Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1297 You shouldn’t be here, Mr. Karp

The spoon in Quinn's hand slipped instantly, and he felt as if he had heard some magical news.

"It's the naval hero Garp. He has already reached the location of Friendship Island and said he wants to save his beloved Kebi.

Foz Fu is leading the numbered ones to fight against him, please support him as soon as possible! "


The soup bucket containing rice cakes and adzuki bean soup was spilled on the floor, but Quinn didn't feel any distress at all.

The pirate who delivered the news also brought the general story of what happened, including Holdem's report a few days ago. He seemed to have seen his own death star flashing.

"Just him?"

"There is also a navy team with a small number of people, but it is not a famous navy."

"Crazy, all of them are completely fucking crazy. How dare he come to this place alone?!"

Quinn didn't understand Garp's behavior. Strength and reputation were basically equated. The absence of other famous naval forces meant that there was no high-end combat power, which meant that Garp was infinitely close to going deep alone.

"Who does he think he is? Who does he think we are? Does he regard us as weak persimmons!"

After cursing several times in succession, Quinn vented some of the depression in her heart.

Now Onigashima is in a relatively weak state. Kaido and the others are not on Onigashima due to trivial matters. Quinn believes this is just a coincidence, but if something goes wrong, he seems to be the first person responsible if something goes wrong.

The country of Wano has never been breached for several years. Even if CP0 infiltrated, these people could not leave alive. Quinn could not accept that the other party had started on him.

"Rotom! Open the national emergency communication for me. Since you are here, please leave me completely."

Woo. Woo!!

In an instant, a low and long siren resounded over Wano Country, and the entire Wano Country was shrouded in this unique sound. Ordinary Wano Country residents were stunned for a moment, and then rushed towards the nearest building. .

The Pokémon Center immediately entered a state of martial law. Thick steel plates fell from the outside, turning the place into an airtight steel fortress.

The pirates were different. When they heard this voice, they immediately put down their work and rushed towards the nearest gathering point.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Something happened!"

On the small sky island, members of the Millennium Dragon Flying Force picked up their weapons and ran towards their partners. In Bai Wu's dive port, boxes after boxes of cannonballs were moved into the cabin, and the tarpaulins on the cannons were torn off. , have entered a state of war.

To ordinary citizens, this alarm is an evacuation notice, but to the pirates of the beasts, this is an emergency gathering order.

In the past days, this alarm only existed during exercises, but today it was the first time it was activated.

"Young men! I am Quinn, and Garp of the Navy attacked our island while Brother Kaido was away!

Now on Friendship Island, our people are holding back that old guy!

No matter what his reasons are, he can't just leave! "

Quinn narrated the situation at the top of his voice, making all the pirates understand why the alarm sounded on Ghost Island.

"There is no need for cadres to assemble, use your own fastest way to get to the island!

Follow up immediately after the follow-up troops are assembled, just use people! You have to leave that old guy with me!

Let us tell him that the name of the times has changed long ago!

Even if the two adults are not here, we are still invincible! "

Without any reservation, Quinn directly activated the highest alert. With the shadow of the famous tree, Garp was a deterrent to many pirates. In order to prevent accidents, Quinn showed him full respect.

The biggest advantage of the beasts is their powerful transportation capacity. Even if Giratina is not here now and cannot use the fastest space folding, they still have countless cadres who can fly.

The follow-up force was just a precaution for Quinn. Although he thought it was a coincidence, he didn't understand Garp's mindless rushing behavior. Maybe Garp himself was just a bait, and there were large naval forces lurking around him. Maybe.

This is the beast's own territory. In this case, just prepare for war. It still depends on the cadres to deal with Garp.

"It's really not the right time, I scared all the fish away."

Then throwing the fishing rod aside, Peggy Wan threw a bucket of bait into the river, completing a reincarnation. Since losing the strange Carp King aura, he has returned to his original state.

As for the act of throwing bait into the river.

It is said that there is a legend circulating in the fish world that as long as some members of the same tribe are sacrificed regularly, God will give the tribe endless food. The root of this custom is some nesters who love dedication.

After throwing away the meaningless debris, Peggy Wan's body had transformed into a tall biting land shark.

"Sister! Let's go!"

Although there was no Ulti in his field of vision, based on Peggywan's understanding of her, she must be within a few hundred meters of him, and even if she didn't appear, she was still planning something.

The fact was just as he thought. After feeling an extra heavy object behind his back, Peggy Wan soared into the sky with the help of jet air after a few run-ups, and flew into the distance with the Millennium Dragon troops that had already taken off.

