Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1324 You can’t hide the look in someone’s eyes

Zoro stayed at Hyogoro's home due to force majeure. As a former gangster boss, Hyogoro's home was very spacious. Even if a large part of it was converted into a dojo, Zoro could still be provided with a guest room.

That night, Sauron stayed up all night because he found a map in the guest room.

It is normal to hang a map or something at home. Strategic maps and tourist maps are not the same thing. As a decoration, Hyogoro's map is undoubtedly qualified, and it also troubles Zoro.

The whole night, he couldn't figure out why he couldn't get out of this street. In the end, he could only blame the reason for getting lost on the fact that there were too many vendors on the street, which blocked his sight.

Zoro was not the only one suffering from insomnia. In Nozomi's gathering place, a group of people were gathered around the fire, and they were in the posture of a three-chamber trial.

“Now the identity issue has been resolved, and after today’s one-day test, we have determined that this document can indeed enter and exit most institutions on the island.

Except for the missing Roronoa and those of you who broke in without following the arrangements, I believe that most people have found their jobs.

So starting from tomorrow, I won't come back here every night. According to our previous plan, all this will have a result within half a month, but this certificate is only valid for five days.

You are free to move around during these five days. I will try my best to get back here on the last day and arrange a new round of operations based on the intelligence collected. Do you still have any questions? "

No one raised any objections to the matter, and Luo continued.

"I still have extra certificates. You two can still use them, but I don't recommend that you two walk outside openly."

Luo was referring to Chopper and Brooke who had just come over. Nami was weak, but her brain was still bright. She couldn't survive simply.

Although Franky, the modified person, is a bit eye-catching, it is okay. There are many people of all kinds in Wano, including many who have modified their bodies.

Only Brooke, the skeleton, and Chopper, the reindeer who ate everyone's fruit, are easily noticeable.

"For now, your appearance is not a big problem. This document sets us as a foreigner, so a little weirdness is acceptable.

But if people always pay attention to you, it will become more difficult for you to do things. Of course, you have to decide how to do it. I am just a suggestion. "

Luo wanted to order them, but the facts told Luo that it would be difficult for this group of people to act according to the plan. How well this instruction would be listened to depends entirely on luck.

Not to mention Brooke's skeletal appearance. Unless he goes out during the Ghost Festival, he might scare people just by showing up.

Chopper is actually a little more convenient, but he's not that much better. He can last for a while without pretending to be another race. If he pretends to be a furry tribe or Pokémon, he will be exposed in a minute that he has used information in violation of regulations.

It may be difficult for locals to identify, but whether it is a Pokémon or not, you can tell the Pokémon's ethnic group just by looking at it. Although there are many types and strange shapes, Pokémon are a large race with the same origin. Can't fake it.

Talking mammals are very consistent with the characteristics of the fur tribe, but the number of fur tribes is not large. Even if the quality of life has been greatly improved, their original base does not allow them to develop rapidly in quantity.

Young fur-tribes are treasures in the Furry Principality, and many people know them.

If a strange fur tribe suddenly appears, the attraction to their attention is similar to that of a skeleton in the crowd.

So Luo suggested that it would be best for them to stay, so that they could pay more attention to Kinemon or Kanjuro.

"One more question, you two, your reputation here is not very good, and there are still records about you setting fire to houses two months ago.

Besides, I haven’t seen anything like the situation you mentioned. "

"Yes, yes, the people here obviously live a good life, and everyone has enough to eat. The food they eat is really delicious."

Originally, the Straw Hats were being scolded by Luo. After staying with this group for a long time, Luo even had the illusion that he was the parent.

The Straw Hats were also used to Luo arranging operations, not to mention that the act of wanting to help seemed to be vaguely unhelpful, which made them even more unable to refute.

Hearing Law shift the blame, Luffy quickly intervened and began to express his position.

Luffy's thinking logic is very special. After all, he is also a member of the chaotic camp. One of the ways to judge good and bad is food.

