Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1364 When I throw out this bottle of pesticide, how should you respond?

A fist comparable to that of the giants flew from the side and hit the green bull right in the face. If it were normal, it would be unrealistic to hit the green bull with this punch. For those who have reached the lower limit of general, the two-color domineering must pass.

If the version is updated one day, it is possible to have the overlord color, but it is different now.

When Maz and Yamato were fighting, Green Bull felt tremendous pressure on Quinn. He now wanted to ask the people in the Naval Intelligence Department whether the nickname Steel Balloon was given to the wrong person.

Other admirals have also fought against disasters, but they encountered disasters that have not yet fully grown up. In terms of capabilities, both sides have enough to contend with.

The offset between ice and fire, the competition between magma and blue flames, the competition between thunder and light, they could still be said to be on par, but when he came to Green Bull, he felt the feeling of his abilities being targeted.

He can manipulate plants, and so can Quinn.

His plants have various strange functions, but Quinn's abilities are more complex than his. Except that he cannot be elementalized, Quinn seems to be his "superior fruit".

"I've never heard of a Brachiosaurus with such a weird shape!"

The green bull inserted his hands into the ground, stretched his arms that turned into forest trees and sprang out beside Quinn, and slapped Quinn on the head with two big wooden hands.

The leaves form wings, bananas grow out of the chin, and a long tail is retained that combines the characteristics of a Brachiosaurus. Although it still has the characteristics of a Brachiosaurus, as long as you are not blind, you can tell that this is already a "fantasy creature."

"There are still many things you haven't heard of. Only a blind fool like you can be so loyal to the World Government!"

The blades behind him waved, and several wide blades rotated and flew around. The sharp blades cut off the green bull's extended limbs like razors, twisting the wooden blocks into pieces.

The sky full of sawdust blocked the view, but those leaf knives flew towards the green bull's body with undiminished power.

It was at this time that Luffy's punch hit the green bull's face.

"Who is the bastard?!"

Green Bull looked in the direction of the fist, and saw a balloon man with the prisoner's badge still hanging on his body stepping on the air and flying over, and his fist had been retracted into the weird body again.

"Rubber Crow Cannon!"

"Idiot, it was our people who released you, but you actually followed the people of the beasts to attack me?! Can't you still understand the situation at this time?!"

The teleportation of Sartan and Maz is the first stage, Green Bull's bamboo dragonfly is the second stage, and the third stage is the follow-up of CP0's elite. The purpose of these people is nothing else, which is to help release the Rabbit Bowl. prisoner and cause some chaos within Wano.

With the current situation of the World Government, they do not have the ability to send a large number of troops to Wano Country out of thin air. They do not have top-level combat forces to move with the ship. Being close to the inland sea of ​​beasts is a kind of fish feeding behavior.

One Peggy Wan is enough for the nesting immortals nearby. The World Government does not intend to use the troops to fill the sea out of thin air. Instead, the ready-made "troops" in the Rabbit Bowl have become their target.

When the guards took the initiative to stay away from the central battlefield and the outside world formed a second layer of defense wall, CP0 did release many prisoners.

Green Bull felt that these people had more or less brains, and the beasts locked them up. The World Government came here to attack the beasts. Although their purpose was not to liberate the prisoners, except for a few people such as Garp, they did not care about these prisoners. of life and death.

The release of these people is just to keep the people of the Hundred Beasts busy, but these people should have some understanding of the consequences of participating in the prison break turmoil. If they don't help them, once they are recaptured by the People of the Hundred Beasts, they will definitely end up It will be worse.

Originally, Green Bull had already assumed that these people were friendly forces, but then this weird guy showed up and punched him out of thin air.

"I don't care about that kind of thing! You were the one who attacked Helu just now! I'm going to beat you away!"

"What the hell, I don't understand what you idiot are talking about!"

The green bull's arms scattered into countless soft blades of grass, and those blades of grass bounced out like soft swords, knocking back all the fists thrown by Luffy.

He is a person with the ability of Sensen Fruit, not a tree man who eats the fruits of trees. Flowers, trees, and vines are all within the scope of his abilities. Different plants naturally play a role in different situations.

Countless blades of grass flew and shot Luffy away, but during this period, a dazzling light hit the green bull's eyes.

"Are you kidding, isn't it midnight?!"

"Midnight? I'm telling you, in our situation, we have the final say on all weather conditions!"

Discuss the effect of using Sunny Day at night.

This skill was originally a weather field skill used to enhance the sun's light, thereby enhancing other skills. However, at night, the sun is on the other side of the planet, but the sunny weather will not disappear because of this.

The inexplicable bright light in the sky is a manifestation of this unreasonable ability, but the consumption and preparation time of using Sunny at night is much greater than during the day.

The short period of time that Green Bull was distracted by Luffy gave Quinn just enough time to prepare.

"Kid, have you decided to surrender to us? Congratulations on making a wise choice. I admire you very much now. Your pirate group can directly become my special enrollment."

Quinn was very satisfied with Luffy's performance just now. If Kaido was here, he would be very unhappy if others interfered in his battle. The most likely thing is to knock down the person who interfered with the battle with a stick first, and then continue his own battle.