"Really, this guy Quinn is so brave. People who don't know better think he is the captain."

Setsuna covered her ears in slight discomfort. The hearing of the furry tribe was more sensitive than that of humans, and the piercing siren made her a little uncomfortable.

"After all, he is responsible for the security of the island. He is probably afraid of being beaten to death."

As he spoke, he threw the two children back into the house.

"It has nothing to do with you. It's not your turn to participate in this kind of battle. Just stay at home and don't let me bother you."

"Do you want me to call the Elephant Master? It's not very far from there now. It's probably about the same time that the follow-up personnel will arrive."

Seeing Zeraora's fur filled with thunder and lightning, Setsuna asked one more question before he set off.

"It's better to get in touch just in case."

Zeraora waited for a moment. Setsuna and the Elephant Master were quite far apart, and it would take some time to communicate with the power of the waveguide. After finalizing the matter, he took the lead in catching up with Setsuna with the attitude of catching up from behind. force.

"Very good, Zeraora has also passed. With him here, we can definitely hold back that Garp. With me and other cadres, we may not be able to keep him. He actually forced me to this point. I want to let this The asshole Navy pays the price.”

After moving his body, Quinn also planned to rush to the battlefield. Being timid in fighting was originally the biggest problem among the beasts. This matter had nothing to do with him and it really had nothing to do with him. After all, no one could think of it, whether it was the navy or the pirates. Cap would do something like this.

But once Kaido is in a bad mood and finds out what Quinn has done, he will definitely be beaten severely, so Quinn is rarely brave without the temptation of food.

What's more, according to half of what Hawkins said before, his misfortune this time may be related to Arceus. If Kaido is worried about him, he will be beaten half to death at most.

If it's related to Arceus, the situation will only get worse. He may not care about this kind of thing, but Shaina and the others will definitely let him experience what it feels like to die again and again.

"Maria, I'll leave the defense mechanism of Onigashima to you. Misu and the others will cooperate with you. If it doesn't work, just go to Fujiyama. There's a big guy down there."

"Don't worry, Master Quinn, I know what to do."

After this support order is issued, Onigashima will enter a state of empty defense. Counting from the year they came to Wano Country, this is probably the smallest number of Onigashima defense personnel.

However, neither Quinn nor Maria seemed too worried. As long as Arceus was still there, they would always have one more card.

After leaving the defense of Onigashima to Maria, Quinn was about to set off, but was stopped by a man.

"Wait a moment."

"Kuzan? Could it be that..."

Seeing Kuzan entering Ghost Island, Quinn became wary and even switched directly to combat mode. He lacked trust in Kuzan and even felt that Kuzan wanted to betray him at this time.

"Ah la la, aren't we on the same team now? What I want to say is, leave the matter over there to me. I know how to deal with him better than you."

"Oh? Forget it, I'll just trust you once."

After thinking about it for a while, Quinn finally chose to believe Kuzan, and found the few Kuailong who were still on Ghost Island at this time, and sent Kuzan to the target island.

But Kuzan sighed deeply.

[Mr. Karp, it’s not wise to do this. 】

The more contact you have, the more you know. Kuzan can be sure that no one can single-handedly break into the territory of the beasts and escape unscathed. As for those people led by Cap, Kuzan has selectively ignored them.

Kaido and the others just went out, not dead. In the worst case scenario, the people of the Hundred Beasts could use the human sea tactic to drag Kaido back, and then life or death would be uncertain.

Kuzan chose to take action, but it had a sense of saving people. At least if he took action, Garp could still survive.

At the same time, on Friendship Island, Fozzie Fu was thinking about a very serious issue. He felt that it was essentially a mistake for him to publish the iron teaching method.

"Hahaha, come on pirates, if you want to test whether my fist is strong enough, I will accompany you to the end!"

"Calm down! This old guy is Iron Fist Garp, the hero of the navy! Although he is old, he is not that easy to deal with. Don't resist his fists!"

"I advise you not to stop me."

"Garp, don't be so self-righteous. Do you think this is still your heroic era? You are just a remnant of the old era! So what if you can defeat that one? There are dozens of us who are stronger than him!"


Foz Fu's figure quickly retreated, and Garp punched him in front of him. The huge force penetrated into the ground, forcing Doppon who was originally hidden in the mud to come out.

"Then you should give me a punch and see!"

"Do you think I'm the idiot just now?"

Fozzie Fu's purpose was to fight, but some people misinterpreted his intentions. In the battle just now, someone bravely stepped forward.

