Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1320 The expired halo of good men and the infiltrated Straw Hats

Since the residents are not humans, the housing facilities here are all based on canines. Xiaoka has indeed evolved into a wind speed dog, but the name of the house that has not changed does symbolize the memories of the past, and there is also Xiaoka issue of heirs.

If you want to find a leader among the dogs living in Wano, you will definitely find Xiaoka in the end. After all, dogs and wolves have similar habits. A wind-speed dog can become the dog king without a doubt.

Although those descendants who inherited the blood of Kagome were not Pokémon, they also had the blood of Kati dog, and they vaguely evolved into a new species in Wano.

"This house probably hasn't been cleaned for a while, so it seems okay to stay here for the time being."

Looking around the situation inside, Sanji found a dusty photo, which happened to be a photo of Kojiro and the unevolved Kaka. Next to it were his old servants and various Shiba Inu who had the blood of Kaka. .

"This dog owner is really a rich man. He can afford to build such a big villa. Is this what you call miserable?"

"No, this guy is an exception. He betrayed the general of Wano Country a long time ago and joined the army of the beasts. Because of this, this guy was able to thrive. This is actually his home. But I remember That guy lives in Nozomi.”

Only Wano Country led by Oden-sama can develop well. This comes from Kinemon's subconscious mind, so he doesn't think Nozomi can become like this. He still thinks that this is Kuri, but because of the heavy rain, he got lost.

"It's better to find a way to make a fire and dry the clothes first. It's not good to be so wet all the time."

By this time, Usopp had also finished exploring other rooms. There was no one living here because the season was out of season. Although Kojiro had money, he did not waste it carelessly. Only when the vacation season here came, would people be sent to clean the place in advance.

"But it's strange that there are coals and dry firewood in here. If it's just a doghouse, there's no need to put such things, right?"

In addition to the bathroom for the dog, there are some beds, firewood, and dog food in this house.

Ordinary dogs naturally cannot light fires, but this is the tribe of Kati dogs. Perhaps one day in the future, a certain Shiba Inu that inherits the blood of Kati dogs can also sublimate the abilities in his body and evolve into a new wind speed. Dog, but that day is still far away.

The living habits of Kati dogs are obviously different from ordinary dogs, and fire is also one of their daily necessities.

"Block the windows first. It would be bad if any light comes out and is discovered. I'll look for it."


Luo was still looking around to see if there was any suitable cover, but Heluo directly pressed a switch on the ground. The color of the originally transparent window gradually darkened, directly blocking all outside light.

"Wow, hehe, you are really amazing. You even discovered this switch."

In the house built for Kati Dog, the switch is naturally underground. The reason why Heluo knows the location of this switch is because he came here before leaving Wano Country. When the season is suitable, this place is not only the residence of Kati Dog. , which is also a resting place for other Pokémon.

But others haven't realized this yet, they just thought that Helu happened to press the switch. At this time, if they continue to observe the photo of Kojiro, they will find a pixel in the sky.

Assuming that the Straw Hats have the ability to infinitely enlarge this pixel, they will see that it is a Heracross.

"Okay, we have entered the country of Wano for the time being, so next, we need to investigate the situation here. Judging from the fact that you will get lost wherever you lead, I can be sure that your information is out of date."

"No, for us, the country of Wano"

"I only believe in my own judgment. This is Kaido's territory. There is no chance of a comeback. What do you know? Tell them all now and I will judge for myself what can be believed."

Luo knew that these two were locals, but he had no intention of trusting them. Kinemon wanted to say something else, but Kanjuro stopped him.

"You're right, we haven't been back here for too long, and our information is indeed out of date."

"Huh? Didn't you say before that you have only been away from here for a month or two?"

"That's true, but our identity is not that simple. Please listen to me explain in detail."

Kanjuro is obviously much smarter than Kinemon, otherwise Kuotan Orochi wouldn't have trained him as an undercover agent.

