Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1307 Adding fuel to the flames, the turbulent sea (minor revision)

Words are a kind of magic spell, and sometimes they can emit extraordinary power. The beautiful swordsman can wake up three comatose people when he brings barbecue.

And the big news is the special attack on Morgans.

"No, the original typesetting is not good. It is a thicker journal with a larger layout. The two pieces of news have to be compared and sent out to achieve the greatest effect."

The piece of information that Solitia brought had fallen to the ground, and the big words about Garp's defeat were extremely obvious.

In addition to text messages, there are even pictures of Garp being frozen, but there are no specific details.

"Defeated and disappeared, so I understand. Does the world government want to hide the failure of their heroes? It's really a good idea.

Xiaopaipai, how long ago did this news come out? "

"President, please don't call me that to my face.

It has been rumored for a while, and according to the head office's judgment, it is estimated that it has spread in most sea areas. "

"Well, these guys are not so stupid that they are hopeless. Once this news is produced, the effect will not be very good."

It will take time for Morgans' newspaper to spread. Although it has cooperated with Tezzolo and the World Economic News now has its own electronic division, the castrated version of Rotom to the outside world is not very popular.

Moreover, the image power of paper newspapers is now deeply ingrained. Even if it is distributed through this channel, it is difficult to achieve decisive results.

When most people in the world are aware of Garp's shipwreck, even if he announces the news he received from Kaido, some people will still be suspicious.

"President, what about us?"

"We don't need photos. We only update the text message in this part, saying that Garp was killed in a battle with pirates and his life and death are unknown."

"Why? Wouldn't it be more convincing if there were photos? Besides, the news of Garp's capture should be more shocking than his death."

"No, no, if it was a normal situation, then of course he should be captured, but the Navy has already given the information to attack first.

If we announce that he was captured, after our newspaper is distributed, these people will subconsciously think that Garp was captured by the pirates in a weak state because he encountered a shipwreck.

Although the naval hero still fell, the impact was not enough. "

What Morgans said was the effect the Navy wanted, but he published newspapers every day and compiled some fake news from time to time. Morgans had already had rich experience in this.

"Since the Navy said that Garp encountered a shipwreck, then I believe that Garp encountered a shipwreck. After all, this news has been preconceived.

The hero Garp drifted to the pirate territory. After a hard battle, he was exhausted and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

People's desire to survive is very terrifying. When faced with the threat of death, people will always try their best. Only such a Garp can better set off the opponent's strength. "

It is generally more difficult to capture alive than to kill him, but after taking the weak buff, struggling desperately is more dangerous. Morgans did not tell the truth, but chose an open ending where he did not know whether he would live or die.

What's more, the headline next to it is Kaido and his team's major league.

Although pirates have many monsters, in the past days, the navy was the overlord of the sea, and this has never changed.

Compared with pirates who fight independently, the navy has a unified command, which is incomparable to pirates.

The alliance between Kaido and the others has brought together the top power of the pirates.

In the past, the navy, the four emperors, and the Shichibukai were the three major forces that maintained such a balance.

Today's sea is changing to a triangular struggle relationship between the navy, pirates, and the revolutionary army.

"That's it. I think it's almost done here. We should go back. Wednesday! Do you want to announce your resignation on the first day of official work?"

When Morgans and Weiwei took a hot air balloon to Baphomet Island, the headquarters of the World Economic News Agency had also floated to a nearby location. As a mobile headquarters, it never stayed in one place for too long. .

"Sorry, President, please wait for me a little longer."

Weiwei had no intention of staying here, but after expressing what she wanted to convey, she rejoined Morgans' team.

There is still a lot of news on Kaido's side that has not been finalized, but the three of them cannot stay here forever, so Kaido left an empty shell of Rotom for each of Red Hair and Charlotte Lingling.

"If you have anything to do, use this to contact me. We still have a lot to discuss."

The three pirate groups began to prepare to return home one after another. They basically collected some of the things they wanted during this alliance.

