Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1306 How about we kill a Celestial Dragon to add to the fun?

As a scheming monster, Robin would often make scary jokes. When Weiwei first got to know Robin, she was often scared by her, but now Weiwei would rather Robin was scaring her.

The World Government previously defined Cobra as missing. Weiwei originally thought that Kobra was just imprisoned by the World Government.

After all, CP0 had arrested her at that time. Although she had thought about the bad side, before the bad news came, Weiwei still had some hope.

"Life and death are a very serious matter. I won't joke with you about this matter. King Kobra is indeed no longer alive.

We who were lurking in Marijoa witnessed the death of King Kobra with our own eyes. Sabo, the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, was also present at the time. My condolences, Vivi. "

Gengar brought Cobra and Sabo out of the World Government after being attacked, but Cobra was seriously injured. To be precise, it was a miracle that he didn't die on the spot.

The purpose was obviously to silence him, but the person who took action seemed to despise Kobra's vitality, so the attack range was not large enough.

Robin will definitely not tell Weiwei the specific details. Our Pokémon brought your father to the underworld, but he failed to survive, so he died in the underworld. This reason seems to be okay, but think about it. Coming down was extremely weird.

"Is this so..."

Weiwei's tone became very gentle, which was completely different from the pirates around her who were in a carnival atmosphere. Her mood had reached rock bottom.

There seemed to be tears falling from her drooping forehead, but her hanging hair had blocked her sight. Even Yamato in front of her couldn't see clearly, let alone Robin across the screen.

"It's not good, but..."

"I know, but I want to know, how did my father die? He was still in good health. It couldn't have been a sudden illness."

Weiwei did not doubt Robin's words too much. The original friendship had some factors, but it was mostly because of the World Government's previous actions that she no longer believed in the World Government.

"The world government's attack, but that is not an area you can deal with, Weiwei, this matter is too difficult for you.

In addition, based on the current situation, I do not recommend that you return to Alabasta, where there may be World Government personnel looking for you.

in addition"

"I know, Teacher Robin, I have thought about the situation you mentioned, otherwise I wouldn't have been hiding in Morgans' news agency."

"You can come to my place if you want. At least it's safe. I can ask Yamato to bring you back with me."

"No, Teacher Robin, I am the princess of Alabasta. My father died because of something like this, so what's the point of hiding?"

Vivi is the princess of Alabasta, but her princess life is not pampered. When Crocodile is plotting in Alabasta, she also does her best to try to save her country.

Even the royal family is not the same. Some only eat, drink, have fun and abuse their power, but some will stand up in times of crisis and lead others to find the direction for the future.

Weiwei, who once worked as an undercover agent at Baroque Works, is not weak. She survived after imagining the worst case scenario and had her own plan.

Rebecca did not give up when faced with difficulties. Although she was powerless, she was trying her best to resist. However, there were more such a few, scum and useless people.

There are always some people who achieve nothing and can only lie flat, and finally take away the victory achieved by others with a clear conscience.

"Teacher Robin, do you have a white phone bug? I want to contact Jaka and Bell."

"Wait, give Yamato the phone first, I have something to tell her."

Private protection is private protection. Robin knew very well that the beasts would not care about protecting one more person. They were already preparing to go to war with the World Government and would not care about such a thing at all.

So she was sure that if she wanted to take care of Weiwei alone, Yamato would not refuse her.

What's more, the World Government doesn't even know that Vivi is with Morgans. If she is quietly brought back to Ghost Island, the World Government will probably not find out.

But it's different now. Robin doesn't know what the current layout of the beasts is, but the death of Kobra was personally taken by the top leaders of the World Government. Vivi's contact may lead to changes in the existing arrangements. Then I can't agree to this casually.

Bell of the Falcon, Jaka the Jackal, their status in Alabasta is not low, and Robin also dealt with them back then.

Strength is not enough in the new world, but today, when both the princess and the king are "missing", a large part of Alabasta's power is in their hands.

You must at least discuss it with Yamato. To be precise, Arceus or Kaido must make the decision on this matter. The current beasts have not yet reached Yamato's power, so decisive matters must be notified.

"You mean to ask me to contact my father or adoptive father?"

"Well, I have lived in Alabasta. In terms of area, it is a quite vast country. It also has a standing army of 600,000 people. This is quite a force."

It can be seen from Kaido's establishment of the Pirate Alliance that his purpose is not to challenge the whole world alone, but to start a world-class war. He also needs his own allies and troops.

Enemies of enemies can try to win over each other. This is a simple truth.

"Wait me a moment."

Yamato raised his head and looked at Kaido. The three of them were still sitting on the ice chairs, and they were in a state of drinking. The drinks carried by the three pirate groups were constantly delivered to them.

Most of the drinks have been consumed, but no one has any intention of stopping. It seems that it is impossible not to win or lose.

It would be unwise to ask Kaido about it, as he might even be caught having a drinking contest.

"Forget it, I'd better ask my adoptive father. The result will be the same anyway."

This time it didn't take long. Arceus quickly gave Yamato a reply, and after several relays, it finally reached Robin.

"We don't have white phone bugs, but you can leave the communication to us. If you are still willing to trust me, I can guarantee to send the message."

Most forces do not have white phone bugs to prevent eavesdropping. Only the navy and the revolutionary army pay special attention to this aspect.

The beasts do have this ability, but the encrypted information of the beasts is completed through Rotom, and there is no need for the white phone bugs.

"Yamato! Come here!"

At this time, Kaido's shout suddenly came from the side.

"Tch, what is this bastard dad thinking about, Speed! I leave this to you! Call me if you need anything."

