Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1317 “Problem Children” and Arceus’ Final Explanatory Power

"So, you did this just because you had nothing to do?"

"There's nothing wrong with your understanding. Babanuki and the others always stay at the Rabbit Bowl and don't have much chance. He's also an old member, so it's okay to give him some benefits."

"You've now defined jailbreak as a welfare payment, haven't you?"

Kaido's logic is not difficult to understand. The warden and the jailer have little chance of fighting. This is disadvantageous in the system of the beasts, but it is not in line with his character to let Kaido directly hand out benefits for no reason.

It was already an ingrained thought for him that fighting was valuable. In this case, give them a chance to fight, and jailbreak became a reasonable form of distribution.

"Uh-huh, just give it a try. Even if they really run out, they won't be able to make any waves in Wano Country today. At most, they just need to swing a few more sticks.

If any damage was done, it would be Quinn's fault. "

"Pfft! Ahem."

Quinn on the side almost choked to death on the rice cake soup. Now not only Arceus, he also began to be unable to understand Kaido's logic.

He has survived Kaido's whims. After all, Kaido can't really treat him as Garp and beat him up, otherwise he will die.

"Wait! Brother Kaido, what does this have to do with me!"

He hasn't run away yet, but even if he does, he should be innocent.

"You have spent so much manpower and material resources building a defense system, but it has only been used a few times so far. If these people are really capable of running out and causing damage, doesn't it mean that the things you built are just decorations?

Do you still think it has nothing to do with you? "

"That's not right! If they run away from the Rabbit Bowl, wouldn't it be Babanuki's responsibility? If they can't accept this welfare package, it will be a disaster!"

Quinn was arguing, but he forgot one thing. The object of his argument was Kaido, not Arceus.

"Aww, Quinn is going to be unlucky again. Maybe this is retribution."

Yamato devoured the roast meat on the table next to him and predicted Quinn's fate.

"Miss, how did you come to this conclusion?"

Speed ​​had just returned from the kitchen with freshly baked food, and happened to hear Yamato's prophecy.

"He still doesn't really understand my bastard father. Although he is not completely unreasonable, he can only reason with people who can fight. The only person on the entire island who can make his father reasonable from beginning to end is his adoptive father. After all, he fights But a foster father."

This is Yamato's history of blood and tears, which she summarizes from her own growth process.

At the beginning, she had no power to fight back against Kaido. Kaido took whatever he said and never explained the truth to her. Even if he did, he would be explaining it to Arceus.

Later, she grew up and was able to fight Kaido a few times. At this time, Kaido began to instill some truth into her. Although he failed, Kaido didn't care. Regardless of whether Yamato could listen or not, he would still fight.

Later, she became able to parry Kaido, and then Kaido began to refer to her opinions. However, when the two of them disagreed, Kaido would still do it himself.

It was only now that she was able to fight with Kaido for several days, and even took the initiative to call on her from time to time, so that Kaido valued her opinions and gained the right to negotiate.

Based on her understanding of Kaido, if a person weaker than Kaido said that Kaido could not refute, then Kaido would simply give up the refutation.

Although Quinn pointed out some shortcomings, it did not save him. Instead, it started Kaido's unreasonable mode.

"Very good. I appreciate your courage to refute me. I'll give you some extra practice tonight."


Looking at Kaido who didn't want to make excuses and just focused on the bright side, Quinn's eyes widened, feeling helpless but speechless.

"Okay, it's useless for you to embarrass him. Why don't you just go and unfreeze Garp and then fight him directly?"

"Garp? I'm no longer interested in that old guy. He has not been my target since that time in Nine Snakes. There is too much burden on my heart. I have also read the previous battle report. This guy could have caused greater damage. loss.

If it weren't for that kid, he would never have been defeated so easily. Fozzie Fu couldn't stab him head-on. "

When moving Nine Snake Island, Kaido felt bored because of Garp's distraction.

Although he clearly let Garp know the consequences of doing so, he did not change. In Kaido's view, this guy's body and heart were rotten at the same time, so he allowed Kuzan to freeze him.

"I would rather know when those five old guys will stop sitting still. Those guys are the real "old guys"."

For Kaido now, instead of fighting Garp, he might as well go find Rayquaza, or exchange feelings with Yamato. If that doesn't work, he might as well study the guy he met a long time ago.

Gengar brought back a lot of information from Marijoa, including the looks of some people. It was from this that Kaido discovered that Sartan's appearance was almost exactly the same as it was in the Valley of the Gods 38 years ago.

While Kaido began to figure out what to do next, Quinn also fell into self-movement and doubts about Hawkins.

[Lord Arceus is more reliable. Speaking of which, Hawkins’ divination can also be wrong. How can I be unlucky because of Lord Arceus?]

While Kaido's attention was not on him, Quinn moved back step by step, planning to find a safer place first.

"Speaking of which, that kid is also there. He's probably not dead yet, right? His name is Momonosuke, right?"