The next day, before Kaido and others returned to their territory, the World Economic News Agency's newspaper spread across the sea.

"200 Baileys? Today's newspapers are really expensive. Is there any big news?"

The first half of the Grand Line, known as Paradise, is still not very peaceful today, but this noise has no effect on most of them. They just mechanically repeat their previous lives.

Chaha is a farmer. In addition to farming, occasionally reading newspapers is his way of entertainment, and World Economic News is the newspaper he is most familiar with.

The price of Morgans news will also fluctuate according to the content. The current base price is 100 Baileys, and the increase will generally not exceed 138 Baileys, and 200 Baileys is extremely rare.

Dozens of Baileys weren't a lot, so Char didn't care and let the newsbirds take away those Baileys.

When he came to the chair by the farmland, he wanted to drink a cup of strong tea as usual, but when he saw the title of the newspaper, the teacup in his hand couldn't help but fall to the ground.


The rock exposed on the ground broke the teacup, but Chaha seemed not to notice, but his body was trembling non-stop.

"It's over. Is the end of the world coming?"

[The Alliance of Demons, the Great Alliance of Beasts, Red Hair, and BIG·MOM! 】

The three pirate flags were drawn by Morgans as the title, and the fist-bumping gestures of Kaido and the others took up the entire page.

Baphomet Island is also known as the Island of Devil. In this case, the word devil seems to be very appropriate.

Most people are not only shocked by this, but also feel panic. The image of pirates has long been determined, that is, they are just a group of villains.

Although Kaido and the others are formidable sea emperors in the new world, in the eyes of many people, they are just the leaders of villains. Now that the three biggest evil parties are entangled together, how can their lives get better?

Only the world government can bring benefits, and the navy is the party that upholds justice. This is their understanding.

Panic spread on the island, and some people even lost hope for the future and began to worry about what to do in the future.

But in other sea areas, people's reactions are different.

In the sea of ​​beasts, people who have received the newspaper are also running to tell each other.

"Governor Kaido and Big Mom have formed an alliance with the red hair!"

"Little Rui! Stop running around and get me a newspaper to read."

On a winter island, a guard wearing a thick cotton hat stopped a running newsboy and bought a newspaper from him. Newsbirds sometimes only deliver newspapers to fixed locations. Secondary sales are the responsibility of humans. .

"It's amazing. In this case, the new world should be peaceful. Who can resist the cooperation of these three people?"

Living in the new world and relying on the protection of pirates to survive, they have long been accustomed to this kind of life, and they have different views on pirates.

Kaido himself does not care about the governance of the territory. The rules here are enforced more according to Arceus' will. Therefore, the people in the Beast Territory do not feel repelled by the pirates of the Beast, but support them to rule themselves.

In the past, new pirates would break into the territory from time to time. In the eyes of the guards, if this alliance is formed, no one can disrupt the stability of their island.

"Stop dreaming. How can peace come because of something like this? I think this is the last calm before the storm."

The guards discussed what it would be like in the future, but the pirate named Rui had already left. Under the cold wind, his little face was red from the cold, but he looked at the pirate flag still flying in the wind and snow. , but there was a yearning in his heart.

He also wanted to join the banner and go to sea with those adults.

This is determined by his living environment. From the day he was born, this pirate flag has protected him. For him, the navy is the evil party in his heart.

Redhead territory.

"Big Boss and Kaido have formed an alliance with Big Mom."

"Are they really reliable?"

"The big boss's decision must be right. This way we don't have to fight these two pirate groups. It's great."

Most people's reactions were similar. If Arceus was gaining people's hearts by changing the environment of the island, then Shanks was simply helping the poor and using his flag to protect many people.

In addition to these civilians, even the affiliated pirate groups have gathered a large number of old, weak, sick and disabled. Without Shanks, they would have been abandoned by the sea long ago and would have no chance to say such things.

