Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1321 The local Pokémon is recruiting sandbags. If you are interested, please come quickly.

"Can you really go anywhere?"

At this time, Von Clay had already taken off the heavy makeup on his face, in order not to reveal his identity as a transvestite. For a transvestite, this was already a big sacrifice.

The identity information made them excited. After all, Kanjuro and Kinemon had also mentioned this matter. Their exposure back then was inseparable from the issue of identity.

"Of course, the two of us are here. You can try it first. If I lie to you, these cows will be given to you."

Naiqin promised emphatically, how could something go wrong with Kaido's arrangement? Although it was said to be a false certificate, what she sold was a real certificate. The entire Wano country's security system was with Quinn. Who was qualified and who was not? In the end, it was all a matter of his words.

"Sanji-kun, let me try it first. Even if it's fake, with so many people, I can get away with my ability."

"Be safe, Xiao Feng."

"Don't worry, even if they are exposed, I will lure them away."

It was planned well, except the next moment something went wrong, they had no money.

"Are you kidding me? A ticket only costs ten silver coins, and you don't even have ten silver coins?!"

Naiqin wanted to give them her certificate for free, but she couldn't do this. After all, her identity was just a ticket seller. A ticket seller didn't do business or charity. Who would believe it?

"Why are you still using these old coins instead of exchanging them for new ones?"

"Well, grandma, how about you be accommodating? If it doesn't work, we can help you herd the cow for half a day."

"Forget it, forget it. Seeing that you helped me stop the cow, I will give this ticket to you. Just fill in your own name. The information has not been completed recently. I can't find it above, but remember Accommodation can only be used for five days at most.”

In fact, when newcomers arrive in Wano, they will be entered into the system within five minutes at most. In order to satisfy Kaido's bad taste, Quinn opened an additional special channel.

After Von Clay and Sanji said good things for a long time, Naiqin reluctantly got them a ticket.

After about an hour, von Klee followed the people who left the venue and returned to the crowd. He proved that the certificate was usable, but lack of money became a problem.

While Sanji and Von Clay were still struggling with money, Luffy, who had just arrived, took out a coin.

"Is this enough?"

"That's enough, that's enough. There's still plenty for each of you."

"Then give me a few more to save you the trouble of losing them."

"Okay, no problem, old man, let's get to work!"

Naiqin was not interested in where his money came from. It was enough that he could complete the task. After successfully helping them obtain a false certificate, the two of them retreated smoothly.

"Assie, I regret it a bit."

"What's wrong?"

"The person I suppressed was the man named Von Clay who was exposed first, but now I feel that he should be able to lurk for a long time. It seems that I am going to lose the bet. Who did you suppress?"

"The one with the long nose named Usopp pressed it casually. I don't think there is any difference, but they just came to Wano. Where did they get the gold coins issued by Lord Arceus?"

The currency replacement of Wano Country has been completed. In addition to the banknotes made by Dianxi, they are the coins issued by Sai Fuhao. According to the different currency values, Wano Country continues to use the previous name, but adds a coin after gold and silver.

What Luffy just took out was a gold coin, which made Asier feel a little unreasonable.

"Whatever, our mission is only to issue certificates, other things have nothing to do with us."


The two of them led the herd into the distance, but Luo and the others also had the same question.

"Didn't I tell you not to cause riots? Where did you get the money?"

"Ah? I snatched it from another pirate. I thought the coin looked good, so I kept it. Then I saw the coin in the grandma's hand and thought it looked very similar, so I took it out."

In addition to being circulated in the territory of the beasts, this currency is also a bargaining chip on the Tezolo ship. It is also circulated in the underground world, so it is not surprising to see it from the outside world.

After resolving this conflict, the group of people went their separate ways and continued their original plan, but accidents would never be far away from them.

Usopp wanted to find an opportunity to start a small business, and Von Clay planned to try street performance, but when he turned around, Zoro disappeared.

"Xiao Feng, have you seen Sauron?"

"No, isn't he following you?"

"It's bad, this guy is lost again. I don't know where he will get lost."

The two looked at each other and had a bad premonition at the same time. However, in the vast country of Wano, they didn't know where to look for Sauron. They could only make money according to the original plan while searching for traces of Sauron.

After a while, the galloping Zoro stopped.

"Damn it, where did Usopp and Von Clay go? I told them not to run around, but they still managed to get lost."

Taking a breath, Zoro recalled the map in his mind.

"Those two guys are really unreliable. What's on this map made me go the wrong way."

When Zoro realized that Von Clay and Usopp were missing, he began to step up his efforts to find them, but the faster he deviated, the further away he went.

"Why don't you make some money first? What can you do?"

Zoro is also a person who values ​​​​taking things easy, otherwise he would not have ended up becoming a bounty hunter because he could not find his way back to Frost Moon Village.

It happened that at this time, he heard the collision of weapons, and even smelled a familiar smell. When he followed the collision of weapons, he happened to see two ducks dueling.

"Ka moo!"

An Onion Ranger held one wing on a green onion, and held the other wing up to act as a scabbard, assuming an Iai-slashing posture.

