Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1305 How to determine the major alliance and low-level pirates

Listening to Kaido's words, Charlotte Lingling seemed to realize something. Kaido explained the matter at this time and seemed to have his own ideas.

"In other words, you want to hold this meeting with the attitude that you don't owe me anything?"

"Well, it seems like your brain is not rusty yet. Isn't that natural? Even the alliance must have a leader, and this leader can only be me."

"You little brat, you are still cuter than you were decades ago."

"Uh-huh, what a coincidence, I also thought you looked better a few decades ago. Time was really a terrifying blade, old woman."

Charlotte Lingling didn't know if Kaido had really cured her problem. After all, the onset of schizophrenia was random. As for the nun's problem...

You can't try it by smashing a Carmelite photo in front of your face. It's not that level yet, just like a paralyzed person can't stab himself directly in order to test whether he can feel pain. It's too much.

She agreed to Kaido's proposal to repay the favor, but now it seemed that Kaido had more thoughts than she thought, and he didn't want her to take advantage of it.

"You two, I think we can sit down and talk slowly without such a strong smell of gunpowder."

Seeing that Kaido and Charlotte Lingling seemed to be fighting with their eyes, and even had the intention of continuing to fight, Shanks stepped forward to smooth things over. He didn't want to watch the two of them fight here for days and nights.

Just now it was considered a personal issue between Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, but when it comes to the alliance, it is a problem between the three of them.

"That's true. After all, you are still here. Who would have thought that the trainees of Roger and Rocks have grown to this point, Perospero!"

"Please wait, Mom."

Perospero, who heard Charlotte Lingling's call, stepped forward quickly, secreting a large amount of sugar liquid from his arms, which then condensed into a tall negotiation table.

Old woman, brat, these calls made him feel scared. No one would dare to call his mother this. Only Kaido could still talk and laugh with her after saying this.

To a certain extent, this is also a reflection of the friendship between the two of them. If they yell at each other casually, their death will be particularly ugly when outsiders come.

After clearing his mind of all the random thoughts, Perospero was about to continue making seats, but was stopped by Kaido.

"You don't have to do everything like this, Yamato."


In an instant, three chairs appeared aside. A bit of cold air came from the seats, but Kaido sat on them without caring.

"What? It's just a little chilly. Isn't this kind of weather just cooling down? You can't get used to it, right?"

The fights among pirates are sometimes very strange. They will have extremely strange persistence for some inexplicable face. It was the same with who laughed longer in the past, and the same is true with letting their children make the props needed for negotiations.

At this point, there seemed to be a feeling among the three of them that whoever was afraid of the ice chair was a low-level pirate, and they sat down angrily.

As for red hair

Their crew's abilities were somewhat single, so they couldn't help much in this situation. Shanks himself didn't care, but Beckman was discussing something with the others, seeming to be studying how to make his boss look good.

"Together to attack and to defend together, this is the simplest aspect of this alliance. You should be fine, right?"



The alliance between pirates is not complicated, and they will not sign any paper covenant between them. It is just a piece of waste paper with no binding force at all. The only thing that can restrict them is force.

"Then it's simple. There are three pirate groups in the alliance. We usually don't interfere with each other, but I must be the leader."


"Just because I can fight better than you two, I have another way. The three of us will fight. Whoever wins will be the leader of this alliance."

Faced with Charlotte Lingling's questioning, Kaido gave a very concise reason and suggested using force directly. Charlotte Lingling who can stay rational is worth fighting than the crazy one.

"It's meaningless. The Navy has already known the information we have here. Those people before have proved that if we fight among ourselves, it will take a lot of time. It is not worth letting the Navy or the World Government take advantage."

The red-haired person objected first. He had already been involved once when Kaido and Barrett were fighting, and he didn't want to do it a second time.

"Redhead, you are really boring. How about adding some bonuses? You and Lingling go together. If you win, the beasts will help you heal your hand. You two will decide who will take the lead. I Just give up the fight."

"Kaido, are you a little too arrogant?"

"No, I'm still not interested. I don't really care who takes the lead."

Charlotte Lingling originally thought this was an opportunity. She admitted that Kaido was a little stronger than her now, but she didn't think Kaido could win against the two.

