Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1323 Bad News and Worse News

"You guy!"

"What were we talking to you about before?"

Law and Sanji appeared on both sides of Luffy, one on the left, and they clenched their fists on his head. The protruding knuckles were even wrapped with haki, and then they got up.

"It hurts, it hurts, but look at it, it's really a lot of fun!"

Not just more, it should be said that the Heracrosses were in a sumo wrestling match. At this time, the two Heracrosses were trying to push their opposite counterparts out of the ring.

Nowadays, the delinquent boys in Wano have a longing for the delinquent frog and like the character of the delinquent frog very much. In contrast, the children prefer the big milk jug or Heracross.

Heracross, in particular, is the dream of boys here. If they can be recognized by a Heracross and win the annual Bug King Competition, it means that they can briefly reach the peak of their childhood.

There are many similar competitions, including but not limited to the Papilion Butterfly Hunting Beauty Contest, the Bad Frog Splitting Bricks Contest, and the Big Milk Can Dairy Products Food Contest, which are all models to promote domestic economic consumption.

However, it is not easy to participate in the competition. If you want to form a partner with a Pokémon, it will take a long time.

Heracross is not a little beetle after the rain, which can be caught with a net. Sometimes they spend a week of hard work and stay in the mountains and forests all the time, but they may not be favored by Heracross.

A situation like Luffy's encountering a foodie is completely unique and cannot be replicated at all.

Moreover, not all Pokémon can be self-reliant, and not all of them have a "career title" issued by Arceus. If you want to be a "Sea King" in Pokémon, you must also consider financial strength.

Usually a family will only form relationships with Pokémon that are within their ability range.

"I don't know where Helu is. If I take him to the competition, he will definitely be mine. I really want that food coupon. It looks delicious."

[The champion will be rewarded with a National Food Coupon (family size, valid for three days) and a bonus of 10 gold coins]

"Okay, stop watching. What does this kind of competition have to do with you? You are already over the age to participate."

"Look at it~ There are so many Helu here. Sure enough, its ethnic groups are widely distributed."

During this voyage, the Straw Hats also saw a lot of Heracross, and Luffy didn't find it strange that they were found in Wano, but Luffy's request did not get the consent of Sanji and the others. .

Law and Sanji dragged Luffy aside and then got a headache.

"I made a mistake. I shouldn't have brought the Straw Hat Master out. If I went to the hospital to apply for a job, I couldn't take him with me. He would definitely make a mess in the hospital."

"The same goes for me. I can't bring him into the kitchen. He ate all the food in the kitchen last time. Even a locked refrigerator can't stop him. He will definitely be exposed if he is allowed into the kitchen."

When Luffy entered the kitchen, he was sending a tiger into the flock. Whichever canteen accepted him would probably be without food. However, at this time, they discovered a special figure.

Sanji and Law were still unsure, but Luffy recognized each other immediately.

"Huh? So you are here. You must be here to eat and drink, right?"

Not far away, a Heracross walked silently, with a drop-like bag hanging on the corner of his head, but inside it was mixed tree juice, which flowed into Heracross' mouth along the special straw.

He holds a bag of poffins in his right hand and a stick of honey in his left hand.

According to the current tradition of Wano Country, if an event is held related to which Pokémon is held, the Pokémon of that type can enjoy everything in the venue for free.

To a certain extent, Luffy was right, Helu was just eating and drinking.

At this time, it has entered a state of decay. Luffy's outcome is destined anyway, so why should it do useless work? However, while others were busy, Helu did not do nothing.

At least it met Xiao Quanshi, who was on vacation, and had a friendly exchange with him, which could be regarded as pleasing the jailer in advance.

Then I came here to enjoy life. The life on the ship was good, but how could it compare to this place.

Because the event will also attract some independent wild Heracross, people in Wano will seize this opportunity to see if they can get the favor of a certain Heracross.

In this case, the flavors were perfect for Heracross' needs.


Heluo's face was full of doubts, and he didn't understand why they appeared here. At the same time, he thought that Luffy would be arrested earlier.

"You're here just in time, Mr. Horned Fairy. I thought about it carefully. You have to keep an eye on him. There happens to be a job here. You just need to keep an eye on him to finish it and then return to the stronghold."

Luo had transcribed the recruitment work before and felt that he had found a position that did not require thinking. Now after handing it over to Heluo, he left with Sanji with confidence and continued their operations.

"Wait, Trafalgar Law, is this the right direction?"

Sanji felt something was not right about the direction Luo was heading in. It seemed to be heading towards the danger zone they had mentioned before.

"Did you see the map just now? That's Jiuli, and our destination is Ximei. Those two guys got the information completely wrong."

