Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1319 Kaido’s game begins

"Huh? Is it difficult to get in? Can't we just sail in?"

"Of course not. Can you drive the ship directly into the Navy Headquarters?"

"It should work."

After recalling what happened during the war, Luffy felt that it seemed easy, and he choked back Luo's words.

"Isn't Wano Country also on the sea? Is there anything we can't drive into?"

According to Luffy's logic, as long as the destination is still an island on the sea, he can try to sail in by boat. The ship can sail on the sea. This is a truth that all children know.

"That's Whitebeard attacking the Navy Headquarters! Try to see if you can go in normally! See if your ship or the cannonballs arrive first!

You disappeared for two full years after the war. During these two years, you didn't. Oh, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I forgot that you didn't collect any intelligence. "

Rubbing his temples, Luo felt that his blood pressure began to rise again. The average intelligence of the person in front of him was lower than that of the rhinoceros. If he wanted him to use his intelligence normally, he could only rely on luck.

Luo's goal at this time is still very clear, he wants to kill Doflamingo.

After Doflamingo was taken away, he entered a state of silence. The most likely reason was that he was on Ghost Island.

Doflamingo only brought some of the benefits to the beasts. From a pirate's point of view, as long as he can prove that he can provide greater benefits and replace Doflamingo's original position, the beasts will not I'll take care of him.

It’s just that recent facts have proven that Luo Gao underestimated the beasts when he looked at himself. Doflamingo’s disappearance from the sea did not have any impact on the beasts. They directly replaced Dolf with their own people in a very short period of time. Lang Mingge's position even unified the underground world of the New World.

No middleman?

It's easy to handle, I will be the big brother from now on.

According to Luo's analysis of the latest situation, we must at least create a world-class organization before we can talk about that kind of thing.

If Luo's goal changes, it will be easy to enter the country of Wano. He can find an island with hundreds of beasts and let them send a message. He can eventually enter through family relations, but that may cause problems in subsequent plans.

Even if he succeeds, Misu or Lamy who brought him into Wano Country will also be affected by him. They are the only two people he doesn't want to get involved with now, so his choice is to sneak in, but the first step is to go out. That’s all.

"Isn't your ship a submarine? Then why don't we enter from underwater?"

"It still doesn't work. Whether it's underwater or in the sky, that sea area is very dangerous. Let alone going in, you have to be extremely lucky if you want to get by without being discovered."

"Then how did the two of them escape from it? They are obviously very weak."

Luffy didn't seem to agree with Law's explanation, and while picking his nostrils, he pointed at Kin'emon and Kanjuro.

"According to what you said, it would be difficult to get out of it. The two of them said they escaped from Kaido's men. Since they were able to escape, either it's not that difficult, or they are lying!"

Silence fell on the Sunshine, and the sap drink in Heluo's hand fell to the ground. This kind of thing was obviously not consistent with common sense.

"Are you the type to accumulate wisdom and use it together? But what he said is indeed a question. How did you two escape?"

Luo had been thinking about how to get in. After all, if he couldn't even get in, let alone a way out.

Now that Luffy mentioned it, he realized the problem.

"Because our companions attracted their attention, we took the opportunity to fly out. After all, we are more familiar with the terrain of Wano. It is not difficult to find opportunities to take off."

This was Kanjuro's reply to Luo. They did come out like this, but this was only because of Kaido's instructions. The air force did not chase them. It was this behavior that made Kanjuro and the others mistakenly think that they could get out. It depends on your own efforts.

"Fei, I think you were released on purpose, right? But it's not good for them. Besides, where is your secret passage?"

Luo didn't believe this reason. Baiju was the one with the largest number of cadres who could fly among the known pirates. Since the Golden Lion's flying pirate group disappeared, Baiju was the one with the most powerful power in the sky.

Most of their senior cadres have the ability to fly for a long time. They are flying, not staying in the air for a short time. If they really want to chase them, they will not be let out at all. It is also very unreasonable to not use the secret passage.

"The secret passage is a secret passage within the country of Wano. It does not lead to the outside world. The situation in the country of Wano has always been closed to the outside world, and there is no passage to the outside world."

"Maybe they just want to play."

"No one would do that kind of thing!"

"Don't worry about such trivial matters. Isn't it because of the difficulty that we won't go?"

Luffy's words made Luo accept the reality again. No matter how these two people got out, they had to go after all.

Even if there was something wrong with Kanjuro and Kinemon, it wasn't something he wanted to focus on.

"So, how are we going to get in? What's your plan, Terra Man?"

"It also uses flying. Can't your ship fly? And my ability can perform space displacement. Let's use your ship to get close to it first, and then use this guy's ability to draw a bird and fly within the release range of my ability. , and finally used my ability to teleport directly in.

Try to complete all of this before touching the territorial waters near Wano Country. This is the safest way. "

Luo meant to use the wind to blast forward a certain distance, and then use the bird drawn by Kanjuro to move. The sky was very gloomy now, and it seemed like it would rain heavily at any time.