"I and Kin'emon were both Oden-sama's retainers back then. Oden-sama was a man with lofty ambitions. When Wano was still in seclusion, he resolutely went to sea and made plans to found the country after returning. .

But he was coerced by the despicable Kaido and Orochi, and finally..."

"Excuse me, your lofty ambitions also include him. He threw his wet nurse away when he was just born. He walked in and out of Flower Street at the age of six. He got drunk and fought with gamblers at the age of eight. He was blacklisted by the gang at the age of nine and burned down the gang casino. So jailed.

At the age of fourteen, the river course was changed due to drought, causing floods, and at the age of fifteen, women were abducted to establish a harem, causing public outrage and then a harem rebellion broke out? "

"Ahem, this, this is because Oden-sama was not sensible when he was young, and it is inevitable for people to do some irrational things. Wait, how did you know about this?"

Looking at Von Clay who interrupted him, Kanjuro suddenly felt that something was wrong. How could an outsider still read Oden's life story?

"The slave family found a book on the corner of the table here. It seems to be the historical biography of Oden-sama you mentioned. Kozuki Oden, is that the right name?"

Von Clay raised the book in his hand. There was a dog paw print on it. Judging from the size, it belonged to the Wind Speed ​​Dog. With its current intelligence, it was not complicated to just read a book, not to mention that it was a children's book. There are a lot of illustrations to describe it.

"Let me take a look at it."

Kanjuro was shocked, and took the book in Von Clay's hand and started to read it. Except for the reason for the ending that Oden was killed by the black charcoal snake, the other descriptions were extremely true.

From another perspective, even the last paragraph can be made reasonable. Without the temptation of the Black Carbon Orochi and the support of the retainers, Oden would probably go to interview Kaido according to his character.

At that time, the development of Wano's internal affairs was already a matter that Arceus was in charge of. If they continued to talk, Oden would feel free to donate it to Wano and then go sailing on his own.

In terms of brains, Oden is even a better thug than Orochi, but this is how things evolved.

Looking at the record above, Kanjuro didn't know how to refute it.

Sincerity is the ultimate skill. The records above are too true. They were all done by Oden himself. To deny all of this is to deny their lord. If you agree with it, you will be in a lot of trouble.

"Actually, there is a lie in this. Black Carbon Orochi is no match for Oden-sama at all. It was he and Kaido who did this."

In the end, Kanjuro chose to avoid mentioning what happened before, but Law interrupted his lecture.

"Okay, I'm not interested in your previous lord. We'll see what Wano is like ourselves. Let's talk about some key information. You don't want us to be exposed and hurt you."

No Oden is as important as him planning Doflamingo. Facts have proved that the influence of Oden's halo has plummeted. At least the people in the room have not been deceived.

"Okay, Wano Country is divided into six regions: Kuri, Hakumai, Nozomi, Usagiwan, Reihou, Flower City, and Kaido's Ghost Island on the inland sea.

At the beginning, they focused on developing Baiwu, and Rabbit Bowl was their prison. These two areas should be where the most people of Hundred Beasts live.

But what it looks like, we can’t tell clearly, after all, 20 years have passed. "

"Twenty years?"

"Yes, there is something wrong in this book. At the last moment, Mrs. Shi used her Fruit of Time to send us to the future, which is now twenty years later."

"Well, I understand. Then you just showed up and ran away in confusion, so you are just two useless people from twenty years ago."

Luo originally wanted to call him trash, but considering the interpersonal relationship, he took back half of his words.

"Rabbit Bowl is a prison. It would be too strange to go there directly. Bai Wu is also more dangerous. To be on the safe side, let's get information from other places first.

Remember, don’t fight, don’t cause a commotion, there are so many people in this country, they won’t notice if there are one or two more people.

If you don’t have money, never touch anything that costs money! "

This sentence was basically said to Luffy's ears. In Luffy's understanding, buying things does cost money, but when he has no money, he usually can't help it and often ends up working part-time to pay off debts.

Forget it outside, it would be extremely unwise to cause a commotion here.