"I haven't noticed, but if you die, someone will notify us. If you don't, you are still alive. We don't know how you will live. Who cares about such a person?"

"Isn't that brat Oden's son? He has no resemblance to his father. He is cowardly and useless. Anyway, the opportunity has been given to them. It's best to make it interesting for me."

At the same time, in the Rabbit Bowl Prison, the fight between the navy and the pirates has come to an end, but there are no pirates to clean up the mess, only Drake is here to teach people a lesson.

"You like fighting, don't you? Very good. If you can't finish today's quota before the sun sets, you will know what it means to suffer.

Maybe you can try jailbreaking and experience what's hidden here. "

After saying that, he kicked Kerby's ear, and Drake continued to scold: "How courageous are you? Do you still dare to touch that disaster star? Those who have a relationship with him here are usually the ones who die earliest. A batch.

how? Want to promote the justice of your navy here? "

It seemed like he was scolding, but in fact, Drake was using this method to remind the group of people what they should pay attention to here. Although Drake had never been a jailer, he had rich experience as a prisoner and had a personal experience of what was hidden here. means of punishment.

It seems that this place is unmanaged now, but Drake can be sure that as long as the situation here develops, Babanuki will suddenly come out to suppress it. A group of handcuffed and exhausted prisoners are no match for Babanuki. .

Without anything else, hunger and fatigue can drive many people crazy.

As for why he was next to Kerby, it was because Drake felt that he was the most unstable, and even wanted to protect Momonosuke during the fight. This kind of behavior was obviously not appropriate in prison.

He has done everything he can do. Whether he listens or not is none of Drake's business. The first important thing about being an undercover agent is that before receiving instructions, you must hold back even if your companions die in front of you.

Although he was exposed from the beginning, Drake didn't know it. At least he would not expose his latent work for Kebi and his team unless he received instructions from a higher level.

Ignoring the members of the sword, Drake found Babanuki.

"Where is the Dopon? Brother Jack asked me to urge him."

After finishing his own thing, Drake looked back to look for traces of Dopon.

"Right at your feet, he is a little autistic now and a little unwilling to face reality."

Babanuki pointed to the side casually, and then Drake noticed that there were actually two nostrils exposed in the soil.

"He is"

"It's not right to suffer from the sequelae of a broken love. After all, he has never been in love before. He is still a special case who gave up on the possibility of falling in love. I can only say that he asked for it. Hey! Duopeng! Get up, you kid doesn't even think about the achievements you have obtained. Do you want it?"

Babanuki smashed it down and then pulled Doppon out of the earth.

"Okay, let's take him there. It's not his first time anyway. He should be fine in a few days."

After watching Duopeng being taken away, Babanuki looked at Davego next to him.

"Did you see it? This is the price of having such a mind full of things. Don't imitate him and make yourself lose your mind."

After wasting some time, Duopeng appeared on Ghost Island again and met Foz Fu who had been waiting here for a long time.

"What's wrong with you? Are you under Perona's negative ghost?"

Looking at Duopeng's gloomy face, Foz Fu felt as if he had seen some wraith.

Don't look at the fact that Foz Fu didn't even remember Dopeng's name before, but that's because he didn't think much of Dopeng. Among the cadres of the Hundred Beasts, Foz Fu can be said to be the most utilitarian. .

He didn't have any lofty ambitions, he just wanted to live a better life, so cadres like Duopeng, who was stationed in prison every day and had little potential in Foz Fu's opinion, didn't get his attention.

But it's different when you reach the single-digit numbers at the same level and the higher-up cadres.

Perona is very transparent on Onigashima and has a low sense of presence, but her identity is Setsuna's adopted daughter.

After calculating, her adoptive parents are the current NO.0 and senior cadres. This is much more important than Dopeng in the eyes of Foz Fu. Accordingly, he wrote down the basic information such as the other party's abilities.

"No, I can still take credit, right?"

"Well, forget it, you got punched after all."

The protagonist is Kuzan, and the supporting characters are Quinn and Hancock. This is the main output for Garp. What the rest of the people do actually has little impact.

Foz Fu knew very well that his sword sped up the battle, but it was just that sword, and they couldn't do it without Kuzan.

On the contrary, without that knife, Garp would still have fallen with a high probability. After all, more and more people were coming at that time, and Garp had too many things to worry about.

Foz Fu didn't know how to evaluate Doppon's problem. After all, he probably had the least merit, and he was named because of the punch he received.

Of course, it doesn't just take a beating. Ftrisk paid the price for overestimating his defense. Although the armored pupa's shell grew, he also lost the right to choose a mate first.

"How about I wish for a beautiful woman?"

"You will be beaten to death by Master Arceus. Are you already dizzy? Are you talking about this in a place like this? You might as well get plastic surgery."

Since the Divine Grace Ceremony was held, no one has ever been promised a reward against the wishes of others.

