Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1357 The freedom pursued by warriors, the sea belongs to all beasts

"The outer wheel is locked! The ship can't move!"

The rudder that provides power on the outside of the ship has been completely locked by the vines spawned by Haldin. The dense roots have locked the bearings layer by layer, paralyzing the World Government's warship on the sea.

"I can't cut it, this thing is too strong!"

The boatman of the ship picked up a sharp ax and chopped at the roots released by Hailding. However, the toughness of these roots was quite terrifying. Whether it was an ax or a knife, it was difficult to cut them. After working hard for a long time, they finally cut off one of them. rhizome.

But these plants are constantly reproducing, and the time it takes them to cut off one root is enough to produce two rhizomes.

"Set fire and burn all these things!"

"Idiot, do you want to burn the boat too? This is the sea, where would we go without the boat?"

As he spoke, he picked up a root and made a few cuts on it.

"Did you see it? Fresh plants are difficult to ignite without igniting materials. If you add too many, the boat will be burned together. If you can't move it, you can't move it. After this battle is over, there will be plenty of time to deal with it slowly."


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of explosions. The ship's ammunition depot was hit by artillery. The aftermath of the explosion swept through the entire cabin in an instant. The members of the World Government who set the flag did not seem to see the chance of the end of the war. .

But they didn't know that this was not enemy artillery fire, but friendly artillery fire.

"Fire! Kill that strange giant together. People with abilities cannot swim. Let this big guy sink into the sea!"

Haldin's behavior undoubtedly threatened the safety of all nearby ships, and sacrificing one ship to protect the safety of the entire fleet was undoubtedly very cost-effective in their eyes.

In an instant, the surrounding heavy artillery concentrated their firepower, trying to deal with the giant who took the lead in breaking through. However, this was a war. They had a huge fleet, and Haildin also had his own companions.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several thick steel cables flew over, and the huge spearheads were nailed directly into the deck. Other giants had also rushed to the battlefield. They used their brute force to pull hard, and the smaller tonnage ship suddenly jolted violently. The gunner was also unable to take aim.

Warships with larger tonnage were less affected, but the giants also rushed forward despite the gunfire.


A sharp ax struck the mast, and the thick mast fell to the ground.

"Heldin! You rushed too fast!"

"Hahaha! Geerz, you are too slow. Elbaf's soldiers must not fall behind!"


Haildin wielded the warhammer hardened by plants in his hand. It had the toughness of vines and the hardness of metal. His body after becoming capable was much more powerful than his previous fists.

The mast was damaged, the outer wheel was destroyed, and the nearby ships gradually lost power, and were connected together under the power of Haildin and the iron ropes carried by others, turning into a scene of iron ropes connecting boats, giving the giants enough freedom to play as they please. scene.

Although the iron chain boat is afraid of fire, if it is the enemy's boat, it doesn't matter. Even if it burns, you will have no loss.

"Kabababa, today's young people are really incredible. Are they actually able users? People with abilities from the giant race are so rare!"

Brockie also rushed forward with a big ax in his hand, his eyes filled with pride.

"Dongli, I got on the boat before you, but I won this time!"


"I destroyed a ship before you did, so it's a tie."

Dongli waved his giant sword and looked at the World Government's battleship. The flying cross flag had already fallen to the ground and was stepped on by him.

This is the most terrifying thing about the giants. In the peak showdown, the giants' combat power seems a bit insignificant, but on such a chaotic battlefield, they are among the best killers. Just one person is enough to tear through the enemy's defense line.

Identical iron ropes were thrown from the backs of other giants, and connected with the chains thrown by Haildin and the others. This was a common way for giants to board ships, and it was not difficult to coordinate.

"Quack, quack, you are really an outstanding junior, but when did you join the Giant Soldier Pirates?"

"Tori-senpai, Broki-senpai, my goal is to resurrect the Giant Soldier Pirates and become the new captain of the Giant Soldier Pirates."

Haldin did not hide his inner ambition, but said this in front of Dongli and Brockie, but the two were not angry, but laughed happily.

"Then you have to work hard. If you are not strong enough, you will not be able to lead the Giant Pirates. After the war is over, let us learn about your strength."

"What I wish for!"

The Giant Pirates are a legendary team in Elbaf. In an environment where pirate culture is prevalent, the Giant Pirates are the objects of desire for many giants. Tori and Broki are their idols.

But some people admire them, and some people hate them. On the other side of the ship, several huge figures are approaching.