Weiwei has already started to discuss some details with Robin. Even if Yamato doesn't listen, there is no need for Robin to summarize, Rotom can directly come up with a report.

Since Kaido is looking for her, it's okay to let others keep an eye on her.

"Have you finally had enough?"

At this time, she did not refute Kaido's face, but she also did not show respect, and there was a slight hint of disgust.

At the same time, she also found that Beckman and Perospero were called over by their respective captains, and Shanks was still announcing the newly born rules to them.

"The three of us always couldn't decide the winner after drinking, so we thought about it and decided to let others do it for us. There is no need to fight, just drinking here is enough."

"You are really shrewd."

Listening to the explanation given by Shanks, Beckman felt his brows jump. If the occasion wasn't inappropriate, he would have wanted to have a good chat with himself as the captain.

[I'm not interested in this kind of thing, idiot dad, what are you thinking about? 】

Yamato didn't speak, just stared at Kaido, her pupils still moving. Due to her and Kaido's many years of fighting experience, the two of them had a surprisingly high level of tacit understanding. At this time, they could also achieve this kind of silence. comminicate.

[To win against them, no matter what aspect, I don’t want to lose to either of them.

Did you throw the ball just at my head? If you put them two down, I won't pursue this matter. 】

【What are you talking nonsense about? I didn't aim for your head! 】

The eye contact ended, but Yamato, who stood in front of the wine table again, seemed to reject what he just meant.

Perospero was the only one who did not refute. He just recommended Smoothie to Charlotte Lingling, thinking that the other party was more suitable for this occasion than himself, but Charlotte Lingling did not intend to make a last-minute substitution that would be embarrassing. Behavior, just pushed him up.

"Okay, now we can have a good talk. This alliance won't just be a verbal alliance and then do nothing, right? Kaido, what is your plan?"

As a user with the ability of the "Face Fruit", Shanks understands face better than anyone else. Fighting for dominance, fighting for wine, fighting for laughter, and fighting for who can sit on the ice stool longer.

This is all because of that tone. If this problem is not solved, it will be useless for them to sit here for three days.

Kaido is talking about the offensive and defensive alliance. If he wants to fight out, Red Hair will not just watch from behind. And based on his understanding of the World Government, if Kaido is really defeated, they will probably launch a massive attack on the entire sea. Clean.

He has already bet all his wealth on Kaido, so naturally he will not withdraw from the game, but wants to prepare in advance.

That's why Shanks shifted the competition to his subordinates and brought the topic back.

"Plan? I really don't have one at the moment, but I do have a good start. It's up to you if you dare to try it?"

"Starting plan?"

"Dragon people, there are too many incompetent people here. Since the world government is protecting them, how about using this group as the opening?"

Although Kaido yearns for a world-class war, he has never participated in a war of this scale. In the past, the way of fighting was to rush in and fight alone.

Now he has no intention of changing. If he kills a Celestial Dragon, he can wait for the World Government and the Navy to come. Instead, he has the idea of ​​​​waiting for work.

"Well, well, well, Kaido, you are so brave. Have you forgotten what happened in the Valley of Gods? The Celestial Dragons are a troublesome bunch.

If it hadn't been for this, Rocks might not have lost so quickly. "

As one of the witnesses of the Valley of the Gods incident, Charlotte Lingling knew how much the world government valued the Celestial Dragons as a group, and also knew what consequences Kaido would cause.

"Uh-huh, I haven't forgotten, but I'm different from Locks. I won't be weaker than him, and I have people who are trustworthy. Besides, Locks' subordinates are a mess. We are different."

"The consequences of this may be greater than breaking into the Navy Headquarters. It is not a beneficial plan for us."

"I know, so this is not immediate. We have to find a suitable opportunity to do this. I don't mind hearing what you think, as long as it doesn't change my goal.

If it’s a small target, we can first determine the ownership of the big secret treasure.”

While talking, Kaido also took out his Rotom and clicked it, arranging some orders.

"President, our reporter seems to have encountered a situation."

"It doesn't matter. All the key photos have been taken. These are enough for us to make a large layout. Maybe even one is not enough. Have all the photos been sent back?"

"It has been sent back. If you are sure about the content you want to publish, our newspaper will be published at the earliest tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest."

"Well, that's good. Let me think about it. It's better to put these three pirate flags directly above side A, but this is not complete enough. It's better to use the double A side style. Use this style for both the inner and outer pages. structure.

A pirate alliance of this scale cannot be reported without exaggeration. "

Morgans sat in front of a stone, sorting out the photos and manuscripts in his hands, planning his big headlines.

But at this time, the Flame Photographer received a message from the headquarters of the World Economic News Agency.

"President! Big news. Navy hero Garp has disappeared in a shipwreck. The navy is currently conducting a search and rescue. Should we also publish his missing report?"

"Missing? A monster of this level is missing?"

"This is the news from the headquarters."

"It's considered big news. In this case, let's make a side page here."

Morgans reorganized his layout, but before he could send it back, Solitia came over.

"Our governor asked me to give you this news. He said you can write it however you want."


After receiving the information handed over by Solitia, Morgans's expression fell into a stagnation, and then he fainted directly, but Solitia supported him.

"Your president is dizzy, aren't you worried at all?"

Looking at the indifferent photographer on the side, Solitia was a little puzzled. The photographer clearly respected Morgans before, but he was indifferent to seeing him faint.

"You don't want to have trouble with me, do you?"

"You misunderstood. It's just that we are used to it. The president has always been like this in the past two years."

The photographer skillfully took out the medicine, and while taking it, he said in Morgans' ear: "President, wake up, you still have big news to finish!"

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