Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1318 Strange beasts and causes, a windy world

Groliosa, as the former emperor of Nine Snakes, she was not a member of Nine Snakes when she was young, but a member of Rocks, and she was even older than Kaido.

Precisely because he had braved the sea at that time, Groliosa was able to express more opinions in Kuja.

"Gloriousa? There seems to be such a person on the ship. It turns out you didn't die in the Valley of the Gods."

There is no problem with Kaido's memory, but he has never paid much attention to unimportant things, not to mention the huge change in Croliosa's appearance. It is estimated that the only one who can recognize it is the original Barkin.

As women and enemies, they always have some special abilities.

"You really haven't changed."

"No change? No, I am much stronger than before. Even if I come to the Valley of Gods again, I will be the winner. I have already learned the lesson of Rocks' failure, so I will not fail."

"Kaido, do you really want to repeat the incident in the Valley of Gods?"

"Reproduction? No, no, no, I'm not interested in that kind of thing. The scale of the Valley of the Gods is still too childish. This is not grand enough. It can only be used as the opening chapter at most.

Having said that, without realizing it, a lot of old guys have gathered together. It seems that this era has not completely passed yet, hmm."

Groliosa didn't know what Kaido was laughing at, she only knew that Kuja couldn't stay out of it.

She knew it from the day the World Government abolished the Shichibukai and sent Seraph to attack Nine Snakes.

The power of the world is still in the hands of the world government, and they are also the planners of interests. The only way to break this situation is to reshuffle the cards and start over.


Groliosa doesn't like war, and not everyone is Kaido. She has a fanaticism about war.

But she couldn't avoid the upcoming war. All she could rely on was to make Nine Snakes stronger before the war.

At this time, Groliosa has set her sights on Hancock. Kaido can still make the navy feel threatened in the name of the strongest creature, and she has long been an old lady. Although Hancock has a certain personality There are no small flaws, but she is still the hope that Nine Snakes can rely on.

Philometids are not uncommon. Although they are marked as dangerous in the main world of Pokémon, they are a very common Pokémon species in its own world.

In terms of compatibility, it can also increase Hancock's abilities, whether it is physical skills or fruit abilities.

The most intuitive thing about this animal-like ability is the change in the body. The compound eyes and antennae of insects can enhance perception. The extra claws on the fingers do not increase Hancock's combat power much, but they still cannot be ignored. The biggest change is still in the legs.

The body of Philomena appears to be slender and soft, but it actually contains powerful power.

The slender and flexible legs can accelerate explosively, and the speed of running is even faster than the flight of ordinary birds. The special leg joints give it stronger attack capabilities.

At the same time, the pheromone beetle also has the ability to confuse the enemy. Although it looks beautiful, the pheromone beetle is genderless and will release an invisible pheromones during battle.

Regardless of gender, this kind of pheromones will have an impact on them, making the enemy obsessed with themselves. Originally, the effect of this pheromones was limited, but when this ability is combined with the sweet fruit, Hancock's own The ability to petrify can also cause qualitative changes.

Invisibly shaking the other party's inner concepts, thereby making the process of petrification easier.

"I see, that's it."

It is not difficult to understand the power of Arceus. Which Pokémon is good at what and which talent is the best. This basic ability will appear directly in the opponent's mind. However, to what extent it is developed depends on the user's own ability. Talented.

There is no doubt about the physical enhancement, but at this time Hancock is thinking about the ability of Philometella pheromones.

"I will remember your advice."

The close pressure and physical changes told Hancock more directly that Arceus' previous words were not a joke. Although his nature is not easy to change, he can still be restrained.

"Leave first. After the ceremony is over, you can find someone to try out the changes in your abilities."


To be precise, not long after leaving Arceus, Hancock tested her power. A stream of pheromones was released from her fingertips, and a flying insect passing by became her target.

As the ability unfolded, the body of the flying insect surrounded by her pheromones began to gradually become stiff, and finally fell to the ground like a pebble. However, this behavior aroused Quinn's interest, and he immediately came over.

