Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1358 Lazy and Absolute, the Missing Kaido

"Marshal Sakaski! The sea is frozen!"

"I saw it. Was it detected? Or was the information leaked?"

Looking at the frozen sea, Akainu looked solemn. Even though he was a navy marshal and had always advocated the elimination of all pirates, he initially opposed such a traumatic war.

Akainu could accept casualties among his soldiers, but not a battle that seemed almost unwinnable.

Kuzan confirmed his defection, and Garp was given free money first. The revolutionary army was in turmoil everywhere, and facing the chaotic sea, it looked stupid to take the initiative to attack the enemy's territory.

As for Kebi, he was too weak and had been ignored by Akainu. Now he is simply not enough to influence the situation on the battlefield.

It's just that the Five Old Stars themselves have made up their minds, and Akainu's objections are just air in their ears.

For Akainu, the only good news is that the World Government did not just watch this time, but also sent a large fleet.

The sea beast weapons composed of the sea beast controllers left behind by Vegapunk, the Pacifist Legion supplemented part of the force, and the remaining fleet also had corresponding arrangements.

In order to deal with Charlotte Lingling, Fujitora prepared huge rocks to make a temporary battlefield. In order to deal with the red hair, Fujitora specially formed a slave army to act as cannon fodder.

However, according to the situation when He Fa came to him, the battle situation was not going smoothly. They had achieved considerable results with the red hair and Charlotte Lingling in the early stage, but when Shanks and Charlotte Lingling reacted After that, the war situation became anxious.

These monsters on the sea are all people with overlord looks. If they don't win in a duel with top combat forces, relying on cannon fodder alone is just a waste.

Crane even started a tug-of-war with the beasts from the very beginning.

As of five minutes ago, Akainu had not received any news about Arceus, Kaido, or Yamato appearing on the battlefield. This was what worried him most. After all, he did not know how many cards the World Government had to deal with Baidu. beast.

[You only need to execute your orders, and we will take care of the rest. 】

This was the answer given by the Five Old Stars when faced with Akainu's questioning.

A sneak attack on the hinterland from the West Sea was also a choice made after careful consideration. Logically speaking, the three battlefields were enough to attract firepower. At this time, the defense of the hinterland could not be as strong as usual.

After all, the Navy and the World Government have mobilized heavy troops and a large number of elites, so it is impossible for the pirates not to send the main force there.

As long as this raiding team can achieve results, the frontline team can still entangle the pirates without destroying them, making it impossible for the enemy to look at each other.

This raid mission is very important. If Garp is still there, then Akainu will consider letting him lead the fleet operation. Whether it is the strength or the boost in morale that his reputation will bring, Garp is enough to take on the task.

However, reality no longer supported him in doing so. After some thought, Akainu became the one to lead the fleet himself.

Without top-notch combat power to lead the team, it's not a raid, it's a courier delivery.

It doesn't matter if Akainu is not responsible for the mobilization of the army. Among the various forces participating in the war, the most capable ones are fighting against others. This is a world where personal bravery can change the situation of the war. No matter how well the strategy is arranged, the premise must be strong. Whoever wins the duel.

Once an uncontrolled combat force is released, it will have a devastating impact on the battle.

The battle situation in He's place is in a stalemate, which is a decisive factor because the top combat power of both sides has not appeared.

However, Akainu feels that this action has a higher success rate. He is not a reckless general who only knows how to attack head-on.

Compared to the many spies of the Sea Emperor in the New World, the Four Seas is a place where they have less influence. After all, powerful pirates are attracted to the Grand Line, and only the Revolutionary Army moves frequently in the Four Seas.

According to Akainu's judgment, this operation should not be discovered. If the pirate reinforcements want to arrive, it will take at least two days according to the complicated situation of the sea.

But as soon as the fleet appeared, the sea was frozen, which was obviously waiting for them.

There is more than one person with the ability to use ice among all the beasts, but the one who impressed Akainu the most was still the old acquaintance in front of him.

"Kuzan, did you predict the navy's actions?"

As a former general, Kuzan is familiar with the navy's fighting methods. Although he joined the navy later than Akainu and Kizaru, he was also a monster at the same time. The habits of people like Sengoku and Tsuru are also something Kuzan understands.

In a sense, it is not impossible that Kuzan can predict the action. Under the premise that Kuzan leaked the secret, it is also possible that the beasts have focused on investigating the nearby environment.

But what Akainu didn't know was that in the online world of consciousness that he couldn't see, a traitor appeared in this fleet.

"You promise?"

"I promise, you can't even imagine my current life. Why are we willing to be treated as telephones by humans? Isn't it just to lie down?"

