Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1359 You are not enough for me to fight like this.

There will only be three current admirals in the navy. This has been a rule that has remained unchanged for many years. The navy can have more than three admiral-level combat capabilities, but the number will never exceed this number.

Now, including the marshal Akainu, Kizaru and Fujitora's three top combat powers have been determined so far. Even the Celestial Dragon from the Valley of Gods has faced the red hair.

Crane, Ghost Spider, Huo Shaoshan and other veteran lieutenant generals also appeared on the battlefield. It can be said that except for Green Bull, 80% of the navy's top combat power has appeared.

The scale of the current war must be greater than the original top war, but unless the navy is all crazy, it is impossible to mobilize all the power from all over the world. The navy headquarters at this time must be unprecedentedly weak.

But this is the Navy's card. The World Government and the Navy also have to think about whether someone will take advantage of the empty defense of the Navy's rear and take the opportunity to raid the Navy's headquarters. Kaido just wants to try to find out who is this person staying behind.

Judging from the purpose, Kaido was very excited. After all, no one on the sea had ever done such a thing as a solo invasion of the Navy Headquarters. The last Golden Lion who did this had already been given gold coins by his own girl.

But judging from the results, Kaido was disappointed.

"What? Are you the only one guarding here? That would be too boring."

Seeing only Sengoku rushing out of the Navy Headquarters building, the interest on Kaido's face began to fade visibly, and he even sat directly in the square of the Navy Headquarters and yawned.

A Warring States period made him feel a little inadequate.

boom! boom! boom!

But before Sengoku could move forward, a burst of intensive artillery fire was fired from the Navy Headquarters. After moving the Navy Headquarters to the new world, Akainu focused on strengthening the firepower of the new Navy Headquarters.

Although it is not as good as Malinfando in terms of background, the new navy headquarters rebuilt from the G1 branch has more powerful firepower.

"Fire! Fire!"

In the naval fort, Kamlai mechanically repeated the movements in his hands according to his commander's orders. He was a marine with less than two years of service and enlisted in the world conscription the year Akainu was promoted to marshal.

He was originally serving in the Kingdom and was proficient in artillery shooting skills, and through his own hard work, he became a gunner in the headquarters.

In the past few days of war, he also fired many rounds of cannonballs. There is always a shortage of people who overestimate their own capabilities on the sea. There were some pirates who tried to attack the navy headquarters at this time to make a name for themselves. , let the world hear your name.

In a sense, they succeeded. When the Navy announced the battle report, they successfully appeared on the Navy's victory list.

Today, Kamlai has encountered his most terrifying opponent - the Sea Emperor himself.

"Probably dead."

"Maybe, there's no movement at all. How can anyone catch so many shells? That's a basic amount of ammunition."

The suitable turrets poured out firepower crazily in the past few minutes, and did not stop until the ammunition at hand was empty. They had also encountered many pirates in the past days, but under the heavy firepower of the navy, those All ships end up being targets.

"Don't just sit there dumbly! Come out and take cover!!"

When Kamlai was observing the situation through the shooting port, the commander who was extremely strict during training every day was anxiously giving orders. The soldiers didn't know why, but the habits left by the training made them subconsciously choose to obey.

The situation in several other forts was similar, with all the gunners running towards other areas.

"Sir, why are we running away?"

"This is a tactical retreat. You recruits don't understand that the enemy is different from the previous enemies. It should be said that he is not a human being at all. He may have the wrong name, but he definitely does not have the wrong nickname.

That Kaido’s nickname is...the strongest creature."



Before Cam could even ask questions, the fort they were in had been blown up to the sky. Looking back, the steel fort had turned into molten iron, and a breath of heat was like a hot knife cutting into butter. It left irreparable marks here.

"There are only three consequences of shelling. First, the guy is dead. If he dies, then there is no need to continue the shelling, and there is no need for us to stay where we are.

Second, he is injured. Beasts will fight back when they are in pain. We simply cannot bear the monster's counterattack, so we must move immediately.

Third, the bombardment is completely ineffective. In his eyes, we are just a group of ants, but he doesn't care about the life and death of the ants. If he doesn't want to die in vain, he has to find a safe place.