"Can you use that ability you just had again?"

What Quinn was interested in was not Hancock, but the petrified pheromone she had just used. Although it was only a drop, Quinn felt the breath of biology and chemistry from it, which happened to be his best subject.

If everything goes well, Quinn thinks he can develop a new version of the plague bomb that can petrify enemies.

"No, I'm just not sure by looking at it. I'd better experience it for myself. I've decided. I will be your target!"

With that said, Quinn wanted to take Hancock to the training room, but Quinn's abnormality made Kaido and Yamato feel something was wrong.

Dedicating himself to his own research and experiencing the power of the opponent's moves is obviously not what Quinn should do, even if it is really helpful to his research.

"Idiot dad, it's all you. You must have broken Uncle Quinn's brain last night, otherwise how could he make such a decision?"

"Hmph, you don't know Quinn well enough. This kid must have some ulterior motives, but they haven't been revealed yet. I want to see what he can do."

With Hachisai holding it in his hand, Kaido once again stared at Quinn, who was a little distracted, but he was not in a hurry, at least he could wait until the end of the ability grant before taking action.

Apart from Hancock, the only one left is Kuzan.

"Ah la la, I never thought I would be able to use weapons one day. This thing is really special. And is this divine power?"

Just by looking at it, you can feel the special power of Arceus, but only the person who is given it knows how exaggerated this power is.

Looking at the spherical weapon in his hand, Kuzan had already understood its purpose. As he turned his arm, a ball of water had condensed in the ball. When the ice blue completely enveloped the ball in Kuzan's hand, the sea current condensed inside it It has also turned into ice.

At this time, his body appeared in the classic red and white color scheme, with a full metallic style. The hardness of the mechanized body was nothing to Kuzan. He was a natural ability user and didn't really care about this kind of thing. .

On the contrary, his ability to control water improved him even more.

The Iron Baggage, like Barrow's Iron Poison Moth, is a paradoxical form from the future. The Iron Baggage is the future form of the messenger bird.

The prop in his hand is both a prop bag and a weapon, which can release blizzard, ice cone, and water flow almost continuously. Due to Kuzan's own ability, the iron baggage is like an extra floating cannon out of thin air for him.

And being able to use water attacks is also an extremely powerful bonus for him, which means that Kuzan can build his own home court without spending much physical energy.

In addition, he has an additional item - driving energy.

As a paradox species from the future, Pokémon of the Iron Generation have a unified characteristic, quark charge.

When the driving energy drives their bodies, the quark charge will be activated, allowing the user to improve what they are best at. If the user is good at speed, they will exceed their own limits in this state.

For these people, props are not just something they carry, but an object that can be solidified. For example, when Barrow and Kuzan were given abilities, the driving energy was already integrated into their bodies.

As long as they enter the transformation state, this special effect will be triggered.

"Speaking of which, this ability is quite convenient."

Kuzan moved his legs. His human-animal form was closer to Kuzan's original nickname. After all, Iron Baggage, as the future paradox species of the messenger bird, once had the nickname Iron Bundle.

But what's even more special is that the metal that makes up Iron Bundle's body automatically complements Kuzan's missing left leg. Compared with the left leg made of ice in the past, the completed limb after becoming capable is more suitable, making Kuzan unable to notice anything. strange.

It was obviously cold metal, but it made him feel the touch again.

"The two incidents of Egghead and Garp are enough to prove your determination, so I have given you new power. Don't let me down."

"This kind of thing can't be said to be disappointing, but I have a question. Kaido advocates war, but the nuns who believe in you are promoting a new world, and people in the sect are also fighting for the ideal kingdom of God.

But is that ideal really so easy to realize? "

"It's not easy. For me, it's easiest to destroy everything and start from scratch instead of building an ideal country."

Destruction is always easier than creation. The life of a tree starts from a seed. From the time it takes root and sprouts until it grows into a towering tree, it takes an unknown number of years, but it only takes a few minutes to cut it down.