This is the communication network of the phone bug, an area beyond the reach of humans. The spiny ammonite has also developed a complex snail network over the years. Of course, there are many snails it does not know, but it can achieve its purpose. Sometimes only one is needed .

"There is a human marshal on my ship. My position is probably at"

Telephone bugs are a magical creature. Because being raised by humans can reduce the difficulty of their own survival, this race likes to be captured and believes that it has a symbiotic relationship with humans.

There are telephone bugs in all warships. Whether the spiny ammonite beast can be contacted is purely a matter of probability. It depends on whether it can find this telephone bug through connections.

The phone bugs themselves don't mind who the user is, as long as they can keep them, so under the inducement of the Spiny Ammonite Beast, Akainu's route of action was also exposed to the sight of the beasts.

Even the content of the inducement is not even a drop in the bucket to the beasts. It is just raising one more snail, which can be called a business without capital.

"Marshal Sakaski, there is only one enemy, and it is Kuzan. What should we do next?"

Only Kuzan could be seen on the frozen sea, and there was no one behind him, as if there was only one person, but Akainu didn't believe this.

At this time, this team had a total of twenty large warships, and a total of more than a hundred large and small warships.

Although I don’t know exactly how it was done, Kuzan must have received the information in advance if he was able to freeze them here. No matter how powerful he was, he shouldn’t do it alone.

"Fire coverage, clear the places on the island where troops may be ambushed."

After visually checking the approximate distance, Akainu gave the order to cover it with artillery fire. If you can't see it with your eyes, use cannons to find it. The cannons on warships are used for this.


After the two cannons were fired, two large craters were opened in the ice behind Kuzan, but this was not enough to stop Kuzan.

"Marshal Sakaski, the distance is too far, and the range of the naval gun is not enough!"

"Has this bastard Kuzan calculated in advance?"

At this time, the warship had been frozen and temporarily lost the ability to move, but the Kingdom of Diamont was just outside the extreme range of the artillery.

"Marshal Sakaski, the troops are ready to land. Do you want to take action?"

The ice restricted the movement of warships, but it also gave the navy a new foothold. When Kuzan was still in the navy, this was also the most common method used by the navy to land.

Although the generals of those days have left, the veterans are still there, and these tactics have not been forgotten.

"Wait a minute, I have a feeling something is wrong. If the distance of the cannonball is not enough, then let me do it."

Akainu came to the main gun of the warship and stepped directly on the frontmost gun barrel.

"Meteor volcano!"

He raised his fists above his head, and lava surged across his body. Countless giant fists of magma flew into the sky, drew an arc, and then fell in the direction of the Kingdom of Diamont.

The hot magma seemed to ignite the sky, and apocalyptic scenes could also be seen from the Kingdom of Daemon.

The nearby sea surface is covered with ice created by Kuzan. Based on Akainu's understanding of Kuzan, the thickness of the ice that can prevent warships from moving cannot be broken by ordinary fishmen.

What's more, all the strong fishmen from the fish-men tribe have already appeared. There should be no powerful fishmen here who can pose a threat to them.

If it is the sea beasts of the Hundred Beasts, the army with a foothold will also have the ability to resist.

So if there are enemies lurking, they should be on the island behind him.

In order to reduce the casualties caused by being ambushed by pirates, there is no problem in attacking the island in the first step. Even if it causes the death of some non-member nationals, it is better than letting one's own soldiers be attacked by sneak attacks.

"Sakaski, your behavior is really in line with your behavior, but everything is different now."

A blue metal ball appeared in Kuzan's hand, which seemed to be half the size of his body. However, it seemed to be weightless in Kuzan's hand. He tossed it lightly and landed in mid-air.

"Extreme cold storm."

There was a bag-like opening on the front end of the metal ball. As the closed metal opening opened, a cold current suddenly surged into the sky. Coupled with Kuzan's own ability, the extremely cold air seemed to form a sky curtain.

As the cold continued to spread outward, the magma bombs released by Akainu gradually lost heat and turned into magma after cooling.

The moisture in the air adhered to it, and because of Kuzan's ability, it condensed into ice. After being added with more weight, Akainu's attack also landed early, and countless gravel hit the ice.

Akainu's probing attack was resolved by Kuzan, and the first confrontation between the two ended. However, Kuzan's behavior seemed to further indicate that there was a problem on the island.

"Deploy the pacifists, with the vanguard following the pacifists, and the lieutenant general dispersed in the center of the troops, in a dispersed formation to attack the island from both wings and capture the island.