As for the red hair, Charlotte Lingling didn’t think she would lose in a duel, but the red hair quit first.

After all, Shanks has seen more and understands more than Charlotte Lingling. There is a certain gap between Katakuri's relay and live viewing.

With the same level of combat power, the Big Mom Pirates have one, the Red Hair Pirates barely have two, but the Beast Base has four, which represents the upper limit in terms of individual strength.

“Or if we change our thinking, we won’t do anything and leave the stage to young people.

After all, we are not young anymore, so we have to give way. How about letting them decide where we belong in the future? "

"Well, unlike you, I am a loner after all, and I really don't have any suitable descendants."

At this time, the red hair has entered a state called "Schrödinger's father". Uta is not his biological child. When comparing groups, he can say that he has a daughter. At this time, he can naturally say that he does not have a daughter. It all depends on which one. more advantageous.


Charlotte Lingling had nothing to say. She just looked at Yamato with a slightly unwilling look, and then glared at Perospero and Smoothie, conveying a dissatisfaction to them.

"You have also seen that I have the strongest successor, the most troops, and the most sufficient logistics, so I am the leader of this alliance. Do you have any objections?"

Kaido's pupils shrank, and along with the electric current appearing out of thin air in the air, a terrifying aura rose into the sky, and the powerful overlord color almost condensed into a terrifying entity, surrounding Kaido like a dragon.

This kind of thing is obviously not a physical thing for them, it is just a way of saying hello, but as Kaido's overbearing color swept the audience, the remaining two auras also rose one after another.

"Kaido, although I agree with you taking the lead, I don't mean to let you be the captain."

The red-haired domineering figure did not lag behind, and soon took a place in the fight, followed closely by Charlotte Lingling's domineering look.

The domineering confrontation between the three created a flow of air, and some of the pirates who followed their captain to the island began to lose consciousness one after another.

"Newcomers, please be careful. It's too early for you to get here, but seeing this kind of scene will be enough for you to brag about for a while."

Seeing the cigarette being burned directly under the pressure of the domineering wind, Beckman turned to greet other members.


Baphomet got its name from the two rocks on the island that looked like devil's horns. But now there were cracks in the hard rock. With one of the devil's horns broken, the competition came to an end.

There are always people in the alliance who have to make some compromises, and Kaido did not forcefully ask for any benefits. Charlotte Lingling originally thought that the red-haired man would fight Kaido with her to achieve some kind of balance, but the red-haired man did this. Behavior.

Just like in the past, it was completely unclear what he wanted to do.

In this case, she didn't insist on anything, but she didn't show it with her mouth.

"Well~ Well, then I will take care of you for a few more years and leave this position to you."

"Well, you really know how to speak. If you don't have any objections, our alliance will be established from now on!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

The first to respond were the pirates of the Hundred Beasts. After hearing the words of their governor, they shouted in unison and made very regular noises.

Seeing that both Charlotte Lingling and Shanks agreed with this sentence, other pirates quickly joined the ranks. Under the watch of a group of pirates, the fists of the three finally touched each other.

Three huge wine bowls appeared on the table, with Charlotte Lingling and Shanks on the left and right, and Kaido sitting in the middle.

Three pirate flags were planted together. Before today, no one had ever thought that such an alliance would appear on the sea.

"You will be glad in the future, glad that you made this wise choice today."

Kaido took the lead in raising the wine bowl. The sworn wine of the three was to declare the establishment of the alliance according to pirate rules. Although the beasts were the main ones, the other two did not become an affiliated pirate group, just an alliance.

"Kaido, it seems that your ambition is not small. What are your plans?"

"Secret, but enough to surprise you."

"Well~ Well, then I'm looking forward to that day."

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido's wine bowls collided, and Shanks did the same.

The size of the wine bowl was a bit exaggerated for the red-haired man, but he did not change it to a smaller one, but clinked glasses with the two of them in this way, otherwise he would always feel inferior.

"Hahahaha, this is the most shocking pirate alliance in these years, even the original Rocks Pirates were just like this!"