Numbered NO.45, Fetrix, is the ability user of Iron Armor Chrysalis. As we all know, Iron Armor Chrysalis's best ability is hardening, and his talent training is basically focused on defense.

Faced with Garp's previous actions, he heroically chose to use his body to block it. He hardened it several times and added iron blocks, and finally added armed colors. He strengthened his defense to the extreme, but it didn't What's the meaning.

With one punch, he had already flown into the sea, and there were still several people fishing for him in the sea. From another perspective, he had lost the first right to choose a mate in this event.

"Fist Bone Meteor!"

Grabbing a rock on the side, Garp threw it in another direction, briefly opening a path for the others.

While the stronger cadres on the island were dealing with Garp, other sword members were also rushing towards Kerby, trying to rescue him as soon as possible.

"Split it for me!"

A pair of black bear paws flashed with a sharp cold light. Blissgra tore the several marines in front of him into pieces, but there was no scene of blood and flesh flying as he expected. The torn marines just turned into Countless pieces of clay.

"Natural type? No, I used domineering force."

Numbered NO.39, the powerful bully panda, he also participated in the siege on Garp's side at first.

However, with the entry of Hancock, numberers like him who were thirty years old seemed to be unable to cooperate with their actions, and instead participated in the battle against other members.

The specific time was after Fetrix was punched away.

"Bliss Guerra! Behind you!"


A beast made of gravel behind Bliss Guerra waved its claws at him, but was directly shot into pieces by Bliss Guerra who turned around.

"I'm a bear, not a cat!"

"Found it, the main body is here!"

Hamlet, No. 41, a snake bear bear ability user. At this time, Hamlet was in a state of animal transformation. He did not directly participate in the battle, but was always looking for something around the battlefield.

Garp's fist destroyed the environment of the island and made the originally neat island a mess, thus giving others an environment to hide.

Most of sword's abilities are not of the type of frontal combat. Whether it is Prince Grus' Clay Fruit or Peacock's Whip Fruit, they use other objects to supplement the battle.

The one who had just fought against Brisgula was the product of their fruits, and Hamlet discovered the location where their bodies were hiding.

"You cowering guy, go to hell!"

The fur on his body flashed with white light, and dozens of missile needles shot out from Hamlet's body. But before the attack could hit, another sword light suddenly flashed in the distance.

"Watch your back, young man."

The dense sword light blocked all of Hamlet's missile needles, and another marine appeared here.

Vice Admiral Bogart of the Navy Headquarters, Garp's deputy, has followed Garp in the Navy for many years, and is one of the few people with a higher military rank in this operation.

boom! boom! boom!

Gunshots rang out, but no bullets were fired. As the melee unfolded, Skylark's sniper bullets were also fired, and Vegapunk's special flower bombs turned the gunpowder in the pirates' guns into flowers.

Many pirates did not react when they saw the inexplicable flowers growing out of the gun barrel, but at this time, a dense rain of arrows was already flying towards them.

There are not only the pirates of the Hundred Beasts, but also the Nine Snakes. They insist on using bows and arrows, but they have a special advantage at this time. The flower bombs can change the gunpowder, but they have no effect on the arrows.

"Nine Snakes are also capable of fighting! Don't let men look down on you, kill them!"

The snakes on their backs acted as strong bows, and the explosive arrows wrapped in domineering force covered the land in front of them with firepower. Although the walls made of clay and buildings blocked the sharpness of the arrows, they were unable to lift their heads.

"We found Kerby! He is being held there!"

At this time, Bellumeb also discovered the trace of Kerby. With a clearer direction, they roughly found a breakthrough. With the strength of Garp alone, the rescue team gradually moved closer to Kerby's direction.

It was at this time that Fozzie Fu suddenly issued a puzzling order.

"Stop! Retreat and let these guys pass!"

The gap in strength among the beasts is very obvious. Individuals with single-digit numbers like Foz Fu have almost absolute command authority over others. Under his command, other pirates immediately made way for them.

Only Hancock, who was still not used to it, did not react and had another contact with Garp.

"Have you given up?"

"Boya Hancock, you don't know us well enough. This is not giving up, it's just that there is no need to add more meaningless casualties."

He had already seen shadows in the sky out of the corner of his eye. The reinforcements belonging to the beasts had arrived.

When the pirates took the initiative to get out of the way, Garp and the others quickly arrived near Kebi. The cage holding Kebi was broken by Garp, and the group of people also pulled him out.

"Kirby, it's great that you're okay!"