“Seems pretty good”

Foz Fu gave up the idea of ​​continuing to communicate with the other party. Now he was sure that Duopeng really didn't have a long-term future, so he immediately walked towards the ghost island alone.

However, Foz Fu didn't know that Doppon was not the only one who had similar ideas. There were also people who had the same weird ideas as Dopon and had even proposed them.

"Quinn, you're serious, aren't you?"

"That's right, Lord Arceus, I won't make it difficult for you, just provide me with a guarantee, otherwise I think I will die in the hands of my own people sooner or later."

In the end, Quinn got a death-free, no, a fight-free gold medal from Arceus through his verbal efforts.

Quinn thought about it carefully. Hawkins' divination might have a delay. It's always good to get a guarantee in advance.

With this piece of equipment, Quinn felt a lot more at ease.

"Father, as you can see, Quinn got something good from her adoptive father."

"Hmph, this kind of thing is useless."

"You actually said that your adoptive father is useless!"

"Who did you learn it from out of context? It seems like it's time for me to have a good chat with you."

Kaido's fists rattled, and if the situation hadn't been inappropriate, he would probably have taken action directly.

"You said it yourself."

"Humph, no need to fight. Can training be called fighting? Can sparring be called fighting? The right to interpret this thing is very wide."

Logically speaking, Arceus must have the final right to interpret the things given by Arceus, but Quinn did not specify the details. If he really wanted to specify the details, he would probably have to write a dictionary.

There's no need to blame anyone. If you want to find a reason, you can always find it.

And people who believe too much in things like death-free medals usually die miserably.

"I'm more looking forward to Quinn being a little more arrogant after he has this thing. Then I'll let you two practice together."

"No, Uncle Quinn will hold you back. I have already thought of a way to persuade Reshiram and Zekrom. When I fully integrate this power, I will definitely defeat you!"

"Uh-huh, I'm really looking forward to it. Just in time, I also found some ideas."

The tension between father and daughter became stronger again, and Quinn silently chose to withdraw. Arceus' matter was not over yet.

The Divine Grace Ceremony has been held many times. This one was not the highest standard, but it was definitely the one with the most problematic children.

It's also a good thing that Quinn self-selected so that he didn't have to think about what to give him.

But besides Quinn, there are still some people who need to be dealt with privately, such as Hancock.

The scale of this Divine Grace Ceremony is different from the previous one. In addition to the smaller number of participants, there is no competition with each other. After all, one of the members is Kuzan. Unless Kaido is willing to go out for a one-on-one duel, it is not suitable to show off. There are really not many.

But if a fight really breaks out, ordinary pirates will no longer be eligible to watch the battle, so this link will be cancelled.

The problem with Hancock is nothing but her character.

"Boya Hancock, for Olga's sake, I have a message for you.

Calm down your arrogance. Today's Nine Snakes are vassals of the beasts. Olga can give you preferential treatment, but this does not mean that you are willful. "

The tone was calm, not mixed with emotion, but not angry or intimidating. A kind of coercion from the soul level appeared in Hancock's heart. It was as if she had encountered an unmatched opponent at the soul level.

The same former Shichibukai, Jinbe's character is much more honest and honest. After deciding on a position, Jinbe is more reassuring than Hancock in doing things.

With Olga, Hancock can perform at a super level, but without Olga, it will be difficult for others to direct her.

Olga has her own strategic significance and fixed combat policy, and it is impossible to be permanently bound to Hancock. Arceus also takes this opportunity to suppress the opponent's temper and make her recognize the reality.


"It's not bad that you can still reply. You know your character well, so I won't say more, but remember, this is not Nine Snakes.

You have lived here for a while, and you also know our rules. There will be nothing less for you. If you want to be arrogant, use the way of the beasts to show your arrogance that belongs to the beasts. Then naturally someone will To respect you. "

Different from the ability given in the past, Arceus's energy flow changed a way, and then enveloped Hancock under the combined force of the insect type and fighting type slates.

If Barrow's Iron Moth is a double difference in time and space, then Hancock's ability at this time is that of a Pokémon in a different space. Samelo, who was previously frightened by Arceus' aura, had already shrunk into a corner. Now, It is watching the owner's body change.

The general body shape did not change, but a touch of white enveloped Hancock's body. The figure became more slender, and the hair also fell to the ground after being lengthened. The feedback from her body reminded her all the time of what had just happened.

The beautiful Pokémon, code-named UB02, is the ultimate beast from another space - the Philo Mantis.

This is not a formal ceremony, but a preliminary granting of abilities that will be made public after a while.

But this does not mean that there is no audience, such as Kaido.

In addition, the people who pay the most attention to Hancock are always the people of Nine Snakes, and Nine Snakes also have Kaido's "old friends".

"Kaido, although this is not the first time we have met, this is the first time we have talked since Kuji joined you. We didn't say anything when you moved the island before."

"Ah? Who are you? Have we known each other before?"

"I am Croliosa! Have you forgotten all about it?!"

Today there are only five thousand

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