A huge sword was swung from the side. Dongli raised his hand to block the blow, but a spear was also stabbed from the side, and several giants in navy uniforms came here.

"Have you forgotten the original agreement?! Are you going to bring Elbaf into the war?"

"Quack, quack, this is just our personal behavior. After all, we are wanted pirates and have nothing to do with Elbaf."

There are giants among pirates, and there are also giants in the navy. The lieutenants of these giants are members who follow the World Government. They don't like the chaos caused by pirates and like to fight. They finally joined the navy.

The leader of the giants is John Giando, the first giant vice-admiral of the navy. Back then, the Carmelites and the World Government acted together in a scene and released the captured giant pirates, and gained from this. Elbaf's favor.

Since then, there have been more giants in the navy, and John Giando was the first.

After serving in the navy for many years, he has long been accustomed to obeying the arrangements of the World Government.

"Elbaf's warriors should not degenerate into pirates. Fighting for justice is what a warrior should do!"

"Needless to say, you defend your justice, and we follow our own will. If you want to convince us, then do it the way the giants do!"

Dongli and Brockie did not argue with each other, but simply slashed with their swords.

The giants will also have conflicts. If both sides cannot convince the other party, then a fair duel will be held. As long as the opponent is killed or defeated in the duel, the winner is right.

Dongli and Brockie began to argue about who caught the bigger prey because of the unintentional actions of children. In the end, they started a duel, and the fight lasted for a hundred years.

With the participation of the Giant Lieutenant General in the battle, the damage caused by the Giants to the fleet was controlled, but it was not completely eliminated. Haldin, who had divine grace, was the breaker at this time.

"Lieutenant General LaCourval!"

Not long after the melee between the giants started, a giant lieutenant general fell to the ground with a huge scar on his chest, which was the mark left by Oz during the war.

At that time, LaCourval was almost cut in half by Oz, and it took him two years of recuperation to recover, but now his face has been sunken, which is the impact of Hailding's attack.

In just a few minutes, Khairdin and LaCouval engaged in the purest form of a warrior showdown in Elbaf style - trading blows.

It's just that LaCourval couldn't break Nut Dumbbell's powerful defense, nor could he withstand Helding's attack.

"I accept your strength."

Activating the ultimate absorption, Haildin robbed a large amount of physical strength from the opponent's body. Because the giants' minds were very special and they had an obsession with fighting, Haildin did not activate this skill during the battle.

But after the war, he plundered the opponent's physical strength by collecting spoils, so that he could participate in new battles in full strength.

At the same time, the leaders of the red-haired pirates also fought with Greenu's subordinates.

"Slashing Roar!"

Gabu spit out a wave of light and blew away the heavily armored Knights of God members in front of him. The bullet fired by Jesus Bu passed through the narrow gap in the mask. After every gunshot, one person fell to the ground.

Benk Punch brought his monkey against another captain of CP0, and Laki Lu had already rushed into the crowd.

"Red hair, it seems I made a mistake in my judgment."

Green Gu did not care about the deaths and injuries of other people. Neither the fall of the giant lieutenant nor the destruction of the ship could cause his emotions to fluctuate.

"Your growth was an accident, but your choice has tarnished this bloodline. I will execute you here with my own hands!"

"If you can do it, just try it!"

The weapons of the two collided in mid-air, and their powerful domineering energy washed over everything around them. After a while, only Green Gu and Shanks were left standing on the ship.

Others have either lost consciousness or are far away from the ship. This is not a battle they can bear. Even if they are just watching, it is a huge pressure for them.

And Beckman was also wandering on the edge of the battlefield, sometimes shooting to rescue his partners, sometimes waving the gun to defeat the enemies around him. When Shanks and Green Gu were duel, he also became the commander of the red-haired pirates.

The war situation was favorable to the red-haired pirates at the beginning. The giants' surprise attack disrupted their formation, and Bartolomeo's ability also played a role.

With the unfolding and retracting of his hands, the crew of the Red-haired Pirates achieved a unilateral bombing, and almost all of the World Government's artillery shells were blocked from the barrier.

But the appearance of a new army made Beckman frown, and a group of people with collars around their necks and prison uniforms were driven out.

The World Government has a large number of slaves, and its composition is very complicated. Pirates, and even soldiers and generals from non-joined countries can become one of them.

After all, as long as the Tianlong people take a fancy to them, even the princesses of the franchising countries will be regarded as slaves. Among these slaves, there are many people with good fighting ability, and they are brought out together to serve as cannon fodder.