Opposite it, another Green Onion Ranger held an onion blade in each hand, and made an attack before the Iai Onion Ranger could attack.


As the positions of the two Onion Rangers were exchanged, the Iai Onion Ranger took back his weapon, but the double-sword Onion Ranger was left with only one weapon. In the previous confrontation, its weapon was cut off by the opponent. .

"Ka Mo." (Your level is good, but Liu Ying's level is not enough. Without the Black Onion Blade, you are no match for me.)

"Ka Mo!" (Just wait for me, I won't give up!)

The double-sword onion ranger looked at the only onion handle left in his hand, and threw it into his mouth. After eating the damaged weapon, he bowed to the Iai onion ranger, and then Turn around and leave angrily.

Bowing is because of the chivalry etiquette of the Onion Rangers. No matter what the reason is, if you lose in a fair duel, you must admit it. Even if the opponent gets the black onion first, it is still the opponent's ability.

Anger means that it feels that it is not up to par and has not caught up with the other party for so long.

“Are all the ducks here domineering?

Also, did that onion-flavored Hawkeye guy buy his onions from here? "

Zoro had already smelled the familiar smell, and even felt that these ducks using green onions as weapons were very friendly. After all, Hawkeye had done this kind of thing before and bullied him with green onions.


At this time, there was a muffled sound, and the door next to it suddenly opened, and a person flew out from inside. It seemed that he had received some kind of strong impact.

"Unfortunately, your interview failed. It seems that you are not suitable for this job."

Hyogoro walked out of the door and said to him regretfully.

"Young man, are you here to apply for a job too?"

Hyougoro's eyes were focused on the three swords on Zoro's body. Before leaving, he left Qiushui in the house. This was one of the few effective intelligence provided by Kanjuro and the others.

Qiushui is a great treasure of Wano. If he showed up with the sword, it might cause some trouble, so Zoro did not carry it, but went out with Yuki.

But apart from the sword, Hyōgoro was more curious about the other person's face.

[Do they really look like Shuangyue’s descendants? It's really rare to see something like this. 】

Surnames such as Shougetsu, Fuugetsu, and Ugetsu are still spread in Wano Country, but the original daimyo has been killed in the battle. Seeing that Zoro looks like Shougetsu Gyumaru, Hyōgoro didn't care.

"Um. I'm here to apply."

Zoro, who didn't know what kind of job to look for, heard Heigoro say this and agreed.

"Then give it a try. It's not that easy to be a sparring partner for the Onion Rangers."

What Hyōgoro was looking for was Shou Youbing's training partner, but he couldn't do this job without any skills. The person who was beaten out just now was an example.

"Come on, let me see what you have got."

In the training ground, Hyogoro had already taken out his weapon first. Zoro was also observing the blue-haired and muscular old man, and then took out Yukizai.

"Just a knife?"

"A knife is enough."

"Really? Then I won't be polite."

Hearing this, Hyogoro's aura changed instantly. Under the influence of domineering, the hair on his back danced in the wind. At this moment, Zoro felt a dangerous aura.

"Hanazuki-sword style·Bow down with anger!"

The flowing Haki almost materialized. In the blink of an eye, Hyogoro had rushed in front of Zoro. Before the blade even reached him, the extended Haki had already touched the blade of Yukizashi's blade.

"There were two moments. Then, can you still hold on?"

The angry bow was not a single blow, but several consecutive horizontal slashes. Hyogoro's blade struck Zoro one after another. Although Zoro blocked it, he couldn't help but start to retreat.

【That does not work.】

Zoro found that he had fallen into the attack frequency of Hyogoro, and for a while he was unable to get out.

"One Gangliluo!"

The muscles of Zoro's right arm swelled. Taking this opportunity, he drew the third generation of Kitetsu with his left hand, transforming from one-sword style to two-sword style.

"Er-sword style·Rhino return!"

"Two-sword style? No, you still have a sword, boy. Could it be that you are actually a three-sword style?"

After taking out the second sword, Hyōgoro could clearly detect Zoro's increase in strength. Such a person should not bring an extra sword as a decoration, but the wado ichimonji on his waist made Hyōgoro Something feels wrong.

The handle and shape of the knife were too familiar, exactly the same as the knife he had seen when he was young.

"You are qualified. Show me your ID."

Hyogoro's purpose was to recruit people. Zoro's strength was already qualified, but he still had some things to confirm.

When "applying forged certificates", they said that they used other people's information, but later Naiqin explained the details to them. What was used was only the internal audit code of the information, so that they were considered by the system to be outsiders. The specific content was still up to them. fill in.

Later, under Luo's suggestion, they had pretended to be members of the immigrants, so the above content was half true and half false.

But it doesn't matter, after all, Quinn has opened a special channel for them, and there will be no problems no matter how they review it.

"Sure enough, you are an immigrant attracted by foreign policies. Can you let me see your last knife?"

"Any questions?"

Seeing that the other party found no problem with the document, Zoro was unwilling to cause a dispute, so he handed over the knife.

"Wado Ichimon, I read it right. Boy, are you a descendant of Shigetsuki Kozaburo? You can actually let him hand this sword to you. It seems that he values ​​you very much."

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