But Quinn is different. Never overestimate Quinn's moral integrity, because he has no moral integrity at all.

No matter it was friendly forces or something, weak or strong, he would never mind if someone helped him fight against the enemy. Yamato just asked him to kill the green bull, but he didn't specify how to kill it.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this. The person who intervenes cannot affect his personal interests. For example, it cannot be Shaina or Yamato to help him. In that case, Yamato's promise may be invalidated.

And this has a new premise. If Quinn feels that his life is affected, then it doesn't matter who intervenes.

At that moment, his brain went through countless ideological struggles, and finally analyzed a situation that suited him.

While he was talking about recruiting Luffy, a fiery energy began to gather in front of Quinn.

"Your forest can prevent fire, right? Then you should also be careful about this! I will burn you to ashes today!! The sun's blazing flames!"

With the blessing of a sunny day, the Sun Flame can be launched directly without any need to store energy.

In general, night battles are not suitable for Quinn, and the previous effort to open a sunny day is generally worth it.

The power condensed from the sun came out from Quinn's mouth, and the forest trees stretched by the green bull were instantly pierced by the blazing beam of light. Although it was one of the great skills of the grass type, it exerted a powerful power comparable to that of the fire type at this time.

Due to the Green Bull's ability, the Rabbit Bowl Quarry ushered in a greening, and many plants and flowers grew on the ground. However, under the blazing sun, those flowers and plants dried up one after another, and the Green Bull's body was also hit. Hence the ignition.

Under the burning flames, the green bull's body gradually shrank, and finally disappeared.

"It's so awesome."

Kaido defeated Luffy too quickly, and the gap in strength between the two was already too large for Luffy to accept. Having just had a brief fight with Green Bull, he had a new assessment of Green Bull's strength.

Seeing the green bull's body burned to ashes by Quinn's move, Luffy felt even more shocked.

"So, joining the army directly under my uncle is a rare benefit. I rarely take the initiative to recruit people."

"Who said I wanted to join you!"

They were clearly on the battlefield, but Quinn felt that the world had become inexplicably quiet. He began to wonder what this man was thinking.

He didn't want to join them and didn't run away with the crowd. Instead, he chose to attack the admiral. According to the other party, it seemed that it was just because of the Heracross.

He was obviously not one of their beasts, but he could be so kind to a Pokémon.

Although from God's perspective, not escaping is the clearest choice, but these prisoners don't know what is going on in Wano Country, and Luffy gave up a certain opportunity.

"I think highly of you. It seems that you are still an idiot who cannot see the situation clearly, but now I am interested in you.

So now, do you want to escape, or what do you want to do? "

"That guy hasn't been killed yet. Can't you even notice this?"

Quinn was met with silence again. Luffy's questioning made him feel that he had been insulted, and it was a double insult in terms of intelligence and strength.

"You don't need to remind me about this kind of thing. I can kill him alone. After I finish dealing with this guy, I will deal with you slowly."

Quinn also has his own self-confidence. The Straw Hats are not a risk. He has plenty of time to deal with this group slowly. What he has to deal with now are these intruders.

On the scorched land, a seed took root and sprouted, and a young seedling grew into the shape of a green cow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You pirates really don't take human beings seriously. I am a forest person who ate the fruit of the forest. The forest is the source of life that can stand side by side with the "sea". In other words, I am the forest itself!

My vitality is not that fragile. If you want to kill me, you are still far away!

The power of sunlight. I'll tell you, you're making a complete mistake using this move! "

The green bull's body also began to absorb energy from the sun. Through photosynthesis, his physical strength seemed to be recovering. This was also the disadvantage of the weather technique. Once this thing was used, it would not distinguish between friend and foe, and the enemy could also use the effect of the field.

Just listening to the Green Bull boasting, Quinn suddenly had a new idea.

"Nature itself. Then try this, the temporary version of the plague bomb for home use!"

An unknown change occurred in Quinn's body. As the weapon system switched, a new plague bomb was ready, and then a mediocre shell was fired at the Green Bull.

Unlike the previous plague bombs, this time the shells had neither a pungent smell nor a strangely colored poisonous mist, as if they were empty shells.

"Quinn, don't you know where your bounty came from? You think you can vomit with your crappy technology. No. It's impossible. What is this?"

Before he finished speaking, the green cow suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and the plants derived from its body began to turn yellow and wither.

"It's nothing, it's just the herbicide I usually use. Those weeds are very troublesome. It seems that you, a nature itself, can't avoid this kind of product of human beings against nature."

There are countless things that Quinn hates, including two things. One is having a bounty added to him inexplicably, and the other is being denied his skills.

Green Bull's words once again hit Quinn's two pain points, and the plague bomb he had just improvised was the pesticide usually used in the reverse world.

He wanted to plant many special crops there, but the soil of the reverse world was too fertile. Coupled with the power of Arceus and Giratina, and the creation of the cloud gods, the vitality of those weeds was extremely tenacious.

Quinn invented this professional herbicide based on a series of items such as the toxin crystals of the Stinky Mud, the paralyzing toxins of the Good and Bad Stars, and the exhaust gas in the double bomb gas body.