Not far away, Morgans looked up to the sky and laughed, seemingly even more excited than the alliance participants.

When the Rocks Pirates rose, Morgans was just an ordinary reporter, and even wrote a report on the Valley of the Gods. However, at that time, he did not know the truth of the matter at all, and was just making up stories based on the news released by the World Government.

The original report was scorned by Ivankov, who had experienced the Valley of the Gods incident.

Now that he had finally personally experienced this major event that was destined to affect an era, how could he not be excited.

Looking at the photo of the three of them clinking glasses, Morgans grinned to the sky.

"Kaido, Red Hair, and Big Mom are allies of the three emperors of the sea. How many pirates will come to join them? This sea is going to become more turbulent.

The momentum of the revolutionary army has not been curbed, and the pirates have formed a new force. I really want to see the expressions of those officials now. "

A simple sea emperor and an alliance of sea emperors represent completely different meanings. The combination of these three people means that the sea of ​​the new world is completely decided by them. Even the navy does not have enough layout here.

Morgans imagined what the turbulent sea would look like, while the Flame Photographer supported Weiwei and leaned against the rock. The impact of the overlord color just now was not pleasant. Even though Weiwei had a firm mind, her body was frozen. .

As for Morgans.

Although he has little strength, he is absolutely crazy about news. Under such circumstances, he cannot faint when he is excited.

The chefs brought by Charlotte Lingling played their role at this time. Judging from their plan, they planned to hold a banquet on Baphomet Island. Such a big event would not be perfect without a banquet.

However, some details of the alliance are still being discussed, and at this time they are discussing a very special topic.

"Kaido, I heard that you have a good relationship with the young people from the giant tribe."

"Well, it's just a bit of a relationship. You know the problem between you yourself, and I can't say anything about it.

Besides, this is just our alliance and has nothing to do with other races. "

As soon as the topic started, Kaido took himself out of it. The conflict between the giants and Big Mom had nothing to do with him. Even if this conflict was repaired, he would not gain anything.

And judging from the current situation, whoever helps Big Mom speak for the Giants may be blacklisted by the Giants.

He would not do such a thankless thing.

"The giants are not good for your senses. It's not something you can do in just a few words to reverse the situation."

The red-haired man then added, if the beasts have some friendship with the young giants, then the red-haired man has a close relationship with the older generation of the giants.

The words of the two poured cold water on Charlotte Lingling, but it also gave her new ideas. At least now her allies have some relationship with each other.

Hiding this idea in her heart, Charlotte Lingling continued to discuss other details with them.

At this time, Weiwei also came to Yamato with a pen and paper.

"Lord Oniji, I am Wednesday, a reporter from the World Economic News Agency. Is it convenient for me to do an interview?"

"Interview? You could just ask them about this kind of thing. I don't have anything to say. By the way, have I seen you somewhere? Why do I think you look familiar?"

Weiwei wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about Cobra, but no one around Kaido dared to get close. Even if they reached an alliance, the relationship between them was still very complicated.

While talking, they might argue or even use force. Even Morgans didn't dare to get close at this time and only took pictures from a distance.

When Robin was still working as a palace teacher in Alabasta, she once told Weiwei about the situation on the sea, and it also showed that Yamato was an easy person to get along with, so she chose this goal.

"Maybe it just looks familiar. There are quite a few people who look alike."


Just as Weiwei found a reason for herself, Robin's voice came out of the Rotom in Yamato's hand.

The conversation between Kaido and the others seemed boring to Yamato, who was discussing a philosophical issue with Robin just now.

Although Yamato had no impression of Vivi, Robin was different. The sound alone allowed Robin to confirm the other person's identity.

"Robin. Teacher."

"Why are you there? And you became a reporter for the World Economic News Agency? Didn't you disappear during the World Conference?"

"It's a long story, but I mainly want to find out about my father."

"Please have your condolences. We can confirm that King Kobra is no longer alive."


The pen and paper in Weiwei's hand fell to the ground. Even though she had been mentally prepared, she still found it difficult to accept the news when she heard it.

"Teacher Robin, you must be joking."

With a slightly trembling voice, Weiwei was unwilling to accept the news, but the truth is always cruel.

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