"I saw it, but if you go in this direction, it should be the Rabbit Bowl, right? Didn't you say it's a dangerous area?"

"That's it. Actually, my goal is Bai Wu. Don't get excited. I remember what I said. If the Straw Hat Master or the Lost Master did such a thing, I would be very worried, but I am different.

I have my own intentions and I won't just joke around.

You should also know that you can't get the information you want unless you enter those dangerous places. "

If they just wanted to get the situation in Wano, they had already accomplished it. Along the way, Luo didn't see any sign of bad life. Even during the prosperity of Freifans, the life of the people was probably not as good as here.

But if you want to get the historical text or take action against Doflamingo, you can't just hang around outside.

Luo plans to apply for a job at the Pokémon Center with his medical skills and start his own operations there.

"If you go there now, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back in time."

"There is also a registration point here. I will register first and then go there tomorrow. At least I can still make it back tonight.

If everything goes well, the income and information will be great. Don't tell me, you really just want to find an ordinary restaurant as a cook. "

"It would be better to get close to those pirates. Maybe we can get some information from some drunk people."

Luo and Sanji's operation went smoothly, and Luffy didn't encounter any trouble for the time being. He was currently moving bricks on a construction site in Jiuli. He could move bricks more powerfully than a machine by himself. He almost finished the entire team's work alone. , and of course, he also ate up the entire team’s meals for several days.

At this time, the person in charge regretted promising the newcomer that he would have enough to eat. He calculated that if he continued in this way, it would delay the process or even lose money. He could only tell the newcomer not to come the next day.

Finally, Luffy returned to their base with a full stomach and a little food, and asked where the money went.

On the way back, he came across several stalls selling snacks. This time, Helu didn't stop him, so he spent all his money. The only food he had left was picked out from between Luffy's teeth.

Luo and Sanji initially completed the interview, and Usopp and Von Clay also successfully joined the crew. However, they did not see Zoro come back at night. They waited until midnight and Zoro did not appear.

"Where's the green algae head?! Didn't you two keep an eye on him?"

"He was gone in the blink of an eye, and there was nothing we could do."

"Where's the phone bug? Didn't you give him a phone bug?"

"Well, the phone bug is on the slave's body, and he didn't have time to get it."

Looking at the empty seats around him, Luo closed his eyes helplessly again.

But there was a gentle knock on the door. Robo thought it was Sauron who had found him, but surprises came to them everywhere.

When the door opened, what he saw was the person who was supposed to stay on the Sunshine.

Although Zoro was missing, there were still many people. Not only that, there were three more people in total.

"Why are you here again?! Didn't I tell you not to come over?"

"We want to help"

"It's really confusing. Where is your ship?"

"The person who was temporarily handed over to you is hiding near an uninhabited island with your submarine."

"Then how did you get here? And how did you find it?!"

"With Luffy's life card and Franky's aircraft modified with Kongbei, we didn't encounter any obstacles at night."

The problem was explained clearly, but Luo was even more confused. Now he wanted to kill his past self and ask himself at that time why he chose such an unreliable group of people. It was indeed a mistake to make plans with them.

The only good news is that they issued a few more false certificates.

"Okay, now that we are here, let's follow the command. Now let's study a new issue first, the current situation of Wano Country."

There are advantages to having more people, at least they can keep an eye on Luffy and look for Zoro or something.

Making life cards is a technical job that not just anyone can do. Ace helped make Luffy's life card at that time, and Luffy was the only person on the ship who had a life card.

"You two, after our day of observation, Wano Country is different from what you said."

Luo's words brought Kinemon and the others to the center of the topic, and the missing person also had traces at this time.

At Hyogoro's house, Hyogoro was watching Wano's evening program, but there was a knock on the door. When his wife followed the sound, she saw Zoro coming to him, sweating profusely. doorstep.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go back to your place first? Why are you back again?"

Previously, Hyogoro said that Zoro could stay at his place. Kojiro had been busy for a while due to currency issues, which made the old couple feel a little lonely. It was rare to find a young man who was close to them, so they expressed their closeness.

However, Zoro clearly expressed his refusal and left the place without even eating. Unexpectedly, Zoro returned here three hours later.


"We, the old couple, are not that weak yet. Since we are both back, let's come in and have a cup of tea first."

Zoro was pulled back by Hyogoro's wife. Hyogoro's wife thought Zoro was taking care of the lonely old man.

She didn't know that in the past three hours, Zoro had circled this street hundreds of times, but no matter how he walked, he would eventually return to the gate.

What Sauron didn't finish was - [Are you living in a maze? Where is the way out? 】

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