"Speaking of money, the coins of Wano are not Baileys from the outside world, but coins made of gold and silver, and the rarest platinum. Kin'emon, do you have any money on you?"

Kanjuro drew the appearance of coins on the ground and taught the Straw Hats about the appearance of Wano's currency, but he did not hand over the coins to them.

The creations of his ability are not stable. If the money suddenly disappears, things will go wrong.

"Not much, only eight silver coins"

Every one of Oden's retainers has the attribute of a poor person. The people next to Hiyori can say that these people were very poor twenty years ago, and they all saved eight silver coins through their teeth.

"Eight silver."

"How much can eight silver buy in Wano?"

Outsiders didn't understand what this amount meant, so Sanji chose the simplest way and judged everything by purchasing power.

"Eight silver. About a week's worth of water, or a day's worth of food. Well, a day for an ordinary person."

".Great, so the first thing we have to do is work?"

The word poverty comes to everyone's mind, and working becomes an urgent matter.

"More than that, Kinemon and I may be wanted by the pirates of the Hundred Beasts. I can only trouble you to inquire about the situation first. Besides, your name is also very abrupt. It is best to choose a name that matches the local characteristics."

At this time, Luffy seemed drowsy. The topic Luo and the others were discussing made him feel very bored. Suddenly, he found that Helu was missing.

"Heluo? Heluo, where have you been!"


In another room, Heluo waved his arm at him, but there were already a few more small black balls in Heluo's shadow, and there were strange things on top of his head.

Not long ago, Kaido found Arceus on Onigashima and asked him to get him some Pokémon that could follow others and film them.

"Are Rotom's monitors no longer enough for you? Are you also infected by Quinn?"

"Uh-huh, no way, but this thing has to be closely followed and photographed. I remember that Gengar can sneak into people's shadows, can they also become invisible? Just let them come."

Kaido has carefully prepared the candidates to apply for fake certificates, so naturally he will not miss their daily routine.

In order to have more fun for himself, Kaido did not notify all cadres, but only some senior cadres, so that ordinary people did not know that such a group of outsiders had appeared in Wano Country.

"You are really boring. That girl Yamato is not enough for you anymore?"

"It will get boring if you fight the same opponent too many times. Besides, that girl is holding back her ultimate move again. I don't know what will happen. I'll leave this matter to you. I'll think about who can handle the holiday." The certificate is more appropriate.”

Kaido needs someone who is smart enough, has a high enough status, and is not very public to quietly help them implement the evidence. He doesn't want to hear the news that these guys were arrested early tomorrow morning.

After thinking for a while, Kaido already had an idea and jumped out of the window.

"Ah, here we are again, this job is really easy."

I don’t know if Kaido led Yamato to evil, or if Yamato infected Kaido. They all have the habit of jumping out of the window directly, so that there are always potholes on the ground outside Arceus’ room.

Over time, a special position even appeared in the beasts, responsible for filling the hole created by the father and daughter.

At the same time, Gengar has grown a new tail in the underworld. The environment of the underworld is very suitable for the cultivation of the ghost type. Gengar also used this time to strengthen his tribe. Now there are floating tails around Gengar. Such a group of black and purple spheres.

In addition to normal egg reproduction, Gengar can also increase the number of companions based on the undead. Some undead souls that lost consciousness and dissipated were gathered together by Gengar, resulting in the birth of some ghosts.

Ghosts can be said to be soul bodies or a collection of resentments. These dissipated undead souls just meet the needs.

The black ball is their core of life, and their huge eyes and fangs grow on this black ball. It has large white eyes, small black pupils, and a mouth with a pair of fangs.

Most of the time, ghosts are in an invisible state, and ordinary people can only use their sense of smell to feel them.

It is said that the original ghost was composed of 95% poisonous gas and 5% soul. It was essentially a gaseous life. As long as the wind could blow, ghost could appear there.

Both are ghosts, but different ghosts have different characteristics. For example, Rotom is good at parasitizing various electrical appliances, the Horror Pot can produce special black tea, and the single scabbard moves like a weapon.