The World Government has allowed the existence of pirates to provide threats on the sea, oppressing non-member countries, and exterminating races on the sea. Over the years, this problem has been bad to the root.

Not only the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, the thinking logic of this sea has long been different from that of the peaceful world, and the profession of pirates is even more commonplace.

To cure it, you can do more than just cut off part of it.

A reign of terror is easy for Arceus. A "peaceful" country based on its absolute force is not impossible and even less difficult to achieve.

“However, the scope of that would be too wide. It is precisely because of everything that the World Government has brought that so many people are hostile and opposed to it. This is a difficult process, but it is worth waiting for.

If you want to build an ideal world, you should work hard on your own instead of placing all your hopes on others. The power has been given to you. If you want to see the world you want, you have to fight for it yourself. "

"That's it. Thank you for your answer. It seems that I should recharge my batteries before the war comes."

Kuzan suddenly remembered something. Ever since he came to the Beasts, he had not felt the violent side of Arceus.

However, his past achievements reminded him that this was also a master who could destroy a country with just a raise of his hand. He was still calm just because what happened did not touch his bottom line.

The twin dragons of Dressrosa, the Holy Pillar King who moved the island, and Regice of the Frozen Justice Island have really reached that point. This is a monster that can destroy the world.

"I really look forward to what the future will look like. What will justice look like under the new order?"

"Hmm, justice? Kuzan, that thing is just an excuse for the strong. I don't think I am righteous. It doesn't matter if you think I am a villain. There is nothing to care about.

But can the navy that protects the Celestial Dragons really be considered just?

Everyone uses force to defend their own things. The world government and navy are the strongest, so they are righteous. I am very optimistic about you. Now you have officially joined us, right? You qualify as a new disaster. "

Kaido's logic has never changed. In his eyes, strength is everything, and strength can determine everything, including people's cognitive concepts.

"Let's forget about the title of disaster. I don't want others to think that I am a destructive maniac. Although I have changed my place, I still want to implement my ideas.

Actually, I also have a question for you. If that person doesn't want to fight anymore, what should you do?

If the flag of their church is planted all over the sea, who should you fight? "

After more than a year, Kuzan also realized one thing. Kaido has the final say over the beasts, but Arceus can control Kaido. In the final analysis, Arceus is stronger, so Kaido will only tell him his own story. The truth may occasionally be challenged, but the result never changes.

Rejecting the name of disaster, Kuzan had a new problem.

"Perhaps I will have fought enough by that day, but I think that day is very far away. There is no sea. Isn't there a sea of ​​stars?"


"Don't you always go to the small empty island? There is an astronomical book on it, haven't you seen it?"

For some reason, Kuzan felt that he was being ridiculed. The man in front of him, who was tall and thick, held a mace, and drank alcohol every day, seemed to be mocking him for being uneducated.

"Uh-huh, that kind of thing is still far away. There's no need to think that far. It's really not possible. I still have a daughter."

"Huh? Bastard dad, what does it have to do with me that you like to fight? Stop staring at me every day!"

Kuzan's question time has come to an end. It seems that Kaido will have no time to talk to him for a while. The process of granting this time is not complicated. Foz Fu and Dopon also got what they deserved, and they also accumulated Partial merit.

Dopon even exchanged a sand hippopotamus with Arceus, seemingly intending to divert his attention and cultivate a new Pokémon partner. For this purpose, he deliberately chose a Pokémon with the same ability as his own.

It's just that the sand hippopotamus is male, and Arceus has a suspicion about Dopon to some extent.

After the Divine Grace Ceremony, Jack, who temporarily returned to Ghost Island for training, was sitting on the shore of Ghost Island, his body half immersed in the sea water. There were almost no pirates around him, only Peggy Wan was fishing here.

After all, Jack is too fierce for most people. He is still young, and his fierce expression makes his intimidation soar. Only a few people can ignore this matter.