Kuzan, I'll deal with it. "

Akainu doesn't have much time for meaningless testing. His mission is to make a surprise attack, not to fight a positional battle with others. It will not be good for him to delay for too long, at least until more troops belonging to the beasts gather over. He had to occupy a suitable foothold.

Magma can't fly like light, but Akainu doesn't move very slowly. Kuzan also stopped after noticing Akainu's movements and stood there waiting for him. Both of them knew that they were on the other side. opponent.

On the ice, the two faced each other in silence, and everything seemed to be the same as it was more than a year ago.

"Kuzan, it seems that you have embarked on a very wrong path. I never imagined that you would actually degenerate into a pirate."

"Ara ala, the only thing I don't want you to say is that, we are not on the same road to begin with."

After scratching his head, Kuzan chatted with Sakaski as if reminiscing about old times. Facing his question, Kuzan did not refute anything, but he still expressed his disapproval of Sakaski.

"I think you are lazy and hesitant, but you once walked on the path of justice, but now, you are running counter to justice. If I had known this, I should not have let you leave alive in the first place. I should have punished you as a person who destroys justice. Nip it in the bud.”

"Is this your impression of me? It's a little better than I thought, but is your justice your own justice or the justice of the world government?

Originally I thought you were a radical, but since O'Hara's day, I have realized something, but it is not important. People in different positions have different perceptions of justice. As their positions change, , justice will also change.

I will not question other people's justice, but your justice cannot hinder my justice. You try to use your standards to kidnap everyone, which is simply unrealistic. "

Kuzan's body began to change. In addition to the weapons that released the extreme cold storm before, red and white metallic colors also began to attach to his body.

Akainu, who has been a colleague for many years, knows very well that Kuzan does not have this ability. With Drake's intelligence transmission, it is obvious where this power comes from.

"You talk about your own justice, but everyone is violating justice. Garp, Long, and you are all like this.

You who gave up justice for the sake of strength have no right to talk about justice! "

"You made a mistake. I have never betrayed my justice, but my justice is not the justice you agree with.

You also got one thing wrong. It's not that you gave up your original persistence because of your strength, but that you can see something different only after you get out of the self-contained circle. Maybe what the dragon did at the beginning was the right thing.

There is no use in talking more. You should have known a year ago that neither of us can convince the other party. Now that we are here, there is only one outcome. "

"You're right, and this time, I won't hold back anymore. You were no match for me a year ago, and you are no different now."

"That's not necessarily the case, Sakaski. I will return the original enthusiasm to you."


The two fists collided, and the two people who had been having "friendly exchanges" before unanimously waved their fists towards the enemy. Thick smoke rose from behind Sakaski, and Akainu released it like an erupting crater. Exposed his terrifying destructive power.

But just a fist away, snowflakes were flying, the cold wind was fierce, and the sky was covered with snow. With Akainu and Kuzan as the dividing line, the world had been divided into two halves.

Extreme cold and extreme heat are colliding, but Akainu can detect abnormalities. In their confrontation a year ago, Kuzan was the disadvantaged party. Although Kuzan's ice has the ability to freeze natural volcanoes, Akainu's magma The power far exceeds that of conventional volcanoes.

But this time is different. Kuzan's ice is no longer simply resisting, nor is it fighting against each other, but is taking the lead!

At the same time, the iron baggage flew up out of thin air under the influence of Kuzan's consciousness, and light enough to freeze everything scattered from it, including Kuzan and Sakaski at the same time within the attack range.

Kuzan, who was originally made of ice, was naturally not afraid of all this. The ice was his fighting place, but Sakaski's feeling was different. At that moment, he even felt like he would be frozen.

"Big fire!!"

With the magma surging in his body, Sakaski completed a volcanic eruption. Under the influence of high temperature, water vapor transpired upwards, and then condensed into snowflakes again due to the cold. The sea surface environment was changing to a battlefield suitable for Kuzan.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, Marshal Sakaski."

"I believe in the marshal's ability. He can handle all this. Our mission is to land. Don't let your guard down. The enemy must be staring at us."

On both sides of the battle between Akainu and Kuzan, large naval forces have bypassed the battle between the two and moved towards the Kingdom of Diamont. Kuzan did not make any movement to block it, as if Akainu had dragged all his energy away. .

But under the ice, a group of big guys that Akainu didn't expect were taking action.

The pacifists were following Akainu's orders, clearing away possible dangers bit by bit, but at this moment, they suddenly looked at their feet.

boom! boom! boom!

Before the pacifists and the navy behind them could react, the ice exploded, and a dozen whales the size of small mountains broke through the ice from below.

"Island whale?!"