When it comes to stealth and invisibility, the Gengar family is the best.

After getting the order, these ghosts also followed the shadows and floated out. After getting the special monitoring equipment, they appeared in the dog house. From the moment the ghosts appeared, Helu understood One thing, their location was never a secret.

But this is reasonable. After entering this island, it is abnormal for the information not to be discovered.

If this is not the country of Wano, then Helu will definitely notify Luffy when he discovers the abnormality, but this is the country of Wano. Even if the ghosts were not created by Arceus himself, they are derived from Arceus' power, and Helu can only Noh continued to polish his pickaxe.

Along the way, I also inquired with Guis about the current situation of Arceus. Among this group of people, only the one-horned fairy is awake.

The next day, Kinemon and Kanjuro stayed here temporarily while others went out to gather information.

Among the group of people, Luffy, Law and Sanji were in a group, Zoro, Von Clay and Usopp were in a group, Kanjuro and Kin'emon stayed here, and Helu acted alone.

This point was forced by Helu himself. Luffy couldn't resist it. It was safer for the one-horned fairy to act alone, so he just let him do what he wanted.

"Remember, you must come back before dark, and you are not allowed to cause trouble. Apart from observing intelligence, the only thing you can do is to find a job that suits you and earn money."

At dawn, the sun shines on Wano Country again, and there is a group of strangers outside Nozomi's mountains and forests.

This is what Kaido said before, the new group of technicians who immigrated to Wano Country. Kaido brought them to this grassland before dawn on the grounds of sightseeing and admiring the sunrise.

Acier and Naqin were also traveling with him, and Kaido gave them the important task of obtaining false certificates.

Their status is high enough to participate in this bet, their brains are shrewd enough, and people outside do not understand them. These two people are a perfect match, but Asier feels a little doubtful about this.

"Naiqin, would anyone really come to do this kind of thing?"

"Probably. I saw them, that group of people. They haven't dispersed yet. This is an opportunity."

Naqin stroked the Kentaro next to him and said something in its ear. Two Kenteros immediately left the herd and ran in the direction of Luffy and the others.

"Stop! Stop! Brother in front! Help the old lady and I stop the cow!"

Without taking medicine, Naiqin looks like an 82-year-old old woman. Although she is healthy, she also looks very pitiful, which directly triggers the sympathy of the Straw Hats. Sanji and Von Clay each stopped He bought a cow and led it to Naiqin.

"Grandma, your cow, don't let it run away again."

"Thank you. They are usually very well-behaved, but this time they were frightened by the crowd. By the way, do you want to visit there? Your companions seem to be very interested."

Naiqin pointed to Luffy not far away, who was looking curiously at the crowd not far away.


"Those are all guests from outside Wano. Locals are generally not allowed to go, but I live nearby, old lady. If you want to go, I have a way. Old man, the guests are here!"

Without waiting for Sanji to respond, Naqin made the decision for them.

Then Naiqin greeted Asier, and before they could react, he pulled off Asier's cloak.

"Boys, do you want to apply for a permit? You can enter all the scenic spots in Wano Country. It's much cheaper than outside."

"Yes, yes, this is a foreign guest ticket, and ordinary people can't get it. If my daughter hadn't been working at Hundred Beasts, I wouldn't have the ability."

A profiteer's smile appeared on Naiqin's face, and Asier chatted beside him and showed some blank documents.

"No, we're not interested in this. We still have to go to work."

"Young man, we didn't lie to you. We used other people's identities. It's 100% guaranteed. You can use it just by registering at the Pokémon Center.

That is to say, there are new people coming to Wano Country, and the information has not been completed before we can take advantage of the loopholes. If this period of time passes, you will have no chance to use it. "

Naiqin deceived the people in front of him, acting exactly like a ticket scalper. Originally, they were not interested, but after hearing about the fake identity, they became interested.

Ah, a mistake. I accidentally forgot about a certain Bone Man. I changed it in the last chapter. He is now with Chopper.

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