"Why did you come here? This is so inappropriate. You came to such a dangerous place just for me."

"Stop talking nonsense, it's time to think about how to retreat. It's not like these pirates are going to let us go."

Prince Grus interrupted the greetings of Kerby and Belumeb. He didn't know why the pirates stopped their offensive, but each of these pirates looked ready to go. It seemed that they only needed an order. Will attack again.

"Let's get back to the ship first."

Whoosh - boom!

Not many of them can fly. If they want to evacuate, they can only rely on ships. But deep behind enemy lines, they have invested all their energy in breaking through the pirates' defense lines, and no one is left to guard the ships.

Just when Bogart was about to fight back, a blue light arrow fell from the sky, directly blocking their retreat.

The giant blue arrow fell from the sky, directly piercing the hull of the warship, and blasting a huge hole below for the warship to plunge directly into.

"Hahahaha, I told you, this is our territory, do you think you can come and leave whenever you want?!"

Fozzie Fu laughed at Garp. In mid-air, Setsuna's waveguide bow was already aimed at this place. Just now, her arrow destroyed their retreat tool.

With Zeraora's speed, she was the first to arrive near the battlefield. As for Zeraora, after arriving here, he noticed a slightly familiar aura, so he went there to block reinforcements.

"Lieutenant General Garp is the current Duke of the No. 1 fur tribe of beasts. We are in big trouble.

It is said that every time the number of a single-digit numberer advances by one, the strength will change qualitatively.

That Fozzie Fu is just NO.4"

Bogart tightened the weapon in his hand. If he were alone, he would not be so nervous. Although NO.0 means the first person in the disaster, they still have Garp.

But the other party represents reinforcements. No matter how you look at the reinforcements in this situation, there will not be only one reinforcement.

The reality was just as Bogart thought, the worst situation occurred. They failed to take away Kerby before the support of the beasts arrived. The arrival of the moment is just the beginning, but not the end.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! You guys, stay out of the way!"

Followed closely was Peggy Wan, whose jet fighter-like flying speed was second only to Zeraora. Before Peggy Wan landed, Ulti had already jumped down first.

Also landing with her was Iska who was picked up halfway. The numbers NO.6 and NO.8 were very conspicuous, and behind them, the huge NO.5 on the chest of Peggy Wan who had just landed was even more prominent. Announcement to the Navy, another single-digit numbered person has arrived.

"Are these few people enough for you to call for emergency help? Those who didn't know would have thought that the navy was out in force."

"This is a sign of respect for this old man. After all, he is a hero of the Navy."

Seeing that more and more people were coming, Fozzie Fu also relaxed and even started joking. His eyes were no longer as cautious as before.

But the real big head has just arrived.

"QUEEN Hammer!"

Above the clouds, a dragon flew past. The moment it flashed by, Quinn was also thrown down by it. Even for a large dragon, flying with Quinn would be a big burden.

Quinn, who fell from the sky, had transformed into the form of a tropical dragon. His forelimbs were covered with the domineering spirit that Kaido had honed over time. He used the acceleration of his wings and his own weight to step towards Garp.

"Gruss! The rest is up to you!"

"Leave it to me, Lieutenant General Garp, Clay Monk!"

Clay spurted out like a wave, wrapping up several people except Garp. Garp jumped up first and faced Quinn in the sky.

"Fist bone impact!!"

Black electricity flashed in front of his fist, and Garp's fist was also stained with a deep black domineering energy.

boom! !

The human fist collided with the tropical dragon's fist. After a period of stiffness, the power of both parties was detonated. Garp fell back to the ground, but his face had lost the previous calmness.

Quinn released his transformation, and after that blow, he landed on the island.

The huge force caused his feet to leave two deep ravines on the island's land, which spread all the way to the edge of the island. Quinn was almost about to slip into the sea.

"Mhahahaha, is this the hero of the navy? Nothing more than that!"

Quinn seemed to be mocking Garp, but he put the arm he had just punched behind his back. At this time, blood was constantly flowing from his fist, and his whole arm was shaking.

[Damn old guy, he still has so much strength that his bones are broken]

"It seems that I am really weak. Can one punch only do this much?"

One punch from Garp was enough to knock the huge figure of San Juan Wolf away, but Quinn persisted in the confrontation. Although he paid a high price, he finally caught Garp. of iron fist.

"Mr. Karp, you shouldn't be here."

After briefly repelling Quinn, a chill came from behind Garp. Kuzan, who set off with Quinn, launched his own offensive at this time.

"Ice Ball!"

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