Anyone who feeds him is a good person by default, and a country that feeds everyone is naturally a good place.

"We were forced to have no choice. In order to escape and find help, we had no choice but to set fire."

"So you set fire to your country, and then your enemies delay in putting out the fire and rescuing people."

As an observer, Nami quickly concluded a set of logic. Although it was strange, Kanjuro and the others could not refute it.

Under the influence of Oden's aura, as long as the objective facts are briefly stated, people who are not affected by the aura can notice the strangeness.

"This... is because they are forced to do nothing. They have been deceived. As long as the beasts are driven away and the blood of Kozuki returns to the country of Wano, they will definitely wake up."

"Really, Straw Hat Boss, what do you think?"

"Well, let's see, I don't know either."

The long-burned CPU could no longer help Luffy with his current decision, so he could only choose to observe and observe again. After all, they still had a few days, and they also had to look for traces of Garp during this time.

This matter seemed to be over, but after everyone else had fallen asleep, Kinemon and Kanjuro started whispering again.

"Kanjuro, I don't think they will help."

"It doesn't matter, we're already here, it can always work. Their target is History Text and Grandpa Straw Hat. If it doesn't work, we can help them.

As long as they can cause enough commotion, we can look for opportunities to rescue Momonosuke-sama. "

"Can it really succeed?"

"Maybe, we are the Kozuki clan's last hope. Momonosuke-sama and the others are still looking for reinforcements, how can we give up because of this?"

"That's right. With that certificate, I and you can try to go out and look for opportunities tomorrow."

The next day, those who had found jobs left first. Nami and Franky also formed a new group to join the exploration team. The number of people left behind in the house increased to four. Kanjuro also took this opportunity to launch his A lifetime of acting skills began a new round of deception.

After a series of touching words, they made different choices.

"To show our sincerity, we are willing to help you complete your goal first and find the traces of your grandfather Luffy and the stones you need."

Kanjuro and Kinemon knelt down in front of the two of them in the posture of Dogeza. Even though they had suspicions, they had not completely broken up yet, which made Chopper and Brook feel a little embarrassed.

"But they said we should not leave and should watch you."

"Yes, and we are too conspicuous, and you are still wanted."

"If you are with us, aren't you supervising us? This is Kaido's territory. We have nowhere to go and we won't lie to you. As for being exposed, I have a way, Kin'emon!"

"Xiaojin Clothing Store!"

A costume-changing door was summoned by Kinemon. As he passed through the door, he also gained an extra layer of mummy suit.

"This is a specially made cloth, what's next?"

"The art of painting skin."

Kanjuro started his own painting, and just painted a three-dimensional camouflage on his clothes. This was a new trick he came up with after spending time with Von Clay, and it was just right for camouflage.

"In this way, won't it be discovered?"

Luo didn't know what happened after he left. When Kanjuro and the others started their operation, Luo had already reached the "most dangerous" Baiwu area.

I don't need to mention whether it's dangerous or not, but Luo has already seen the prosperity here.


"The head nurse said that you newcomers are welcome to come here. This place has the world's top equipment and medicinal materials. The doctors who can enter here are all highly skilled in medicine. I hope that your moral character will be worthy of your own medical skills."

At the admission ceremony, a happy egg walked to the stage wearing a nurse uniform and even brought a human translator with him.


"You will see many partners. I hope you can get your partner's approval as soon as possible. Now you can follow your assigned doctor to get familiar with the environment here."

After speaking a few words, Happy Egg disappeared on the podium, and Luo followed several others to meet the doctor who led them.

"My name is Wilson. You are not new interns. I won't talk nonsense. I will take you to familiarize yourself with the equipment here."

Wilson wouldn't be so happy if he was simply bringing in new people. He didn't want to waste time instructing a newbie who only had theoretical knowledge, but this time he was recruiting experienced people from the outer islands, so he let him Come.

