Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1326: Got in, but not completely

"ate up??"

"Ah, I'm sorry, uncle, I ate it all somehow. I clearly remember eating only one."

"Well, you did only eat one, but yours is a whole basket!"

The average weight of the monster is eight baskets per Pokémon. Luffy only ate the basket that fell out of the hole, achieving an alternative "one".

"Actually, I'm not full yet."

"Aren't you full yet?!"

Masato Feng Yue was very shocked. His surname was Feng Yue. Like Heitama, he had no idea how many generations of blood he was separated from the original Daimyo family.

He is the one who is responsible for delivering food on weekdays. The job is simple, and he has nothing to be satisfied with. There has been no accident no matter the wind or rain in the past two years. I didn't expect that today's strange force would encounter such a weird thing after he accidentally fell down.

"Yeah, that's why I ate it all without realizing it. If I'm full, I won't eat it."

"Forget it, it's not a big deal. It's just food for the prisoners anyway. If it's less, just have less. Just pay for it out of your own pocket. You won't be punished."

Strictly speaking, Luffy was also an "enthusiastic person" who came to help. Masato Fugetsu didn't pay too much attention to this matter. What he sent was not the food of the Rabbit Bowl cadres, but just something for the prisoners to satisfy their hunger.

Luffy might be in trouble if he ate four baskets, but one basket was nothing.

"Money? I don't have any."

"It's fine if you have a few less. There are so many. You can explain it to the adults yourself."

The unpretentious answer once again struck a chord in the heart. Masato Feng Yue only chose to let Luffy communicate with the people in Rabbit Bowl by himself, and had no intention of making up for his losses.

The loss of money is small, but it will not be good if it affects the evaluation of his work accumulated during this period.

Luffy didn't seem to think this was a big deal, and patted his chest and said that he would be responsible for his mistakes. However, in order to prevent him from having another accident, Masato Fugetsu chose to let him walk in front of him.

Not long after, they had arrived at Rabbit Bowl, and Masato Feng Yue conveyed the matter to the guard of Rabbit Bowl objectively.

"So... this kind passerby accidentally ate all the food for dozens of people while working for you?"

"That's true, but I don't think he meant it. You see, he doesn't look like a malicious person."

"What you said seems to make sense."

The guard of the rabbit bowl looked at Luffy. At this time, he didn't realize what he had done. He was also curious about the talking stone in the rabbit bowl and was harassing the little fist stone.

The little fist stone was not polite to him and bit Luffy hard when he stretched out his finger. At this time, Luffy was holding up his red and swollen finger and crying out in pain.

"I have never encountered this situation before. You guys wait here and I'll ask Mr. Babanuki."

The guard couldn't make up his mind. Usually, such a small thing as receiving food would definitely not be Babanuki's turn. In the past, at most, it would be lost or damaged on the road, and it wouldn't matter if he paid a fine.

In this rare situation, he didn't want to make the decision without authorization, but when he found Babanuki, Babanuki seemed very agitated.

"Wait a minute, I haven't figured out how to arrange this yet."

"Sir Babanuki, is this matter complicated?"

"Of course it's complicated. One day when your position is higher, you will know what worries me."

Babanuki did not explain anything, but just waved him away. Next to Babanuki were Rotom mobile phones, phone bugs, communication snails and other communication tools.

In fact, he knew about this earlier than the guard at the door. He was also the one watching the live broadcast and even saw Luffy stealing food. When Luffy just arrived near the rabbit bowl, his communication was already ringing. .

Not long ago, Babanuki was basking in the sun comfortably, but the ringing of Rotom's bell interrupted his comfort. "Sister Derek? What's the matter?"

The first person to contact him was Drake. Babanuki was a little confused at first. According to Drake's economics, now was not the time for her to contact him. What's more, Drake advocated face-to-face transactions, which was a bit abnormal. .

But from the moment he picked up the phone, Derek's words made Babanuki feel like he had seen a ghost.

"Babanuchi, the Straw Hat boy has arrived at the entrance of your quarry, you should have seen him."