It is colorless and odorless, and even tree fruits will not be affected. In order to prevent them from being eaten by mistake, peculiar smells have been specially added, but weeds cannot stand this kind of thing.

To put it bluntly, this is just a special pesticide, but Green Cow is a fruit.

Natural fruits not only allow espers to use natural abilities, but they also have weaknesses derived from the elements. Water can prevent the rustling fruit from becoming elemental, and insulators can hit the body of the thundering fruit.

In a sense, the special herbicide is the weakness of Sensen Fruit.

"You bastard, you actually used such rubbish on me."

"Mhahaha, whatever it is, it's effective, right? It seems like this thing is quite effective for you!"

"Come on, do you really think something like this can defeat me?!"

It is impossible to defeat a person with natural abilities simply by relying on weaknesses, unless he is a dishonest person himself. Green Bull has not yet fallen to this level. The power of nature has begun to grow wildly, but the effect of the herbicide is still there.

Green Bull had to use up his physical strength to cope with its consumption. Before the effect of the drug wore off, the increase in Sunny Day's effect on him disappeared, and Quinn also achieved his goal.

"I will be the one who knocks you down. You'd better recognize the reality as soon as possible!"

In his human-animal form, Quinn was fully firing. Instead of releasing the two air blades, he used them as gloves, letting the pair of air blades keep spinning beside his hands, attacking the green bull like a harvester.

Luffy is not idle either, still trying to avenge Heluo.

Not far away, the other members of the Straw Hats were also having a headache.

"What on earth are we doing!"

"I don't know either, but these guys regard us as enemies. Let's kill them first before talking about anything else! But these things are so uncomfortable. Hey! Sexy cook, try to get me three knives!"

"Where can I find a knife for you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, three knives suddenly flew to Sauron, and Heluo was holding his stomach and waving to them.

Due to Luffy's friend-enemy judgment mechanism, CP0 regarded them as enemies and was attacking this group of people, but Helu thought this was just right.

As long as this group of people didn't escape from prison, there was nothing they could do. After all, someone was planning to catch them, but if they broke through the defense line outside the beasts, no one else would have anything to say if they died there.

Fighting for the beasts, maybe Kaido would just let them go if he was in a good mood after winning.

In order to prevent this group of people from making irreversible consequences, Helu dragged his injured body and explained the situation to them. The green bull's previous attack was not easy for it. Looking at the entire Heracross group, it was also The one with the most pressure.

Fortunately, the Straw Hats were used to Hurro's resourcefulness and patiently listened to Hurro's heartfelt opinions.

But at this time, the other navy's combat power has also recovered. The black fire left by Maz finally melted the ice, allowing Garp to regain his freedom.

"Lieutenant General Garp, your injury has been taken care of. Please follow the orders of the Five Old Stars and lead the captured navy here to attack the pirates here."

There are even special medical soldiers among the accompanying CP0, superhuman-type people with the ability to transfer fruits. Their ability is to transfer wounds to other humans, provided that the person can bear the consequences of the injury.

At this time, several pirate prisoners had died due to Garp's injuries. For Garp's non-fatal injuries, it was different for others.

However, what he transferred was only the injury, and the physical energy consumed by Garp could not be recovered. It was unrealistic for him to display the strength in his prime.

But such a liberation of combat power is still not good news.

"It seems that your remaining strength is not enough to stop us."

Sartan, who was fighting Shaina, saw the situation with Garp out of the corner of his eye. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he seemed to be more confident about what was going to happen next.

"Your weapon is good. It has magical power that I have never seen before, but your strength is not worthy of possessing such a treasure."

"You scumbags are the ones who are not qualified to peep at God's grace. Being able to die under the Red Chain is already a gift to you. And what gave you the illusion that a Garp can deal with us?"

Shaina knew that Arceus had a back-up force here. Once the situation got out of control, someone would naturally take action. Now the area near the Rabbit Bowl Quarry was surrounded by an ice wall, and she knew very well who had done this.

But what happened next was something that neither Sartan nor Shaina expected.

A whirlwind swept in from behind, carrying the flames Shaina had just released and flying towards Sartan. The wind helped the fire, and the violent flames engulfed Sartan in an instant.

"Are you Monkey D. Dragon?"

"Excuse me, I don't mean any harm, your fighting strength seems a little nervous, how about making a small deal.

I will deal with the naval hero Garp, my father. I will not let him disturb your situation, just let me take him away. "

The dragon did not come here to take advantage of the situation. The revolutionary army's primary enemy has always been the World Government. It was beyond his expectation that the beasts could attract the top combat power of the World Government.

Although the World Government and the Beasts themselves are still called pirates, that is a matter of world recognition. In essence, the Beasts have long become the largest warlords on the sea.

At this time, it is not appropriate to provoke this group that controls the economic lifeline of the underground world. It is more beneficial to achieve cooperation. Even the resistance of the revolutionary army requires high-quality weapons.

After seeing the situation here, Long determined his target of action. He just planned to take his family members away.

The difference is one thousand, I will make up for it tomorrow.

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