Such as the Pokémon above his head.

Nowadays, Jack is wearing a very special hat, with two cloud-like things hanging on his ears. It looks like a cotton hat, but in fact, it is the wings of a Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird.

This Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird is not big in size. Not to mention those huge individuals, even the ordinary Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird is slightly larger than it. It can be said that it just fits right on Jack's head.

Before it evolved, it had a very good relationship with Jack's Frost Milk Fairy. Now that it has evolved, this relationship has not disappeared.

They had just played in a big circle in the sky, and were just resting on top of Jack's head.

"Xiao Pei, a fish has bitten the hook."

"I saw it, Brother Jack, but I have an ominous premonition."

As a senior fisherman, Peggy can judge what he has caught by the touch of the fishing rod. The touch at this time is very familiar to him, if nothing else.

As Peggy Wan lifted the pole, a Magikarp came to the ground.

"Sure enough. It's King Carp again."

Looking at the Magikarp flopping on the ground, Peggy Wan even thought this was normal. He flicked the fishhook and it came out of the Magikarp's mouth.

Without the restriction of the fishhook, Magikarp jumped back into the water without the help of others.

"Forget it, no more fishing. Today's Feng Shui is not suitable for fishing. There are probably carp kings down here."

"But Xiaopei, there are a lot of sea fish in the water, look at this, isn't it?"


Ignoring the voice behind him, Peggy Wan quickly left here with his fish bucket. The words he just said made him lose a lot of joy.

He obviously made the nest by himself, but he only caught the Carp King. On the other hand, Ulti easily caught a big fish.

"Really, why are you leaving so fast? Xiaopei, just wait for me!"

"These siblings really haven't changed at all."

Jack then said, but only the Frost Milk Fairy above his head echoed him. After a while, a large number of bubbles surged up in the inner sea again, and several fishmen floated up from it.

"Brother Jack, are you going to continue fighting?"

"No, let's rest for a few days. There are no combat missions recently."

After getting Jack's order, several fishmen dived back into the water. The structure of Wano Country is very special. Originally, the country was located at the foot of the mountain, but when they closed the country, they built extremely tall walls. .

Moreover, the craftsmanship of this fence is very special, and it does not seep water. This resulted in the accumulated rainwater flooding Wano Country, and they had to rebuild their homes halfway up the mountain.

The original Wano Country was submerged underwater. Before the fishmen came here, there was a dead silence. Now it has become a paradise for the fishmen.

When the murlocs belonging to the Beasts come to Ghost Island, they usually live there temporarily. With Tom's help, the murlocs even turned it into a rest area.

But Jack didn't like living underwater for a long time. At this moment, a breeze blew by, and the Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird flew into the sky again after its rest, and Jack also looked in the direction of the wind.

"The wind is picking up."

"Dragon, the wind has risen. We have discovered a large-scale mobilization of the navy. They are gathering troops. The vice admirals stationed in various branches are also moving. Even the World Government has dispatched ships."

"Has the world government finally taken action?"

The Navy is part of the World Government. In addition to the Navy, the World Government also has other armies, soldiers trained by them personally. These soldiers are not as numerous as the Navy, but they are more loyal to the World Government.

Most of the time, they are only responsible for the order on the Red Earth Continent and rarely interfere in other matters. If this force is mobilized, it is enough to illustrate the change in the attitude of the world government.

"It seems so at the moment."

Ivankov put the navy's operational patterns on the table. Such a large-scale mobilization could not be hidden from the eyes of others. Many members of the revolutionary army saw the movement of warships.

"How's the battle going all over the world?"

"The momentum is pretty good, and many people are willing to respond to us, but it is too weak to have much effect."

"Don't underestimate them. With people like this, the chance of success will increase.

I heard that the fishmen are also destroying Mariejoia's transport ship. Mariejoia is about to run out of food. Will the Knights of God finally be dispatched?

The most difficult moment is coming for us"

"Wait a minute, Long, I didn't say their target was us.\

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