This kind of weather is a good time to sneak in, but it also means that the bird drawn by Kanjuro may be dissolved by the rain at any time, and he cannot always fly with it. He needs to rely on the wind to blast through.

"In that case, wouldn't the boat be able to enter?"

"Yes, from now on we have to split up. Someone will need to drive your ship to continue sailing afterwards. This team should be safer than entering Wano Country."

The Straw Hats did not refute Luo's opinion. Even if they wanted to refute, they had no reason. In the end, they decided that Nami, Franky, Chopper, and Brooke would stay on the Sunshine and there was no need to directly follow the main force.

Navigators and boatmen can make the Sunshine sail more safely, while Chopper and Brooke are left on the ship because they have a unique appearance and are easy for others to notice.

Usopp tried to stay on the ship, but was overruled.

"Actually, I just remembered that I have a disease that will kill me if I enter Wano Country. I think I should stay with Nami and the others."

"Come on, aren't you a sea warrior? Then get ready and come together! Franky, how are you getting ready?"

"Supper is perfect! The cola energy transmission is completed. This time I input more coke. The overload drive will definitely fly farther! Keep it all firmly in place!"


The Polar Diver dived into the deep sea and began to circle around, while the Sunshine rushed from the sea toward the sky with screams.

After a sprint period

"It's starting to fall, it's time for you to go!"

"I'll leave this to you."

Kanjuro drew a huge flying bird. With his perfect painting skills, the lifelike bird quickly stood up from the deck and flew into the sky with a group of people.

Not long after, they were approaching Wano Country, and the outline of Wano Country became clearly visible.

Although Wano Country has a controllable climate controlled by Pokémon, it does not exclude all natural climates. This heavy rain is an example.

"No, it's raining."

Feeling the raindrops hitting his face, Kanjuro had an ominous premonition in his heart.


As a thunderbolt sounded, the dark night sky was illuminated, and heavy rain poured down. Countless raindrops hit the flying birds drawn by Kanjuro, and the lifelike feathers began to transform into ink.

"Hey! Is the distance almost there?! The ink bird is about to transform!"

"I just had some insights recently, ROOM!"

The huge spherical space enveloped the nearby area. As Luo waved his finger, most of the people disappeared directly on the Sunshine, replaced by some stones and leaves, which seemed to have been successfully introduced into the country of Wano.

It's just that Nami and Franky can't think about other people for the time being.

Their danger is not over yet. On this rainy day, whether the Sunshine can land safely is a very worthy test.

"Is this inside Wano Country?"

"Well, it looks like it should be Jiuli. We are finally back."

It was now dark, and no one was moving under the heavy rain. Using the light brought by lightning, Kinemon observed the surrounding environment and temporarily determined his position.

"Okay, let me change your clothes first. The style of Wano Country is different from the outside. This is too obvious."

Kinemon picked up a few leaves from the ground and placed them on their heads, and began to disguise everyone. He is a person with the ability to obey the fruit, and can change other people's clothes according to his imagination.

There are even rumors that he has awakened the Fruit of Obedience and obtained the Resurrection Armor. After all, Kinemon's health bar is a very unscientific thing.

"This is Kuri, this is the Flower City, the prison is in Rabbit Bowl, and Lord Momonosuke is imprisoned here. If your grandfather was also arrested, he must be here."

Kinemon drew a map on the ground and further described the specific situation here, but Luffy and the others' current plan was to investigate and understand the situation here first, rather than being reckless.

But before they split up, they had to find a base temporarily. Walking on the street on a rainy night seemed like a lunatic behavior. It happened to be the mountains here, so they walked into the mountains and forests together.

At the same time, Onigashima and Quinn were looking at the screen in front of them, lost in thought.

"Mr. Quinn, we have verified the identity of the other party. They are Straw Hat Boy Luffy and his companions, Death Surgeon Trafalgar Law, and Kin'emon and Kanjuro. They are currently heading towards Kuri. go ahead."

They did not appear in a bustling urban area, but in a woodland, but there was a camera left by Quinn near the woodland.

Normally, this kind of thing is in a dormant state, but if an unknown object suddenly appears here, the device will be activated, and the image of the other party will be captured and sent to Onigashima.

This mode is for the Raiders and Kaido. Needless to say, the Raiders. The defense against Kaido is simply because Quinn doesn't want to be scared to death by Kaido's sudden return.

At this time, Rotom verified their information from his own information library and sent their information to Quinn.

"If I'm not wrong, this group of people must have been looking for reinforcements when they escaped? And they ended up finding someone like this? Why do they think that a guy with a reward that's less than a fraction of this guy's reward can be effective!"

"Brother Quinn, this kind of thing is normal, right? It's impossible for people with some knowledge to take the initiative to challenge us. Only such stupid young people will be fooled. I want to catch them all. ?"