"I saw it, what do you mean?"

"He must have no money in his pocket. According to the old rules, in this case, he has to mine to pay off his debts. If you let him see Garp by chance, and then stop him or contact us when he gets angry, you should be able to do it, right?" .”

"Sister Drake, are you pressing the Straw Hat?"

"Ahem, what did you say? I asked you to act according to the rules. It's nothing complicated."

"It seems so. Wait a minute, I have a new phone number."

Before he finished speaking, the mine's communication snail rang again. Babanuki had already anticipated what might happen, but he still answered the phone.


"Babanuchi, it's me."

"Brother Quinn?! You too, you want to."

"What are you talking about? That straw hat boy is about to enter the rabbit bowl now. Although there are a few dumplings missing, I don't think it's a big deal. You can just turn a blind eye and pass by. What do you think? "

"Here, brother Quinn, please wait a moment, there's a call coming in."

Rotom and the communication snail were busy at the same time, and this time it was the phone bug's turn.

"Hey, this is the same thing. How about you guys chat together?"

Babanuki put all the communication tools in his hands together, and the last person to call was Foz Fu. He and Drake had similar ideas.

Kaido made a bad start. Since he acquiesced that he could use non-force means to interfere with the outcome of the gambling game, those cadres naturally had different thoughts.

The others were fine, there were no changes for the time being, but Luffy, who "thrown himself into a trap", became the key factor affecting the gambling situation.

The different communication tools were put together, which made the people at the other end feel awkward. In the end, they all hung up the phone, leaving only Babanuki who didn't know how to arrange it.

Fortunately, a few minutes later, a private message resolved Babanuki's troubles.

[The mining area is very big, let’s arrange for the boy to work in the pirate area, let him be stable for a few more days - sooner or later he will beat Kaido’s people (progress 50%)]

With the familiar avatar and ID, there is no doubt about Yamato's identity. Since a bunch of people have their own ideas, Babanuki will make arrangements according to the most powerful person.

By conservative estimation, he felt that he could still work for twenty years, and he should be able to wait until Yamato, the second generation, took over. Moreover, according to Yamato, even if there were any problems, she could be stopped.

Not long after, Babanuki came to Luffy himself.

"Kid, you just stole the food, right?"

"That...I didn't mean it."

"It doesn't matter. Whether it was intentional or not, you did it, so you have to pay for it. Just use your physical strength to repay the debt. Is that okay?"

"That's fair, I understand, so what should I do?"

"See the rocks over there? Every time you move one, you get a dumpling. How many dumplings you eat, you have to move as many rocks as you want."

Luffy didn't reply and seemed to be thinking about something. Masato Fugetsu quickly poked him aside.

"Promise, do you want this matter to be recorded in your file and stay with you for the rest of your life? It's just a bit of work, and it will be over in a few days."

"No, I want to ask, if I move a few more pieces, can I get more food?"


Babanuki didn't understand Luffy's brain circuit for a moment, and after a moment of silence he said: "You are not considered a prisoner now. If you can move more, you can naturally get better food."

"Then it's no problem for me. Goodbye, uncle, I'm going to work!"

Under the shocked gazes of Masato Kazuki and Babanuki, Luffy directly joined in the work and moved the rocks much faster than the others, leaving the nearby pirates confused.

Having Kidd as the roll king was enough for them, but today a new one came, and he didn't need to wear handcuffs.

When Helu came after him with his pickaxe, what he saw was this incomprehensible scene. He thought that Luffy must start mining directly, so he went to arrange a way out.

Pokémon are also divided into certain levels on Ghost Island. Individuals created by Arceus alone are the most favored, especially those with special missions like Zeraora and Diancie.

The first-generation Pokémon created or modified by Arceus are also valued, with a slightly higher status than naturally bred Pokémon. Pure-blood Pokémon are valued more than Pokémon mixed with local species.

Although Hercule is not a special individual, it is also the first generation of the Heracross family, and is slightly outnumbered in the Pokémon community.