No matter what, evacuation is the best solution. "

This officer is a veteran who survived the war on the top. He has seen the power of those sea emperors. Although he told all the possibilities, he did not believe the first one.

If cannonballs could kill these monsters, then there would be no need for the Navy to conduct physical training.

That's just comforting these soldiers.

The fort seemed safe, but in front of these monsters, it was nothing more than a cast-iron coffin.


After the smoke cleared, Kaido changed into a new posture, and even lay on his side in the square swaggeringly. Apart from a large amount of dust on his body, no trace of damage could be seen on Kaido's body. Only the hot breath from his mouth still exuded. A little heat.

"Warring States, please don't continue with this boring temptation. Have I given you enough time? Have the reinforcements not arrived yet?"

"Kaido, don't be too presumptuous. This is the Navy headquarters, not a place for you to act wild!"

Warring States' body began to swell, and golden Buddhas had appeared in the squares of all naval headquarters. The golden light of the Buddhas spread to the ground, dispersing some of the uneasiness of the surrounding soldiers.

"I'm not confused yet. I just know that this is the Navy Headquarters, so I came here. Back then, you had to deal with the Golden Lion with two people, but now you have to deal with me alone. It seems that there is really no one in this Navy Headquarters." ah."

"Even so, this is still the grave of you pirates! The pirates who broke into the navy headquarters will eventually pay the price! Buddha's Impact!"

Even though Sengoku had entered the stage of lying flat on his back, Kaido's tone and contempt made him feel angry. The figure of the giant Buddha leaped into the air, and the halo behind him almost merged into one with the red sun in the sky.

With a trace of determination, Sengoku slapped Kaido below. Kaido still stayed in place without making any movement, as if he wanted to use his body to resist the attack from Sengoku.

However, this palm failed to hit Kaido in the end. Before Warring States landed, a black figure flew from a distance. The blue flame turned into a shield. Jhin crossed his arms to block Kaido. before.

"If you want to attack our king, you have to get through me first!"

Veins popped up on Jhin's face, and with the waving of his wings, he blocked Sengoku's top-down blow.


Sengoku's shock wave was originally a ranged attack. It was not easy to use the body directly as a human shield, but Jhin opened up a barrier that was enough to block the shock wave, and Kaido was not affected at all.

"Fire disaster? It seems that you have a plan for the Navy Headquarters."

"Jin? Why are you here?"

Compared to Sengoku, Kaido had more doubts. He didn't remember that he asked Jhin to come here.

"I received the battle report from Shaina. The battle report said that Brother Kaido, you have not been seen since you left Ghost Island.

But you can't be lonely in this kind of war. Either Mariejoia or the Navy Headquarters, you should be in these two places.

But as for Mariejoia, she should wait for the return of the Holy Beast. "

"Uh-huh, Jhin, you really understand me, but you should not be the only one who comes here."

Kaido glanced at the seaside, and he felt some familiar atmosphere.

"Yes, I called Jack over. Although there are not many people, it is enough to clear the way for you, Brother Kaido."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jack, Tiger and other fishmen also appeared on the coast. With the waves rolling, they set foot on the land of the Navy Headquarters.

"Forget it, since you are here, just fight with me."

In front of his subordinates, Kaido restrained himself slightly and stood up again.

Kaido didn't like his battle to be interrupted, but the battle that hadn't started yet didn't count. Jhin didn't make a sneak attack, he just withstood Sengoku's attack head-on.

In addition, Kaido is extremely tolerant of people he values ​​​​and has extremely double standards, so Kaido did not express any displeasure, but laughed excitedly.

However, every laugh from Kaido was extremely harsh in Sengoku's ears. Kaido himself, the two disasters Jhin and Jack, Tiger, the fishman hero, plus some fishman elites and a small amount of air force.

The troops previously sent by the Beasts went around in a circle and regrouped at the Navy Headquarters. This undoubtedly exceeded the endurance limit of the Navy Headquarters at this time.

"Do you see it, fellow citizens! There is Marie Joa, the source of our suffering!

And here are the soldiers protecting them! Without resistance, our situation will never change!