"The family area is very close to here, but don't think that the work here is easy. You will always see all kinds of strange patients."

Before they finished speaking, a stretcher cart pushed past them, and a man with electric current flashing all over his body was pushed over.

"You see, those costumes are from the workers of the Milk Sheep Ranch. They never remember the safety rules and always take off their rubber gloves to touch the wool, and then they will be electrocuted and paralyzed.

You also remember, when you see Pokémon, don’t touch them without permission. People will be poisoned, paralyzed, burned, and every year people will be injured in such avoidable things.

Especially the melissa sheep. The static electricity generated by their wool is uncontrollable. Don’t lose your mind just because they are cute.

There is no harm in reading the Wano Safety Manual more during your break. "

"Um, that person just now must be an old employee, right?"

“I observed it very carefully, and remember, those old employees are more likely to be shocked, that is, they always think they will not be shocked, so they do such dangerous things, but the wool feels really good.

Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. I will show you the special treatment room first. After diagnosing the disease, you can prescribe the right medicine. "

Wilson took Luo and other new doctors to familiarize themselves with the structure of the place one by one, including the Flower Therapy Huanhuan Spiritual Soothing Room, the Doll Auscultation Room, the Geely Egg Nurse Station, and the Fruit Dispensing Room.

"I remember you are a surgeon. It just so happens that the doctor in the emergency room wants to take a vacation. You can cover for a period of time. Mainly for fractures and wound sutures, as well as gunshot wounds. You should be fine."

"Of course, suturing and stuff like that is my forte."

Gunshot wounds, this kind of injury sounds like an injury that pirates are prone to, and it is just convenient for him to receive information, but the development of the matter was beyond Luo's expectation in the blink of an eye.

Just after he turned a corner, an old acquaintance appeared in front of him.

[Señor? ! 】

Luo didn't know that after coming to Wano Country, Senior had become a frequent visitor to the Pokémon Center. Now his wife had conditioned responses to the outside world and could even answer some questions instinctively.

But she is still closing herself off in her heart and is unwilling to face the world. But for Saignor, this is a rare breakthrough.

Except for climbing the Vine Mountain regularly, Senior spent most of his time here.

At this time, Saignol was still wearing the same baby clothes, but the corner of his mouth holding the pacifier could not stop rising. According to the latest diagnosis, the doctors believed that after four to six courses of treatment, Saignol's wife should be able to The ability to talk is restored.

"Senior is here again, really on time."

"He really loves his wife. I heard that he put on those clothes just to elicit a response from his wife."

Two nurses walked quickly by while discussing Signor's situation. This kind of pace was an unspoken rule here. As long as a person is not at the point of death, he cannot run.

Luo pulled the mask up on his face again.

At this time, Luo was fully equipped with a mask, gloves, and hat. Like the surgeon who was about to enter the operating room, only his eyes were exposed.

Senior's attention was entirely on his wife, and he did not notice that the new doctor beside him had the same figure as Luo.

Senior pushed the wheelchair past Luo towards Hua Huanhuan's treatment room, but before Luo could breathe a sigh of relief, his spirit became tense again.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Senior, you are here as expected. It looks like she is recovering well."

When choosing the most leisurely person in Wano, Doflamingo would definitely be on the list. In addition to reading newspapers, he would often wander around Wano, aimlessly looking for things that interest him.

Occasionally, he would come to see his old subordinates, such as Rao G, who was taking care of himself, and Senior, who devoted all his attention to his family.


This sound was something Luo would never forget. From the sound, he could tell that Doflamingo was less than 10 meters away from him, but his ghost cry was not carried with him, but was hidden in the flower bed.

Not far away, there was a syringe in the nurse's hand, and a scalpel being prepared for sterilization outside the surgical equipment room in front. Luo had already begun to think about whether the existing props could achieve his goal.

"This might work."

Luo put his fingers together to activate his ability, and a change occurred at this time.

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