Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1325 The final interpretation right of this event belongs to Kaido

"Isn't this Wilson? Did you bring someone new with you?"

"Lord Drake?"

"Don't be so nervous. I'm not here to borrow money from you. I'm just here to prescribe some medicine."

Without caring about the image, Derek stretched his body and set his sights on the newcomer brought by Wilson.

"Is there a new doctor here? Do a good job."

After patting the newcomers on the shoulders one by one, Drake seemed to be welcoming the newcomers, but Luo was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. For no other reason than the numbers on Derek's neck were a bit eye-catching.

Drake and Manderfish are the very few among the older generation who have defended their positions and are still climbing up.

After twenty years of hard work, it is not easy for newcomers to surpass them casually. Now her number has changed to 3. While Peggy Wan is still growing up, she has practiced what is an inverse attribute. Grandmaster.

But Manderfesh was the final holdout. According to his logic, he had a family on his back at this time, so how could he fall so easily.

The fingers are still very slender, but Luo knows that if he moves abnormally now, this hand may break his neck at any time.

The weapon didn't fit in his hand and the scalpel was not enough to kill Doflamingo instantly, so he had to temporarily suppress his inner desire and continue to maintain his identity as the new doctor.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? Keep going. You haven't finished your work yet?"

"I'm sorry, Lord Drake, is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Wilson didn't leave immediately because he was observing Derek's eyes. After all, she was fine but suddenly put on an eyepatch.

"This has nothing to do with you, just do your thing."

"I see."

Wilson waved to the new doctors behind him to quickly follow him. Derek's eyes were fine, but there was a dark circle around the eye sockets.


There is a violent gene in the bones of the beasts. This is the result of Kaido's leadership. His own captain beats his own daughter every day, so the management of his subordinates cannot always be calm.

Jinman values ​​Drake, which is why he originally chased Blackbeard, but this does not prevent him from punching the opponent when he is so angry that he can't help it. This kind of insignificant skin trauma is very common in the beasts, Quinn This is also a very striking example.

After Luo's figure disappeared, Drake looked at Doflamingo and Senior. It wasn't until the treatment was over and the two left the hospital that Drake followed him.

"Cheating! This is cheating! Brother Kaido, I protest!"

In the main control room of Ghost Island, Kaido, Quinn and others were broadcasting the scene through Ghost's secret camera. What Drake did happened to be seen by Quinn.

If Law had just attacked Doflamingo, it would mean that he had violated the rules of Wano. No matter whether Doflamingo was dead or alive, Law would have been exposed. This also meant that Quinn would win the bet. victory.

During the process of placing bets, he bet on Luo Hui, who would be the first to break the rules and be exposed. As a result, Drake stepped in and changed the result.

"I disagree. Derek didn't do anything. She just stood there and said a few words. It was Luo who gave up her original idea. This cannot be considered cheating."

"This wouldn't have happened if she hadn't stood there!"

"But if you can't be sure that she's not there, then Luo will take action.

He didn't do anything just now, he was just looking around! Why do you assume that he just wanted to take action! "

When Quinn accused Drake of his behavior, Yamato was refuting Quinn. The reason was also very simple. She didn't stop Luo from being exposed first, so naturally she didn't want Luo to do what he had just done.

"Shut up! Derek didn't do anything. Besides, she went to the Pokémon Center because of Jhin, right?"

Kaido interrupted the argument between Quinn and Yamato and turned to look at Jhin.

"Well, it's like this, Brother Kaido, she was a little out of control after being drunk last night, so..."

"I understand. Since it was just a coincidence, let's forget it. The bet will continue. As long as the cadres do not use force, it is not a violation to appear next to this group of people. You can do the same if you are interested."

Kaido's words finally settled the matter. This was not a serious bet, it was just an activity initiated casually by Kaido. All the rights of interpretation belong to him. He thought it was reasonable for Drake to do this, so it didn't matter what Drake did. Whatever happens, the results will be reasonable.

Drake did not use force to interfere with the other party, but only used his identity to influence the other party's judgment, which was regarded as walking around the edge.

However, Kaido did not break the fairness. After thinking that Drake's action was reasonable, he also acquiesced that others could also adopt similar methods, which further increased the fun.

At the same time, outside the Pokémon Center, Drake lay down on the bench outside, took out a bunch of beer from the vending machine, and drank it directly.

The only black card privilege for free consumption in Wano is also very meaningful to her, at least she won't have to worry about living expenses after that.

"Huh, luckily we met. If I lose, I will suffer a huge loss."

It was a coincidence that she met Luo, but talking to him there was not.

"The punch was well worth it, but Brother Jin was really drunk. Didn't he pester him for several hours after drinking too much? He was really incomprehensible."