"Go slaves! Kill these pirates. As long as you kill a hundred enemies, you and your families will be free!"

No one knows whether the statement "World Government" is true or false, and even most people think it is false.

Apart from anything else, being able to kill a hundred enemies in a cold weapon battle and still survive is a huge difficulty in itself, but you can only gamble on the negligible possibility.

Whether it's the explosive collar around their neck or their family members, they are forced to do this.

"These bastards."

The red-haired pirates themselves are very special. When faced with civilians who attack them unconsciously after being controlled, they would rather be beaten than fight back. However, they are not bad people. That premise is that they have a way to solve this problem in a short time. trouble.

This is a battlefield. If they are defeated, their fate will not be much better. Facing the slave soldiers who are unwilling to retreat despite repeated warnings, they can only take action. However, every time a slave dies or loses the ability to fight, the collar on their body will It will explode immediately.

This is a pure suicide army whose purpose is to use human lives to penetrate the enemy's formation.

It can be said that this is the conclusion reached by the World Government's investigation before the operation. They specially formed such a team based on the analysis of the red-haired pirate group's past behavior. Judging from the reaction of the red-haired pirates, the effect is quite obvious. .

However, neither the naval battle here in Hongfa nor the battlefield in Totland Sea is the decisive link. The results of the battle at Hundred Beasts are the part that truly locks the battle situation.

"Lieutenant General He! Be careful!"

The warship where He was was jolted for a while. The people next to her seemed worried about He's condition and rushed to help her. However, He was not satisfied with the behavior of the navy.

"I'm not too old to move yet, so you don't need to pay so much attention to me!"


The two lieutenants responded verbally to He's words, but did not leave her side. Not long ago, due to Olga's illusion field, the navy's leading fleet encountered big trouble here, and He had to leave the frontline headquarters to resolve it himself. Olga's fantasy field.

But at the moment she arrived, the action against her started as scheduled. Olga knew very well where the weaknesses of her abilities were. Except for a few strong people, Crane's abilities were the most threatening to her.

If the crane is dealt with first, her ability can create an unsolvable area nearby.

While Crane came to the front line in person, Olga also lurked nearby.

It's still predictable where Crane's fleet will appear. Olga's bet was right this time, and she and Elizabeth's assassination operation was just a little short of being successful.

It's just that she underestimated the ability of this old lady. As a contemporaneous member of Garp and Sengoku, this old lady who once chased Doflamingo all over the world was much more powerful than she seemed.

With the help of General Candidate Peach Rabbit and other lieutenant generals, Olga did not take advantage and had no choice but to retreat and re-enter the tug-of-war.

Yes, since the war started, Crane's fleet has still not been able to break through Olga's defense line. Although they have solved the obstruction of the first illusory curtain, they cannot cross the sea's defense line.

In the competition of naval guns, the navy can still compete equally with the beasts, but under the water, it is already the world of the beasts.

"Mlocculant Jiu-Jitsu: Dian Tide One Over Shoulder Throw!"

A sea wolf with a controller on its head was thrown onto a warship by Jinbei. Fishman Island is not too far away from here. After the war broke out, Otohime and Neptune asked Jinbei to support the battlefield here. , and even part of the Navy King's army appeared together.

For Fish-Man Island, this is both a national war and a racial war. If you win, you will gain the right to live equally under the sun. If you lose, you will be exterminated.

Given the character of the Celestial Dragons, once the beasts are defeated, Fish-Man Island, which has withdrawn from the world government, will bear an unimaginable price. It would be light for the entire clan to become a slave race.

Like the Lunaria and the Bakania, they disappeared from the long river of history, more like the price they had to bear for their defeat. By then, I am afraid that this race will only be seen again in the slave gardens of the Celestial Dragons.

The fishmen are still located in the deep sea. Neptune thinks that Jinbei is not needed to stay here for the time being, so he asks him to support the battle here.

"Kai Xia·Jinbei."

"In the face of the enemy, I have no need to hold back. You should have a war consciousness."

The sea surface was rolling, Jinbei was not the only one in the water, and Jinbei was not the most dangerous one.

The light blue figure approached the surface from the deep sea, and its ferocious giant jaws bit out a big hole in the deck. The powerful crocodile did not follow Tiger and the others, but stayed here.

Then the crocodile coughed and took out the fragments of seastones stuck in the gaps between his teeth. These seastones embedded in the bottom of the boat were very annoying to the crocodile.