In BIG·MOM's territory, most residents are still thinking about the harvest.

This kind of thing doesn't have much to do with them, and they won't come to them in a war. After all, most of the pirate group's miscellaneous soldiers are composed of Homitz.

There aren't many pirates who can harass Big Mom's territory, but I feel that the future will be more stable.

For them, the annual grain production is the most important. If they know that BIG·MOM's thinking disorder has been cured, it will be the time for them to truly celebrate.

East China Sea, Kingdom of Goa, Windmill Village.

Originally, this place was just an ordinary seaside village, an unknown corner in the Kingdom of Goa, but more than one difficult character was born here.

"Shanks actually joined this alliance?"

"Where's that kid Luffy? There's been no news about him lately. How is he doing now?"

The windmill rotated creakingly, driving the stone mill below to move the grain. In the village tavern, the villagers were chatting and laughing as usual. Maginot was holding a baby and was using the reward to get to know some celebrities.

But when the opposite sections of the newspaper were read out, the tavern fell silent for a moment.

[Hero falls, naval hero Garp, life or death is unknown! 】

"Didn't I say yesterday that Mr. Karp was in a shipwreck? What's going on?"

"You don't know whether you will live or die in a pirate's territory. The newspaper probably didn't say he was dead. Mr. Garp couldn't really tell the truth."

Morgans successfully deceived ordinary people with mixed truths and falsehoods. People in his hometown inevitably became worried, and even the baby started crying in the noisy tavern.

"Why panic! I don't know whether he will live or die, but he is not dead yet. He is a man who has created countless legends. You don't need to worry!"

The village chief's words seemed to appease everyone, but no one noticed that there was still a hint of worry in the village chief's eyes.

The Island of White Earth-Barudigo

As the base of the revolutionary army, this island carries the hopes of many people. In the room of the headquarters, Long and others are analyzing the actions taken some time ago, while also watching the information in the newspapers.

"The most ferocious pirate, Dragon, your criminal reputation is about to be taken away. It seems that the world government's attention has slightly shifted away from us."

"No, as long as they don't completely subvert the regime of a certain kingdom, the World Government's attitude will not change. Pirates are a serious concern of the Navy, but not the World Government."

The World Government has intended to control the number of pirates and use the pirates' unrest to maintain its rule. Compared to the revolutionary army, the pirates' current behavior is really nothing.

"You're so confident, hip-hop! But Long, what's the content of this newspaper here?"

"I saw that he was still alive."

"Is it a life card? But he is your father, do we want it?"

"Now is a critical period for the revolution. We finally found the opportunity. Once we fail, we will have no chance to come back. Even if he really stops in front of me, I will find a way to defeat him."

The dragon's expression seemed unchanged, as if Garp was a stranger.

As an old acquaintance, Ivankov knew that Long was not heartless, but that he put these things after the revolution. Even Long didn't say anything, so there was no need for him to worry.

"Our previous operations were successful. It seems that according to the king of that country, the navy said that Kizaru would come to support them, so they would stick to the palace.

It seems that the disappearance of the reinforcements may have attracted the attention of these pirates. "

"Their alliance is an opportunity. The Navy cannot ignore this terrifying alliance. We must take advantage of this opportunity to speed up the process, but do not be careless.

So far, no one from the Knights of God has appeared, and the real revolution has not yet begun. "

"Well, the bear has recovered now, which is a great thing for us. In addition, Kella and Haku have also returned from Fish-Man Island, and they also have new news to report."

The revolutionary army's sense of smell has captured the coming turmoil, and they are also laying out their vision.

On the sea of ​​the new world, the pirates were also divided into two groups.

One group believes that this alliance is unstoppable and that the Pirate King will be born from it, and they want to join one of them.

Others believe that this alliance will hinder their future. From now on, the sea is their final say, and they must make a decision before they have established a solid alliance.

At the same time, on the Sunshine, the miser-like Nami just bought this expensive newspaper.


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