"Master Arceus, please let that straw hat be exposed first. I also want to experience what it feels like to borrow money from the governor."

While Drake was still praying to heaven, a new guest appeared on Ghost Island. In the kitchen of Ghost Island, a group of newcomers were competing in cooking skills.

"I know some of you are dissatisfied, but in this kitchen, I am the boss! It is impossible for everyone to be a chef. Only those with good cooking skills are qualified to cook ingredients. If you can't pass my level, you can only help cook.

We are pirates, even though this is the main island, ingredients from the sea are the mainstream, so today’s introductory test is to compete with fish dishes. In addition, we have to make a dessert using the unique ingredients here! "

In the center of the kitchen is a muscular woman, with a Barbie-like figure that makes her extremely contrasting.

She is Lexi, Onigashima's chef, the boss of Onigashima's kitchen and responsible for managing all the chefs.

"I know you come from all sea areas, so you can choose the ingredients you need."

Lexie punched the wall aside, and as a brick was smashed into the wall, the entrance to a pool appeared on the kitchen floor, with countless black figures swimming inside.

"Fish from all sea areas can be found here. How you cook them is up to you!"

There are elephant tuna in the South China Sea, golden-scaled swordfish in the East China Sea, flathead bonito in the Great Line, and even empty fish in the empty islands.

"Isn't this all blue?"

Sanji, who passed the preliminary examination, looked at the shadow in the water and couldn't help but whisper.

The dream sea where all fish can be caught is his pursuit. He never thought that he would see all blue for the first time in this way.

In essence, it is possible to achieve this goal through financial resources, but most people will not do such a thing. After all, it is meaningless, and the cost of transporting fish will make them unable to make ends meet.

Even many chefs don’t believe there is such a thing.

"Smart! This is the small all blue I created. There are not many chefs who can persist in this dream. Boy, let me see how your cooking skills are!"

Sanji's whisper was clearly heard by Lexi. Her dream was also all blue, but she didn't know where the dream sea was, and she didn't think she had the ability to find it.

Therefore, her ideal is to use her cooking skills to conquer a group of people who are strong enough, so that in order to satisfy their appetite, they can personally build an artificial all blue, raise various fish from all over the world, and obtain a perfect library of ingredients.

Born in a non-franchised country, she made a name for herself with her cooking skills. Later, she was recruited by Tezolo and became the head chef of Onigashima.

"By the way, the chefs on Onigashima cannot be weak, so you have to catch the fish yourself. What are you waiting for? If you wait, the ingredients will belong to others!"

Lexie waved her boning knife, urging them to move.

Soon, there was a continuous sound of falling knives in the kitchen. Lexi was also introducing the unique seasonings of Onigashima in the process. The juice of the tree fruit and the special spices gave these chefs more choices.

While the competition was still in full swing in Onigashima's kitchen, Hercule was looking at the open space on the lawn in a daze. If everything was normal, Luffy should be waiting for it here, but it only saw one strange force.

"Hello? (Did you see a human wearing a straw hat?)"

"Nike. (I saw it. He said he went to work for me and just took care of the food.)"

"Hey. (What is your job?)"

"Ni Ke. (Bring food to Rabbit Bowl.)"


Helu's expression was like that of a monkey. Before he left, he told his master not to leave the circle he drew. However, when he came back, the master was still captured by the monster.

Helu just left to find a few fruits. For a person who eats five meals a day, not eating breakfast is very scary. But during that time, several people and strange people passed by here, shoulder to shoulder. There were also some dumplings on his shoulders.

These dumplings are the food of the prisoners in the Rabbit Bowl. The load of the strange force is very heavy, and the four shoulder poles are fully hung. This is also one of their ways of exercising.

At this time, Kaili, who was resting here, accidentally slipped and sprained his waist and shoulder. Luffy, who saw this, chose to help him carry the food at the invitation of the leader.

After all, the news that Luffy could eat had spread around the nearby construction sites, and no one wanted to hire him.

Luffy still remembered that he wanted to work part-time. When he heard that there was a job, he agreed without thinking.

Four poles were nothing to Luffy. He was at the end of the queue and closely followed the pace of the monsters, but when the monsters fell down, there was a crack in the basket containing food.

"It smells so good. If you eat one, it should be fine, right?"

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Luffy stretched out his tongue and rolled out a ball from the crack like a chameleon.

Ordinary rice dumplings are not very delicious, they are just enough to satisfy the hunger, and there are not even many seasonings in them, but Luffy doesn't care, he is very patient with food, as long as the taste is decent, he will eat it even if it is poisonous. .

When he was hungry, all he could think about was eating.

After the first one was eaten, he got out of hand. When he followed the team to the destination, the cracked container had already become empty.

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