In the deeper waters, Nereus waved her arms. The Gyarados in the nearby waters had already gathered here under her order, and launched an attack on the sea beast weapons originally developed by Vegapunk.

The sea beasts controlled by the controller are a great threat to other ships, but in the eyes of the Gyarados group, they are targets.

The fact that they have been able to persist without being completely wiped out and still have the ability to protect some of their ships is the result of the hard work of these navies.

There is more than one entrance to the new world. With warships inlaid with sea tower stones, the navy can naturally enter the new world from various areas at the same time.

In addition to the three fleets led by Green Gu, Fujitora, and Kizaru, the navy also launched sporadic attacks around some branches, and there were also small fleets advancing in other directions.

It's just that the operations of these fleets are not very smooth.

Charizard Island, a trial island for beasts, the adult Charizard on the island has been led by a black Charizard to fly high into the sky, spitting flames from the sky.

The fast dragons put down their express boxes and put on specially-made armors and steel armors to patrol the situation in the territorial waters of the beasts. Any ships from the navy and the world government were their attack targets.

The Hundred Beasts even took care of the territory of Big Mom and Red Hair. After all, they were inferior to the Hundred Beasts in terms of quantity and quality. When nearly all the manpower was mobilized to deal with the fleets of the World Government and the Navy, there was inevitably a void in the rear.

The sky and the deep sea, these areas that were despised in the past have become places for beasts to launch surprise attacks. One message after another came to the Metagross through reports, and a precise battle map was drawn, with every detail marked. situation in a place.

"The navy, the world government, and other pirates are taking advantage of the situation. The entire new world is in chaos."

In front of Shaina was a map of the New World. At this time, almost everywhere on the map was marked in red.

"Ulti, Peggywan, you two go support Scourge, he's in trouble over there.

Sasaki, there is no need to go to Charizard Island. The battle there is over. You go to meet Foz Fu first, and then deal with the men sent by the World Government.

The team near the Kingdom of Daemon should pay attention. Those who have the energy to spare will move closer to that area. "

On top of Vine Mountain, Shaina's orders continued to reach the ears of different teams, roughly coordinating the battlefield. In the southern part of the New World, in the Kingdom of Diamont, the entire country had also fallen into a state of solemnity.

From the revelation of divine grace to the full-scale war, one month seems like a century. The world has changed so much that it is difficult to believe such changes for a while.

War is a continuation of politics. Similarly, war will also give rise to new political issues.

Not everyone believes that the beasts can win in the war. The Dragon Palace Kingdom has put everything on the line due to its own racial issues.

But as for the human kingdom, one is the pirate group that was born less than forty years ago, and the other is the World Government that stands on top of the world and has ruled the sea for eight hundred years. Many people still think that the World Government has a greater chance of winning. Some.

If the Beasts were defeated, they would definitely be liquidated. The World Government also took advantage of this mentality and sent lobbyists to several kingdoms in the Beasts' territory before the war began.

It's just that they underestimated what happened during the Divine Grace Ceremony, and the kings who saw all this were determined.

Although those lobbyists persuaded some dignitaries or royal family members and caused civil unrest in some countries, they were not successful and only affected some logistical problems.

"Father, you will regret it. The Navy and the World Government are about to fight. How can an alliance of pirates fight against the World Government?"

"Your Majesty the King! The men of the beasts are here!"

Before he could finish questioning the king's decision, the minister of the Kingdom of Diamont brought new news.

"Invite them in, do you still need me to teach you about this kind of thing?"

"I did this, but the man refused and just asked us to inform the citizens to stay away from their houses and hide. The war may have spread to us."

At the same time, on the coast of the Kingdom of Diamont, Kuzan stood alone on the cliff by the sea and stared at the sea level in the distance. When the familiar seagull flag appeared in his eyes, Kuzan sighed, and then jumped resolutely. Towards the sea.


The ice layer traveled thousands of miles in an instant, spreading into the distance at an unimaginable speed, freezing those warships on the sea in an instant.

"Kuzan, have you actually made it this far?"

On the warship, thick smoke billowed out of Akainu's body, and his magma-formed body burned away the cigar he was biting at the corner of his mouth.

The order Akainu received was to bypass the new world and cross the windless zone from the West Sea to raid the hinterland of the beasts. He did not expect that there would be such an opponent waiting for him here.

They were far apart, but both Akainu and Kuzan had seen each other's figures, and a fateful battle broke out once again.

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