Manderfish, who was on the side, thought that this kind of thing was not surprising. He was back on vacation. For safety reasons, he had already sent his wife and daughter back to Ghost Island, so he naturally returned to Ghost Island when he was on vacation.

Now that his territory has been taken over by Olga who was out before, there is no need to worry about the security level.

"No, wait a minute. I'll report it to Brother Kaido. If something is broken, I don't want to take responsibility."

Quinn rejected Manderfish's proposal and instead used Rotom to contact Kaido. At this time, Kaido had not yet started a new round of parent-child activities with Yamato, so he responded quickly.

"Straw Hat Boy? He's also a newcomer to the Evil Generation, right? This group of people are all quite courageous."

"Brother Kaido, what do you think we should do with them? Send them directly to the rabbit bowl?"

"Rabbit Bowl? No, I've been feeling bored lately. I remember that the Batman sent information about this group, which means they can be recruited, right?"

"Brother Kaido, please wait a moment."

Quinn opened the database and rummaged through it carefully before confirming Kaido's words.

"Yes, that's the case. He reported before that, oh, their ship's doctor invented that blue ball."

"Uh-huh, it's rare to see such an interesting newcomer. It would be pointless to kill him like this."

I saw Kaido taking out his Rotom. After thinking for a while, he opened the group chat of senior officials and @everyone who was still on the ghost island.

Governor: Guys! I decided to play a game. A group of outsiders have broken into Wano Country. They have even disguised themselves. Let us bet on who of these guys will be exposed first!

"Brother Kaido, does this make no sense? Whenever they go to a crowded place, their abnormal behavior will be reported in minutes. This bet will last until noon tomorrow at most. It is very boring."

Quinn put forward a counterargument. If he had known that Kaido wanted to play this way, he might as well have asked Manderfish to hold down the group of people directly. If something was really broken, it was hard to say whose property it would be. .

"And if this breaks anything, Lord Arceus will also be unhappy."

"You don't need to remind me about this kind of thing. I remember that a group of new talents were introduced here two days ago, right?"


"Very good, you go get them a false certificate, and then find someone to keep an eye on them. If they don't break our rules, don't arrest them first. This will be fun. Let me see which kid will be The first person to break the rules.”

Governor: As for the bet, I can agree to a condition for the winner. The deadline for placing bets is before dawn. Make your decision!

Kaido had already made a conclusion on this matter, and Quinn had no possibility of refuting it. Instead, he had to go to them overnight to give them false evidence.

"Forget it, you don't need to arrange for someone to do the tracking. I will find someone to do it.

Maybe we can start a live broadcast or something, there's going to be a war soon, and let these guys relax. "

Looking at the replies in the group, Kaido showed a satisfied smile and left immediately to arrange the follow-up.

The interior of Onigashima became busy due to Kaido's whim, but the Straw Hats encountered a very special situation and they were lost.

"Aren't you locals? Will you still get lost?"

Luo was in a bad mood. He didn't expect that the two guys Kanjuro and Kin'emon were leading them around in the mountains but couldn't find their destination.

"It's strange, it should be here. I remember there is a cave in this mountain, which is just right for a rest."

"Tela Nan, there seems to be a big house ahead!"

While Luo was still questioning the two of them, Luffy made a new discovery. A quite luxurious villa was located in the mountains and forests, but there was no light in the house and it looked like no one was living in it.

"What should I do? Do you want to rest here temporarily?"

The group of people carefully peeked at the houses below from the mountain. After making sure that no one was there, they carefully climbed in without even touching the door lock.

In the dim night, they didn't notice that the house number of this house was very special, "Kuyu Dog's House" was hanging outside the door.

This is not a house for people to live in at all, but a holiday villa prepared by Kojiro for Kati Dog. However, the season is not suitable now, so no one is left.

And the location here is not Jiuli, but Ximei.

Kanjuro and Kin'emon have never carefully observed what Wano will be like 20 years later. When they first traveled through time and came here, they didn't have this opportunity. Their most important task at that time was to escape quickly. go.

They don't know the changes in the entire country, and their impression of Ximei is still desolate. In their perception, that lush scene is only found in Jiuli.

Therefore, Kinemon and Kanjuro were walking in Nozomi according to the Kuri route, and it was normal for them not to be able to find what they were looking for.

"Hey, come here and dry the water. Your wings are wet. Why are you still holding those pickaxes? Is it important to you?"

Luffy wrung out the water in his clothes, turned around and wiped Helu's body again, while Sanji and Law were looking at the layout of the house, and they felt more and more strange.

"Are you saying that the people of Wano are being oppressed and living a miserable life?"

"That's right, Black Carbon Orochi and Kaido were..."

"Are you sure the oppressed people can afford to build such a big kennel?"

After thinking about the follow-up, I will rise tomorrow (seriously)!

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