How is Arceus's mood? Has there been any change in Wano's system? What is Uta's contact information? It can be said that Heluo has thought of all the options, but he didn't expect that Luffy is enjoying it now.

"Hey? Look, I found a job!"


Seeing that Luffy was enjoying it and even reported the good news to him with a happy face, Heluo closed his eyes helplessly again.

"Why don't you believe it? It's really nice here. You see, as long as I work more, I can eat enough. I can also contact people here to get information, but I seem to have forgotten something."


Helu didn't say anything. It was obvious that Luffy had forgotten what Kinemon once said. If Garp was imprisoned, it would definitely be in the Rabbit Bowl.

But for Helu, this is actually a good thing. He knows that Ghost is here, and it is only a matter of time before Luffy and the others are caught. Since it will happen sooner or later, let them live a comfortable life for two days.

Of course, Luffy is living happily now, so naturally some people are unhappy.

The basket of food that is missing today will not be replenished, and with the addition of Luffy, the new king of scrolls, some people will be hungry, especially when they see that this new king of scrolls is still an exception without handcuffs, they will not be able to Balanced.

Some people wanted to teach him a lesson, but before they could do anything, they were glared at by Boscodora who was walking by, and finally shrank back.

This is the result of Helo's hard work when Luffy was mining. It can't do anything else, but at least it can communicate with the jailer Pokémon here.

"Kira, this kid is the Straw Hat, right? What's going on with him?"

In the pirate prison area, Kidd, who has transformed into a little red and fat boy, is analyzing the current situation with Kira, but they have not come to any firm conclusion.

"People who join the Hundred Beasts don't know how to do such chores. How on earth did this kid do it?"

Kidd, who had only one arm left, scratched his head in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

"I don't know, but I think he might have an opportunity. His grandfather is also here, and he still has the opportunity to get access to the key."

Kira thought this might be an opportunity, but Kidd rejected it.

"It's not the right time, we have to wait, but we can try to contact that straw hat."


When a strange change occurred in the rabbit bowl, Yamato in Onigashima showed a proud smile. It seemed that Babanuki finally did what she arranged.

"Robin, do you really think this is the safest way?"

"Yes, this is a gamble, so it doesn't matter if there are more risks in the gamble. We are betting on the Straw Hat boy's brain. As long as he performs at a normal level, he should be able to stay stable here for a few days.

After all, if he still remembered his previous plan, he shouldn't have rashly approached the rabbit bowl. Theoretically, in this all-inclusive environment, he wouldn't be the first to be exposed. This is the alternative "dark under the light" principle. . "

In Yamato's own room, dozens of Rubik's cubes are spinning. This is Robin exercising his abilities to make the arms derived from the flower fruit more sensitive.

Robin's own level was not high enough to participate in the gambling game, but Yamato hired her as his strategist and analyzed the winning rate based on probability.

"Similarly, the perverted cook currently on Onigashima, the lost monster in Hyōgoro's house, and the shemales and long-nosed characters in the theater troupe have low chances of being exposed. They are all very stable at the moment.

The little brother in the hospital is relatively tall, but he can still control himself. As long as there is no outside interference, nothing will happen.

The situation after entering the human world is unknown, but those warriors are more likely to be exposed. Their thoughts are beyond my understanding, and they may do weird things. As long as they can develop naturally, your winning rate is very high now. "

At Robin's suggestion, Yamato placed his bet on Kinemon, and even the policy given to Babanuki was Robin's suggestion.

"So, my most unstable factor now is external force?"

"Yes, and this external force is probably Mr. Kaido."

"Eh? Why? Dad didn't place the bet, so he shouldn't care."

"That's the theory, but he is your father, and you should know very well that your pain may be the source of his happiness, so..."

With a click, all the Rubik's cubes returned to their places at the same time, and Robin also ended today's training indicators.

"What you said makes sense. I'd better go find my adoptive father and let him control this unstable factor."

Yamato threw away his nightcap and walked out, but at this time, Arceus was reading an email from Barrow

It’s my birthday today, keep it short and soft

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