Grus created a large amount of clay to provide a buffer, allowing Garp's ship to land smoothly. This is the Friendship Island of the Beasts. Since the construction was completed, the only people who have come here are Ghost Island and Nine Snake Island. people.

So unlike the action of sneaking into Beehive Island in the original timeline, the sword people can only follow Garp.

Kerby's life card could only confirm that Kerby was on the island. There was no way to determine his specific location from a distance, so Garp did not launch a large-scale attack.

"Okay, successful landing!"

Clenching his fists, Garp stepped onto the bow of his ship.

"Ghost Island, my name is Foz Fu. Friendship Island was attacked. The attacker was the naval hero Garp. The other personnel are unknown. Please support."

Looking at that figure, Foz Fu silently picked up his Rotom and sent a message for help.

Then Foz Fu threw Rotom's cell phone aside. He was considered the highest-ranking cadre of the beasts on the island and directly took over the command.

"Garp, do you know where you are?"

"Hey! Pirates, you caught someone you shouldn't have caught first. The future of the navy, where is my beloved Tu Kebi now!"

"Kirby? Who is that?"

Listening to Garp's words, Fozzie Fu became confused. He had never cared about this kind of role at all.

"Lord Foz Fu is the new hero that the Navy praised before. He was lurking here and I caught him. I reported it to Onigashima."

Holdem told Foz Fu about what happened before, and Foz Fu fully understood why Garp came here.

“So that’s how it is”

"Why are you so dazed, pirate, but it doesn't matter. I didn't expect you to hand over Kebi directly. You go and rescue Kebi. I'll leave this place to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Garp jumped up from his warship and punched an area where pirates were relatively dense.

"Fist bone impact!"


A huge impact was thrown out by Garp. In an instant, the rocks shattered and the land rolled. The buildings on the ground in the direction of his fist turned into nothingness in an instant. The pirates' several days of hard work turned into wasteland in an instant.


Garp's punch caused quite serious consequences, and countless pirates began to imagine what would happen if they were hit directly by this punch.

"Don't be stupid! Those who don't have numbers, get away from me! This is not a battle you can participate in, go and stop the other navy!

Numberer, come with me and hold off this old man, he's just a dying Marine! What's so scary?

The message for help has been sent out. In thirty minutes at most, the support from Onigashima will arrive here. This is our territory. Let this guy know who is the owner of this place! "

Foz Fu's body began to swell, with black and gray metal fur covering his whole body. A Viking-style helmet appeared on his head, and sharp steel claws extended from his hands.

"Sharp Claw Flash!"

Fozzie Foo took the lead in launching an attack. He used his claws combined with the skill of a finger gun to wield an airtight weapon, but failed to really shake Garp's defense. At this moment, the ground under Garp's feet suddenly loosened.

"Quicksand hell!"

Dopon's Quicksand Hell has launched, and Holdem's attack has followed suit.

"Big characters burst into flames!"

"Under the sea. Falling!!"

When Number One's attacks followed, Garp took the opportunity to grab Fozzie Fu's body and smashed him to the side. In the process, Fozzie Fu's body was smashed into pieces. He caught the incoming large-character explosion, and then hit Duopeng's side like a cannonball.

"Brother Fozzie Foo!!"

"What are you shouting for? I'm not dead yet. This bastard actually broke my protective barrier."

Foz Fu spat out a mouthful of blood. When he was thrown out, he used his guard in time, and Duopeng's quicksand also provided him with a buffer. But even so, he still felt a tumbling sensation in his chest and abdomen, and his internal organs There was a feeling of dislocation.

"Can you still stand up? It seems that I have weakened a lot."

Garp was not satisfied with his punch. It seemed that the enemy this time was much more difficult than he thought.

[You call this weakness? 】

Foz Fu was cursing secretly in his heart, but he didn't say so with his mouth.

"You've all seen it! This navy is old, he is not invincible! This is not an enemy attack, it is a huge fortune! The achievements of killing the naval heroes are waiting for you!"

Although he received a severe punch, Fozzie Fu did not choose to escape, but used this method to boost his morale. He knew that Onigashima had enough reinforcements, and as long as he was dragged on, Garp would not be able to escape.

No matter what he said, he would never let go of this achievement that was delivered to his door.

"Boya Hancock! Don't just stand there! You are now part of our affiliated pirate group, come and join us!"

"I don't like your attitude."

Hancock was very unhappy with Fozzie Fu's words, but he still acted as he said. After all, what Fozzi Fu said was the truth, and Garp's punch just now also caused damage to Nine Snakes.

"Big fragrant feet!"

"That's right. Keep going! Even if you drag them hard, you still have to keep them!"

Fozzie Fu was not polite to Hancock. To be precise, he had the same temper with all affiliated pirate groups. He had an innate sense of arrogance. Hancock's actions also made him feel that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

If you want to fly the flag of the beasts, you have to cooperate with the actions of the beasts. Hancock's past arrogance and arrogance Fozzie Foz can't stand it, but when it comes to Naqin, Fozzie Fozzie won't have this attitude.

He just felt that Hancock was a newcomer, and his relationship with Olga was just that, not to mention that he didn't go out of his way, he just had a tough attitude.

While the pirates were fighting in groups, Onigashima also received the news just sent back by Foz Fu.

"Lord Quinn! Lord Quinn! Oops! That Garp of the Navy has attacked Friendship Island. Lord Fozzie Fu is calling for help urgently!!"

"What did you say?!"

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