The huge whales reminded the navy of island whales for the first time, but if you look closely, you can see the difference between them and island whales. This is not an island whale, but a howler king.

Akainu's guess was correct. With the top murlocs fighting on other battlefields, ordinary murlocs really couldn't break Kuzan's ice.

But with the actions planned in advance, it was certainly impossible for Kuzan to trap himself and seal off his own people's passage.

Beasts may be familiar to the World Government, but the mysteries of Arceus have not been fully revealed yet. These roaring whale kings are unexpected creatures.

Akainu also guessed that these giant sea beasts might launch a surprise attack from underwater, and arranged preparations. However, as the roaring whale kings opened their mouths, countless pirates ran out.

With the help of these "biological submarines", they also found their hiding place. They could also directly attack the warship. However, Akainu was still on the ship at that time, so Kuzan made an arrangement to wait.

Kuzan knew very well that with Akainu's character it was impossible to be cautious forever. As long as most risks were eliminated, he would take direct action. War was not a game, and death was the norm. It was impossible not to take risks.

There are many cards in the Hundred Beasts, and these cards specially reserved for this moment are completely unpredictable to the enemy.

"Don't panic! They're just pirates. They appear in a strange location. Meet the enemy!"

The navy formed a formation to face the outflowing pirates. The fallen pacifist staggered up, with a powerful laser already condensed in his mouth. But before the pacifist's weapon could be fired, the speed increased even more. The fast laser cannon hit them on the head.

In the smoke, a red figure has led several purple figures to find the pacifists scattered on the battlefield.

As a weapon developed based on bear genes, the idea of ​​​​pacifists was proposed to suppress pirates and maintain peace. However, in the new world, the effect of pacifists was not as strong as expected.

The more powerful pirates in the new world all have the ability to fight against pacifists. Except for the bear's body, the remaining mass-produced machines have limited effects and cannot show as strong a suppressive force as Shihai.

But they are still powerful weapons that integrate many functions such as self-propelled artillery, tanks, and intelligence analyzers. If they are not resolved as a priority in war, they will still cause huge casualties to ordinary soldiers.

Different weapons have different uses, and it takes time and effort to create tactics for them, but there is the simplest way to create an individual with the same effect but stronger quality to deal with it.

Compared to the pacifist, Genesect is an all-round enhanced version.

With the same body of steel and laser cannon, Genesect can also hold up barriers to block supermodel attacks, can switch attack attributes, can fly, and has stronger thinking ability.

As the cards of insect steel, they have more powerful performance on the battlefield. As breakthrough players, they finally broke the navy's formation, causing a chaotic battle on the ice, and they became the most ruthless Mechanical killer, killing enemies on the battlefield.

War is raging in the new world, and even the rear is not stable. Metagross's super brain is rapidly calculating information. Although the navy has no Pokémon, they have many people.

At the Navy Headquarters, new news arrived almost every minute, making Sengoku look sad.

As a retired veteran cadre, Seng Guo's task was to stay at the naval headquarters, but he felt more tired than being a marshal.

"What exactly does the world government want to do? It is impossible to achieve effective results by doing so."

Stalemate, stalemate, stalemate is still stalemate. Although war is not rock-paper-scissors, and it is impossible to determine the winner at once, this style of play also made Warring States feel distressed.

Leaving aside other pirates, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if you draw an elite, you will still have no problem dealing with those trash fish.

But the revolutionary army has already begun large-scale operations. These people are not fools. They have finally waited until the day when the "wind blows". If they don't take action, nothing will be achieved.

Until now, the enemy's two commander-in-chiefs have not appeared, but the cards of himself and others are almost played.

Sometimes, the more you worry about something, the more it comes to you. Just when Sengoku was arranging follow-up troops, alarm bells blared in the Navy headquarters, and Sengoku's office was hurriedly pushed away.

"Oops, Inspector Sengoku! Kaido, Kaido is calling!!"

"What did you say?!"

Outside, above the sky, Kaido's huge body has cut through the clouds and arrived directly above the Navy Headquarters. The hot breath has drawn a dividing line symbolizing death in the square.

"Uh-huh-huh, is there no one left at the Navy headquarters? Where is my opponent!"

The navy was moving around, but Kaido did not choose to support one of his subordinates or allies. He did not like to be led by the enemy unless he originally planned to do so.

He is only one person, and he has no skills at all. It is impossible to take care of all places. In this case, he simply gives up support, attacks the enemy and saves the enemy, and comes to the place where the combat power is easiest to concentrate - the naval headquarters.

He didn't believe that if he broke into the navy headquarters, the navy's troops could continue to advance steadily and slowly.

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