The war has begun. Either you live in the dark deep sea forever, or you create a new world!

Some of us will die, many of us!

You may be able to survive in a corner of peace. Anyway, it is just some compatriots who have been captured as slaves. Those people may not be you yourself, but no one can guarantee that the next slave will not be your relatives!

If we don’t make sacrifices, Fishman Island will never change. The fishmen have endured too much darkness. Let’s use our blood to dye a path today!

For the future of Fishman Island, come with us! "

Many years ago, Tiger was caught in embarrassment in Mariejoia. After he escaped, he resolutely climbed back onto Mariejoia. But today, he led his ideal tribesmen to launch a counterattack here. .


While Tiger was shouting, Jack's body had begun to expand and turned into a giant made of steel, rushing forward with indomitable momentum.

"You are really impatient, Jhin. I don't need you to worry about it here. You go and take care of Jack. This kid is too young. The Frost Milk Fairy is not with him yet. Don't let him have any accidents."


Jhin nodded and immediately flew in the direction of Jack, while Kaido shook his head and picked up his mace.

"This was not my idea originally, but my lovely subordinates are a little willful. As their governor, I have to be tolerant. Warring States, let me see what you are capable of. Come and guard this naval headquarters! Uh-huh-huh. !”

Kaido swung his stick upwards, hitting Sengoku with such powerful and heavy blows that he couldn't get away at all. However, other generals from the navy headquarters also responded, and with the assistance of soldiers and artillery, they launched a new offensive against the beasts. .

At this moment, Marie Joa, who was very close, reacted.

In Wulaoxing's office, the scene of five people gathering together in the past has disappeared. Now there are only three people here, but their tempers are still the same as before.

"These guys are really bold and can actually do such a thing. Our laissez-faire seems to have made these pirates too arrogant."

“The action was a little late, but it was still in time, but it was a pity for those things.

If we keep them all, we can make up for this year's financial deficit. "

Nasushiro showed a very regretful look. As the God of Finance, he controlled the economy of the World Government. Before the war started, he sent people to launch an operation against Tezoro, but it was only in vain.

Even Baishou Fruit has entered a state of suspension of operations. All headquarters and core personnel have been transferred, and all funds have been transferred. Only the original framework remains around the world.

Faced with these ordinary employees, Nasushiro rarely made any move, but let them stay as they were. There was no special reason, just because the area affected by Baishou Fruit was too wide.

Targeting these ordinary employees will not only fail to reap benefits, but will actually collapse the economies of those regions.

After all, Baishou only took back the special products from them, and many of those branches directly purchased and sold nearby, which also promoted the development of the local economy.

The world's governments are constantly harvesting wool from various places, but they also know that the sheep must live to continue to produce wool. As long as this sheep does not touch their bottom line, they can still tolerate this sheep and will give it to them periodically. They have some fresh grass.

"This is no longer the most important thing. Kaido raided the Navy Headquarters. If this continues, Sengoku may not be able to hold on for long. His cadres have already rushed over. Our laws have really been trampled under their feet. .”

The Legal Martial God Vauciuli talked about what happened next, and Peter also answered: "The Navy is our front after all. It is not appropriate for them to attack like this, so we should provide support.

I remember Sora was the marshal of the navy before, right? Let him go. "

"No, he alone is not safe enough. Since he has already taken action, let's just be more decisive. This time, I will go in person."

Nasushiro stood up, picked up the knife and walked out of the hall.

"I'll leave this place to you two, one inside and one outside, just enough to handle Mary Joa's affairs."

"Go with peace of mind. Although it is rare, the two of us can still handle it here."

Nasushiro walked out of the room alone, and the knife in his hand exuded an unusually dark aura as he walked out of the room.

Kong in Mariejoia also received an order from the Five Old Stars.

Although he is old, his muscles are still very developed, his hair and beard are shaped like two mountains, and he wears two medals on his shirt.

As a former Marine Admiral and current Commander-in-Chief of the World Government's entire military, it was inevitable for Sora to also step onto the front lines.

Four thousand today, ten thousand tomorrow (thousands were already ten thousand! [emphasis added])

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